Top Gun 2 Will Be Tom Cruise vs. Drones, Supposedly

1 minute read

For everyone who has been waiting with baited breath for the long-rumored Top Gun sequel — there’s finally some news that makes it sound as though the film is inching closer to the big screen.

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer shared a few encouraging details about the follow-up to the 80s classic with The Huffington Post: “The concept is, basically, are the pilots obsolete because of drones. [Tom] Cruise is going to show them that they’re not obsolete. They’re here to stay.”

To review: Tom Cruise? Check. Pilots? Check? Drones? Sure, why not. The project still doesn’t have a cast or director (or script, as far as we’re aware), but progress is progress. Now if we can just figure out how to get Val Kilmer’s glorious Twitter account to be in charge of the drone program that Cruise is battling, we’ll be all set.

[Huffington Post]

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