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In Brief: Customs Ruling Challenged… Safilo Buys Two

A coalition of 97 associations and companies, including Target Corp., Neiman Marcus Group, Macy's Inc., Levi…

Ukraine Inches Closer To Entry Into the WTO

The World Trade Organization approved Ukraine's entry package on Tuesday, paving the way for the former…

Commerce Official Questions Congress’ China Legislation

When it comes to managing the tense economic relationship with China, Christopher Padilla, under secretary…

Vietnam Attracting Investors

As one of Southeast Asia's most dynamic apparel exporting nations, Vietnam looms large as a major destination…

African Nations Stand Firm On Cotton Subsidies Issue

A group of 36 African cotton-producing nations warned Thursday that there will be no deal in the Doha trade…

Coalition Battling Customs’ ‘First Sale Rule

A proposed rule change by the U.S. Customs & Border Protection agency could force apparel and footwear…

More Funding for Trade in Bush Budget Proposal

President Bush proposed more funding for international trade and import safety programs, as well as…

Value of Seized Goods Up 27%

The domestic value of counterfeit goods seized when passing through U.S. ports increased 27 percent last…

Italian Industry Looks for Ways To Capitalize on China Market

An agreement aimed at improving relations between Italy and China was signed here Wednesday and marked a…

Stimulus Plan Riding on Senate

The Senate intends to introduce an economic stimulus plan today that is broader than the $150 billion package…

Trade Ministers Agree to Revisit Doha Round

Spurred by fears of a global recession, trade ministers from major trading powers, including the U.S., India…

Economic Package OK’d in House

The $150 billion economic stimulus package agreed between House leaders and the White House Thursday should…

China’s Zeng Peiyan Sounds Concern Over Inflation

Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan joined a growing chorus of leaders at the World Economic Forum here warning…

U.S. Troubles Cast Downbeat Shadow on WEF

The World Economic Forum kicked off here Wednesday with a strong dose of pessimism over the global…

WTO Calls for Pakistan to Increase Transparency of Export Subsidies

Pakistan's continued use of export subsidies for products such as textiles and apparel "opens the possibility…
