‘The One Thing You’re Not Supposed to Say.’ Stephen Colbert Criticizes Trump’s Travel Ban Tweets

2 minute read

Stephen Colbert returned after a week-long break Monday night, and he did not waste any time before commenting on President Donald Trump‘s latest tweets and policy decisions.

The late-night host tackled Trump’s flurry of tweets Monday on the “travel ban” as his revised executive order on immigration faces legal hurdles.

“A revised version is headed to the Supreme Court, and the administration’s only chance of winning is not calling it a ‘travel ban,'” Colbert said.

“This thing should get approved by the Supreme Court as long as nobody calls it a ‘travel ban,'” Colbert added, immediately showing Trump’s tweet, which called used that phrase.

“C’mon! Mr. President, that’s the one thing you’re not supposed to say,” Colbert said, smacking his forehead. “That’s like going to an AA meeting and shouting, ‘Who wants shots?'”

Trump also tweeted early Monday morning that the Justice Department “should have stayed with the original Travel Ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted” to the Supreme Court.

“Mr. President, you can’t criticize the Justice Department,” Colbert said. “You control the Justice Department. To quote third-grade boys everywhere, ‘Why are you hitting yourself? Quit hitting yourself.'”

Colbert also lamented about missing the chance to comment on Trump’s famous “covfefe” tweet because he was off last week. “It was the new ‘What color is the dress?’ but instead of white versus blue, it was sleepy versus stroke?” Colbert said.

And he took time to slam Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement — an announcement in which Trump defended his decision, saying he represented the “citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

“Mr. President, it’s pronounced ‘St. Petersburg,'” Colbert joked.

Watch the full clip above.

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