July/August 2015 | Monitor on Psychology

Vol. 46 No. 7
July/August Monitor on Psychology

On the Cover: Fighting poverty

  • Fighting poverty

    New research is finding ways to help people overcome poverty and avoid the mental and physical health problems associated with low socioeconomic status.

  • Eliminating class bias

    An APA committee is working to help psychologists be more sensitive in their work with people living in poverty.



'You can't be what you can't see'

As Ms. Wheelchair California, Alette Coble-Temple is advocating for the rights of parents with disabilities.

Ethics Rounds


The ethics of multiple relationships: a clinical perspective

The APA Ethics Code offers guidance to psychologists who find themselves in unforeseen situations.

An important study finds that children who have been psychologically maltreated suffer effects that are equal or greater than children who have been physically or sexually abused.


Unseen wounds

An important study finds that children who have been psychologically maltreated suffer effects that are equal or greater than children who have been physically or sexually abused.

Is psychology becoming more diverse?


Is psychology becoming more diverse?

News from APA's Center for Workforce Studies.

A global role

The eighth annual Psychology Day at the United Nations focused on how psychology can help reduce health inequalities around the world.

Keeping HIV in the forefront

For 25 years, APA’s Committee on Psychology and AIDS has overseen the association’s work to prevent and educate people about HIV/AIDS.

When the unexpected happens

What can students and professors do to help students in crisis successfully balance work and life stressors?

To the letter

Letters of recommendation for students applying for psychology internships in 2016 must now be in a standardized format. Here's what students need to know.

Making headlines

Reporters can help spread news about your work in the field. Here's how to effectively tell your story.

MOOCs 2.0

Massive open online courses, known as MOOCs, offer a way to get psychological science into the public sphere.

A new look at self-injury

Self-injury is a well-recognized clinical phenomenon, but its causes — and therefore its cures — have been somewhat elusive. Two clinical researchers have compelling and complementary views on why people engage in this harmful behavior.

Are preschoolers being overmedicated?

Behavioral therapy is recommended as the first line of treatment for very young children. So why is medication use rising among this group?

Random Sample


Loreli Thompson, PhD

A former police detective who now counsels sex offenders and victims of violence.



Candidates answer two questions

Members will elect the association’s next president this fall.