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� �2�!4Normal_GBM_pathways_spreadsheet_206_cna_20080627.xls�"?Normal_MSKCC-Rae-CNA-analysis�(@#Normal_Odds Ratios-P values S10-S11�ANormal_Table S1 2008-06-16�OBJNormal_TCGA_GBM_pathways_spreadsheets_20080714_Supp Tables 07-15-08 v2.xls� CNote� DNote 2� EOutput�F���G Percent 2� HTitle� ITotal�J Warning Text��8�������������d��q:F�������������3f������ff���f����������������������������������̙��̙3f�3���������fff����3f3�f333�3�3f33�333\���`�'z�Table S1A - Aggregate case data�&T�Table S1B - Individual samples�� Table S2 - GISTIC��� Table S3 - RAE�� Table S4 - GTS�-� Table S5 - Gene list�!�� Table S6 - Mutation table��)Table S7-OMA-003��BTable S8 - CNA in 206�%tTable S9 - Mutation+CNA in 91�&�WTable S10 - Odds ratios 91 GBM�&��Table S11 - Odds ratios 72 GBM�� & �������� ! ;c�_xlfn.COUNTIFS� _xlfn.SUMIFS  =  ;  ;M  ;`��"�� ւ?@�go_component: ribonucleoprotein complex; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingRNA binding motif protein 22 cg21060225 GI:21735578 NM_015550.2OSBPL3 GeneID:260318GTCGCACAGGCTAGGAGAACTCGACCTCC[CG]AGAAAGTCAGACTGTGGCAGAGG&ORP3; ORP-3; OSBP3; KIAA0704; MGC21526�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 3; oxysterol-binding protein 3; OSBP-related protein 3; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: lipid transport; go_process: steroid metabolism2oxysterol-binding protein-like protein 3 isoform a cg21068090 GI:21687118 NM_145263.1SPATA18 GeneID:1326719CTACAAATGAAGAATTAAAGGAATGAAAGG[CG]AAAGAATAAAGGGGCCAAAGAGGFLJ32906synonym: FLJ32906%spermatogenesis associated 18 homolog cg21074138 GI:24308351 NM_033067.1DMRTB1 GeneID:639487GCAAGGTTCCTGCTGCAGTTCC[CG]GGACACACTGCGAGCCGCTTTGTTACAAG�go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: sex differentiation; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent2DMRT-like family B with proline-rich C-terminal; 1 cg21094582 GI:54112116 NM_012433.2SF3B1 GeneID:234515GCCCTGGAGGAAAGTGGATTCTA[CG]AAGGGAGTTAAGAACAGACACTGAGTPRP10; PRPF10; SAP155; SF3b155�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; pre-mRNA splicing factor SF3b; 155 kDa subunit; spliceosome associated protein 155; pre-mRNA processing 10; go_component: spliceosome complex; go_function: binding; go_function: RNA splicing factor activity; t'splicing factor 3b; subunit 1 isoform 1 cg21096469 GI:10864048 NM_021238.1FAM60A GeneID:585160GCGCAATAATGTCCCCGAGGTG[CG]GAGTGCACGCCAGGCCAGTCCCL4; TERA; C12orf14synonyms: L4; TERA; C12orf14,family with sequence similarity 60; member A cg21097199 GI:76881816 NM_199420.2POLQ GeneID:107210CAACAGCTGCGGACATCTTCC[CG]CCAGTCTTCAAACTCAAACCTCCPOLH; PRO0327; DKFZp781A0112�DNA polymerase eta; go_component: nucleoplasm; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: damaged DNA binding; go_function: DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity; go_process: DNA repair; go_prDNA polymerase theta cg21100958 GI:40255102 NM_153034.2ZNF488 GeneID:1187385AAGTTCAGAGCCACGCGCAGTGCTCTTGGC[CG]GGAGGAGGCTGTGCTGCACFLJ32104zinc finger protein 488 cg21141873 GI:8400726 NM_002899.2 GeneID:59472GCGCAGGTACTCCTCGAAATTCT[CG]TTGACCAACATCTTCCAGTACCCCRBP; RBPC; CRBP1; CRABP-I�retinol-binding protein 1; cellular; go_function: lipid binding; go_function: retinal binding; go_function: retinol binding; go_process: transport; go_process: vitamin A metabolism#retinol binding protein 1; cellular cg21210684 GI:71274106 NM_006500.2MCAM GeneID:41621GGCCTCTATCGCTTCCCAGAA[CG]ATTGCACCACTGCCGCTGCCGCCG CD146; MUC18�melanoma adhesion molecule; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: morphogenesismelanoma cell adhesion molecule cg21222611 GI:34577058 NM_001122.2ADFP GeneID:1234GGTTCGCTGGGGCACCCACTGGG[CG]CGCACTCACCGACGGACTGCAGCGAADRP; MGC10598�adipophilin; go_component: membrane; go_component: lipid particle; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum'adipose differentiation-related protein cg21223575 GI:34222363 NM_018842.3BAIAP2L1 GeneID:559711TTCGAGGAGCAGAGGAGAAGCGGC[CG]GACGCCGCCAGAGGAAGCTGGIRTKShinsulin receptor tyrosine kinase substrate; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: receptor activity BAI1-associated protein 2-like 1 cg21255638 GI:88984854 XM_928128.1 LOC643431 GeneID:6434313GTGGAGGCAGGAGTGGAGGCAGG[CG]GGCCGAACCAGGCAGAGATCCTAGRsimilar to Keratin; type II cytoskeletal 8 (Cytokeratin-8) (CK-8) (Keraton-8) (K8) cg21266991 GI:22035690 NM_005264.2GFRA1 GeneID:26744CAGGACACGCAGTGTTCTGCAGC[CG]GCCGCGGGTGCTGCCAGACACACAC9GDNFR; RET1L; RETL1; TRNR1; GDNFRA; MGC23045; GFR-ALPHA-1�isoform a preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 1; Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor receptor alpha; TGF-beta related neurotrophic factor receptor 1; RET ligand 1; GPI-linked anchor protein; PI-linked cell-surface accessory protein; go_4GDNF family receptor alpha 1 isoform a preproprotein cg21284602 GI:62739182 NM_181435.4C1QTNF3 GeneID:1148997GACAGCAGAGCTCCAGGAGCGTGGTCTCCT[CG]GGCAGATGCCAGGACTGGAGC$Cors; CTRP3; Corcs; CORS26; FLJ37576�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; 2310005P21Rik; complement-c1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 3; collagenous repeat-containing sequence of 26-kDa; go_component: cytoplasm; go_process: phosphate transport9C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 3 isoform b cg21304187 GI:75677573 NM_020739.2CCPG1 GeneID:92368CGATTGTGCTGGCTGCCCCAGTGGCGG[CG]GTCACAGCTCGGGCGCCAATGACGCCPR8; KIAA1254oisoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; cell cycle progression 8 protein; go_function: catalytic activity"cell cycle progression 1 isoform 2 cg21304708 GI:50083294 NM_173462.2PAPLN GeneID:899325GTGTGTAGGATAGGCATGAAGAGGAG[CG]GATAGGGCAAAGCTAGAAGGCTTMGC50452; DKFZp434F053 synonyms: MGC50452; DKFZp434F053papilin cg21359407 GI:34147525 NM_138347.2ZNF551 GeneID:902330TGAGGGACGGGACAGAGAAGTCG[CG]AAAGTGGGCCAGAGGTTCTGCMGC52307�KOX 23 protein (56 AA); go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 551 cg21367851 GI:89059059 XM_037493.6SHANK3 GeneID:853582AATTGTTTTTCTTTCCCCTTCT[CG]CCCTACCTTGGTCTTCGTGCCCCG3proline-rich synapse-associated protein 2 isoform 1 cg21382137 GI:40255175 NM_173529.3C18orf54 GeneID:1626813TTGGAGATTCGAACTGAAGCCTGTA[CG]GAGGAAATGGTAAGATATATGGMGC33382synonym: MGC33382hypothetical protein LOC162681 cg21427800 GI:13375918 NM_024664.1PPCS GeneID:79717<AAAACCCACAAGTCCCACGGGTCAAATGGC[CG]AGAAACGACTCCCAAGGAGTCCAAGT-FLJ11838; MGC117357; MGC138220; RP11-163G10.1Xgo_function: ligase activity; go_function: phosphopantothenate--cysteine ligase activity&phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase cg21437713 GI:16554580 NM_000393.2COL5A2 GeneID:12907CACCAGCTCCAGCACAGTCTG[CG]AAAACTTTTTTCAAGCGATGCAGCTTTAAA MGC105115�Collagen V; alpha-2 polypeptide; AB collagen; collagen; fetal membrane; A polypeptide; type V preprocollagen alpha 2 chain; go_component: collagen; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen type V; go_function: extracellular matrix structural consti%alpha 2 type V collagen preproprotein cg21449723 GI:41350329 NM_024761.3MOBKL2B GeneID:79817/GTGGGGCGTCGCTTGCCAATCCA[CG]CAAGGGACTCTGCCGCCGGT#MOB3B; FLJ13204; FLJ23916; MGC32960LEm:AL163192.1; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding-MOB1; Mps One Binder kinase activator-like 2B cg21478743 GI:65301116 NM_002456.4MUC1 GeneID:45823GGGTCCACTGAAGCAGAGCGGGGC[CG]AGAAATAAGAGGGCTGGATAATG.EMA; PEM; PUM; MAM6; PEMT; CD227; H23AG; mucin�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; peanut-reactive urinary mucin; episialin; polymorphic epithelial mucin; epithelial membrane antigen; DF3 antigen; H23 antigen; tumor associated epithelial mucin; tumor mucin antigen; breast carcinomaMUC1 mucin isoform 1 precursor cg21480400 GI:21902536 NM_016368.3ISYNA1 GeneID:514773GAGGGGCCCAACGTCTGGAGACC[CG]GTTCGAGGCCCGACAACCCAGAGC�go_function: inositol-3-phosphate synthase activity; go_process: myo-inositol biosynthesis; go_process: phospholipid biosynthesis$myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase A1 cg21481626 GI:31083125 NM_001852.3COL9A2 GeneID:12983ACAGTCCTTCCTGGATCAGC[CG]TCTCATGAATACTCCATCGGCCTCTTCMED; EDM2; DJ39G22.4�epiphyseal dysplasia; multiple 2; collagen IX; alpha-2 polypeptide; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen type IX; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: phospha< te transport; goalpha 2 type IX collagen cg21503826 GI:8400709 NM_005524.2HES1 GeneID:32806CGCCAGGGCCTAGGGATCACACAGGATC[CG]GAGCTGGTGCTGATAACAGCGGHHL; HRY; HES-1; FLJ20408�transcription factor HES-1; hairy homolog (Drosophila); go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: transcription regulator activity; go_process: nervous system development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependenthairy and enhancer of split 1 cg21510155 GI:34304340 NM_014456.3PDCD4 GeneID:272505GGCCCGAGGGGTCAGTACCAGTAGGCG[CG]GCTCACACGCTCGGGAAGACTGH731; MGC33046; MGC33047Yisoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; nuclear antigen H731; go_process: apoptosis!programmed cell death 4 isoform 1 cg21551181 GI:4505430 NM_002519.1NPAT GeneID:4863�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; potassium inwardly-rectifying channel subfamily K member 4; TWIK-related arachidonic acid-stimulated potassium channel protein; tandem pore domain potassium channel TRAAK; 2P domain potassium channel; two pore2potassium channel; subfamily K; member 4 isoform 1 cg24865637 GI:12056467 NM_021991.1JUP GeneID:37282CCATTGGCCCCGGGGACTGCCAGT[CG]GCTCTAGGGATGGACTCTAACTDP3; PDGB; PKGB; CTNNG; DPIII�gamma-catenin; catenin (cadherin-associated protein); gamma 80kDa; catenin (cadherin-associated protein); gamma (80kD); go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: strujunction plakoglobin cg24883960 GI:25121977 NM_001351.2DAZL GeneID:16181GACAAGGCTGAGGAGCCCCGAAAGG[CG]GACCGTCAGGCTGAGGAGCG$DAZH; DAZL1; DAZLA; SPGYLA; MGC26406�deleted in azoospermia-like autosomal; spermatogenesis gene on the Y-like autosomal; germline specific RNA binding protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: spermatogenedeleted in azoospermia-like cg24886267 GI:88986445 XM_293903.6 LOC345630 GeneID:3456300GGGACGGGTGTGATGCAATCG[CG]CCACAGCCGCTGCGTCAAGGGGCsimilar to fibrillarin cg24897255 GI:18201920 NM_080645.1COL12A1 GeneID:13036AGCCAAGTGGAAAGAGACTCCGCGCCG[CG]GGCTACTTAATAGAGGGCTGTTCCOL12A1L; BA209D8.1; DJ234P15.1�short isoform precursor is encoded by transcript variant short; collagen; type XII; alpha 1-like; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen type XII; go_component: collagen type XII; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: p1alpha 1 type XII collagen short isoform precursor cg24909518 GI:9845292 NM_005132.1REC8L1 GeneID:99854TGCGCTCATTGGTCAAGGAAGGGG[CG]CCTGTTACTAGAGGCGAGAACCGG REC8; Rec8p�meiotic recombination and sister chromatid cohesion phosphoprotein of the rad21p family; go_component: nuclear chromosome; go_process: meiosis; go_process: spermatogenesis; go_process: meiotic recombination; go_process: