US-EIN-521257057-US-EIN-521257057 World Resources Institute <narrative>2018-2022 WRI Strategic Plan</narrative> WRI is deeply aware that incremental change will not deliver the world we want, and neither will pilot successes. We thus expend great effort on the question of scale. What triggers the move from high quality design and successful demonstration to irreversible wide-spread adoption? Our last strategic plan (2014–2017) explored this in some detail. Our new strategy takes this approach to a deeper level. The World Resources Institute opened its doors in 1982, with the goal of bringing objective analysis and policy engagement to the pressing global challenges linking economic development, natural resources and the environment. Over the years, WRI has earned a reputation for practical solutions and global impact based on rigorous analysis and deep long-term engagement with governments, corporations, city leaders and communities. While WRI’s mission has remained constant, our way of operating has changed to match the changing world. In the past decade we have internationalized, with offices now in 10 countries, programs in 60 countries and experts from more than 50. We have also become leaders in the use of new technologies and big data, while expanding the “do tank” side of our work to ensure better impact from our traditional “think tank” role. Most of our experts today are actively engaged with decision-makers on the front line. We focus on urgent global challenges that must be addressed to reduce poverty, grow economies and protect natural systems: food, forests, water, energy, cities, climate and the ocean. Because these seven challenges are inextricably linked, our strategies often address more than one, cutting across programs. Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs WRI Global Office Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs +31 70 348 7549 World 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 4300000 Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs WRI Global Office 4300000 Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs WRI Global Office 4300000 Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs WRI Global Office 4300000 Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs WRI Global Office 4300000 Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs WRI Global Office <narrative>Delivering Impact at Scale: Strategic Plan 2018-2022</narrative> <narrative>FY20 Results Framework and Milestones</narrative> <narrative>FY 21 Results Frameworks and Milestones</narrative> <narrative>Final WRI FY21 Annual Review and FY22 Annual Workplan</narrative> <narrative>FOOD OUTCOME 1A</narrative> <narrative>Release of the “Food, Loss & Waste Playbook” and conduct country-level outreach with 20+ Latin American countries.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch Food, Loss and Waste Index that will score countries on their progress against “target-measure-act”</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Encourage countries to include Food, Loss and Waste as part of enhanced NDCs.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Conduct research on reducing Food, Loss and Waste in China’s diary and meat sectors</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch working paper on tackling Food, Loss and Waste in India –opportunities and challenges to develop pathway for nutrition security.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support establishment of a Food, Loss and Waste national level working group in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FOOD OUTCOME 1B</narrative> <narrative>Release of the consumer behavior study on Food, Loss & Waste.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>10x20x30 Initiative private sector participants will publicly report on Food, Loss & Waste via the Food Waste Atlas.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FOOD OUTCOME 1C</narrative> <narrative>Food providers serving 1.5billion meals sign up to the Cool Food Pledge.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Significantly increase the consumer reach of Cool Food Meals with 300 media articles and an online community of >50k.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Reduce Cool Food Pledge Members GHG emissions by –2.5% in 2021 vs. 2020. Publish 2019 and 2020 results.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FOOD OUTCOME 1D</narrative> <narrative>Launch of Cool Food Meals “badge” and private sector licensing opportunities.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Three other major restaurant chains in the EU and US adopt Cool Food Meals.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish working paper and commentary on our research into climate messaging for plant food.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FOOD OUTCOME 1E</narrative> <narrative>Launch phase two of the Food and Land Use Coalition and serve as the project management office for the coalition.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Engage with Chinese agricultural ministry for policy advocacy on regenerative agriculture, sustainable food production and climate change under FOLU framework.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FORESTS OUTCOME 2A</narrative> <narrative>Launch Global Forest Review in November, thus creating a new platform for the release of 2020 treecover loss data and new “target tracker” component.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Release new GFW datasets including global tree cover height data, annualized gain data, and net tree cover change estimates.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FORESTS OUTCOME 2B</narrative> <narrative>Conduct due diligence capacity building training with local partners in Guatemala and Colombia to implement timber supply chain legality requirements and regulations like the U.S. Lacey Act, the EU Timber Regulation and other demand-side laws</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Complete GFW Pro impact evaluation, building on methods pioneered by GFW impact evaluation completed in 2020.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Add new datasets from Central Africa Republic and Gabon to Open Timber Portal and work with partners to reach out to companies and industry associations in those countries.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Release timber traceability studies for Latin America and Indonesia.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Scope build out of GFW Pro reporting functionality, aligned with Accountability Framework Initiative guidelines.