Michelle Obama Got Aly Raisman to Clarify Her Stance on Junk Food

1 minute read

The Final Five gymnasts — made up of the unstoppable quintet of Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Laurie Hernandez, Gabby Douglas and Madison Kocian — are riding high on their Olympic wins. So they took to Twitter for a question-and-answer session on Wednesday, responding to the #AskFinalFive hashtag. Some pretty big names got in on the action (no surprise there; the athletes have been the toast of the town for well over a week now). Check out the questions submitted by everyone from First Lady Michelle Obama to actress Reese Witherspoon and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson — and, of course, their new best friend and mutual crush Zac Efron — and watch the video responses they’ve been recording.

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