Johnny Depp Tops List of Hollywood’s Most Overpaid Actors

1 minute read

Johnny Depp has ascended from No. 2 to the top spot of a rather ignominious list. The Mortdecai and Transcendence star is the most overpaid actor in Hollywood, according to Forbes’ annual ranking, with his recent movies returning just $1.20 for every $1 he was paid on them.

Depp, who came in second to Adam Sandler last year, this time was followed by The Equalizer star Denzel Washington ($6.50/$1), Get Hard funnyman Will Ferrell ($6.80/$1), Run All Night actor Liam Neeson ($7.20/$1), and Focus leading man Will Smith ($8.60/$1).

To compile the list, Forbes looked at the last three films each actor starred in before June 2015 — not counting animated movies, cameos, or films released on fewer than 2,000 screens. The number-crunchers then examined the estimated production budgets, global box office grosses, and stars’ paydays to come up with a final return-on-investment figure.

Depp, who has had monster box office success in the past, could get himself off the list with the upcoming sequels Alice Through the Looking Glass next year and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales in 2017.

Meanwhile, Forbes’ best bang-for-the-buck actors include Chris Evans ($181.80/$1) and Mila Kunis ($87.30/$1).

This article originally appeared on Entertainment Weekly

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