• Entertainment

Coldplay Mess With Perception in Illusory Up&Up Video

1 minute read

Coldplay must feel on top of the world in their music video for “Up&Up.” The group’s video for their new single features band members towering over the Earth as strange, seemingly incongruous images meld together.

As Chris Martin leisurely croons the lyrics to the inspirational track, flashes of a giant eagle soaring under the ocean, miniature skiers racing down a pillow, and more optical illusions playing on size flow into one another. The fantastical images mirror the song’s dream-like composition, and the video ends with a mammoth Martin laying beside a mountain as seen from space.

“Up&Up” is the third single from Coldplay’s seventh album A Head Full of Dreams. Currently, the group is preparing to head out on their summer tour.

This article originally appeared on Ew.com

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