Netflix Debuts the Bloody, Intense Trailer for Marvel’s The Punisher

1 minute read

The last time Netflix viewers saw Frank Castle, he was serving up vigilante justice alongside Charlie Cox’s Matt Murdock on Daredevil. Now, the dark and brooding antihero is back and ready for revenge in his own solo spinoff show, aptly titled The Punisher.

Netflix debuted an intense (and bloody) full trailer for The Punisher on Wednesday, with skull-clad Jon Bernthal reprising the role he originated in season 2 of Daredevil. The trailer doesn’t shy away from violence, beginning with Castle’s wife being gruesomely shot in the head right before his eyes, and then escalating into a melange of stair fights, gun showdowns and blood galore, all set to the jarring tones of Metallica’s “One.” It’s billed as an action conspiracy thriller, and it looks dark as can be.

The Punisher is the latest in a string of Marvel series to hit Netflix in recent years, including this summer’s The Defenders, as well as Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Luke Cage.

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