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The Internet Thinks the Presidential Debate Would Be Better Off as a Karaoke Duet

1 minute read

The second presidential debate had some heated moments last night, but it did provide some humor in the form of an unintentionally perfect photo opportunity where Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump appear to be speaking (or singing) to each other on their respective hand-held mics.

Naturally, the Internet jumped at the chance to get in on some lighthearted fun, reimagining the debate as a kind of karaoke night, complete with song suggestions and lyrics.

Some users thought that Drake and Rihanna’s “Too Good” collaboration would be the perfect fit for a duet between Hillary and Donald.

While others opted for more classic songs.

Some gave it the Disney treatment.

However, this Twitter user suggested this song from Annie Get Your Gun.

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Write to Cady Lang at [email protected]