sister chromatid cohesion; go_proce REC8-like 1 cg24926276 GI:49574519 NM_052972.2LRG1 GeneID:1168444GGGTTAGCTGGAATGTCCTGTATCTC[CG]CATGGTCTGGCGTTCAAACCTG LRG; HMFT1766�2310031E04Rik; 1300008B03Rik; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknown#leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein 1 cg24928995 GI:24797107 NM_012189.2CABYR GeneID:262567CCAAATCATGGCCTTTGTCGCTTT[CG]GCTCCCCATTGGCTGCGGCCGCTGTGGCBP86; FSP-2; MGC9117CSPG4 GeneID:14641CCTCTAGTTCCGCCAGGCTGGGT[CG]GGGTCTCAGGCCCCTCACTCAC!NG2; MCSP; MCSPG; MSK16; MEL-CSPG�go_component: membrane; go_component: cell surface; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: protein binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: receptor signaling protein tyro6melanoma-associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 cg27141761 GI:40804747 NM_017980.2LIMS2 GeneID:556795CCACCTGCCAGGAGGAAAGCCTGTGCC[CG]TGGACACACTGAGGAGGGCAGAPINCH-2; FLJ10044RILK-binding protein; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding-LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 2 cg27216998 GI:24475844 NM_153487.2MDGA1 GeneID:266727-CAGCCTCTGTCCAATTTCCT[CG]CCTCCCCCAGGACCAATTAGA GPIM; MAMDC3�contains six Ig domains; a single fibronectin III domain; a MAM (Meprin; A5 antigen; mu protein tyrosine phosphatase) domain; and a potential cleavage site for GPI membrane anchoring; glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-MAM; go_component: membrane;MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor 1 cg27232114 GI:21389442 NM_144626.1TMEM125 GeneID:128218/TCGGCCCTGCCTTCTCGGAT[CG]GATCCAGCACATCCAGGCTTCTCMGC17299synonym: MGC17299hypothetical protein LOC128218 cg27232158 GI:89037332 XM_934745.1 LOC400221 GeneID:400221:GAAGTCCCTGGAGTAACCCATGTG[CG]CAGCCTGGCACTGTTTTCACTTGCCTTTGG(hypothetical protein XP_939838 isoform 2 cg27236763 GI:50980308 NM_032175.2UTP15 GeneID:84135:CACAGTCCGATTAATTGTCCTTGGGT[CG]AGGTGTCTCGTCGGACCCTTTGGGGCTCFLJ127872go_component: nucleus; go_process: rRNA processingSrc-associated protein SAW cg27254988 GI:40217848 NM_006977.2ZBTB25 GeneID:75973GCAGCCCGCGATGGCCCCACGTGACCG[CG]TGTCTGGTAGCAGGGGAAAG KUP; ZNF46zinc finger protein 46 (KUP) cg27257130 GI:66346720 NM_004563.2PCK2 GeneID:5106/CCAACCCCCTAACTTCTAGA[CG]TCTGGCCCCTGTAGTCTCCCGCCPEPCK; PEPCK2; PEPCK-M�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; PEP carboxykinase; phosphopyruvate carboxylase; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; gEmitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 isoform 1 precursor cg27261494 GI:10346128 NM_018665.1DDX43 GeneID:555105TTTATGGGTCACGGTTGAAAACATTTC[CG]GTGCAGTGGCTGACTGTAATCCHAGE; DKFZp434H2114�DEAD-box protein 43; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity)DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 43 cg27261836 GI:14141173 NM_002129.2 GeneID:31485CATTTAGGTCCTGTCTGTCCCC[CG]CGTCGGCTCAGCCCTGCAGCGTTGGCTHMG2�high-mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein 2; go_component: chromatin; go_component: nuclear chromosome; go_component: perinuclear region; go_component: condensed chromosome; go_function: DNA bending activity; go_function: double-stranded DNA bihigh-mobility group box 2 cg27354051 GI:50540544 NM_014924.3KIAA0831 GeneID:228635GGTCTGCTGAGGGGCAACAGGTCC[CG]AAGCAGGGGGAGAGTTATATTAGAGMGC126291; MGC126292synonyms: MGC126291; MGC126292hypothetical protein LOC22863 cg27356975 GI:40255118 NM_152573.2RASEF GeneID:158158=ATTCTCAATTTTACTGGCTTTCGTTAA[CG]CATTTTTGTGCGTCTAACGTTAAGGTCCCARAB45; FLJ31614� 100 to INF (INF = infinity; note: INF implies perfect correspondence or that samples with one aberration are a subset of those with the other.)(DJ462O23.2; RP3-462O23.3; DKFZp686E221552synonyms: DJ462O23.2; RP3-462O23.3; DKFZp686E22155NIPA-like domain containing 3 cg18891668 GI:23308560 NM_153020.1RBM24 GeneID:2216622CACCATGGCTGACCGGGCTGCTGC[CG]AAAGGGCCTGCAAGGATCCCAA%RNPC6; FLJ30829; FLJ37697; dJ259A10.1oRNA-binding region (RNP1; RRM) containing 6; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindinghypothetical protein LOC221662 cg18923481 GI:53759144 NM_002092.2GRSF1 GeneID:29262GCAGCTGCTCCAGCAGCGATGGTGGAA[CG]GAAGTGGAATCCAGGGCCG�go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: mRNA binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: mRNA polyadenylylation$G-rich RNA sequence binding factor 1 cg18935311 GI:60302675NM_001012415.1C9orf157 GeneID:4023817GTCGCCTCGGTTCCCACTTATG[CG]GTGGTCTCGGTGCCCTTGGGCACTTTGGATEB2; NOHLH; bA100C15.3�newborn ovary helix loop helix; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription regulator activity; go_process: regulation of transcriptionhypothetical protein LOC402381 cg18946751 GI:24308447< NM_138484.1SGOL1 GeneID:1516480TCCTCACATTTCAAGGCTCTT[CG]AAGCTCTCCAGCCACGGCTAGCCSgo1; NY-BR-85�isoform C2 is encoded by transcript variant C2; shugoshin-like 1; shugoshin 1AB protein; shugoshin 1CD protein; shugoshin 1EF protein; shugoshin 1GH protein; shugoshin 1KL protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; pericentric region; go_prshugoshin-like 1 isoform C2 cg18950508 GI:47106051 NM_213607.1 LOC388389 GeneID:388389/GAGGGTGAGAGCTGAGGATGAA[CG]AATCTGATCAGGCGCCTCGGGhypothetical protein LOC388389 cg18962551 GI:21536459 NM_005923.3MAP3K5 GeneID:42175GACGGAGCTTCCTTTTCTTGGC[CG]GCTGACAAGTCGGCTCGCAAACCTGCGASK1; MEKK5; MAPKKK5�apoptosis signal regulating kinase; MAP/ERK kinase kinase 5; MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 5; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: protein self binding; go_0mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 cg18963156 GI:89029421 XM_372108.3 LOC389748 GeneID:3897487TCTACACTGGCTGGCTGCAGTCTCCAT[CG]CTGCCACCAACCACAAACATGGCToverriding stop codons3similar to Ribosome biogenesis protein BMS1 homolog cg18974852 GI:76880485 NM_006828.2ASCC3 GeneID:109738GGGGTCGCGCCCAGTCACAGGGAAC[CG]CGTGTGAGGACCATCAGTCAGACAGAC8RNAH; HELIC1; ASC1p200; MGC26074; DJ467N11.1; dJ121G13.4�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; RNA helicase family; ASC-1 complex subunit P200; dJ467N11.1 protein; helicase; ATP binding 1; B630009I04Rik; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_funct<activating signal cointegrator 1 complex subunit 3 isoform a cg19029506 GI:4758815 NM_004808.1NMT2 GeneID:9397.CCCTACCCTTTGGCGTGCTC[CG]TCTCCTCCTCATTGTCCCCGTC�N-myristoyltransferase 2 (NMT2); go_function: transferase activity; go_function: acyltransferase activity; go_function: glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase activity; go_process: protein-lipoylation; go_process: N-terminal protein myristoylation*glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase 2 cg19040484 GI:21361115 NM_004385.2CSPG2 GeneID:14624AGTGGGAGGGCAGTGGTTTCCG[CG]AGCAGAGCGATGTTACTGAGTGAGTCVERSICAN; DKFZp686K06110�go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: sugar binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: hyaluronic acid binding; go_process: development; go_process: cell recognition-chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2 (versican) cg19043136 GI:55743121 NM_006744.3RBP4 GeneID:59503TGGCAGGAGGCTCGAGTCAACCTGG[CG]GGAAGACCGTGGCCTCACAGAG�retinol-binding protein 4; plasma; retinol-binding protein 4; interstitial; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: binding; go_function: retinal binding; go_function: retinol binding; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport; go_p+retinol-binding protein 4; plasma precursor cg19044967 GI:44680158 NM_203349.2SHC4 GeneID:3996945CTTCTGTTCTGCACACAGGAACTTT[CG]AACCTGCTCCCTTCGGCTCTCACARaLP; MGC34023rai-like protein cg19077785 GI:58651738 NM_182964.4NAV2 GeneID:897973TTCCTTGGCTGCTCGCTCTTTCTCT[CG]CCGGCTCAGACCCGTAGCCTCCIHELAD1; RAINB1; POMFIL2; FLJ10633; FLJ11030; FLJ23707; KIAA1419; STEERIN2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; pore membrane and/or filament interacting like protein 2; retinoic acid inducible gene in neuroblastoma 1; helicase; APC down-regulated 1; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleoside-triphosphatasneuron navigator 2 isoform 1 cg19128594 GI:20149554 NM_030666.2SERPINB1 GeneID:19928GGTGACTGCGTAGGAGTCCGAGCTCC[CG]AGGTCGCCTAAGTGCAAGCAGAAGTG!EI; LEI; PI2; MNEI; M/NEI; ELANH2�protease inhibitor 2 (anti-elastase); monocyte/neutrophil; protease inhibitor 2 (anti-elastase); monocyte/neutrophil derived; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activityHserine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor; clade B (ovalbumin); member 1 cg19163591 GI:89034027 XM_372416.2 LOC390205 GeneID:3902059CTCAGTGCCAGGCTTGGCCGGGG[CG]GGGAATCTCTCGGCTTGTGCTTGCTCCGCGsimilar to Serdin1 cg19169216 GI:27477058 NM_022763.2FNDC3B GeneID:647789TTTTGTCTCCTAGTTCAGGCTATTTC[CG]TGCCTTTGTTCTACCCCTCTTTGGGGC;FAD104; PRO4979; FLJ23399; MGC10002; YVTM2421; DKFZp762K137(factor for adipocyte differentiation 104)fibronectin type III domain containing 3B cg19193036 GI:31377787 NM_006100.2ST3GAL6 GeneID:104028GCTGAGCCTTGTGTCACAGTCAGTC[CG]CGGCGCCACAAGCCTCAGTGTTTACTTSIAT10; ST3GALVI�alpha2;3-sialyltransferase; sialyltransferase 10 (alpha-2;3-sialyltransferase VI); go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: sialyltransferase activity; go_process: protein-lipoylation; go_process:alpha2;3-sialyltransferase VI cg19214241 GI:7110640 NM_012268.1PLD3 GeneID:23646.GCGGCTAGGAGGGGCCGTCAGG[CG]GGGATACAGCCTGGAAGGTGHU-K4�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; HindIII K4L; phospholipase D3; go_function: catalytic activity; go_process: metabolismphospholipase D3 isoform 2 cg19241744 GI:40255160 NM_018344.3SLC29A3 GeneID:55315=GGAGCAGCAACCAAAAGGCCTGATGCGCAG[CG]CACCCATCGCAAGCATGGGCAGTGCGTENT3; FLJ11160�equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: nucleoside transporter activity; go_process: transport<solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters); member 3 cg19244172 GI:40788009 NM_000574.2CD55 GeneID:16044TCCCCTTGGCAGCACTCAAG[CG]CGGGGATGCTCCGCTTAGACGAACTCAC CR; TC; DAF�decay-accelerating factor 3; decay accelerating factor for complement (CD55; Cromer blood group system); decay accelerating factor for complement (CD55; Cromer blood group); go_component: membrane; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: integral to(decay accelerating factor for complement cg19308708 GI:56118291 NM_030623.1SKIP GeneID:803095GGGCCCCAGTCTCAGTTGCT[CG]AGGATCCTGCTCTATCGCTCATTCGTGCC$KIAA1678; DKFZp781H143; DKFZp781J171.synonyms: KIAA1678; DKFZp781H143; DKFZp781J171-sphingosine kinase type 1-interacting protein cg19309518 GI:88961672 XM_171054.4KIAA0527 GeneID:260322GGAGAGAGCAAACAAGAGGGGACCT[CG]GGGAAGAGTGAAGAACAAAAGhypothetical protein LOC26032 cg19312460 GI:31377537 NM_145280.3 LOC151194 GeneID:151194-CCAGGGGTGAGAGGGAGACCAGG[CG]AGGGGGGTCACAGGGCCTMGC45373synonym: MGC45373hypothetical protein LOC151194 cg19324766 GI:42476194 NM_153704.3TMEM67 GeneID:911476ACGAGCAGTGACTTCCGGTACC[CG]GACTTGGGTTGTCCAATCAGCTCAGCGAMKS3; TNEM67; MGC26979!meckelin; Meckel syndrome; type 3transmembrane protein 