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Cannes Film Festival Director: Red-Carpet Selfies Are ‘Ridiculous and Grotesque’

1 minute read

Listen up, celebrities (and lucky cinephiles with passports): if the director of the Cannes Film Festival catches you taking selfies on the red carpet, he may not run up and start confiscating phones — but he’s definitely not going to be happy about it.

While announcing the lineup of movies for the 68th annual event, Thierry Fremaux said the prestigious French film festival will launch a campaign against red-carpet selfies, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “We don’t want to prohibit it, but we want to slow down the process of selfies on the steps,” he said. “We think it’s ridiculous and grotesque and really slows things down.”

If the scorn of Fremaux isn’t enough to deter stars like Lea Seydoux and Petra Nemcova from snapping pics, the festival director offered another reason to refrain from the practice: “You never look as ugly as you do in a selfie.”


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Write to Nolan Feeney at [email protected]