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Watch a Montage of People Defending Donald Trump’s ISIS Comments

2 minute read

According to The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, the hardest job in the world isn’t being a mother or a firefighter or even the president—it’s being Donald Trump’s spokesperson.

“I really feel so bad for [Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson] and all of Donald Trump’s surrogates,” Noah says on Monday’s show. “Because that has to be the hardest job in the world.”

That’s because it means defending whatever the candidate says, for instance, when the candidate in question says that President Barack Obama is the “founder of ISIS.” While that claim is untrue, Noah had an entire montage of Trump’s surrogates doing their best to defend the spurious statement. For anyone looking for clarity on the subject, Noah explained: “Obama was not the founder of ISIS. It is crazy that you have to say this, but let’s get that straight, all right. George Bush was the founder. No, look, really, Bush wasn’t the founder, either. But if any president helped create it, he did the most.”

Once Trump responded by saying “THEY DON’T GET SARCASM?” it left Pierson to explain that when it comes to whether Trump was being sarcastic, the “answer is yes and no.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what America needs in a president,” Noah says. “A man who is so all over the place that even the people who are hired as communication specialists are now basically the shrugging emoji.”

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