67 cg19349601 GI:14550404 NM_020165.2RAD18 GeneID:568524TCATGACTGCCAGGCCCGGAGGCCAC[CG]AGACTCGGCCAGGGAGTCCATGRNF73�RAD18; S. cerevisiae; homolog; go_component: nucleus; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: damaged DNA binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: DNA &postreplication repair protein hRAD18p cg19350192 GI:13128989 NM_024037.1C1orf135 GeneID:790003GCTGTTCCCTTCTCTGTCCC[CG]ACTTCGCTTTCATCATCTCCAGGTGTCMGC2603; FLJ14264synonyms: MGC2603; FLJ14264hypothetical protein LOC79000 cg19352897 GI:55769534 NM_144668.3WDR66 GeneID:1444065CGTTTCCTGGCACGTGACCAC[CG]CCCTGCCCTGTCGCTTTAGGGCCTGTCGMGC33630WD repeat domain 66 cg19379959 GI:32699053 NM_182620.1FAM33A GeneID:3482353TTCCTGTTGGGCAAAGGCACAAAACGC[CG]CAGGAGGATTGGCTGCTGTGFLJ12758synonym: FLJ12758hypothetical protein LOC348235 cg19385029 GI:11545840 NM_022120.1OXCT2 GeneID:640646CAAGTGTCCAATGAGCAGGCGC[CG]CTGGGTGACACCGACGCTCATGAACACCFKSG25; SCOT-T; FLJ00030�go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: CoA-transferase activity; go_function: 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase activity; go_process: metabolism3-oxoacid CoA transferase 2 cg19403377 GI:8922795 NM_018286.1TMEM100 GeneID:552737TTTCAGGCTACCTCTGTTCCTAAATGA[CG]CTTGTCTTTCCCTCCCTCTCTCTT< FLJ10970; FLJ37856synonyms: FLJ10970; FLJ37856hypothetical protein LOC55273 cg19427383 GI:11141876 NM_021805.1SIGIRR GeneID:59307/CGGCCTCACCTGGTTCCAGA[CG]TTCCACACTCCGGGTCTGTTTCCTIR8; MGC110992�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transmembrane receptor activity; go_process: acute-phase response; go_process: negative regulation of chemokine biosynthes single Ig IL-1R-related molecule cg19449275 GI:89057916 XR_001007.1MGC4294 GeneID:791601GGAGACTCCTGCCCTGGTGTGCC[CG]GCTCCTGCCCATCCAGCAGAGC cg19525937 GI:13376141 NM_024782.1XLF GeneID:798401GCCAGGGTAAGTGGAGGAGAGGC[CG]GGCAGCCGGCTAGTAGAAGGGTFLJ12610 CernunnosXRCC4-like factor cg19584215 GI:42476211 NM_173490.4PRP2 GeneID:134285/GGCCGGGGCACGGTACCCTGTT[CG]GCCTGGGCCGCAACCACGAAGgo_function: receptor activityproline-rich protein PRP2 cg19593640 GI:22208966 NM_145899.1 GeneID:3159hypothetical protein LOC112703 cg23225740 GI:38045951 NM_021030.2 GeneID:75617GGAAGTCACGGTGTCCTCCCTA[CG]GATCTGTCAGTACCTGCAGGTCACGGCGC KOX6; GIOT-4�gonadotropin inducible transcription repressor-4; zinc finger protein KOX6; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription;zinc finger protein 14 cg23236499 GI:35250685 NM_025090.2USP36 GeneID:576026TCCGCAGCGCACTAGAGGTGCCGCTACTTC[CG]GGTCGGCCGAGCACACCTGGDUB1�deubiquitinating enzyme 1; go_function: ubiquitin thiolesterase activity; go_function: cysteine-type endopeptidase activity; go_process: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolismubiquitin specific protease 36 cg23242273 GI:27734882 NM_173553.1FLJ25801 GeneID:2058606GAAATAAGTCCACGCAGACAGAG[CG]GGTCGGCGCTCTGGACTCCTCAAATCChypothetical protein LOC205860 cg23262134 GI:40807462 NM_021220.2OVOL2 GeneID:584959GACTGAGCATGCGCCCTGCAACATAA[CG]GTGTCAACAAGCTCGCTACCTGTCCGAZNF339; EUROIMAGE566589zinc finger protein 339 cg23271897 GI:27436972 NM_004975.2KCNB1 GeneID:37451GCGAGGCAGAAAGCGAAAGCGGACG[CG]GGTCAGCAAACGGGGAGCTGDRK1; KV2.1; h-DRK1�h-DRK1 K(+) channel; delayed rectifier potassium channel Kv2.1; potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1; potassium channel protein DRK1; voltage-gated potassium channel; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: vApotassium voltage-gated channel; Shab-related subfamily; member 1 cg23284061 GI:14602458 NM_005656.2TMPRSS2 GeneID:7113/CCCCCGGAGCTGCTACCTCA[CG]AGCTCCTGTAGGCGGCCGGCCCCPRSS10�epitheliasin; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase activity; go_process: proteolysis transmembrane protease; serine 2 cg23287754 GI:4885234 NM_005248.1FGR GeneID:2268/GGCCAGCATCCTCCTTGGC[CG]TGGCCACCGGCTCCAATTTCTTGCSRC2; c-fgr; p55c-fgr�2410003I07Rik; tumor endothelial marker 7; go_component: membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_process: development; go_process: angiogenesis$plexin domain containing 1 precursor cg26470659 GI:70995240 NM_017664.2ANKRD10 GeneID:556080CCTGGAGCAGCCGGGTAGGGAG[CG]GAGCCTGGACCAGAGGACGCCAFLJ20093; DKFZp686B07190"synonyms: FLJ20093; DKFZp686B07190ankyrin repeat domain 10 cg26478234 GI:5174632 NM_006071.1PKDREJ GeneID:103439GATGGCTCAGGAGGGCAGTTCAGCCC[CG]TGCAGACCACAGAGCTGACCACGGAGA�polycystic kidney disease (polycystin) and REJ (sperm receptor for egg jelly; sea urchin homolog)-like; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: cation channel activity; go_process: cation -receptor for egg jelly-like protein precursor cg26482113 GI:54400756 NM_004947.3DOCK3 GeneID:17955ACCCCCACGGAGGAGGAGAAATACGG[CG]TAGGTAGGTGAGGCTCAGGCCTGMOCA; KIAA0299�dedicator of cyto-kinesis 3; presenilin-binding protein; modifier of cell adhesion; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: GTPase binding; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activitydedicator of cytokinesis 3 cg26483628 GI:56118218NM_001007225.1IGF2BP2 GeneID:106446TCTGGTCGGGGTAGTCCACGAAGG[CG]TAGCCGGACTTCAGCAGGACCTGTCCp62; IMP2; IMP-2; VICKZ2�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 2; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: morphogenesis;=insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2 isoform b cg26522389 GI:50593534 NM_003945.3ATP6V0E GeneID:89928ATCAGAACACTTTGCTGAGCCC[CG]GGTGACCGAATCCCTAGCTCTGGGGTGAGCM9.2; ATP6H; Vma21; Vma21p�ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal 9kD V0 subunit e; ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal (vacuolar proton pump) 9kD; ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal 9kD V0 subunit M9.2; vacuolar ATP synthase subunit H; V-ATPase H subunit; vacuolar proton pump H subunit0ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal; V0 subunit e cg26537639 GI:68509913 NM_000101.2CYBA GeneID:15353ACGTGCACTCACTCAGGCCGGA[CG]CCAGCGCCTGTTCGTTGGCCCACAT�p22-phox; cytochrome b(558) alpha-subunit; cytochrome b light chain; flavocytochrome b-558 alpha polypeptide; go_component: membrane; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: heme binding; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; gocytochrome b; alpha polypeptide cg26552774 GI:75677607NM_001033517.1SERINC4 GeneID:6191897CTTTGTCCTTAGGGCCTCAACACTG[CG]GCCACTCAGGCTGTTCTCTCCAGATTFLJ40363serine incorporator 4 cg26584089 GI:41872338 NM_201438.1PPHLN1 GeneID:51535�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; myosin RLC; myosin regulatory light chain 2; smooth muscle isoform; go_component: myosin; go_component: muscle myosin; go_function: motor activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: structural con/myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9 isoform a cg22787378 GI:4506868 NM_003004.1SECTM1 GeneID:63984GGGAGGCACCGCACCCGCGGTTCA[CG]CTAAAGGAAGCAGGAAAGCCGCCGK12�type 1a transmembrane protein; K12 protein precusor; go_component: Golgi apparatus; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: cytokine activity; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_process: immune response%secreted and transmembrane 1 precusor cg22795810 GI:33187364 NM_020390.5EIF5A2 GeneID:566480TCTCCTTCTTTCTCTCGGTCAG[CG]CTCAGTTCTGGGCGCCTTCCCCEIF-5A2; eIF5AII�go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: translation initiation factor activity; go_process: protein biosynthesis; go_process: translational initiationeIF-5A2 protein cg22823121 GI:31542506 NM_032132.2HORMAD1 GeneID:84072=GAGCCTCAGACACGGGAAGCCTCAGCGCCA[CG]TCTCAGGCAGTGGAAAAGCCAGACAGA#NOHMA; DKFZP434A1315; RP11-363I22.1HORMA domain containing proteinHORMA domain containing 1 cg22842772 GI:34147705 NM_145042.2MGC16703 GeneID:1136912CGCCTGAGAGGATAAACTGCACGCGCCA[CG]GGCTATGCACTGGGCTGG�go_component: microtubule; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: microtubule-based movementhypothetical protein LOC113691 cg22866937 GI:25777652 NM_002251.3KCNS1 GeneID:37871GCGCAGTGTCCTTACCTGCCCA[CG]GGTTCCTGATTCCCACCTGCCAAKV9.1�delayed-rectifier K+ channel alpha subunit 1; voltage-gated potassium channel protein Kv9.1; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: voltage-gated potassium channel complex; go_function: protein binding; go_functio<potassium voltage-gated channel delayed-rectifier protein S1 cg22890183 GI:5803016 NM_006732.1FOSB GeneID:2354-GGTAGAACAGGGTAGGTGGGGG[CG]CCAGAGGTGAAGGGGACCTG0S3; GOS3; GOSB; MGC42291�Oncogene FOS-B; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor binding; go_process: behavior; go_process: development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: re< gulation of progression throug0FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog B cg22891798 GI:40068041 NM_017527.2LY6K GeneID:547429TGATGAGAGTTTTACAGGATTACTCACGAA[CG]GCCCAGGCAGGGGCCTTACTAGTFLJ35226; HSJ001348synonyms: FLJ35226; HSJ001348%lymphocyte antigen 6 complex; locus K cg22902574 GI:6633806 NM_005574.2LMO2 GeneID:40055CGGAGCCTTCACCCTTGCAG[CG]AGCTCTCTCACACCAGATGTGCTCTGCGTTTG2; RBTN2; RHOM2; RBTNL1�go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: developmentLIM domain only 2 cg22905325 GI:38026848 NM_007011.4ABHD2 GeneID:110571CTCATTCCTCTGAGCCCAGT[CG]ACAGCTGACCTTACCCAGCCCTCTA*HS1-2; LABH2; PHPS1-2; MGC26249; MGC111112�lung alpha/beta hydrolase 2; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: catalytic activity; go_process: biological process unknown0alpha/beta hydrolase domain containing protein 2 cg22925976 GI:4502040 NM_000693.1ALDH1A3 GeneID:220/GGCTCAGCTCCCTGCCGGGT[CG]GGTGTCCCAGCCCTGCGACTTCCALDH6; RALDH3; ALDH1A6�aldehyde dehydrogenase 6; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: aldehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: lipid metabolism; go_process: alcohol metabolismaldehyde dehydrogenase 1A3 cg22966277 GI:47717135 NM_020666.2CLK4 GeneID:573960GGGGCTCGAGCCTCCACACTG[CG]GCTGCGCGGCCCAAGCATTTCCADKFZp686A20267�protein serine threonine kinase Clk4; dual specificity protein kinase CLK4; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: prCDC-like kinase 4 cg23003874 GI:4503916 NM_001481.1GAS8 GeneID:26224TGAGCACGTGCTGTGTGCTGTTCTAGG[CG]CTGAAGGATAGAAGTGAAGGGGAS11�growth arrest specific 11; growth arrest-specific 11; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: microtubule; go_component: flagellum (sensu Eukaryota); go_function: Ras GTPase activator activity; go_process: sperm motility; go_process: negative regulationgrowth arrest-specific 8 cg23009490 GI:23503262 NM_153341.1IBRDC3 GeneID:127544-CCCTGCTTGGGACACCCACG[CG]GGGTCCCTGCTGCCCCCAGCCFLJ90005Bgo_component: integral to membrane; go_function: metal ion bindingIBR domain containing 3 cg23055241 GI:88943017 XM_927576.1 LOC644433 GeneID:6444332TTATGCAGTGCCCCTCCTCTGTC[CG]CATCCCCAGGACCACCATGGGTGhypothetical protein XP_932669 cg23094674 GI:37595547 NM_014935.2PLEKHA6 GeneID:228740TTAACTCCATCCACACCAG[CG]ACAAGCTGCTAACCATCCACGCAGCPEPP3; KIAA0969synonyms: PEPP3; KIAA0969-phosphoinositol 3-phosphate-binding protein-3 cg23098191 GI:4504848 NM_002246.1KCNK3 