Domain Verification

Examples of Common Issues

Need further guidance on your authorized domains? Navigate to the relevant finding for targeted remediation instructions.

Your request exceeds the authorized domain limit of 10 domains

If you have received a rejection based on the allowed domain count (≥ 10 authorized domains), please reduce the number of domains to be verified.

As a reminder, you are only able to request verification for a maximum of ten (10) authorized domains. 

How do I remove authorized domains from my project?

If the domain is currently used by any of your OAuth clients, you will need to delete all redirect URIs and origin URLs referencing the domain. Perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Google Cloud Console.

  2. Select your application’s project ID.

  3. Go to the APIs & Services > Credentials page.

  4. Under OAuth 2.0 client IDs, click the client for which you want to remove unused domains.

  5. A Client ID for Web application page will appear. Delete any unused redirect URIs and unrelated origin URLs under Authorized JavaScript Origins and Authorized Redirect URIs.

  6. Click Save.

Once you’ve completed the steps above, delete the domain from the Authorized Domains list by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Google Cloud Console

  2. Select your application’s project ID.

  3. Go to OAuth Consent Screen under APIs & Services

  4. Go to Authorized Domains and delete any unnecessary domains

A developer, project owner, or editor has not yet verified one or more of your authorized domains

Verify your site ownership using these steps. Once verified, reply to the email you received from the OAuth verification team to confirm.

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