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The Best Jump Ropes to Add an Extra Cardio Blast to Your Workouts

They're not just for double Dutch.

By and
jump ropes best 2020
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When your exercise routine starts to get stale, jumping rope is the perfect way to switch things up. It's a great cardio workout that increases cardiovascular health: One 2019 study found that jumping rope could not only improve heart health, but also Vo2 max, aka the amount of oxygen your body can take in and transmit to your muscles during a workout. Working out with a jump rope can also benefit strength, agility, balance (especially in young people, research suggests), and overall endurance.

It's also an easy way to torch massive amounts of calories. According to the American Council on Exercise, if a 150-pound person jumps rope for 30 minutes, they can burn a little over 400 calories. High-intensity bursts of exercise like jumping rope, research has shown, is essential for melting away fat, too. Plus, your jump rope can be taken virtually anywhere you go — whether that's across the country on a work trip, to the local park, or to your gym — which eliminates any excuses for skipping a workout when traveling.

You can jump rope inside or outside, especially when the weather is warmer. Pick up one of our favorite jump ropes, many of which are solid investments in terms of your home workout equipment, and get pumped to sweat!


DynaPro Jump Rope

DynaPro Jump Rope
$20 at Amazon

The quality and material of your jump rope can make or break your training session if you're a speed jumper or boxer. 

This PVC-material jump rope is made of the same stuff pro boxers depend on to train with and amp up their agility before a fight. 

More: Bring the Gym Home With This Affordable Equipment


Survival and Cross Speed Jump Rope

Survival and Cross Speed Jump Rope

This rope is simple to adjust to the perfect fit, small enough to stuff in your travel bag, and lightweight enough to do crisscrosses and high-knees with ease. Oh, and the price tag makes it pretty hard to pass up.

We've thoroughly tested out the Wayza jump rope and we think it's one of the best weighted jump ropes around. Keep in mind that you might have to cut the ropes to ensure they're the right length for you, but once you get it right you'll be super impressed with the product's quality. Get ready to feel the burn.

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YZL Sports Adjustable Jump Rope

YZL Sports Adjustable Jump Rope

This purple jump rope is also available in nine other adjustable styles, so you can practice your jump-roping skills with a perfectly sized tool. 

Plus, it's made of tangle-resistant rope, so you don't have to worry about getting stuck in your own jump rope if you're a newbie. 


WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope

WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope

This isn't for the casual jumper — it's for the athlete who wants to get in the best shape of their life. This WOD Nation rope was designed to spin quickly, so single jumps will become child's play, and double jumps are your new warm-up. It comes with a carrying bag to take the rope outside for a workout. 

Plus, it's made to last a lifetime with a money-back guarantee. 


Evergrip Weighted Jump Rope

Evergrip Weighted Jump Rope

Perfect for boxers or anyone who wants to boost their arm strength, this Everlast 9-foot weighted jump rope adds an extra challenge to your cardio circuit. But don't worry — if it isn't arm day, you can remove the 1.5-pound weights from the handles.

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Just Jump It 16-Foot Jump Rope

Just Jump It 16-Foot Jump Rope

Need a rope that your kids will love for games like double Dutch? This 16-foot rope with a fun design is much longer than the sport ropes above, so it's perfect for bringing to the park.


1-lb. Weighted Jump Rope

1-lb. Weighted Jump Rope
Now 20% Off

Jumping for an extended time rather than for speed? You'll have no trouble going the distance with this jump rope. 

It has comfortable memory-foam handles that take the shape of your hands to prevent blisters, along with a ball-bearing system that makes rotations feel effortless. The rope is thicker and has 4 pounds of weight to add some extra calorie burn. You're able to adjust the length of the rope to your liking, too.


Smart Jump Rope

Smart Jump Rope

Trouble with multitasking? This rope is your solution. It pairs with Bluetooth and connects to the Smart Gym app on your phone to track your jump count, and displays it with LED lights while you're working out.  On top of that, it tallies up your calories burned and lets you compete with friends on the app. 

Go ahead and jam out to your music at full blast without counting — this rope does the brainwork for you.

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