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FORESTS OUTCOME 2C</narrative> <narrative>Develop GFW radar-based alerts for Congo Basin, Peru, Indonesia, and Malaysia released.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Administer the 2021 cycle of the GFW Small Grants Fund, along with training and support to partners, in 10+ tropical forest countries.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Continue to push advocacy for the ratification of the Escazú Agreement by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure its complete implementation.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Begin to engage with governments in Africa to support the creation of cooperation and regional engagement on the appropriate implementation of environmental rights similar to the Escazú agreement.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch Independent Monitoring in the Congo Basin: What Progress and Where Next? Publication.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FORESTS OUTCOME 2D</narrative> <narrative>Publish several knowledge products on building the business case and toolkits for restoration, including: The Business Case for Planting Trees: Economic Valuation of Native Species and Agroforestry System Investments in Brazil; Restoration Typology: Building a Restoration Business; and a guidebook on steps for scoping, planning, financing and implementing restoration projects in India and Indonesia.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop and refine a new methodology for tree-cover gain at the project, landscape and global levels by leveraging new and existing datasets and mapping techniques.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Expand the WRI Land Accelerator program to two new geographic locations: South Asia and Latin America.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Host 300+ organizations on TerraMatch. Connect “frontrunner” restoration businesses with potential sources of finance, mentorship or networking opportunities to accelerate their efforts to scale.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>In Brazil, expand two existing restoration businesses through private investment and financing.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop a collaborative implementation plan for one landscape in India (Gadchiroli, Maharashtra) for sustainable and regenerative agriculture.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop implementation plan for identified restoration interventions for mitigating urban heat islands risks in Kochi Municipal Corporation, India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Engage regional and national stakeholders on treebased landscape restoration where information on landscape restoration activities and opportunities is shared or disseminated best practices from one local landscape showcased on a global restoration platform (i.e., 100 Landscapes platform) in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Niger and Cameroon.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Implement Vital Landscapes pillar of new WRI Africa strategy including: • Revamp and sharpen our work in restoration anchoring on a new flagship offer targeted at catalyzing action in the AFR100 agenda. We will develop deep engagements in 10 learning landscapes across the continent with work with sub -national, national and regional stakeholders to address key challenges in (continued; see attached PDF). Peer learning across landscapes and sharing best practices will also core focus areas of our flagship initiative. • Develop a flagship offer that addresses the capacity gap that will unlock financing for grassroots and other local organizations (“Minding the Gap”) • Connect our ‘forest conservation’ and ‘restoration’ work – which are now mostly separate. • Explore opportunities for how to support land use planning efforts in focus countries, especially Ethiopia and Rwanda. • Integrate of governance, gender, social equity, and youth employment issues into all our work will be priority.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>FORESTS OUTCOME 2E</narrative> <narrative>Publish WRI reports Realizing Women’s Rights in Collectively Held Lands: Promising Practices from Five Local Communities and Undermining Rights: Indigenous Lands and Mining in the Amazon.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch an ASEAN regional platform on sustainable peatland management comprising inventories of research, business cases practices and guidelines on sustainable peatland management in the region.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support new forest monitoring product (RADD alerts) with better spatial and temporal resolution in Indonesia, ensuring it is accessible to the public.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>In Mexico, launch National Restoration Initiative with WFF and Reforestamos Mexico search for options for incorporation into public policy (SEMARNAT, Bienestar, SADER, CONAFOR, CONANP, INECC, Development Banking, International Cooperation).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Using Map Builder, construct Mexico Forest Watch (GFW subsite) for the monitoring and dissemination of forest cover information.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Provide high -level inputs in the development of the Republic of Congo’s land -use planning in the Central Africa Forest Initiative process.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Provide support to the Democratic Republic of Congo Forestry Inventory Directorate (DIAF) for the establishment and operationalization of "DIAF Spatial data management Portal". This tool will facilitate the update and share among key actors of various data and other services in multiple formats including maps, interactive applications, etc.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>In Indonesia, resolve one tenurial conflict through multi - stakeholder forums in national or sub -national levels.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>WATER OUTCOME 3A</narrative> <narrative>Complete case studies on target setting methodology for two companies (Cargill, Tyson).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Assist Aqueduct Alliance companies (Mars, Merck, P&G, Ansell) in applying context -based targets and volumetric water benefit accounting methods.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>WATER OUTCOME 3B</narrative> <narrative>Develop algorithm/methods for “Reservoir Watch” pilot in India and China and host hackathon to improve method and launch a dashboard.