GeneID:37778TCCCATTCTCCGTAGTTATCAG[CG]TTTCGCTGTCTAGTTTTCTCTGTCTCTCGGOAT1; TASK; TBAK1; TASK-1�potassium inwardly-rectifying channel; subfamily K; member 3; potassium channel; subfamily K; member 3 (TASK); potassium channel; subfamily K; member 3 (TASK-1); TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ channel; acid-sensitive potassium channel protein TASK; Kcnk3 (potassium channel; subfamily K; member 3 cg23106888 GI:4759053 NM_004165.1RRAD GeneID:62365CCGCCGCTGCTGCTGCAGCCAC[CG]CCTTCTCAGCCCGCACTGGGCTCTGGCRAD; RAD1; REM3�RAS (RAD and GEM) like GTP binding 3; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: GTPase activity; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transduction$Ras-related associated with diabetes cg23122813 GI:58331118 NM_014145.4C20orf30 GeneID:290585TTGTCTCTTTACCCAGCTTCC[CG]GGCTAACCCTTACCGAGTGTCACCTGCAHSPC274; dJ1116H23.2.1,isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 3'hypothetical protein LOC29058 isoform 2 cg23160355 GI:56117847NM_001007243.1STAR GeneID:67702TCCTGAGCCCCTCAAGCTT[CG]CCTCTGAGTCCCGCAGCTGCAGCCTGGSTARD1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; steroidogenic acute regulatory protein; START domain containing 1; cholesterol trafficker; steroid acute regulatory protein; mitochondrial steroid acute regulatory protein; go_component: mitochondrion; go_func'steroidogenic acute regulator isoform 2 cg23185156 GI:22035618 NM_013258.3 GeneID:291082CCAGCATAACATGGCCAACC[CG]ATGGCTCCCGAAACCTTGCCAGATGCASC; TMS1; CARD5; MGC10332�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD; target of methylation-induced silencing-1; caspase recruitment domain protein 5; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; go_function: c(PYD and CARD domain containing isoform a cg23196952 GI:40807456 NM_018102.3ZNF334 GeneID:557133GACGCCCGAGTGCTCAGAGCT[CG]CCGCCAGCCCTTCCTATAGGTTGTGG�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcrip!zinc finger protein 334 isoform a cg23199802 GI:39930396 NM_020463.1SMEK2 GeneID:572234ACCGGGGAAGTACGTAGCCTTGAAC[CG]GAGTAACCAGGGACAGAAAGGAAKIAA1387�go_component: membrane; go_component: proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex; go_function: binding; go_function: hydrogen-transporting ATPase activity; rotational mechanism; go_function: hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase activity; rotational mechahypothetical protein LOC57223 cg23208227 GI:37059768 NM_153353.2LRRC34 GeneID:1518271AAGGAGGTGACATCTGGATGGTC[CG]AAGGAGGCTGCCAGAGGACAGAMGC27085synonym: MGC27085!leucine rich repeat containing 34 cg23220281 GI:76253858 NM_138411.1 LOC112703 GeneID:1127031GGTGAGTTACAGACGGAAGGAGGCTG[CG]CAGGGCTGAGAGGGAAGAGFLJ27522; FLJ43757synonyms: FLJ27522; FLJ43757�crystallin; gamma-3; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: structural constituent of eye lens; go_process: biological process unknowncrystallin; gamma C cg26302448 GI:23957699 NM_153608.1ZNF114 GeneID:1630714GGGAAATGCAGGAAGCCAGCAAGCGGC[CG]GAGTCTCCGGAGCCCGCAAGGMGC17986�zinc finger protein 114 (Y18); go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 114 cg26335844 GI:28872811 NM_015358.1MORC3 GeneID:235150CATAGGGCTCCACAGTCGTTC[CG]CCACCTCCCAGTCGGGTTGCGGCNXP2; ZCW5; ZCWCC3�nuclear matrix protein NXP2; zinc finger; CW-type with coiled-coil domain 3; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: zinc ion binding!MORC family CW-type zinc finger 3 cg26380443 GI:14195603 NM_018935.2PCDHB15 GeneID:561211TCTGGCAGGCTGGGAACCCCGT[CG]CTATTCTGTGATGGAGGAAACAG PCDH-BETA15�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: homophilic cell adhesion; go_process: nervous system developmentprotocadherin beta 15 precursor cg26408925 GI:50959213 NM_001284.2AP3S1 GeneID:1176:TCGAAGCTGTCGCAGACCTCTGAA[CG]TTAGTAACGCAACATGTGTTTCTCCGCGACCLAPS3; Sigma3A�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; clathrin-associated/assembly/adaptor protein; small 3 (22kD); go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: clathrin vesicle coat; go_component: transport vesicle; go_component: membrane coat adaptor complex; go_fu<adaptor-related protein complex 3; sigma 1 subunit isoform 1 cg26415968 GI:13124755 NM_015147.1CEP68 GeneID:231774GGAGCGTCCACGTATTGGTGGAGCCG[CG]GACTTAGAGCTGCGATTCGCTGKIAA0582centrosomal protein 68 kDahypothetical protein LOC23177 cg26425461 GI:14211539 NM_020963.1MOV10 GeneID:43431GCCAACTTCCAGCTGCAGCGG[CG]ACTTTCAGTTTCATTTCCACGGACgb110; KIAA1631�Mov10 (Moloney leukemia virus 10; mouse) homolog; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: helicase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: development)Mov10; Moloney leukemia virus 10; homolog cg26437130 GI:35038600 NM_194292.1SASS6 GeneID:16< 37861GTTCCGGGTATTAACCTGTGTGGCG[CG]GGGGCTGAGGCAGCCATGTT SAS6; SAS-6; FLJ22097; MGC119440ngo_component: centrosome; go_component: centrosome; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: centrosome duplication#spindle assembly abnormal protein 6 cg26456205 GI:24797132 NM_002147.2HOXB5 GeneID:32155ATGACGATCCGAGAATCGTTAGGGC[CG]ATTCAATGCGAGCCTCCGAGAGAG"HOX2; HU-1; HOX2A; Hox2.1; HHO.C10�homeo box 2A; homeobox protein Hox-B5; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent homeo box B5 cg26456838 GI:21361852 NM_020405.3PLXDC1 GeneID:571255AGCTCGCCTCGCATGGTGGGTGCC[CG]GACCTGCCCCCGGCCTGCTTGCTGCTEM3; TEM7; FLJ45632�antigen CD49D; alpha-4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor; very late activation protein 4 receptor; alpha 4 subunit; integrin alpha-4 subunit; 269C wild type; integrin alpha 4; go_component: membrane; go_component: integrin complex; go_component: integral to membrintegrin alpha 4 precursor cg25607149 GI:14589846 NM_018144.2SEC61A2 GeneID:551761GCAAAATACGATTGGTTCGGTCC[CG]TCCGCTCTCAGCGGCTCAGTCCFLJ10578�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: protein translocase activity; go_process: protein secretion; go_process: protein targeting; go_process: protein transportSec61 alpha form 2 cg25620616 GI:29570784 NM_080618.2CTCFL GeneID:1406906TTGGCTTGTGGGCTCTGCCTCGTGCAC[CG]CGTGCTGCAGCCCACAGCCGGCCBORIS; CTCF-T; dJ579F20.2�brother of the regulator of imprinted sites; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-de!CCCTC-binding factor-like protein cg25641272 GI:21361085 NM_003844.2 TNFRSF10A GeneID:87972TTCCTCTGTGACCGCCCTTGC[CG]CTCTCAGCTTCTGTTCCTCAACCAC,DR4; APO2; CD261; MGC9365; TRAILR1; TRAILR-1�death receptor 4; cytotoxic TRAIL receptor; TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand receptor 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: TRAIL binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: caspase activator activity; 6tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily; member 10a cg25662206 GI:22547147 NM_012170.2FBXO22 GeneID:262639GAAGAAAACAGTTCCGAGCGTATTACGGAA[CG]GAGTACACCTCGGAGTACGGGCTFBX22; FLJ13986`isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; F-box only protein 22; go_process: ubiquitin cycleF-box only protein 22 isoform b cg25670330 GI:42716284 NM_023067.2FOXL2 GeneID:6686CAGGAGCCTCGCTCTGTTCTGATT[CG]TATGGGCTCCACCGAGTTCCGCTTGCBPES; PFRK; POF3; BPES1; PINTO�Blepharophimosis; epicanthus inversus; and ptosis 1; blepharophimosis; epicanthus inversus and ptosis; forkhead transcription factor FOXL2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulatioforkhead box L2 cg25733613 GI:32455243 NM_181699.1PPP2R1B GeneID:55195AAGACTCAGGCGGACCAAAGAGAGTGCC[CG]AGGCCAGGAGGAAAAAGGCTTMGC26454�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; protein phosphatase 2; structural/regulatory subunit A; beta; PP2A; subunit A; PR65-beta isoform; PP2A; subunit A; R1-beta isoform; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A; 65 kDa regulatory subunit A; beta isEbeta isoform of regulatory subunit A; protein phosphatase 2 isoform b cg25740956 GI:57863309 NM_012447.2STAG3 GeneID:107340GACCTTCCCTGAACCCTGCT[CG]GCCAGAAGTCACTCTTCCAGGCTC�stromalin 3; cohesin subunit SA-3; SCC3 homolog 3; go_component: nucleus; go_component: synaptonemal complex; go_function: binding; go_process: meiosis; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: chromosome segregation; go_process: synaptonemal complex formationstromal antigen 3 cg25803612 GI:24497613 NM_004795.2KL GeneID:93652GCTCCGCTAGGGCCCGGCAGGATCC[CG]CCCCCAAGTCGGGGAAAGTTG�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: hormone activity; go_function: vitamin D binding; go_function: glucosidase activity; go_function: beta-glucuronidase activity; go_procesklotho isoform a cg25820798 GI:41406088 NM_005686.2 GeneID:95800CAGAGCTCAGCGGTCAGCCT[CG]TAGGCCCTGACTCGGAATCGAGCC$ICA12; Sox-13; MGC117216; SRY-box 133TGTAGGTGTTGGAACCCAGAGAGGT[CG]CCATCTTGAGAGCGTCCGGAGGFLJ10290�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant A-1; gene rich cluster; A gene; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: G-protein coupled re(G protein-coupled receptor 162 isoform 1 cg16966815 GI:13569937 NM_030965.1 ST6GALNAC5 GeneID:818497CTTTAGGACCCAGCAGGCGGCGGCAGG[CG]GCAGTTGTGTAGATCGCTGAGAGASIAT7E; MGC3184; ST6GalNAcV�GD1 alpha synthase; GalNAc alpha-2;6-sialyltransferase V; alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2;6-sialyltransferase V; alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl 2;3-betagalactosyl-1;3)-N-acetyl galactosaminide alpha-2;6-sialyltransferase E; sialyltransferase 7 (alpha-N-acsialyltransferase 7E cg16980395 GI:38505169 NM_006909.1RASGRF2 GeneID:59245CCTTTAAATCGGTCTCCAAGC[CG]ATTACAGCTGAGCTCCCACGTGACGTTTGRF2; RAS-GRF2; DKFZp781H1715ngo_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transduction:Ras protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2 cg16982193 GI:19424129 NM_133493.1CD109 GeneID:1352285CCTGGATTTGCGATGTTTGCCACAGCAG[CG]AGAAGCGCCATTGTAATGGGG-CPAMD7; FLJ38569; RP11-525G3.1; DKFZp762L1111SGov system alloantigens on platelets; go_function: endopeptidase inhibitor activity cg16994918 GI:4502420 NM_001199.1BMP1 GeneID:649+GGGAGACAGGAAGGAGGGAGG[CG]AGCAGAGGGAAGGGGAAGPCP; TLD; PCOLC�splice variant BMP1-1 isoform 1; precursor is encoded by transcript variant BMP1-1; procollagen C-endopeptidase; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: astacin activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: cytokine activity; go_function: 1bone morphogenetic protein 1 isoform 1; precursor cg17019292 GI:21687269 NM_144724.1MARVELD2 GeneID:1535626CCCAGTGTGTGGTCATTGCCGCGA[CG]TGCCGGCTGGTGGCACCGAGCAGCCTTric; MARVD2; MRVLDC2; FLJ30532�isoform beta is encoded by transcript variant 2; MARVEL (membrane-associating) domain containing 2; tricellulin; go_component: membrane'MARVEL domain containing 2 isoform beta cg17023455 GI:18379347 NM_003105.3SORL1 GeneID:66533GCAGGGAGAACAAGGAGGTGTGCC[CG]CCAGGGAAGGGACGCACCCCCAC!LR11; LRP9; SORLA; gp250; SorLA-1�mosaic protein LR11; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: lipid transporter activity; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_function: transmembrane receptor activity; go_process: lipid transport; go_proceGsortilin-related