The uninvited guest at Election Day polls: COVID-19 virus

The shadow of the coronavirus pandemic loomed over the 2020 general election, and was among the factors that drove more Michiganders to vote by absentee ballot than in-person for the first time in the state's history. 

"The vast majority of voters voted absentee," said Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson in a Tuesday night news conference. At least 3.3 million ballots were cast absentee, she said, compared with  the roughly 2 million to 2.5 million people who voted in-person at the polls.  

Election Day fell on the same day the state recorded 3,106 new COVID-19 cases and 43 deaths during a pandemic that already has killed 7,400 Michiganders and infected nearly 188,000.

Troy resident Lloyd Austin, 61, walked for hours back and forth outside the center holding a sign that said, "I voted for 230,000+ who can't," referring to the COVID-19 death toll.

Though the number of tests being conducted in the state has remained relatively steady in recent weeks, the percentage of positive COVID-19 tests rose above 10% Monday — an indicator of widespread community transmission. 

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, warned earlier this week: “We are entering the most concerning and most deadly phase of this pandemic … leading to increasing mortality" as COVID-19 case counts are spiking in several states nationally as well.

More:Michigan coronavirus cases: Tracking the pandemic

More:As COVID-19 cases rise again, are Michigan health care providers ready? It's complicated.

That's the major reason Lou Medel, 37, voted absentee. He didn't want to take the risk of contracting the virus — or inadvertently spreading it as an asymptomatic carrier — by showing up at a polling place Tuesday. 

"I did it just to be safe," Medel said. "For our safety, and for the safety of other people. Plus, it gives you more time to research the candidates." 

Poll workers are no longer doing temperature checks at the front desk as voters enter Diann Banks-Williamson Education Center on Cadieux street in Detroit on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.

Instead of voting Tuesday evening, Medel and Casey Shagena, 36, walked a friend's dogs through Clark Park in their southwest Detroit neighborhood.

Shagena said the COVID-19 risk played into her decision to vote early in-person at her local clerk's office. She said voting that way allowed her to avoid crowds and long lines at the polls on Election Day as well as to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. 

"I don't think that people are taking it serious," Medel said. "This is something that we've never experienced, and we don't feel comfortable just rolling the dice or just believing in the herd immunity idea." 

Roughly 42% of American voters said the COVID-19 pandemic was their top concern going into Tuesday's election, according to an AP VoteCast survey of 132,000 people conducted for the Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago. 

About half of voters said the virus is not at all under control.

Corey Fischmann grabs his ballot to vote at the Ferndale Public Library on Nov. 3, 2020 in Ferndale, Mich.

At a satellite vote center in Clark Park, people were lined up 15 deep in the dark Tuesday evening for same-day registration to cast their ballots. All of them were wearing masks, though spacing between them wasn't always 6 feet apart.

Johanna Fugon, 18, of southwest Detroit was among those who waited in line. 

A first-time voter, Fugon said the pandemic couldn't keep her away.

"I'm not too worried," she said of the COVID-19 risk at the polls. "I came out here because of my family. I want my voice to be heard for them."

Most of her relatives emigrated from Honduras and aren't eligible to vote, said Fugon, who was born in the United States and is a 2020 graduate of Western International High School.  

"It feels good to be able to vote," she said, noting that the most important issue to her and her family is immigration. 

Meagan Singh, 38, of southwest Detroit was wearing a mask as she walked down Porter Avenue toward her polling place Tuesday evening at Maybury Elementary School.

Voters votes with signs asking people to stay six feet apart for COVID-19 coronavirus, during the presidential elections at Denby High School in Detroit on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.

"I came to vote in person because I always have," said Singh, who works in a warehouse for an online sales company.  

President Donald Trump "is not doing a very good job, especially with COVID," she said. But she felt comfortable voting in-person despite the pandemic "as long as everybody wears masks."  

Mask-wearing, however, was not mandated at polling places in Michigan on Tuesday. Voters were encouraged to wear them but not required to do so.

And even people with active cases of COVID-19 and those in quarantine because of close contact with a confirmed case of the virus were eligible to go to voting precincts to cast their ballots in person.

But it wasn't easy for everyone in Michigan with active cases of coronavirus to vote on Tuesday.

Demetrius Alexander, 41, of Detroit tested positive for the virus last Thursday, and went to his polling place at Henry Ford High School on Election Day.  

He disclosed he tested positive for the coronavirus, and a poll worker redirected him to Wayne County Community College — which was not his assigned polling location — with instructions to use drive-thru voting. 

After a 2½-hour wait at the college, he was turned away there as well. 

Demetrius Alexander of Detroit, said he was turned away from two polling places on Election Day, Nov. 3 2020. Ultimately he was able to vote before polls closed.

Alexander returned to Henry Ford High School, where he ultimately was able to vote curbside. 

He wondered how many other people with the COVID-19 virus weren't able to spend hours trying to vote the way he did. The process, he said, was discouraging to "the point where I almost gave up."

Contact Kristen Shamus: [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @kristenshamus. 

This story was produced with the help of tips reported through ProPublica's Electionland project.