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop updated Aqueduct future projections, using IPCC 6th Assessment.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Update machine learning model for Water, Peace & Security Global Early Warning Tool to help predict and explain possible conflict, some of which are linked to water and other natural resource factors.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Prepare concept notes and proposals for priority areas of work by Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Energy (MoWIE) internal assessment on water.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Scope investment opportunities in watershed restoration for improved water services and poverty alleviation, in two Ethiopian woredas of the Blue Nile Basin.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>WATER OUTCOME 3C</narrative> <narrative>Launch Urban Water Resilience: Challenges and Pathways report at Climate Action Summit.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Continue working with the Tacubaya Acting Cooperation System (SAC Tacubaya) and other Mexico City Governmental teams to advance in the "green-gray solutions" implementation across the city and to inform decision making around urban water security and resilience matters.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch second Forest Resilience bond in California.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Implement pilot of waterbody pollution prevention/cleanup solutions in Hyderabad and Bangalore to accelerate rejuvenation of waterbodies in cities using environmentally sound and innovative technological solutions (including NBS and Blue-Green Infrastructure).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support 3 cities in Africa to address their water risks and vulnerabilities by identifying critical adaptation pathways through research, formulate urban water resilience action plan and mobilize collective action by engaging, governments, financial & research institutions and building a coalition of partners to support implementation.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish Urban Blue-Green Conundrum - A 10 City Study on the Impacts of Urbanization on Natural Infrastructure in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support adoption of flood control infrastructure assessment results into Jakarta government plans and regulations.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support two Mexican cities are to integrate green infrastructure as part of their resilience and water management strategies.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Pilot training of trainers program for local actors (Kudubmshree) in two vulnerable communities in Kochi on Urban Community Resilience Assessment tool to develop and help implement local scale adaption plans.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop/implement resilient green/blue urban infrastructure projects and public spaces through naturebased solutions and water sensitive design and support cities with a tailored project preparatory facility.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>ENERGY OUTCOME 4A</narrative> <narrative>Prepare corporate renewable energy procurement guidelines for Colombia, Indonesia and Vietnam.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Finalize direct power purchase agreement with Vietnam’s utility (EVN).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support the Offshore Renewable Energy Action Coalition two work with two countries on plans for scaling investment in offshore renewable energy.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Indonesia’s utility (PLN) to launch new green energy products that support renewable energy souring from industry.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Engage the key partners on greening BRI by promoting renewable energy in overseas energy investment and formulate the strategy partnership.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support four Mexican entities (both private and public) in adopting an innovative business model for on-site renewable generation and incorporating clean energy solutions into their planning, building capacity in local actors.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support consolidation of Mexico’s Power Observatory as a monitoring and decision-making tool for the energy sector in the country.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Identify utility and regulatory solutions to clean energy transitions working alongside the Bangalore Electricity Supply Company and Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Engage Chinese-funded industrial parks across Southeast Asia as part of Belt and Road Initiative.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>ENERGY OUTCOME 4B</narrative> <narrative>Publish Hong Kong 2050 Power Sector Deep Decarbonization Action Plan.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop carbon neutrality roadmaps for pilot regions/provides/cities in 2-3 key economic regions in China (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Greater Bay Area).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Work through the Corporate Green Leadership Alliance (CGLA) to demonstrate corporate climate action on renewable energy, energy efficiency, electric mobility, and greening MSME supply chains in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Implement 7 -10 renewable energy projects for development of health and livelihoods across 3 -5 Indian states.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop first state level action plan for implementation of India Cooling Action Plan.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Include distributed clean energy in Yangtze River Delta regional development plan.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Identify and develop priorities, opportunities and challenges for clean energy transition in three Indian states, while also identifying opportunities for city -specific clean energy actions.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>ENERGY OUTCOME 4C</narrative> <narrative>Prepare three Learning Guides for city action on building decarbonization: Building Codes, Building Renovation, Building Energy Performance Targets.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support creation of technical group in Mexico City to work on adapting and adopting national energy efficiency codes and support launch of Sonora energy code as part of building regulations.