The Most Uniquely Enriched Database in the Industry

Since 1983, Aristotle has been an industry leader in providing voter, donor and consumer data to the marketplace. Aristotle’s National Consumer File is perfect for driving new business, learning more about your customers and delivering intelligent interactions across all channels. The database is available 24/7 via (VLO) and it’s where you’ll get all of the consumer data you need to make informed decisions and take strategic action, today.

Aristotle's National Consumer File

Aristotle’s National Consumer File provides unrivaled accuracy to organizations as they define and reach out to their target audiences. 

Our multi-sourced consumer file is the most comprehensive database of 18+ individuals in the United States, with over 259 million individual records.

Key Features

Access comprehensive consumer data from over 259 million files and 1,000+ demographics.

Unique segments include all age breakdowns and ranges, all family breakdowns, all purchase breakdowns, education, lifestyle and interests, financials, and more. We can also incorporate the Aristotle National Voter Registration File and State Contributor Data to provide access to additional unique segments.

Custom segmentation is possible with the ability to select from over 1,000 demographics.

To further hone your targeting and messaging, the database is geographically selectable and enhanced with political boundaries from congressional districts to school boards.

Append information from our consumer file—like telephone numbers, email and IP addresses, and more. You can also match your files with our database.

We are committed to providing exceptional customer service, with 24/7 phone and online support available.

We standardize our data for ease of use and consistency. For your convenience, we also provide access to a secure online portal where your data job is delivered and archived, allowing you to access it at any time.

Data Sources

Our consumer information database is built from thousands of sources, including:

  • National voter registrations
  • Consumer transaction records
  • Self-reported product registration cards
  • Surveys
  • Online preferences
  • Magazines and other periodical subscriptions
  • Public record data
  • Machine learning modeling
  • And more

Aristotle Databases

NATIONAL voter file

Comprised of 235+ million registered U.S. voters, this is the industry’s premier voter file, sourced from 4,000+ election boards.

NATIONAL consumer file

Comprised of 259+ million consumer records for individuals 18+, multi-sourced from consumer spending, credit information, title company records, utility records, public record information, and 1,000+ demographic and lifestyle characteristics.

national donor file

Comprised of 35 million unique donors and over 190 million donations.

A Commitment to Data Quality

Aristotle’s commitment to providing a premier consumer information database starts and ends with data quality:
  • Frequent Updates. We update elements in our consumer file on a monthly and quarterly basis to ensure accuracy.
  • Standardization. Each month, we standardize all database addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Quality Control. We run strict quality control measures to ensure accuracy, including regular in-house processes to match, verify and remove duplicate records.
  • Data Security. Data security and client confidentiality are of the upmost importance at Aristotle. Typically, our clients upload their data through our secure FTP server (SFTP), and files can be encrypted prior to sending. Additionally, we filter all traffic to/from our networks, with restricted and logged internet access.

Target Your Prospects with Precision!

To learn more about our National Consumer File, any of our other databases, or to request access, visit or contact us today.