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3 Moves for a Stronger Back

It'll help you stand up taller, look leaner and prevent nagging pain.

By Latreal “La” Mitchell
Moves 3pinterest
Philip Friedman/Studio D

Perfect your posture with these easy exercises. For best results, repeat the routine three times through, twice a week.


Pointer Plank

Moves 1
Philip Friedman/Studio D

Works back, shoulders, arms, and abs

Start on all fours. Extend left arm forward at shoulder height and right leg behind you in line with hips (as shown). Hold for one breath, then bring left elbow to meet right knee. That's one rep. Do 10 reps; switch sides. Make sure to keep your back from sagging by pulling your belly button toward your spine.


Shoulder Sweep

Moves 2
Philip Friedman/Studio D

Works back, shoulders, arms, and abs

Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat, a weight in each hand (we recommend a light weight, like a 5- to 7-pound dumbbell). Extend arms behind you until hovering above floor to start. Bring arms directly above chest (as shown); pause; return to start for one rep. Do 10 reps. For a flat-belly bonus, press the small of your spine into the mat to engage your core throughout.



Moves 3
Philip Friedman/Studio D

Works back, shoulders, and butt

Lie on your stomach, arms extended in front of you. With legs straight and toes planted, engage abs and gently arch back, drawing elbows toward ribs (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps. To protect your neck and maintain good alignment, gaze down slightly, looking about six inches in front of you.

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This story originally appeared in the July 2016 issue of Good Housekeeping.

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