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Conduct city level trainings on zero carbon buildings and then city level workshops to develop national roadmap documents on Zero Carbon Buildings.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support three deep-dive Building Efficiency Accelerator Mexican cities (with priority in Merida) to implement policies, incentives, codes or investments for building retrofits.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>ENERGY OUTCOME 4D</narrative> <narrative>Launch deep dive version of the Energy Access Explorer maps for Jharkhand and Assam, India – district level energy access maps that focus on primary data collection efforts complemented by secondary data on unmet and under -met energy needs of key sectors including healthcare, education and livelihoods</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Extending energy access work to two more states in India beyond Assam and Jharkhand and developing deeper engagements with the livelihood sector</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Collect energy demand data and opportunities for local manufacturing in Africa for Energy Access Explorer tool.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Sign MoUs with targeted government agencies, paving the way to transfer administrative rights to the Energy Access Explorer and facilitate scaling beyond countries where WRI is currently active with SE4ALL.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Identify at least 4 major partners from development sectors for clean energy solutions and ensure procurement and installation are completed.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CITIES OUTCOME 5A</narrative> <narrative>Develop and test a combined WRI Cities Program and Coalition for Urban Transitions offer at national and local level driving national urban policies, and green recovery in sync with city projects and support.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support inclusion of Urban Inequality Index in a Mexican federal or local government document.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Provide technical support to Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIC) on right sizing, finance, circular economy, urban planning and competitiveness analysis for the ongoing Pharma City project</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Pilot spatial Vulnerability Assessment tool in Mumbai to initiate a long-term resilience planning dialogue with cities and replicate in Kochi, Surat and Hyderabad.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support 4 Cities (Dehradun, Shimla, Panaji and Aizawl) with their Local Area Plan and Town Planning Scheme (land aggregation) pilots.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Provide capacity building support to public bus companies in 3+ Cities on COVID -19 recovery strategies including digitalization to enable adoption of new technologies to improve planning and operations to improve accessibility of vulnerable groups (women, children, and underprivileged communities) in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CITIES OUTCOME 5B</narrative> <narrative>Conduct stakeholder mapping and gap analysis on sustainable transport and develop online network and website for local sustainable transport stakeholders to develop National Level Sustainable Urban Transport Action Plan and White Paper.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Brazilian national government to develop new guidelines on street design to influence a more sustainable and inclusive environment in Brazilian cities.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Buenos Aires to reduce fatalities and serious injuries by planning and implementing a new set of road safety actions, following the success of its previous Road Safety Plan 2016 -2019.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Belo Horizonte and Minas Gerais State in Brazil to structure new governance arrangement for public transport in the metropolitan region.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support cities to reduce speeds on major corridors in the city through speed calming interventions and street redesign. For example: • Prepare speed management plans for Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru that includes speed assessment at high risk corridors, recommendations for speed management and monitoring mechanisms. • Support the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG) to map priority corridors to manage speed, thus affecting the reduction of injuries and deaths from traffic accidents. • Support establishment of traffic directorate on speed limit control in the downtown areas, school zones and hospital zones in the Mexican state of Colima.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Carry out road safety audits/inspections for on -the - ground transformative projects in cities to support implementation of safe infrastructure. Publish Techniques and Applications of Road Safety Audit and Inspection on Urban Roads in China.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Supporting 4 cities in Africa (Kampala, Addis Ababa, Kumasi & Accra) in institutionalizing the safe systems approach in their road safety work.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Karnataka and Gujarat to develop 10 -year plans on developing and implementing urban bus systems, including engagement of private operators.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support 3+ cities to develop cycling strategies and long - term planning for creating Cycle Friendly Cities (Ranchi, Bhopal, Indore), Light touch engagement through Bicycle Mayors in 5+ cities to promote cycling (Guwahati, Jaipur, Pimpri, Kolkata, Surat, Gurgaon)</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Ethiopia Ministry of Transport and a secondary city develop policies and build capacity to invest in walking and cycling infrastructure to meet the needs of pedestrians and cyclists particularly vulnerable groups.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop Cycling Urbanism - Action Plan and Tactical Urbanism Toolkit in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support publication of law on mobility and road safety in Mexico.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CITIES OUTCOME 5C</narrative> <narrative>In India, continue Electric Mobility Forum as the leading platform for convening knowledge and policy discussions and facilitating inter -agency and multi -stakeholder dialogue electric mobility. Publish Electric Vehicle Connect newsletter every month.