receptor containing LDLR class A repeats preproprotein cg17061193 GI:8923805 NM_018470.1 C10orf110 GeneID:558531TTCAGTCCGGGGCTTGGTTGAA[CG]GACTCACCAGGAAACGTGACTTTHT009Muncharacterized hypothalamus protein HT009; HT009-like protein; Em:AC022536.4$chromosome 10 open reading frame 110 cg17065347 GI:27262631 NM_006133.1C11orf11 GeneID:7475TCCCGGCCGCCCACGGGACCCCAGC[CG]AGCCTGAGCCAGGCGCCCACCGCCNSDDRJgo_function: triacylglycerol lipase activity; go_process: lipid metabolism+neural stem cell-derived dendrite regulator cg17069791 GI:89058859 XM_379036.3 LOC400890 GeneID:4008902CCTGATGACATGGTTAACGAGGAAGA[CG]ATGTGTTGACCGGCTGCCGThypothetical protein XP_379036 cg17072609 GI:63003929NM_001017970.1TMEM30B GeneID:1612911TTCCTCTCAGTCCAGGTCAT[CG]GACTCCACCTCCTCTCCTAGGTGAGCDC50B; MGC126775synonyms: CDC50B; MGC126775transmembrane protein 30B cg17114847 GI:31657118 NM_024783.2AGBL2 GeneID:798418GGCCCGTCCCAAGCAGCACGGATGGCTG[CG]GCAGAGAAGCTCCAGCGAGGCAGGFLJ23598Ago_function: carboxypeptidase A activity; go_process: proteolysisATP/GTP binding protein-like 2 cg17122564 GI:38505221 NM_019022.3TXNDC10< GeneID:544950CCCATTACCTGTGGCGCAGAGC[CG]CAGGGCCGTCCAACTCTTCCACTMX3; FLJ20793; KIAA1830�thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 3; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: isomerase activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: electron transporter activity; go_function: protein disul thioredoxin domain containing 10 cg17127725 GI:34222336 NM_020685.3C3orf14 GeneID:574151TGACTCTGAGAAGGTGCGGATCTT[CG]ATTCTAAGGGGAGAATGTGATHT021synonym: HT021hypothetical protein LOC57415 cg17166948 GI:21361932 NM_030790.2CDA08 GeneID:815332AGTGAGCTGGAAGGTCTTGGAG[CG]AAGAGCTCGGACCAAGCGCTCAGGTIPdgo_component: integrin complex; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: cell-matrix adhesionT-cell immunomodulatory protein cg17202718 GI:15147249 NM_033256.1PPP1R14A GeneID:942742GGTCGAGCGGTCACTTGTTCCTT[CG]TTCATTCATTCACTCATCCATCCCPI-17; PPP1INLu17-kDa PKC-potentiated inhibitory protein of PP1; 17-KDa protein; go_function: protein phosphatase inhibitor activity9protein phosphatase 1; regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 14A cg17234819 GI:33636753 NM_022465.2ZNFN1A4 GeneID:643757GCCTCAGCCCTGCTTCCTGTGGA[CG]TCAGGCAGTGATGCTCTTGCCCTCAGGC EOS; KIAA1782�zinc finger transcription factor Eos; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcriptional repressor activity$zinc finger protein; subfamily 1A; 4 cg17246807 GI:4827029 NM_005078.1TLE3 GeneID:7090:GTTCTCGCAGCGAAATCCCAGAGTCGGG[CG]CCCGCCCCAAGTGGAGACAAAGAGCC#ESG; ESG3; GRG3; HsT18976; KIAA1547�transducin-like enhancer of split 3; homolog of Drosophila E(sp1); enhancer of split groucho 3; go_component: nucleus; go_process: organ morphogenesis; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: frizzled signaling pathway; go_process: regulation of tran"transducin-like enhancer protein 3 cg17283826 GI:19924110 NM_016335.2PRODH GeneID:5625.CTGCATGGTGGGGACCCTCTGC[CG]GCAGGGCTGAGGCCAAGGCC+PIG6; SCZD4; HSPOX2; PRODH1; PRODH2; TP53I6�tumor protein p53 inducible protein 6; proline dehydrogenase (proline oxidase ); p53 induced protein; proline oxidase 2; Proline oxidase; mitochondrial; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: proline dehydrogenase !proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 1 cg17297271 GI:13376326 NM_024882.1C6orf155 GeneID:799406GATGTCGGCGTACAGAGGGCTGTTC[CG]CCCAATCAGGTGTCGGAAAGCCCAGFLJ13189; dJ288M22.3synonyms: FLJ13189; dJ288M22.3hypothetical protein LOC79940 cg17303271 GI:48762943 NM_175857.3KRTAP8-1 GeneID:3378791GGAAGACAGCCCCGGGGAAGTTGT[CG]CAGAGCATGGTGTCGGGAGTGKAP8.1#go_component: intermediate filamentkeratin associated protein 8-1 cg17306201 GI:50345871 NM_032756.2GLOXD1 GeneID:848424GATGAGTGGGAGCCCAGTGCCTGG[CG]CCGAGTGAAGGCAGCCATTGTGAGMGC15668; RP4-534D1.1synonyms: MGC15668; RP4-534D1.1glyoxalase domain containing 1 cg17315014 GI:7662101 NM_015564.1LRRTM2 GeneID:260458ACCATGCTTTGTAACAGCATCGGGGT[CG]TTGCAGGACCCCCTGATTACAATAAApleucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 2 protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane,leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 2 cg17330681 GI:40217791 NM_199126.1ZNF585A GeneID:1997041CACTAACTCCACAGGCAACCT[CG]ACACCCCCTATTACTGGCTCCACAFLJ23765zinc finger protein 585A cg17350349 GI:62821781NM_001012754.2 LOC387921 GeneID:3879214CGCCCTGGTCTCTGTTCCCTTT[CG]TACTCAAAGCTCGTGCATCCAGGGAGDKFZp313M1221; DKFZp686E1140,isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1(hypothetical protein LOC387921 isoform a cg17352610 GI:6601589 NM_007332.1TRPA1 GeneID:89895TACAGACCTGTGTTTCCCACCA[CG]TGCACCTTCTTCTGGCGGCCTCTTTGAANKTM1�ankyrin-like with transmembrane domains 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: cation channel activity; go_function: channel or pore class transporter activity; go_process: catioankyrin-like protein 1 cg17357895 GI:70912385 NM_015432.2PLEKHG4 GeneID:258949CCTGGGCCATGCAACCTGTAGCTCT[CG]GCCTCTTCTGTCTCCTTTCAGGCTGAGTDKFZP434I216; puratrophin1*Purkinje cell atrophy associated protein 1Mpleckstrin homology domain containing; family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4 cg17375938 GI:23199977 NM_152240.1WIG1 GeneID:643933GAGCAGGCCCGGCAGCGGTGGCAG[CG]GTAGCAGTGGCGGCTCCCGCATC!WIG-1; PAG608; FLJ12296; MGC10613�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; zinc finger protein WIG1; WIG-1/PAG608 protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding(p53 target zinc finger protein isoform 2 cg17385448 GI:37537721 NM_024758.3AGMAT GeneID:79814.CAGGCTGGGGGTGCCCACTGGC[CG]GCACTGTGCCAGGGGTGTCTFLJ23384�agmatinase; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: arginase activity; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: agmatinase activity; go_function: manganese ion binding; go_process: arginine catabolism; go_process: pu#agmatine ureohydrolase (agmatinase) cg17388696 GI:88978355 XR_000559.1MGC39584 GeneID:4410586AGCATCTCCTGGACAGTCAGC[CG]AGTGTTTCCATGATACCAGCCATACCTGA cg17399166 GI:34419629 NM_001766.2CD1D GeneID:9123GTCAAAAGGTTAGGGTGATGGTGA[CG]GTGGAAATATAGAAAAAGGAATT�Thymocyte antigen CD1D; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: beta-2-microglobulin binding; go_function: exogenous lipid antigen binding; go_function: protein heterodimerization activity; go_process: T celCD1D antigen; d polypeptide cg17400103 GI:38372914 NM_058187.3C21orf63 GeneID:592718AAAGCCCAATTATTAGCGCTCGG[CG]GCTGTTTGCGCCGGTGCAGTGTCAGATCCB18; SUE21; PRED34>go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: sugar binding#chromosome 21 open reading frame 63 cg17417054 GI:21735568 NM_022111.2CLSPN GeneID:63967/CCACCTAACCTCTCGGTGCC[CG]GCCTTCTAAGCCCCCGTGGGGGGCLASPIN�go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: protein binding; go_process: DNA repair; go_process: cell cycleclaspin cg17423723 GI:55741629NM_001007125.1 LOC198437 GeneID:198437/GTGCCCCTATGTCTGCGGTCCC[CG]ACAGTCAGGGTCTCCCACCAGhypothetical protein LOC198437 cg17442270 GI:8922429 NM_018097.1CEP27 GeneID:55142/GGAAGGTGCGTCCGAGCCATGGC[CG]CTGCCAACCCGTGGGACCCGC15orf25; FLJ10460; HsT170254centrosomal protein 27 kDa; go_component: centrosomehypothetical protein LOC55142 cg17462616 GI:21359981 NM_138571.3HINT3 GeneID:1351146GCTCCATTATGTCAAACGCTCC[CG]CGCCTCTGTGATGTCACCACGACGCGCTHINT4; FLJ33126; MGC22976HIT-like protein,histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 3 cg17507749 GI:46409387 NM_207382.1FLJ43276 GeneID:3881652CCAACTGGTGTGTGTGTATTTAGGGG[CG]GGGGGAGGTACAAAACCACChypothetical protein LOC388165 cg17562876 GI:21389338 NM_144573.1NEXN GeneID:916246AGAGAACGGAGGAGGAACGAAAA[CG]CAGAATTGAGCAGGATATGTTAGAAAANELIN; nexilin4CCGCATCTCCTGGTTCCAGTGG[CG]GCACTGAACTCGCGGCAATTTGTCCCE14*E14 gene; NPAT gene; go_component: nucleus-nuclear protein; ataxia-telangiectasia locus cg21571155 GI:13124874 NM_022844.1MYH11 GeneID:46298GCACCGCACAAGGGCGCACGGAACAGGTG[CG]CACAGGGACGGGAGTCTCAGCCC<AAT4; FAA4; SMHC; SMMHC; MGC32963; MGC126726; DKFZp686D10126�isoform SM2 is encoded by transcript variant SM2; smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 11; isoform SM2; smooth muscle myosin heavy chain isoform SM1; smooth muscle myosin heavy chain isoform SM2; go_component: myosin; go_component: muscle myosin; go_component/smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 11 isoform SM2 cg21577328 GI:35038527 NM_015148.2PASK GeneID:231784CGCAGGTATCTCACCTGGATCAGG[CG]AGGGTCACGCCAAGCCGGCTACAC4STK37; PASKIN; KIAA0135; DKFZP434O051; DKFZp686P2031�PAS-serine/threonine kinase; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: signal transducer activit< y; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_-PAS domain containing serine/threonine kinase cg21642559 GI:11496980 NM_003174.2SVIL GeneID:68406TCGGAGGTGGCCCAAGGAAACCG[CG]ATGAATCGGCATAAGCACGTCCTATCTDKFZp686A17191�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; membrane-associated F-actin binding protein p205; archvillin; bA534G20.4 (supervillin); supervillin (archvillin) (SVIL); go_component: nucleus; go_component: costamere; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: psupervillin isoform 1 cg21719114 GI:21359861 NM_001955.2EDN1 GeneID:19063GCGCCTCTGCATCTGCGCCAGG[CG]AACGGGTCCTGCGCCTCCTGCAGTCET1�go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: hormone activity; go_process: pathogenesis; go_process: cell-cell signaling; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: blood pressure regulation; go_process: regulation of endothelin 1 cg21725703 GI:31542525 NM_015420.4WDSOF1 GeneID:258792CGGAAAAGACGGAGGAGATCCAGTT[CG]GGCTGACAGTGAGAGGATGCAGm83; HSPC064; DKFZP564O0463go_process: transport%WD repeats and SOF1 domain containing cg21749790 GI:22547202 NM_033132.2ZIC5 GeneID:85416;TTGCAAGACAACTTGAGTGATTTGGCTC[CG]CGAAACACCAGGTGAAGTCAAAATAAG�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; calcium-binding tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated (fibrousheathin 2); testis-specific calcium-binding protein CBP86; fibrousheathin II; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: calcDcalcium-binding tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated protein isoform a cg24933998 GI:66933010 NM_024812.2BAALC GeneID:798706GGCAATACTCCCTGACCAGTTTTG[CG]GGGTTGCTCCCAGTTCCATTGCTTTTFLJ12015Eisoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: cytoplasm/brain and acute leukemia; cytoplasmic isoform 1 cg24938184 GI:56117837 NM_003012.3SFRP1 GeneID:6422.AAAAGAAGGGGAATGGATCACGG[CG]TGGGGTGGAGAGAGACCAGFRP; FRP1; FrzA; FRP-1; SARP2rsecreted apoptosis-related protein 2; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: Wnt receptor signaling pathway#secreted frizzled-related protein 1 cg24970758 GI:31543826 NM_006022.2TSC22D1 GeneID:88480CATCACTGGCAGCCATGGAGCC[CG]AGCATTTTCCTCCCTCAGGGCA7TSC22; TGFB1I4; MGC17597; RP11-269C23.2; DKFZp686O19206�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; transforming growth factor beta-stimulated protein TSC-22; transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 