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Debate 2024: Did we all just see that?

Former president Donald Trump (left) and President Biden during their debate in Atlanta on June 27.KENNY HOLSTON/NYT

For Biden, it was the night the lights went out in Georgia

After Thursday night’s performance on the debate stage in Atlanta, I don’t think there is any other choice but to replace President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket. His halting, sometimes incoherent responses show that age is taking its toll.

Either candidate would be dangerous for the country as president: Donald Trump because he is a compulsive liar and narcissist, and Biden because he will be perceived as old and weak by our enemies, who may try to take advantage of that.

What we saw on Thursday is the best Biden is going to look for the next four and a half years, and he could get worse. He has done great things for this country and no doubt will go down in history as a truly successful president. But if the country is to move forward on so many issues and preserve our democracy at the same time, by defeating Trump, it is my hope that the Democrats can find a new candidate and Biden will step aside. There is still more than a month until the convention and more than four months until the election, so it is certainly possible. But time is of the essence.

Cathy Putnam



For the good of the country, incumbent should step aside

One of the most difficult conversations I’ve ever had to have is when I had to persuade my mother to give up the keys to her car. I said, “Mom, if you have an accident and die, that will be really sad. But if you have an accident and someone else dies, that would be truly terrible and tragic.” Ultimately, that argument prevailed.

After Thursday night’s debate, President Biden’s inner circle needs to have the same kind of conversation with him to persuade him to relinquish the domain of the Oval Office before a truly tragic outcome occurs: the election of Donald Trump once again to the presidency. Let the Democrats have an open convention and do what parties are supposed to do: pick a nominee. By stepping aside, Biden would be a true patriot.

Sam Hamlin


Despite stark contrasts, Biden demonstrated why he should be reelected

Despite a disappointing debate performance, accentuated by a pronounced feeble manner and weak voice, President Biden still demonstrated that experience, integrity, and a grasp of issues that affect all Americans eclipse the views of a candidate who is in service only to himself (“Joe Biden’s dismal failure,” Opinion, June 28).


Donald Trump was undeniably more vigorous, but vitality alone is not a measure of reassurance when it comes to protecting the sovereignty of our nation. Trump’s widely known character flaws usually detract attention from his ignorance about matters crucial to effective governance. Not this time. His nescience was on full display.

The contrast in competing visions couldn’t have been clearer, but this election isn’t just about dissimilar ideologies. It is about the very survival of the republic. So voters must decide if they want an ill-informed president who favors dismantling the Constitution or one hellbent on doing whatever is necessary to protect it.

Jim Paladino


Open the field and let the party convention decide

Donald Trump is unfit for office on multiple levels, yet Republicans eventually fall in line, much to the dismay of us Democrats.

During the debate, President Biden’s lack of communication skills dampened any enthusiasm for his candidacy. I hope Democrats, unlike Republicans with Trump, do not just fall in line behind Biden. He needs to withdraw, open the field, and let the Democratic nominee be chosen at the convention.

Joe Carroll

Londonderry, N.H.

Democrats, get up, dust off, stand by your man, and don’t look back

Thursday night’s debate was lackluster for both candidates, not simply for President Biden.

To the Democrats: Take stock of what came to pass, effect the requisite remedies, go forward with the campaign, and do not look back. Bemoaning the “weakness” of your candidate and making more of issues pertaining to his age and ability merely strengthens Republican propaganda and makes the American voting public wonder about reelecting your candidate to a second term.


The man reportedly had a cold. Yes, perhaps someone should have given him a glass of water or an antihistamine so that his voice was not so hoarse. In terms of his responses, which seemed to lack rhetorical vigor, he handled many of them well.

Democrats, capitalize on your victories and virtue, and do not wallow in shortcomings, particularly in full view of your opponents. Have the wisdom to know what to handle behind the scenes and what to do in public. You do not want to defeat yourselves before the battle is joined, and this is precisely what you are doing in panicked appearances on broadcast media outlets.

James R. Weiss


Trump’s team knew what they were doing

Donald Trump was already a TV star, so why shouldn’t he excel in that role? Even though his script was full of lies, Trump only needed to act like he knew what he was talking about.

His handlers, in agreeing to the terms of the debate, apparently understood this.

Jo M. Solet


For this voter, the choice is still clear: Biden

President Biden was halting and looked his age, but I will still take his compassion and concern for the entire country over the narcissism, lies, and anger of Donald Trump.

Edwin Andrews


How far does Trump have to stretch the truth before you call him a liar?

Re “Face to face, a war of words: In the debate, Biden’s struggles raise doubts as Trump stretches truth” (Page A1, June 28): Yes, President Biden’s poor debate performance certainly raises doubts about his ability to serve another four years. But former president Donald Trump stretches the truth? The only “stretching” of truth is in your headline. Trump’s performance settled all doubt: The man is a compulsive liar. One would be hard-pressed to find any semblance of truth in anything he said on Thursday night.


Adam Villone


The debates are fact-free free-for-alls

These political debates are useless without real-time fact checking. It is infuriating to hear lie after lie go uncorrected.

I was so happy to hear that the microphones would be turned off when a candidate’s time was up. I thought one of the criteria was also that the moderators were going to keep the candidates on-topic. It was so frustrating to listen to random talking points, rambling, and name calling rather than an answer to the question that was asked.

Debates are no longer relevant or helpful for selecting a candidate, if ever they were relevant. Our system is beyond dysfunctional.

Patricia Fabbri


Draft Buttigieg

We need a savior. Pete Buttigieg, please. He and Vice President Kamala Harris are the future we can all get behind — Democrats, independents, and Lincoln Republicans.

Denise Maguire


Two golfers in the rough

My takeaway: President Trump probably cheats at golf but makes you believe that maybe he doesn’t. President Biden scores himself honestly but then claims he won the match when you can see he didn’t.

Don’t forget to vote, America!

Jon Wheatley