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Prepare recommendations on locating charging infrastructure through planning framework and maps for Hyderabad, Delhi and Ahmedabad.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Provide policy recommendation to promote smart charging infrastructure on scale in China.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Promote electric logistics fleet in Beijing to inform Beijing’s new road access restriction policy and identify future policy options to accelerate the city’s logistic vehicle electrification.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Together with AMAM (Mexican Association of Mobility Authorities), develop a proposal for a national program of financial support to public transport from the perspective of local governments, supporting the improvement of operations, implementation and financing measures.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Brazilian national government to establish clear guidelines for cities to transition towards e -mobility.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support cities to develop and operationalize Climate Action Plans through handholding support and capacity building in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CITIES OUTCOME 5D</narrative> <narrative>Develop an Air Quality assessment framework to help identify, prioritize and select locally appropriate policies and solutions across multiple sectors (solid waste, transport, building, etc.), that can be used in other regions.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Work with stakeholders to diagnose and address pollution sources for iconic “clean air zones” with potential to drive broader city and regional change at least 3 cities.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Build on the results of our ongoing engagement with national air quality policy and finance in India to translate the new high -level framework for air quality governance into specific policies, financing mechanisms, and data tools to support new approach to controlling emissions. For example, prepare and submit clean air action plan for Surat.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Build database for air pollutant sources identification and bottom up emissions inventories.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop globally transferable rapid spatial assessment methods developed and deployed to create baselines and to estimate environmental, social, and economic impacts of specific policies and interventions.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CITIES OUTCOME 5E</narrative> <narrative>Develop content to train cities on data governance and data collection in order to do cross -sectoral policy analysis, support integrated solutions like in urban regeneration and transport, and understand the impacts on jobs and livelihoods.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop and test the City Academy Approach and content supporting cities in sustainable development, integrated urban regeneration, urban management, resilience and finance</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Create peer exchange opportunities (bilateral and regional) for deep dive cities to share their successes and lessons with other cities – on integrated interventions, project interventions, and governance/process improvements.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>In India, design, develop and launch Leaders in Inclusive & Sustainable Urban Management (LISUM) Program.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Learn from Prize for Cities about urban transformation around the world – big ideas, how change -makers are doing it, how to measure and show impact.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Build network of urban change -makers and champions through 2020 -2021 Prize for Cities</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CLIMATE OUTCOME 6A</narrative> <narrative>Support five countries (including Ethiopia, Colombia, Costa Rica, South Africa, Indonesia) to adopt new plans, strategies, policies, actions, and/or budget for NDC implementation, including integrating climate change into national development planning supported by New Climate Economy analysis.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish A New Climate Economy for Mexico: Making the Case for Driving Social. Equity, Economic Growth and Climate Action and New Economy for the Amazon based on New Climate Economy model.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop New Economy for the Amazon policy recommendations alongside with the Amazon Governors Consortium and other relevant local institutions, and start to apply them on public and private investments on the fields of bioeconomy, infrastructure or rural production.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Mexico’s NDC implementation and definition of its Long -Term Strategy (LTS) through economic and climate modelling analysis. .</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Conduct research and produce a publication (report or working paper) to inform China’s NDC enhancement options and 2060 strategy based on China’s newly - launched 2030/2060 strategies.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch of Fiji’s Climate Finance Country Program, aimed at helping the country more strategically access climate finance.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Prepare roadmap of Indonesia green fiscal stimulus and Build Back Better.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CLIMATE OUTCOME 6B</narrative> <narrative>Launch Climate Watch Net -Zero Tracker and compare all climate targets across INDCs, NDC, LTS and national policies. Rapidly update new NDCs, LTS and net -zero targets throughout 2021 in the lead -up to COP26.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Jointly develop LCDI modeling platform with BAPPENAS and apply to selected pilot provinces to implement national and provincial development planning.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Train at least 500 individuals from civil society and social justice organization in 8 geographies to utilize Climate Watch data and analysis.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Reach 20+ countries citing Climate Watch data in NDCs (currently 11 countries including: Bangladesh, Brunei, Ghana, Moldova, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Panama, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Reach 150+ government ministries from 80 countries using Climate Watch data (currently 123 ministries from 50 countries).