• Entertainment

Stephen Colbert Has Some Fake News to Make ‘Big Angry’ President Trump Happy

1 minute read

Stephen Colbert once again used his Late Show platform to hammer President Donald Trump on Wednesday night.

Colbert referred to a report that Trump was upset after two federal judges ruled against his travel ban, and that his staffers cheered him up by showing him a segment from Greta Van Susteren’s MSNBC show arguing the Supreme Court would side with him.

“They treat the President the way you treat a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum,” Colbert said. “But if positive coverage helps calm down the big angry man with the launch codes, I say, do it. And I want to help”

Colbert then segued into a “positive news” segment about the President, which included stories like Trump beating ISIS with his “bare, big, huge” hands.

Colbert also slammed the American Health Care Act, the Republicans’ proposed legislation to replace Obamacare.

“Republicans have been pushing their Obamacare replacement plan,” he said. “But the bill has a preexisting condition: everyone hates it.”

Watch the clip above.

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Write to Alana Abramson at [email protected]