The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Hi. My name is Matthew Inman. I'm a cartoonist.

I've been publishing comics on this website since 2009. Every few years, I compile these comics into books, such as How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you. I also make card games, such as Exploding Kittens and Throw Throw Burrito. I've got an animated TV series coming to Netflix.

Watch the trailer for my Netflix series

The Latest

JokeBomb - Series One Watch the trailer for Exploding Kittens Terrible things are going down Now is your moment to shine Taking care The teaser trailer for my Exploding Kittens Netflix series just dropped! I posted some new animations How my pets see me I made some animated shorts Good vs Evil I'm thinking of a word. Try to guess what it is. Horrible Therapist - Random Comic Generator Rise from the deep How venting is supposed to feel Taking selfies from various angles Baby VS Intimacy

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