Donald Trump Offers Iowans a Free Screening of Benghazi Movie 13 Hours

2 minute read

Donald Trump rented out an Iowa theater to screen the new Benghazi movie 13 Hours for his supporters on Friday for free.

The film has been widely praised by conservatives, including Ted Cruz, who mentioned it during Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate. Four Americans were killed in the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, during Hilary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. GOP presidential hopefuls have used the incident to question Clinton’s fitness for office.

The new movie, helmed by Transformers director Michael Bay, tells the story of security team attempting to save those in the consulate during the attack. Despite Republican support for the film, Bay has emphatically said of the movie, “There is no political agenda.” Neither Clinton nor President Obama are mentioned in the film.

MORE The True Story Behind the Benghazi Movie 13 Hours

Still, the movie hits on hot button issues. In one scene, a group of contractors are ordered to stand down and not provide assistance to the consulate. Though congressional investigators have found the “stand down” was never ordered, contractors interviewed after the fact have maintained that it was.

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The screening will take place at the Cobblestone Theater outside Des Moines, the Des Moines Register reports.

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Write to Eliana Dockterman at [email protected]