4; TSC22 domain family 1; TSC22 domain family 1; isoform 2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: tTSC22 domain family 1 isoform 2 cg24973905 GI:44888813 NM_203448.1MGC21881 GeneID:3897416GATTTGGGCTTTAATTGGTTGATTT[CG]GACAGGATCTCAGAAAGTGAAGACThypothetical protein LOC389741 cg24977254 GI:47777678 NM_205835.2LSR GeneID:515996TCTGAAAGCATGCCCTTTGTCCA[CG]TCGTTTACGCTCATTAAAACTTCCAGA$LISCH7; MGC10659; MGC48312; MGC48503�isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3; lipolysis-stimulated receptor; LISCH protein; liver-specific bHLH-Zip transcription factor; go_component: plasma membrane; go_function: fatty acid binding; go_function: triglyceride binding; go_function: lipop�RAB45; member RAS oncogene family; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: protein transport; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transduction!RAS and EF hand domain containing cg27412516 GI:21389544 NM_144660.1SAMD8 GeneID:1428910CTCGGGCCCATCTGGAGCCT[CG]CGTCTTTTCCAGTGTGGGCCCCGCFLJ25082�calcitonin receptor-like receptor activity modifying protein 1; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_process: transport; go_process: intrace/receptor activity-modifying protein 1 precursor cg24369750 GI:8923085 NM_017656.1ZNF562 GeneID:548115GCAGCCAGACGGACTGTGCGGCCTCT[CG]GAACTGGCCAGAGGCCGCACCAGFLJ20079zinc finger protein 562 cg24372593 GI:46094066 NM_000599.2IGFBP5 GeneID:34884AGGGGCCAGTGGAAGACAGAGTTCTT[CG]GAGCAGGGTGAACACAATGAGGIBP5�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: insulin-like growth factor binding; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: regulation of cell growth,insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 cg24381727 GI:4505664 NM_000923.1PDE4C GeneID:51430GGGCTCAAGGTGGGGCCGACAC[CG]AGGAGCTGTCGATGCCCAGATGDPDE1; MGC126222; PDE4C-791�Phosphodiesterase-4C; cAMP-specific (dunce (Drosophila)-homolog; phosphodiesterase 4C; cAMP-specific (dunce (Drosophila)-homolog phosphodiesterase E1); ISOFORM OF CAMP-DEPENDENT 3 ;5prime-CYCLIC PHOSPHODIESTERASE 4C; PDE4C-delta54; PDE4C [amino acids 597-Tphosphodiesterase 4C; cAMP-specific (phosphodiesterase E1 dunce homolog; Drosophila) cg24384676 GI:13449278 NM_030631.1SLC25A21 GeneID:898748TCAAGTGAAGTGACCCAGGCCTGGAG[CG]CCAAGTACAAAGCGGGGACGACACTTODC; ODC1; MGC126570�oxodicarboxylate carrier; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: mitochondrial inner membrane; go_function: binding; go_process: transportLsolute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial oxodicarboxylate carrier); member 21 cg24403578 GI:13376518 NM_025004.1CCDC15 GeneID:800714CGGAGGGATTTAGGAAGTCTCGG[CG]TTGGTCCAGGAACGACAGTCCCACCFLJ13215synonym: FLJ13215 coiled-coil domain containing 15 cg24426405 GI:20070225 NM_006408.2AGR2 GeneID:105518TGAAACGTATTGTTAAGAGGTTTTGAAA[CG]ATGGGCAGAGTGCCAAATCCAGGTAG2; GOB-4; HAG-2; XAG-2yanterior gradient 2 homolog (Xenepus laevis); anterior gradient 2 (Xenepus laevis) homolog; secreted cement gland homologanterior gradient 2 homolog cg24453004 GI:89037392 XM_935320.1KIAA1509 GeneID:4401938GAGAGAAGCCGGTGCACCAACAAAGGGG[CG]GGGAGCCAGGCGCACTCACCCAGG(hypothetical protein LOC440193 isoform 3 cg24458180 GI:58530882 NM_014045.3LRP10 GeneID:260205GGAAGCTGAAGCTGCAAGTCAAGGGCC[CG]TCTGACAAGTCCGGCAGGGCCG-LRP9; MST087; MGC8675; MSTP087; DKFZP564C1940�go_component: membrane; go_component: coated pit; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_process: endocytosis=low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 10 precursor cg24488563 GI:19913409 NM_017458.2MVP GeneID:99610GGGCTGAACCATCGGGAGGAGG[CG]CCAGCCCACCGAAGGCGAGGGA LRP; VAULT1ugo_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: ribonucleoprotein complex; go_process: response to drugmajor vault protein cg24496003 GI:31542700 NM_017651.3AHI1 GeneID:548062TGGGGAGGCTGTCATGGAAGC[CG]CCCAGAATAAGAAAATGAATGAATG9ORF1; JBTS3; FLJ14023; FLJ20069; dJ71N10.1; DKFZp686J1653Csynonyms: ORF1; JBTS3; FLJ14023; FLJ20069; dJ71N10.1; DKFZp686J1653jouberin cg24540764 GI:32130539 NM_012395.2PFTK1 GeneID:5218;CTTTGGCTGCAATGCTGCTGCAGAGCC[CG]GTTACTCTGCCTTCGTGGGAACTCCACAKIAA0834; PFTAIRE1�go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: protein amino acid phosphorylationPFTAIRE protein kinase 1 cg24546984 GI:38570063 NM_138811.3C7orf31 GeneID:1368954CCCAGCGCTACGGGACTGGCAAGAATG[CG]AAGAGGAACCGAGAGTGAACGhypothetical protein LOC136895 cg24556140 GI:60685217 NM_173359.3EIF4E3 GeneID:3176491GGGGGCAGAGCCAAGAGGCGCGG[CG]GCAGCAGCGGAGGAGTAGGAGGMGC39820; MGC86971�go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: translation initiation factor activity; go_process: translational initiationhypothetical protein LOC317649 cg24570159 GI:46409287 NM_207323.1 DKFZp667M2411 GeneID:147172;GTGAAGTGAAATCTGCAAGAGTCCTGCT[CG]TTCAAGGCCTGCATACAGGAAAGAAGChypothetical protein LOC147172 cg24642439 GI:39930398 NM_021202.1TP53INP2 GeneID:584764GGCGGGCGGGCCCCTTTGTGA[CG]TCACAATCAGCTGTTTGAACGTTCCAAMPINH; FLJ21759; FLJ23500; C20orf110; dJ1181N3.1; DKFZp434B2411; DKFZp434O0827,p53-inducible protein; go_component: nucleus-tumor protein p53 inducible nuclear protein 2 cg24648594 GI:51468066NM_001003845.1SP5< GeneID:3890587CCATAAATCTTCCCTCTGACTGGCTGG[CG]GCCCAGCAAAGTCCTTATCAAATTSp5 transcription factor cg24652469 GI:62865852 NM_138712.2 GeneID:54682CTAAACTTCGGATCCCTCCT[CG]GAAATGGGACCCTCTCTGGGCCGCCTNR1C3; PPARG1; PPARG2; HUMPPARG�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; PPAR gamma; peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 1; ppar gamma2; peroxisome proliferator activated-receptor gamma; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion bindi;peroxisome proliferative activated receptor gamma isoform 1 cg24683938 GI:22027526 NM_003899.2ARHGEF7 GeneID:88743AAAAAACCATCTCGGACC[CG]GAGGGCTTTCTGCAGGCGTCGCTGAAGGAlP50; P85; PAK3; PIXB; COOL1; P50BP; P85SPR; BETA-PIX; KIAA0142; KIAA0412; P85COOL1; Nbla10314; DKFZp761K1021�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; SH3 domain-containing proline-rich protein; PAK-interacting exchange factor beta; rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7; putative protein product of Nbla10314; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor2Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7 isoform a cg24717159 GI:23111065 NM_003645.2SLC27A2 GeneID:110014TCCTTTAATATTCCCAACGTC[CG]CTAAGCGCGTCTCATCACCATTTAAAG5VLCS; FATP2; VLACS; ACSVL1; FACVL1; hFACVL1; HsT17226�very long-chain fatty-acid-coenzyme A ligase 1; very-long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: peroxisomal matrix; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: catalytic activity; ;solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter); member 2 cg24734804 GI:14150107 NM_032328.1EFCAB2 GeneID:842882ACCGGCTCCGCAGCAAGATGGCGGA[CG]AGAAGGACAGGGAAGGTAAGG!FLJ33608; MGC12458; RP11-290P14.1sgo_component: myosin; go_function: motor activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: muscle development EF-hand calcium binding domain 2 cg24740119 GI:89041791 XM_932824.1FBF1 GeneID:853021CGGGTGAATCCACAAATTCAC[CG]GTGTTTATTCCACACCCCAAAGCT(Fas (TNFRSF6) binding factor 1 isoform 2 cg24753420 GI:7705267 NM_016255.1FAM8A1 GeneID:51439/GACGGTCTGGTCCCAGTCAC[CG]ACCAGCCACCGACTACTAGGGCCAHCP synonym: AHCP"Autosomal Highly Conserved Protein cg24753818 GI:46094083 NM_015235.2CSTF2T GeneID:232834TATGGAATGTTCCCCACGAACA[CG]GAACGCAGTGATCGATCCATTGCCGG!CstF-64T; KIAA0689; DKFZp434C1013mgo_component: nucleus; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: mRNA processingFcleavage stimulation factor; 3 pre-RNA; subunit 2; 64kDa; tau variant cg24753998 GI:31542267 NM_020152.2C21orf7 GeneID:569112GCCCTGGTGGTGTGTTCTTGATAT[CG]GTCCATCTAGTGGCGTTGTTTGTAK1L�TAK1-like; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent"chromosome 21 open reading frame 7 cg24780230 GI:50962860 NM_004951.3EBI2 GeneID:18805GCTTATGAGAAAGAAACAGGTTTCTGTGG[CG]TGGGGGTGAGTGACAGTCCA�go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: purinergic nucleotide receptor activity; G-protein coupled; go_process: immune response; go_process: signal transduction(EBV-induced G protein-coupled receptor 2 cg24798540 GI:10190665 NM_020632.1ATP6V0A4 GeneID:506176CTTCTCAGCCCCACTGGGCTGT[CG]TGCTTTGCAATCCTCCCTGTGCACATTTQa4; Stv1; VPP2; Vph1; RTA1C; RTADR; ATP6N2; RDRTA2; ATP6N1B; MGC130016; MGC130017�ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal (vacuolar proton pump) non-catalytic accessory protein 1B; renal tubular acidosis; ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal (vacuolar proton pump) non-catalytic accessory protein 2 (38kD); vacuolar proton pump 116 kDa accessor9ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal V0 subunit a isoform 4 cg24827003 GI:21265051 NM_080722.2ADAMTS14 GeneID:1407665GCAGCGGCGGCAGCCAGCCGGTGCTC[CG]ACAGCCCGGGGCGCACCCTAGCCFLJ32820�isoform 2 preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 2; metalloprotease-disintegrin protease; a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif; 14; go_component: extracellular matrix; go_component: extracellulaRADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif; 14 isoform 2 preproprotein cg24839664 GI:32967281 NM_003337.2UBE2B GeneID:73200CTTTCCCTGAAATCTCTGGCC[CG]GATGCGTCCCTCTTTCTCCACCC"HR6B; UBC2; HHR6B; RAD6B; E2-17kDa�ubiquitin-protein ligase B; ubiquitin carrier protein B; E2 protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_function: ubiquitin-like activating enzyme activity; go_pr ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B cg24857877 GI:15718764 NM_016611.2KCNK4 GeneID:508011GCAGGGAGCACCCTGGAGGGATAGC[CG]GGGAGCAGGTAGAGGGCCAATRAAK; DKFZP566E164Misoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_function: nucleotide binding,trinucleotide repeat containing 6B isoform 1 cg26876278 GI:31563525 NM_020689.3SLC24A3 GeneID:574192CCGGGGTGGCTTTGCCAACCGG[CG]GAGTTGGCCAGCGGCGGGCCCTCCNCKX3�sodium calcium exchanger; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: sodium ion binding; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: antiporter activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: potassium ion binding;Gsolute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger); member 3 cg26913339 GI:71164883 NM_006296.3VRK2 GeneID:74447GGCCTGTGTGAGGCTCCGCGGGC[CG]CTGCACTGCGAGGCCGACGCAGCTGGAG�vaccinia-related kinase-2; vaccinia virus B1R-related kinase 2; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_provaccinia related kinase 2 cg26913502 GI:88942651 XM_934649.1C1orf34 GeneID:22996-CGCCGGAATGGGGTCAGAAGCT[CG]GGACCGAGTCAAATGCTGG'hypothetical protein LOC22996 isoform 3 cg26939178 GI:21361494 NM_014039.2C11orf54 GeneID:28970/CGTGATCCCTTCACCCTCT[CG]GACCGACTTCGGAGTCTCGATCCTPTD012PTD012 protein; LP4947hypothetical protein LOC28970 cg26939946 GI:23199981 NM_007148.2ZNF179 GeneID:77323TCTTTCCCTTCTGTCTCCATGG[CG]ACTCACCACCTCGGCTTGCCTGCAT BFP; RNF112�brain finger protein; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: GTPase activity; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: