• Entertainment

Watch John Oliver and Mario Van Peebles Launch a New App

1 minute read

John Oliver is not interested in Peeple, the new app that lets users rate people.

“The Internet essentially exists so people can say vicious things about each other, and we don’t need another app to facilitate that,” said Oliver on Last Week Tonight.

In response he announced his own website, called Scream Into the Void, which is exactly what it advertises: a place to shout (or at least type) things into the abyss of the Internet to never be heard again. It’s a strangely satisfying exercise in the relentless inanity of the Internet — and no one gets hurt.

If users still have an inexplicable desire to have an app that will judge them, Oliver has an app for that too: Peeble. Instead of letting strangers on the Internet judge you, leave the judging to someone you can trust, specifically Mario Van Peebles.

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