Netflix Is Going to Help Finish and Release Orson Welles’s Final Movie

1 minute read

Netflix is taking on Orson Welles’s legacy. The company has bought the rights to the iconic director’s final unfinished movie, The Other Side of the Wind, according to the New York Times.

“We’re going to get this made” Frank Marshall, who worked on the film in the 1970s, said to the Times.

The feature was left incomplete at the time of Welles’ death in 1985.

Netflix, however, may have its hands full with the project. Previous attempts to complete the film have stalled. In 2014. a team including Marshall and Peter Bogdanovich who appeared in the movie, secured rights to the footage. Their funding fell through and an Indigogo campaign to raise around $2 million fell short.

But with Netflix now involved, Welles’ comeback may finally see the light of day.

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Write to Zamira Rahim at [email protected]