Watch Jon Hamm Literally Rescue a Trapped Hummingbird

1 minute read

Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be another reason why Jon Hamm would be the perfect boyfriend to bring home to your mom, he goes ahead and rescues a hummingbird.

Oh, and this went down when he was hanging out with the cast of HBO’s Girls. Showrunner Jenni Konner posted a video on Instagram that shows Hamm working with Girls actor Andrew Rannells to gently coax the bird into a baseball hat before setting it free.

Hamm is sporting some funky swim trunks, so it looks like he was at some kind of Girls pool party. Perhaps a season 5 kickoff party. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that this means Hamm makes an appearance at some point in this season—maybe as Elijah’s older suitor? As Shoshanna’s new boss? As the clear-headed adult who finally, finally talks some sense into these people? Stay tuned.

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