• "Getting Started with Backyard Chickens eCourse. This short course walks participants through how to order, care for and protect your new flock. The course covers brooding chicks, appropriate feeders and waterers and coop construction tips. Get Started Today!"
  • Image of a cow with its nose towards the camera with text that says: " Our podcast isn't just informational, it's also a-moo-sing!"
  • Image of a dog and a horse sitting next to each other with text that says: "Hey neighbor! Have you checked out our newsletter?"

Acreage Living Newsletter

Landowners who are considering a timber sale can record their inventory and develop a contract by using two newly updated resources from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

As spring heralds, the revival of our pastures, managing them effectively is crucial for both short-term productivity and long-term sustainability. Understanding when to begin and stop grazing and how to fertilize efficiently is critical to optimizing pasture use.

We often receive email and call-in questions at the Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation (CALT) about Iowa fence law. This article answers some of the most frequent questions that come into our office about fences.

For much of Iowa, mid-May means that there is little chance there will be another killing frost. Many people feel the call of warm evenings (or Mother’s Day) and decide to plant the first warm-season crops, such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. This year the weather seems to be behaving itself and as of May 9th, the time of this writing, the 2-week climate outlook is calling for greater chances of above average temperatures statewide. Let the “growing season” begin!

The rainy, warm spring this year in Iowa might be problematic for orchards due to fire blight. Conditions for most of Iowa were nearly perfect for the disease to spread, resulting in potential surprise flare ups.

Small Farm Sustainability

The Small Farms Team provides outreach to rural Iowans to connect them with relevant agricultural resources and programs from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Outreach channels include a bi-monthly newsletter, monthly podcast, social media, annual conference, and workshops.


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