Who we are

For over thirty years, Albertans have proven their commitment to the environment through enduring support and participation in our recycling programs.

OUR Story:

For the past 32 years, Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA), operating on behalf of the Government of Alberta, has stewarded provincial recycling programs for used electronics, paint, tires, and used oil & materials. During this time, ARMA has been working to help develop a marketplace that extends the lifecycle of these products increasing their value through the supply chain so they can be used differently and more efficiently, ultimately reducing landfill waste and becoming an economic driver in Alberta and around the world.

With your help, we’ve made great progress on this work. Today, there are over 430 registered municipal and Indigenous collection sites throughout Alberta, which is the third-highest number of collection sites in Canada. These sites have provided Albertans with the opportunity to help ARMA divert 11.6 million electronic devices, 33.9 million litres of paint, 144.5 million tires, and over 2.0 billion litres of used oil from the province’s landfills.

Working from our strong foundation, ARMA is as committed as ever to fulfilling our vision of Inspiring A Future Without Waste and building a strong, robust circular economy. This ambitious vision is what is needed to continue fostering creativity, leadership, and enhanced performance. Within this space, we will continue collaborating with innovators and entrepreneurs to advance our existing stewardship programs while expanding into the oversight of EPR, building a high-value circular economy where ingenuity creates local jobs and extends our value beyond Alberta’s borders while reducing our environmental impacts.

Who We are:

Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the Societies Act. As a Delegated Administrative Organization, ARMA is accountable to the Government of Alberta Minister of Environment and Protected Areas through its Business Plan and Annual Report.


The Designated Material Recycling and Management Regulation (the Regulation) authorizes ARMA to levy and collect Surcharges (environmental fees) on the sale or supply of designated material in or into Alberta. These funds are to be used to provide or pay for any or all of the following components regarding designated material: 

  • Waste minimization and recycling programs;
  • Public information programs for the promotion of waste minimization and recycling programs;
  • Expenditures on collection, transportation, storage, processing, and disposal;
  • Research and development activities;
  • Promote the uses of recycled materials and products. 

ARMA is authorized to manage four Designated Materials—electronics, paint, tires, and used oil materials—through a process called multi-material stewardship. Fundamental to this process is ensuring that the financial resources, including environmental fee revenue for each designated material program, are managed independently, while at the same time realizing the synergies and cost-effectiveness of operating under a single organization. In addition to its environmental stewardship mandate, ARMA meets its obligations under the Societies Act through its bylaws and governance regulation. ARMA formally reports to its membership through an Annual Report and Annual General Meeting.


The Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation (the Regulation) authorizes ARMA to be responsible for the administration and oversight authority of the following designated materials:

  • Single-use Products, Packaging, and Paper Products (PPP); and
  • Hazardous and Special Products (HSP).

In addition to its regulatory oversight, ARMA meets its obligations under the Societies Act through its bylaws and governance regulation. ARMA formally reports to its membership through an Annual Report and Annual General Meeting.

We are currently in a transitional period with the government on the next steps surrounding EPR—including model bylaws—in order to fulfill objectives and goals as an oversight body.

Learn more about EPR.

OUR Vision:

Inspiring A Future Without Waste. 


Our mission is to be an inspiring partner and a respected steward of the environment. We will be a leader in recycling and waste minimization best practices and innovation in an effort to make the world a sustainable place.

We believe every place should be left better than we found it. We will inspire Albertans to waste less, teach them to use things in different ways, and help them partner with others who share our passion.

Keeping our environment clean is a shared responsibility. We will educate Albertans, support and contribute to best practices, and will be a responsible, trusted and transparent partner in the global effort to reduce waste.

Our Goals:

Alberta Recycling has identified key goals and strives to meet annual performance measures in each recycling program (Electronics, Paint and Paint Containers, Tires, and Used Oil Materials):

  • All designated materials available at end-of-life (EOL) are collected and processed.
  • Ensure program sustainability by confirming environmental fees and funding rates are appropriate and effectively managed.
  • Albertans’ awareness of the programs, proximity to collection points and participation drive the success of the programs in effectively collecting and diverting EOL materials from the landfill.
  • Compliance with Regulations, Bylaws, requirements for suppliers, registered processors, downstream processors, collection sites and high environmental standards.
  • Establishing and contributing as an effective, modern regulatory oversight authority.


Effectively manage the following contracts:

  • With Alberta Environment and Protected Areas—administering funding for the processing and transportation of materials under the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program
  • With the Government of the Northwest Territories—administering the revenue portion of their electronics recycling program with respect to distributors.
  • With the Government of Yukon—administering the revenue portion of their tire recycling program with respect to producers.