• Entertainment

Mark Hamill Will Join The Flash to Reprise Role as the Trickster

2 minute read

During the second-half of The Flash‘s first season, Barry will face off with a tricky foe, and one he has fought before… sort of.

EW can confirm that Mark Hamill will join the cast of The CW’s superhero hit to play a new version of the Trickster, a role he took on in the original 1990s Flash television series. Hitfix originally reported the news.

This new interpretation of the Trickster, who appears in the show’s 17th episode, places him as a con man living out a life sentence at Iron Heights. Barry and Detective West will need to call on his help when a wannabe Trickster begins attack Central City.

This role will of course reunite Hamill with another Iron Heights inmate—Barry’s father, who is played by the Flash from the ’90s TV show, John Wesley Shipp.

Hamill’s original performance as the Trickster is one of that show’s most memorable, and it even included a storyline in which the madman worked together with Prank, one of his biggest fans.

This article originally appeared at EW.com

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