Ben Affleck on Donald Trump Calling Meryl Streep ‘Over-Rated’: ‘Pick a Better Shot’

1 minute read

Ben Affleck is the latest celebrity defend Meryl Streep after Donald Trump called her an “over-rated actress” following her critical speech on the President-elect at Sunday’s Golden Globes ceremony.

“If there’s one thing truly in the world that we know is not true, it’s that Meryl Streep is overrated,” Affleck told Jimmy Kimmel Monday night. “It’s like [saying] Gandhi: terrible leader!” he added. “Pick a better shot rather than the person whose photograph actually accompanies ‘great actress.’”

Streep had used her Golden Globes speech to draw attention to Trump’s mocking of a disabled reporter last November (something Trump later denied), saying: “Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose.”

The following morning, Trump took to Twitter to slam Streep, calling her an “over-rated” actress and a “Hillary flunky who lost big.” He also told the New York Times that he was “not surprised” that he had come under attack from “liberal movie people.”

Watch Affleck’s appearance with Kimmel above.

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