In the Latest Issue

3 minute read

The New Politics of Late Night

Kim Jong Un Gets the Last Laugh in North Korea

An unyielding North Korea launches its biggest nuclear test yet–and there’s little the U.S. alone can do to stop it

A Coming Reckoning With North Korea

How Latinos Drive America’s Economic Growth

My Day on Mars

TIME’S space writer spends 24 hours inside NASA’s Simulated Mars Base in Hawaii

Meet the Pastor Who Prays With Donald Trump

What Comes After for-Profit Colleges’ ‘Lehman Moment’? Possibly an Education Crash

Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Stumbles Have Nothing to Do With Her Health

10 Questions With Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden

The Librarian of Congress, who oversees a collection of 162 million pieces, talks about Abraham Lincoln, overdue books and what she’s reading right now

My Life As a ‘None’ and Other Tales from the Ranks of the Unaffiliated and the Agnostic

A Death In the Family Inspires Two Works of Art

The New Curse of Blair Witch: It’s Barely Scary

Bridget Jones Hasn’t Lost Her Charm

The Upside of Talking to Strangers

Bons Mots In a New Language

Phyllis Schlafly

Conservative icon

Rachel Weisz

In Denial, out Sept. 30, the actor, 46, plays historian Deborah Lipstadt, who was sued for libel in 1996 for calling author David Irving a Holocaust denier; in the British legal system, the burden fell on her defense team to essentially prove that the Holocaust happened.

Negative Rates Get a Second Look

Barriers at the Borders

It’s not just Donald Trump who’s seeking to build a “big, beautiful wall.” The U.K. said Sept. 6 that it would fund a wall in the French port of Calais to keep out migrants, one of many in the works around the world.

Furniture You Can Grow


This Just In

In the 2016 Election, Distrust Cuts Both Ways

Oliver Stone’s Snowden Lacks a Pulse

For the Record

What You Said About …

Can the World Agree on a Plan to Help Refugees?

Pop Chart

5 Simple Ways to Cut Down on Food Waste

Lady Gaga Returns to a Changed Mainstream That’s Moved On

How Outlook and Social Ties Affect the Way You Age

How Sports Can Move Beyond Lip-Service Patriotism

The Emmys Struggle for Relevance In the Era of the Stream

Putin’s Liberal Opponents

Russia votes on Sept. 18 to elect members of its State Duma, or lower house of parliament. Experts predict the vote will deliver a firmly pro-Kremlin Duma, as liberal opposition parties have been systematically repressed since disputed elections in 2011 sparked protests against President Vladimir Putin. Even so, some liberal candidates are trying to make their mark.

Why We Should Watch Our Internal Clocks

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