• Entertainment

Today Show Addresses Billy Bush’s Suspension Over Leaked Donald Trump Tape

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The Today show was an anchor short on Monday following revelations that Billy Bush had participated in a vulgar conversation about groping women without their consent with Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump back in 2005.

On Sunday, news broke that NBC News had suspended Bush while the situation was being investigated. Savannah Guthrie addressed the suspension during a discussion on Trump’s statements on Monday’s show.

“We want to note one other thing: Pending further review of the matter, NBC News has suspended Billy Bush, who now hosts Today’s third hour, for his role in the conversation with Donald Trump,” Guthrie said.

News of the suspension was first reported by USA Today, which an internal memo sent to NBC staff about Bush’s behavior. “Let me be clear: There is simply no excuse for Billy’s language and behavior on that tape,” Today producer Noah Oppenheim wrote.

In 2005, when Bush was a host on Access Hollywood, he accompanied Trump to the set of a daytime soap opera where the businessman was making a cameo. A hot mic picked up Trump saying that he can “kiss” and “grab” women whenever he wants due to his celebrity status. Bush is heard laughing throughout.

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