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Prepare synthesis report on current enhanced NDCs and LTS announcements.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop the Green Economy Model (GEM) to assess the livelihood, equity, and resource impacts of low-carbon economic development in India.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Produce GHG projections along with other parameters to inform Ethiopian NDC update (2020-2030).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Provide training to Ethiopian government officials on modeling and system dynamics including poverty and distributional impact analysis that are relevant to analyze equity issues linked to a transition to climate-resilient, low-carbon environmentally sustainable systems.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Continue to support Indonesia Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) to include COVID19 scenarios and impact into National Mid-term development planning (RPJMN 2020-2024) as part of the Indonesian Low Carbon Development Initiative.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CLIMATE OUTCOME 6C</narrative> <narrative>Develop first draft of GHG Protocol guidance on carbon removals and land sector emissions for publication in 2022.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop user-friendly calculation tool to aggregate impacts of non-state and subnational actions, and pilot in Colombia and possibly in Mexico. Publish analysis on impact of Colombia’s subnational and corporate actions on NDC using tool.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch Carbon Market Handbook for India: Lessons and Insights from Corporate Simulation report. Simulate corporate carbon trading with leading businesses and share policy-relevant insights with government and industry associations.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Increase number of ASEAN companies participating in awareness, peer exchange and other training sessions and start applying to join SBTi.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Engagement with non-state actors in Southeast Asia to increase awareness and roles of private sectors in the region in achieving Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) objectives</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop sector-specific Science-Based Targets (SBT) methods and/or guidance including apparel, chemical and financial sectors.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Engage at least 10 Mexican companies in SBTi.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Develop a common definition of net-zero targets for companies, develop a program model that enables companies to practically set net-zero targets and have them validated by the SBTi along with their 5-15 year SBTs, and develop guidance to support companies in setting these targets.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CLIMATE OUTCOME 6D</narrative> <narrative>In China, conduct research to promote economic benefits of building more climate-resilient infrastructure and develop potential financing mechanisms, and publish a flagship report.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support announcement of IMF-WB partnership for joint Climate Change Policy Assessments diagnostic and pilot with interested countries.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Declaration on Climate Resilience, launched during the Mayors Forum and the Climate Adaptation Summit, which includes a commitment by cities to develop climate adaptation strategies and implement NBS, urban water resilience and focus on the most vulnerable and a commitment by City Action Track partners to a 10 year adaptation action agenda.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch of a Knowledge Platform for Inclusive Climate Adaptation, during the Climate Adaptation Summit, supported by 40 universities, a network of 100 cities and a federation of urban poor communities.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch new structure for Fiji’s Drua Incubator, aimed at helping the country improve access to disaster risk finance.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support launch of 10-year CGIAR $12 Billion strategy, including some early financial commitments by donor governments to support the CGIAR’s new strategic plan and research on climate resilient agriculture.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support announcement of MDBs for a framework on Paris alignment of intermediated finance based on WRI research.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support launch of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) traffic light system for new projects, listing coal projects as “red”.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish BRI financial flow tracking platform around 4 th BRI Summit.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish working paper Assessment of climate-related physical risks in EBRD’s thermal and hydropower portfolio and implications for other investors and lenders.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CLIMATE OUTCOME 6E</narrative> <narrative>Support Kochi in the preparation of their City Disaster Management Plan.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Following launch of Adapt Now flagship report, publish several reports to build the knowledge base of recommendations including: • Furthering the Economic Case for Adaptation: Applying Triple Dividends in Cost -Benefit Analysis • A framework for understanding equity in adaptation policies • Review of Evidence for Community Driven Development Programming • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning for Locally Led Adaptation • Tracking Options for Locally Led Adaptation Finance • Investment Blueprint for Digital Advisory Services • Conference Proceedings, A Demand -Driven Climate Research Agenda in the CG System • Nature -based Solutions Platform Assessment • Nature -based Solutions Public Finance Assessment • Building a Climate Resilient Future for Costa Rica’s Coffee Farming Communities: A Case Study of the Coto Brus Region • Driving System Shifts for Climate Resilience: Case Studies of Transformative Adaptation in Bhutan, Ethiopia and Costa Rica • Applying Climate (continued; see PDF)</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>In India, develop two training modules on: (i) climate proofing of district development plans and (ii) access to both national and international sources of climate finance.