Neil Brewer - Page 2

Neil Brewer

I am a Wellingtonian born and bred and have been involved in theatre for the last 30 years, mostly on stage, but have done some technical and backstage roles.  I come from a musical background with both my mother and sister being members of Cantoris choir here in Wellington for many years.  My father was also well known in the live music community, playing double bass in the Simon Peele Orchestra, so you can see music has always played a big part of my life. 

I was responsible for setting up a Wellington Community Theatre page which has now been running for seven years and has close to 1700 members. It is used for sharing audition and show notices and when groups are looking for show props etc.

This year I started to write reviews and posting them on the page as I felt there was a gap in community theatre, where most shows now do not get any form of recognition. This has led me to now doing reviews for Broadwayworld, which I am excited to be a part of.

Interview: Ewen Coleman a QSM Recipient for services to Theatre
Interview: Ewen Coleman a QSM Recipient for services to Theatre
January 11, 2024

I sat down and interviewed this Wellington Community theatre icon this week-here is the result
