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Makeup Lovers; Where do you put your Makeup?! / Bathroom / Bedroom

6 years ago

For as long as I can remember in my last 3 homes I've lived I've had a separate desk that I use to do and store all my makeup. I've always had it placed in the bedroom as a renter 1. the bathroom never had enough space and 2. the bathroom space wasn't something I could change. Well fast forward to today, we are moving into our new home! It only has 1 bathroom, but the space is good for what we need, but now my dilemma; our 'master' bedroom is actually kinda small too and having my makeup desk might not be an option. My husband thinks I should just move it to the bathroom, but I guess I've kinda gotten used to it not being in the bathroom and I can play/prep as I please not in the way of anyone else wanting to use the bathroom. BUT it would be nice to have everything contained in the bathroom.

I've attached a picture of our bathroom which we plan to remodel. The tub/shower is staying where it is and the toilet will be moved to the opposite wall. The counter size will essentially be the same, but I'm not sure how to incorporate a good useful space for my makeup/skincare/hair stuff. I'm a beauty addict for sure! :) There also is a cabinet closet that you can't see in this picture which is to the right of the current towel rack. I don't have the dimensions at the moment, but it's a full door only about 12" deep (maybe) and I foresee using that for medicine/full family extra toiletries 'stuff.' Plan to put a laundry shoot under the sink and we may add a 2nd sink, but I'm honestly not sold on the necessity of that (husband more than myself).

My idea is to have a tall cabinet to the very left of the cabinetry and then some formation of sink and drawers. I don’t' think I really want a chair for a sitting vanity in here, I'd rather have the space in cabinets and I'm ok with standing. Makeup/skincare lovers please chime in where you store all your stuff! Lol, maybe don't have a single/small bathroom to begin with...

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