J.K. Rowling Had An Incredible Twitter Fight With the Westboro Baptist Church

1 minute read

It didn’t take long for the Westboro Baptist Church to taunt J.K. Rowling on Twitter for her awesome response to Ireland legalizing same sex marriage. But the Harry Potter author fired back in kind.

After Ireland legalized same sex marriage by popular vote, Rowling tweeted a meme suggesting that if Dumbledore, beloved Hogwarts headmaster, and Gandalf, Lord of the Rings wizard, were gay together, they could now get married in that country.

The extremist Westboro Baptist Church tweeted at the author, saying they would picket the fictional wedding. That’s when Rowling shot them down:

Rowling was criticized by some fans for drawing more attention to the group by publicly engaging with them. But she had a response for them as well:

Harry Potter Illustrated Edition Illustrations

Harry PotterJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Hermione GrangerJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Ron WeasleyJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Draco MalfoyJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Rubeus HagridJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Hogwarts Grand HallJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Harry Potter Illustration Jim Kay Dragon Alley
Dragon AlleyJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Illustrations Harry Potter Hagrid
Hagrid Jim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Illustrations Harry Potter
Harry PotterJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
An owlJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
The Golden SnitchJim Kay—Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at [email protected]