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Tools and accessories

Tackle basic home repairs and projects with ease with IKEA’s affordable home tools and accessories. Whether you have a small apartment or a large home, the day will come when you need to replace a nail, hang a picture or make a small repair. Make sure you have the right tool accessories on hand with a home tool kit. Our basic tool kit is stocked with the essentials for some of the most common home improvement and repair tasks, no giant tool chest required.

Basic tools and accessories get most jobs done

There’s no denying the binge-worthy appeal of home improvement and house flipping television shows. Who among us hasn’t spent at least one Saturday watching episode after episode of a favorite program? But one of the downsides of watching these shows is that they make it easy to forget you really only need a handful of home tools and accessories for the vast majority of projects you’ll tackle. And putting together a basic tool kit to keep at the ready costs significantly less than even one specialty tool!

Have your home tasks and repairs covered with a budget-friendly home tool kit and tool accessories, including…

  • Screw kits: From hanging pictures to attaching wall plates, we have all the basic screws and hooks you need for everyday home improvement tasks
  • Power tools: Ideally sized for tucking inside a home tool kit, our compact but powerful electric screwdrivers and drills cut down on project completion time and achy wrists and hands

Don’t let lacking the right tools put a wrench in your plans. Hammer home your next project with tools and accessories from IKEA!