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Read the Cut’s award-winning lifestyle coverage on fashion, careers, relationships, culture, politics, and more

Get unlimited access to all other New York sites: Intelligencer, Vulture, Curbed, Grub Street, and the Strategist

Get in-depth access to celebrities with monthly digital Cut covers, exclusive event access, and discounts on merch at the New York Shop

Subscriber-only newsletters, including My Week in New York and House of the Dragon Club

Unlimited access to the weekly New York Crossword and daily Vulture 10x10 puzzle

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Tote bag featuring an early Milton Glaser logo design

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Read the Cut’s award-winning lifestyle coverage on fashion, careers, relationships, culture, politics, and more

Get unlimited access to all other New York sites: Intelligencer, Vulture, Curbed, Grub Street, and the Strategist

Get in-depth access to celebrities with monthly digital Cut covers, exclusive event access, and discounts on merch at the New York Shop

Subscriber-only newsletters, including My Week in New York and House of the Dragon Club

Unlimited access to the weekly New York Crossword and daily Vulture 10x10 puzzle