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Watch Nicki Minaj Bow Down to Her Hero Lauryn Hill When She Meets Her for the First Time

1 minute read

Nicki Minaj might be one of the hottest MCs in the game, but that doesn’t mean that she’s exempt from being a fan herself.

The Queens rapper turned into the ultimate fangirl when she met the legendary (and elusive) Lauryn Hill for the first time while backstage at the Tidal charity concert in Brooklyn, NY this past weekend.

In a series of Instagram posts, Minaj described meeting her hero (Nicki said she even quoted the former Fugees frontwoman in her high school yearbook) as “an outer body experience” and went on to call Ms. Hill “the QUEEN.”

The admiration was apparently mutual, as Hill apparently told Minaj to keep “spittin dat fire.”

See Lauryn Hill and Nicki Minaj’s meeting below.

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Write to Cady Lang at [email protected]