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Strengthen collaboration with key stakeholders, including Ministry of Ecology and Environment, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, and the China Global Center on Adaptation, to influence the Chinese National Adaptation Strategy and 14th five - year planning processes and the COVID -19 economic stimulus.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch a partnership for long-term capacity building program for Mainstreaming Climate Risks into Ministries of Finance and Economies, with aim of having funds in hand by COP26.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CLIMATE OUTCOME 6F</narrative> <narrative>Develop online tool to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the Paris Agreement and its implementation guidelines.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7A</narrative> <narrative>Publish of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy’s Scientific Synthesis Report: Ocean Solutions that Benefit People, Nature and the Economy (delayed from June 2020).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7B</narrative> <narrative>Launch Transformations for a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A Vision for Protection, Production and Prosperity.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish several working papers on the Ocean in Indonesia including: • Capture fishery trends • Aquaculture trends • Marine protected areas • Network analysis in blue carbon governance • Mangrove, seagrass and coral reef management at a regional level • Valuation of coastal ecosystems services</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Assess linkages gap between terrestrial impact to coastal areas.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7C</narrative> <narrative>Launch Transformations for a Sustainable Ocean Economy: A Vision for Protection, Production and Prosperity.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish several working papers on the Ocean in Indonesia including: • Capture fishery trends • Aquaculture trends • Marine protected areas • Network analysis in blue carbon governance • Mangrove, seagrass and coral reef management at a regional level • Valuation of coastal ecosystems services</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Assess linkages gap between terrestrial impact to coastal areas.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7D</narrative> <narrative>Launch Friends of Ocean Action Coalitions on four key pillars: • Nourishing billions • Building a resilient ocean • Activating ocean finance • Creating a digital ocean</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7E</narrative> <narrative>Launch Friends of Ocean Action Coalitions on four key pillars: • Nourishing billions • Building a resilient ocean • Activating ocean finance • Creating a digital ocean</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7F</narrative> <narrative>Conduct user needs assessment and sectoral data scoping for Ocean Watch. Prepare for limited data platform launch.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>OCEAN OUTCOME 7G</narrative> <narrative>Conduct user needs assessment and sectoral data scoping for Ocean Watch. Prepare for limited data platform launch.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CIRCULAR ECONOMY OUTCOME 8A</narrative> <narrative>Publish Square Your Circle: Environmental Impacts of Circular Economy Business Models in the Apparel Sector and Square Your Circle: Social Impacts of Circular Economy Business Models in the Apparel Sector reports.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch working paper on single-use plastic policies in Mexico.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Working through the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) platform in Indonesia, we facilitate plastic recycling industries and waste collection as a strategy to reduce plastic waste and promote livelihood.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>P4G OUTCOME 9A</narrative> <narrative>Launch P4G State of the Art Report A Time For Transformative Partnerships in October 2020.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Support Republic of Korea to host P4G 2021 Seoul Summit (postponed to 2021).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Facilitate P4G family gathering and Learning Communities webinar for all SDG themes. Partnerships will showcase their progress and learnings with other relevant partnerships to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch 4th round of partnership applications for funding innovate and green solutions.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch National Platforms in Bangladesh and South Africa</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>RESOURCE WATCH OUTCOME 10A</narrative> <narrative>Release of Dynamic World Map with Google, Impact Observatory and National Geographic Society</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Complete technical scoping and initiate implementation of MyRW with extensive engagement with partners on the ground</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Complete support programs for three local partners using data for forest and wetlands management through the DOB Ecology grantee network (GCBR, Corredor Azul and one additional partner).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>With Finance Team, develop physical climate risks dashboard on Resource Watch.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Launch of Earth Dashboard with Global Commons Alliance.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CIRCULAR ECONOMY OUTCOME 8B</narrative> <narrative>Launch Circular Clothing Action Plan and promote scaling opportunities.</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>CIRCULAR ECONOMY 8C</narrative> <narrative>Begin scoping and fundraising for New Consumption Economy including research and analysis to answer the question: how much can companies sell while remaining within the planet’s limits?</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0 <narrative>Publish State of the Global Circular Economy report as part of the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy and Circular Economy Action Agendas (plastics, electronics, food and fashion).</narrative> Achieved – 5 On track – 4 Off track (behind schedule) – 3 Off track (serious setback) – 2 Changed - 1 Not started - 0