immune responszinc finger protein 179 cg26940251 GI:62632749 NM_014616.1ATP11B GeneID:23200.GATGGCCAGACCCACAGACA[CG]ACTTAATCCCACTCCCAGAACG=ATPIF; ATPIR; KIAA0956; MGC46576; DKFZP434J238; DKFZP434N1615�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: nuclear inner membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: magnesium ion binding;ATPase; Class VI; type 11B cg26953558 GI:31543203 NM_080669.2HCP1 GeneID:1132356GTTGGCCAGGAAGACCAGCGGCTCTAC[CG]GGCCCCGGCACAGCACGGCAGCCMGC9564heme carrier protein 1 cg27042933 GI:56090619NM_001007531.1C6orf194 GeneID:2226986GTGAGAAGCAAAATGGTAAAAGCGAAAT[CG]AAAAAGAGAAGTGGGTGTTCCA bA424I5.1synonym: bA424I5.1hypothetical protein LOC222698 cg27075226 GI:41281482 NM_014753.2BMS1L GeneID:9790.CAGGCTCTCCCCTGAAAGC[CG]TCCCCATGCCGGTCTCTTTTTTCKIAA0187�ribosome biogenesis protein BMS1 homolog; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: ribosome biogenesis$BMS1-like; ribosome assembly protein cg27107118 GI:57165409 NM_015256.2ACSL6 GeneID:233055ACGAATAGCCAGAGGGAGCCCCCCGACA[CG]AGGAAGAAGGTCAGCATGGCG#ACS2; FACL6; LACS2; LACS5; KIAA0837�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase; long-chain 6; long fatty acyl-CoA synthetase 2; long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase 6; go_component: microsome; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_co8acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain < family member 6 isoform a cg27123691 GI:47419929 NM_001897.3jbrain tumor associated protein LRRC4; leucine-rich repeat-containing 4; go_component: integral to membranenetrin-G1 ligand cg22690327 GI:12545398 NM_000873.2ICAM2 GeneID:33844GGGGCAGGCAATGGGTGCACGCATG[CG]TGTATGAGACGTGTGCACAGGGGCD102�go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: integrin binding; go_process: cell-cell adhesion+intercellular adhesion molecule 2 precursor cg22708914 GI:21361890 NM_022071.2SH2D4A GeneID:63898:ACACCTAGCAAGGAACCCCGAGCTCTGAAA[CG]TGGAAAGGCCCAGATCTGCAGATTSH2A; FLJ20967Igo_function: protein binding; go_process: intracellular signaling cascadeSH2 domain containing 4A cg22717884 GI:32261299 NM_032687.2CYHR1 GeneID:506262CGGCCTCGGCCTGCTCCCTG[CG]TTCCGGGAGGCGTTGTCCTGGGAACCCHRP; KIAA0496; MGC13010Bcysteine and histidine rich protein; go_function: zinc ion bindingcysteine and histidine rich 1 cg22737793 GI:42734387 NM_153046.1TDRD9 GeneID:122402.GCCCTAAGGAGAAACACTGGGGGC[CG]TGACTGAGTGGGTGGTCT(HIG-1; C14orf75; FLJ36164; DKFZp434N0820�hypoxia-inducible gene; hypoxia-inducible HIG-1; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: ATP-dependent helicase activitytudor domain containing 9 cg22752828 GI:40255195 NM_174911.3FAM84B GeneID:1576382GAGGCTGGGCAGAGGGCAGCGCAG[CG]GGCAGACTAGGGGCATGTCTTT NSE2; BCMP101Tgo_component: cytoplasm; go_component: plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding"breast cancer membrane protein 101 cg22753071 GI:31563522 NM_006097.3MYL9 GeneID:103980CCACGAAACCAGTGCTTCC[CG]AGTGGTTCCTTCAACCCCGCTCTGG!LC20; MLC2; MRLC1; MYRL2; MGC3505ninein isoform 4 cg18845442 GI:40254941 NM_020448.2NPAL3 GeneID:571854GGGTAGGGGAACAGCAGGAGCAAAGCC[CG]GAAGGTGGCTATGAGGATAAG�ATP-binding cassette A6; ABC transporter ABCA6; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding,ATP-binding cassette; sub-family A; member 6 cg15343119 GI:6031165 NM_001480.2GALR1 GeneID:25874GCTCGCGCACCGTGACTTCTAAGGGG[CG]CGGATTTCAGCCGAGCTGTTTT GALNR; GALNR1�go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: galanin receptor activity; go_function: galanin receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor actgalanin receptor 1 cg15358633 GI:61966696NM_001013620.1KCR1 GeneID:1442453CCCGTCTGGCTAGTCCTGTCTAGCG[CG]CCCATTTCGAGCCCAAGTTTCCsynonym: ALG10&modifier of the HERG potassium channel cg15369395 GI:68348706 NM_032352.3BRMS1L GeneID:843120GATGAGATGGAGGTGGACTACGC[CG]AAAATGAGGGGAGCAGCTCCGBRMS1; MGC11296BRMS1-like protein p40*breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1-like cg15372376 GI:50658062NM_001002800.1SMC4L1 GeneID:100513CCCGGAGCCGAAACACCGGTAGGAG[CG]GGGAGGTGGGTACTACACAACC CAPC; hCAP-C�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 2; chromosome-associated polypeptide C; structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family member; chromosome-associated protein C; SMC4 (structural maintenance of chromosomes 4; yeast)-like 1=SMC4 structural maintenance of chromosomes 4-like 1 isoform a cg15408611 GI:20452463 NM_138961.1ESAM GeneID:909524AACCGCAGCAAGTTGGTCACCAGGGGCCC[CG]GGAGGGAAATCATGGCCCTW117m�2310008D05Rik; HUEL (C4orf1)-interacting protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell adhesion"endothelial cell adhesion molecule cg15412000 GI:22325391 NM_033208.2TIGD7 GeneID:911514CTCTAGGCCCTCAAATACTCTTTT[CG]GGTCCTCCTGGTGCTCCCCAAAGCSancho�jerky (mouse) homolog-like; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; pericentric region; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: regulation of transcription%tigger transposable element derived 7 cg15449127 GI:61969661NM_001012729.1DUXA GeneID:5038355GGAACTTACTGTGTGAATAGGTGTCTT[CG]GCCATGCTGGAAGAGAGTCCTGhypothetical protein LOC503835 cg15456863 GI:13540560 NM_030786.1SYNC1 GeneID:814935CACAAACTGTATCCGATCTGGCTC[CG]TGGTTTCCTCCACACACACTGTCTCSYNC; SYNCOILIN'intermediate filament protein syncoilin"syncoilin; intermediate filament 1 cg15486328 GI:7706193 NM_016644.1LOC51334 GeneID:513342GGGAGATATCTCGAAGGGCAACGT[CG]AGGGGACTGCAAGCGTCAACCC MGC104614$contains similarities to rubredoxins#mesenchymal stem cell protein DSC54 cg15489294 GI:46397360 NM_173800.3FLJ90650 GeneID:2063383GGAGCAGGTGTGTTGCTGGTAGCTCAT[CG]CTGGCTTGGAGATAGAGGTGMGC125378; MGC125379Mgo_function: membrane alanyl aminopeptidase activity; go_process: proteolysislaeverin cg15501913 GI:41406090 NM_144599.3NIPA1 GeneID:1236065CGCACGATGCCCTTCTTCTGTAGCA[CG]AACGTGGACCCGTTCACCAGGCTCFSP3; SPG6; MGC35570; MGC102724Mspastic paraplegia 6 (autosomal dominant); go_component: integral to membrane1non-imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1 cg15523177 GI:20070375 NM_138570.1MGC15523 GeneID:1245652CACCTGAGGGTCTCGCAGCTGTC[CG]GTTCGCCAAGCTGGTCCAGCCGAFLJ35718�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: amino acid-polyamine transporter activity; go_process: transport; go_process: amino acid transporthypothetical protein LOC124565 cg15529236 GI:50592997 NM_016261.2TUBD1 GeneID:511745GCGCTTCTGTCCGGTTCAAACTT[CG]GACCAACCTACTCACCATGCGCATGCTUBD; FLJ12709�go_component: nucleus; go_component: microtubule; go_component: centriole; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; go_process: spermatogenes delta-tubulin cg15551814 GI:14195608 NM_018936.2PCDHB2 GeneID:561339GAGATACGGGGAGATAGAGTTAGCGACAA[CG]TGAGCCAGAGCTGGAGCACGTTTGMGC111392; PCDH-BETA2�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: synaptogenesis; go_process: homophilic cell adhesion; go_process: synaptic transmissiprotocadherin beta 2 precursor cg15567975 GI:14165257 NM_015247.1 GeneID:15403CTCAGGAGCGCAGCTCGGCCTA[CG]ATTGGCTAGCGCGGCGGCTGCCCCC*EAC; CDMT; CYLD1; USPL2; HSPC057; KIAA0849�ubiquitin thiolesterase CYLD; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: ubiquitin thiolesterase activity; go_function: cysteine-type endopeptidase activity; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabo*ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase CYLD cg15569563 GI:38683845 NM_153634.2CPNE8 GeneID:144402/ACCTCTGCACACCCACACT[CG]CCTCCTGGGCCGCGACAGCTTCCT copine VIII cg15575658 GI:41872708 NM_017742.3ZCCHC2 GeneID:548775AGCAAGCTCCAATACCTCAGGA[CG]GACTTACCGTGGCACCTCACAGAGCTC*FLJ20281; KIAA1744; MGC13269; DKFZp451A185Ago_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding%zinc finger; CCHC domain containing 2 cg15617335 GI:31982935 NM_003901.2SGPL1 GeneID:88793AGTTGGTGACCGTCGGGATACCACAGC[CG]CCCCAGGACGGCCTGGTTGA SPL; KIAA1252�go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_component: integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: carboxy-lyase activity; go_function: sphinganine-1-phosphate aldolase activity; gosphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 cg15646720 GI:39725658 NM_032727.2INA GeneID:91183CCGGCACCATGAGCTTCGGCT[CG]GAGCACTACCTGTGCTCCTCCTCCTCNEF5; NF-66; TXBP-1; MGC12702�neurofilament-66; tax-binding protein; neurofilament 5 (66kD); go_component: neurofilament; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: nervous system development8internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein; alpha cg15649184 GI:74325772 NM_080676.4 C20orf133 GeneID:1407332GCCGTGGCTAGAACACGGAGAGCGG[CG]GGCAGTGCAGCCAATGGGAGGdJ631M13.5; RP11-189J1.1< (hypothetical protein LOC140733 isoform 3 cg15654594 GI:27735096 NM_173646.1FLJ39660 GeneID:2849927AGAGTTGTTAAAGGAGGCCTCATTAGATG[CG]CTCTCTGACAGGGAAGTTGGCAhypothetical protein LOC284992 cg15658898 GI:30410793 NM_005789.2PSME3 GeneID:101974GGACGGCACAGAGGGAGGGAG[CG]AGCGAGCAGTGAGTAAGCCAGCAAGGG Ki; PA28G; REG-GAMMA; PA28-gamma�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; Ki nuclear autoantigen; Ki antigen; proteasome activator 28-gamma; 11S regulator complex gamma subunit; activator of multicatalytic protease subunit 3; go_component: proteasome activator complex; go_function: (proteasome activator subunit 3 isoform 1 cg15661332 GI:72534707NM_001031709.1C10orf59 GeneID:553282GTCCTCTTTTCCCAGGTTTTGG[CG]TTTAGACAACCCACCTGAGTCCTCFLJ11218�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; renalase; go_function: monooxygenase activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: electron transport; go_process: aromatic compound metabolism'hypothetical protein LOC55328 isoform 1 cg15667442 GI:4502182 NM_001651.1AQP5 GeneID:3621GAAAAGGAGGAGCTGGACCAAAAGCC[CG]AAGAGAAGAAAAGGGGAAG�Aquaporin-5; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_function: water channel activity; go_process: transport; go_process: excretion; go_process: water transport aquaporin 5 cg15675420 GI:37594440 NM_003437.2ZNF136 GeneID:76956CAGCTGCAGACGTTCAACCTTCT[CG]CGGGATTTTCATTTCTCGCGTCTGCCGpHZ-20�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription corepressor activity; go_function: specific RNA polymerase II transcription facto&zinc finger protein 136 (clone pHZ-20) cg15704767 GI:14670349 NM_032999.1GTF2I GeneID:29692CCCCAGTGATCGGATCAAGG[CG]CTGAGCGAGGCCCTGCCTGCGGGGCG:DIWS; SPIN; IB291; BAP135; BTKAP1; TFII-I; WBSCR6; BAP-135�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; BTK-associated protein; 135kD; Bruton tyrosine kinase-associated protein 135; Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 6; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go,general transcription factor II; i isoform 1 cg15737101 GI:33286426 NM_001045.2SLC6A4 GeneID:65325CGGCACACAGGGGTCTGCTCGTGC[CG]CTTTCTCTTGACCTCGGACACCTCC#HTT; 5HTT; OCD1; SERT; 5-HTT; hSERT�5-hydroxytryptamine transporter; 5HT transporter; sodium-dependent serotonin transporter; Na+/Cl- dependent serotonin transporter; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: protein bin solute carrier family 6 member 4 cg15747933 