James Woods Is Suing a Guy on Twitter for $10 Million

1 minute read

Actor James Woods has sued a Twitter user for defamation after the user allegedly accused the actor of being a cocaine addict.

On July 15, the Hollywood Reporter says, the user known as @abelisted apparently responded to a tweet from the actor about Caitlyn Jenner and Planned Parenthood with “cocaine addict James Woods still sniffing and spouting.”

The user account @abelisted has since been deleted. However, Woods went to the Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday, the Reporter says, to file his suit, claiming that the @abelisted’s “reckless and malicious behavior, through the worldwide reach of the internet, has now jeopardized Woods’ good name and reputation on an international scale.”

The suit continues: “In the past, [@abelisted] has referred to Woods with such derogatory terms as ‘prick,’ ‘joke,’ ‘ridiculous,’ ‘scum’ and ‘clown-boy.'”


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