Star Wars Scalpers Resell Opening Night Tickets for Up To $10,000

2 minute read

“Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed, that is,” Yoda once declared.

So what would the Jedi master think of hucksters trying to resell their Star Wars tickets for up to $10,000?

Across eBay and Craigslist, ticket-holders for opening night screenings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Dec. 17 are trying to pawn their seats for exorbitant amounts.

There’s the $1,000 tickets for a 3D showing at 10:20 p.m. in Los Angeles, $750 tickets for a IMAX 7 p.m. show in Austin, a whopping $8,000 package for a Force Awakens event in Orlando (which includes just one ticket), and countless others.

But the biggest Sith Lords on the Internet might be those selling tickets for $10,000, such as this person for a 7 p.m. showing in North Canton, Ohio (at least he’s throwing in a limo ride, and even a hotel if the buyer is from out of town — because somebody opting to fly into North Canton to pay 10k to see a movie is probably going to happen).

ScreenCrush caught up with one of the 10k sellers, who admits he’s getting bashed on social media, but insists if the tickets don’t sell, “I’ll give them to a couple of kids that can’t afford to see the movie.”

The resale market was likely aided by theater ticketing sites crashing when The Force Awakens went on sale on Monday, forcing fans who planned to buy tickets online to scramble for their seats. First day sales easily broke Fandango records, with The Force Awakens generating eight times as many sales as the previous pre-sale record holder, 2012’s The Hunger Games.

Another reason for fan eagerness could be the Spoiler Factor. Many would rather not know the major twists in the film, and avoiding such details, especially online, is going to be difficult once widespread screenings begin.

Still, as one reader pointed out: “You know, it’s still going to be the same movie the next day.”

This article originally appeared on

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