GI:4758813 NM_004688.1NMI GeneID:91116GATTTTTAAAAAGGGGTGGTTTTG[CG]GAGGAAAGCAGAAGTATACCTGAAGT�N-myc interactor; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transcription cofactor activity; go_process: JAK-STAT cascade; go_process: inflammatory response; go_process: transcription from RNA polymeN-myc and STAT interactor cg15777211 GI:34734061 NM_001996.2FBLN1 GeneID:21922CTGAGGGCAGAGTCGGGTCCCATCC[CG]GGACACGCCTGGGGTTAGCCAFBLN�isoform C precursor is encoded by transcript variant C; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: chitin binding; go_function: cafibulin 1 isoform C precursor cg15859772 GI:13376239 NM_024833.1ZNF671 GeneID:798915GGCCAAGTTGTTTGGGAAAAGTAACC[CG]AGTTTCAAAGGGCTGACAGGACTFLJ23506zinc finger protein 671 cg15859776 GI:39777611 NM_015558.3SS18L1 GeneID:260397GGCCGCCCAGCGCAGCCGGAGTATCCACCT[CG]ATGACCACGGGCTGAGCCCCG+CREST; LP2261; KIAA0693; MGC26711; MGC783860calcium-responsive transactivator; SYT homolog 1SS18-like protein 1 cg15930822 GI:24308222 NM_020817.1KIAA1407 GeneID:575771AGGGGTCTGAAGACTGAAAGAGT[CG]AATGGTTTGTTGGCAGGTAAGThypothetical protein LOC57577 cg15959477 GI:22027484 NM_016084.3RASD1 GeneID:51655-CCCCTGTCCCTCTGCGACTT[CG]GGCAAGGACCCCCATTCCTGCAGS1; DEXRAS1; MGC:26290�ras-related protein; dexamethasone-induced ras-related protein 1; activator of G protein signaling; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: GTPase activity; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_procesRAS; dexamethasone-induced 1 cg16006732 GI:48843730 NM_153225.2RPESP GeneID:1578694AGAGCACTCGATGGGCACCAAA[CG]TGTCTCAGCAGCACTCTGCGCGGGCC1AGAAGCTCCTTCGTGACTCCTCTG[CG]CGTGCCTTCCCACACCTCCTC(HMG-R; HMGIY; MGC4242; MGC4854; MGC12816�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; high-mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein isoforms I and Y; nonhistone chromosomal high-mobility group protein HMG-I/HMG-Y; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromatin; go_component: extracellula'high mobility group AT-hook 1 isoform a cg19612247 GI:57242801 NM_021102.2SPINT2 GeneID:106532TCGGGAGCCGCTTCCAATAGG[CG]TTCGCCATTGGCTCTGGCGACCTCCPB; Kop; HAI2; HAI-2�placental bikunin; Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor; hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 2; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase i)serine protease inhibitor; Kunitz type; 2 cg19656972 GI:62988332 NM_004753.4DHRS3 GeneID:92492GAGCTCCCAATTTCAGCC[CG]CGAAAGTCTCCCGACTCATTGCTATTCTSDR1; Rsdr1; retSDR1�short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 1; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: electron transporter activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: visual perception; go_process-dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3 cg19712821 GI:31543022 NM_031950.2KSP37 GeneID:838881GATCTGCCCCAGCCCTGTCA[CG]CACAAAGCGCCACACACAGCTTTGG Ksp37 protein cg19761278 GI:27886556 NM_002449.3MSX2 GeneID:44889AATTAGGTCTCGGGCTTTTCAGTTT[CG]GCGTGATTATAACCCTTCAGGGATCGCCFPP; MSH; PFM; CRS2; HOX8; PFM1�msh (Drosophila) homeo box homolog 2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: development; go_process: skeletal development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentmsh homeo box homolog 2 cg19764370 GI:17511434 NM_019055.4ROBO4 GeneID:545386CGACCATTTAGCTATAACCCC[CG]ACCCTAACTTCAGCGCTAAGCTTTATCTC MRB; FLJ20798�Oncogene FGR; tyrosine kinase; p55-c-fgr protein; c-src-2 protein; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein kinase activity; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_proces=Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma viral (v-fgr) oncogene homolog cg23344487 GI:31543071 NM_139174.2 LOC161931 GeneID:1619315AGGGCCTAGCGCCTCAGATCTT[CG]TTGGCGGCCATGGCTTCGGCTTCTCAG�go_component: intracellular; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: double-stranded RNA binding; go_function: adenosine deaminase activity; go_process: mRNA processinghypothetical protein LOC161931 cg23417343 GI:51873052NM_001004019.1FBLN2 GeneID:21996GCCTGGCCTCTGGGCAGTTTTGTAGC[CG]GGCCCCTCAGGCCCTCACAATGTG�precursor; isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: calcium ion fibulin 2 precursor; isoform a cg23431564 GI:40255000 NM_033111.2LOC88523 GeneID:885239GGAAGACTTATGGAGATATTAAAATTGGT[CG]CCTGTAGGTGGTAAGAATATTTTChypothetical protein LOC88523 cg23444101 GI:33359214 NM_147129.2ALS2CL GeneID:2591738CCTTACCTGAGCGCTGTGGTTGCCC[CG]CGCCGGGACTGCCTGTGCGGCTCCTCGRN49018; DKFZp686P238ALS2 C-terminal like isoform 1 cg23454760 GI:21536430 NM_001063.2TF GeneID:70181GGGCGCCGGAGGCTGCACAGAAG[CG]AGTCCGACTGTGCTCGCTGCTCPRO1557; PRO2086�go_component: endocytic vesicle; go_c< omponent: extracellular region; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ferric iron binding; go_process: ion transport; go_process: iron ion transport; go_process: iron ion homeostasis transferrin cg23472553 GI:34147628 NM_002763.3 GeneID:56292TGCTGCTCTCTCCTCTCCTCC[CG]CTCTTCTCTCTCCTCCTCTCCTGCTprospero-related homeobox 1 cg234863021GGGGCCCCGCAGGAGAGAAGGC[CG]CAGCTGAGGAGGCGTTTACCTTCHSPC206; HSPC232; MGC48786|isoform 5 is encoded by transcript variant 5; gastric cancer antigen Ga50; go_component: nucleus; go_process: keratinizationperiphilin 1 isoform 5 cg26594488 GI:65301413 NM_017439.1LOC54103 GeneID:541037TGAGAGGTATCTCAAGTGAGCCTTGTTA[CG]TGTTGGTAATGTTAAATGTTTTGMGC126548; DKFZp667B242!synonyms: MGC126548; DKFZp667B242hypothetical protein LOC54103 cg26600021 GI:13376096 NM_024759.1NPAL2 GeneID:798152CTCCTCCGGTGCGAGGTGTCCT[CG]GGGAGCCCGGCGGTCTGCGGCCTCFLJ13955synonym: FLJ13955NIPA-like domain containing 2 cg26634636 GI:50959183NM_001002861.1ARHGEF5 GeneID:79843CCGGCACTTCCCAGCTCTGA[CG]CGGGAGCTTCTTTCACACCAATGGGGC#P60; TIM; GEF5; TIM1; DKFZp686N1969�islet cell antibody 12; SRY-related HMG-box gene 13; type 1 diabetes autoantigen; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent SRY-box 13 cg25824543 GI:37594438 NM_007147.2ZNF175 GeneID:77288GAATGAACCGCGGAATAAAGGTACGC[CG]TTATACGCCATGATAACTGTTGGCGGOTK18�go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: response to virus; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 175 cg25828076 GI:4557456 NM_000079.1CHRNA1 GeneID:11340GAGAGGCCAGGGCTCCATGGGCTAC[CG]GAGCTTGTGTGGACCAGGG(ACHRA; ACHRD; CHRNA; CMS2A; FCCMS; SCCMS�acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit; nicotinic acetlycholine receptor; nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: postsynaptic membrane; go_component: nicotinic acetylcholine-gated receptor-channel cGcholinergic receptor; nicotinic; alpha polypeptide 1 (muscle) precursor cg25829212 GI:24308455 NM_153702.1ELMOD2 GeneID:2555206ACATGGACTTTCCTCATCTGCCA[CG]TATTGGCCACAGTCAAGTAGCCGGTTCMGC10084; 9830169G11RikKgo_component: cytoskeleton; go_process: apoptosis; go_process: phagocytosisELMO domain containing 2 cg25833018 GI:4758525 NM_004495.1NRG1 GeneID:30840GAAAAAGAGCCGGCGAGGAGTTCCC[CG]AAACTTGTTGGAACTCCGG0GGF; HGL; HRG; NDF; ARIA; GGF2; HRG1; HRGA; SMDF�isoform HRG-gamma is encoded by transcript variant HRG-gamma; heregulin; alpha (45kD; ERBB2 p185-activator); glial growth factor; neu differentiation factor; sensory and motor neuron derived factor; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane; go_componeuregulin 1 isoform HRG-gamma cg25844686 GI:21314674 NM_017566.2KLHDC4 GeneID:547581AGGAAAGAAAACGGCCCGCGCTCTC[CG]CTCGGAAACAGGTGCTCGTGFLJ00104; DKFZp434G0522!synonyms: FLJ00104; DKFZp434G0522kelch domain containing 4 cg25865544 GI:19923962 NM_138435.1FAM83F GeneID:1138283GGCTGAGGGACACGTCCAAGCTGCAGT[CG]GCTCTGTGGTTGTGGACACChypothetical protein LOC113828 cg25871863 GI:12408660 NM_022438.1MAL GeneID:41183GGTCACCTACGAAGGGAGAAAGGCA[CG]AGGAGCGCCTGACCAAAGTGGT�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant b; myelin and lymphocyte protein; T-cell differentiation protein MAL; go_component: membrane; go_component: endosome; go_component: lipid raft; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: insoluble fraction; g4T-lymphocyte maturation-associated protein isoform b cg25882748 GI:37694060 NM_000385.3 GeneID:3586CCCTGAGCTTTGCACACAGGGC[CG]AGACACCTGGATTTCTCTGGTTCCCTGACO; CHIP28; AQP-CHIP; MGC26324�Colton blood group; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: water transporter activity; go_process: transport; go_process: excretion; go_process: water transport aquaporin 1 cg25893336 GI:71482586 NM_000280.2 GeneID:50803CGCTCCTCACTGGCCCATTAG[CG]AAGCCTGACCTCTGTCATCATCCTCC'AN; AN2; MGDA; WAGR; D11S812E; MGC17209�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; paired box homeotic gene 6 (aniridia; keratitis); paired box homeotic gene-6; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor actipaired box gene 6 isoform a cg25915870 GI:46358355 NM_004289.5NFE2L3 GeneID:96031CGTAGCTGCCCAGTCACTCTC[CG]CCCAGTCTACACATCCTGTCCCTTNRF3�NF-E2-related factor 3; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription coactivator activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: transcription from R+nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 3 cg25924457 GI:20544175 NM_017614.3BHMT2 GeneID:237436GGGGAGCCCTGCAGCGGGCAGCTC[CG]CAGCAGGAGGCCCCGCAGCAGCTGCGFLJ20001�go_function: transferase activity; go_function: methyltransferase activity; go_function: homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity(betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase 2 cg25967343 GI:21361087 NM_021972.2 GeneID:88771CGCTTGCCGCTTCCTAGGACC[CG]GGCGGGAACCAGCTCGTGGCCCGGSPHK�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: cytosol; go_component: cytosol; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: sphingosine kinase 1 isoform 1 cg26005824 GI:31542857 NM_023915.2GPR87 GeneID:53836-TAAGGAGTGGGGGATGAAGTCT[CG]GGTTGGGGCCTACTAACTCGPR95; FKSG78; KPG_002�G protein-coupled receptor 95; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: G-protein coupled receptor activity; unknown ligand; go_function: purineG protein-coupled receptor 87 cg26017180 GI:55953113 NM_015653.2RIBC2 GeneID:26150:GCCTGCGCTACAGCTTCCTTATTTT[CG]TCGCCTGTTCTCCTGATCCTGCGTGTTCTC22orf11synonym: C22orf11!RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2 cg26044428 GI:34222097 NM_015305.2ANGEL1 GeneID:23357=GCCACCCAGGCGTCCCGAATTAAAATTGAG[CG]CCTCACTGGAGGCCCCATAGTGTTATTKIAA0759synonym: KIAA0759angel homolog 1 cg26049337 GI:4504236 NM_003612.1SEMA7A GeneID:8482;GCGGCAATCAGCCGAGACTGAGCCAGCGCC[CG]GCCGCAGGCAGACCCAAGCGCCAGGWJMH; CD108; SEMAL; CDw108; SEMAK1; H-Sema-L; H-SEMA-K1; H-Sema K1; MGC126692; MGC126696�sema domain; immunoglobulin domain (Ig); and GPI membrane anchor; 7A; semaphorin L; semaphorin K1; sema domain; immunoglobulin domain (Ig); and GPI membrane anchor; (semaphorin) 7A (JMH blood group); go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular spa semaphorin 7A cg26057028 GI:11761618 NM_013334.2GMPPB GeneID:299250GAGGGTGACCAGGGAAGGCTCC[CG]GGCCACGGGATTTTCACAAAGAKIAA1851�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase; go_function: nucleotidyltransferase activity; go_process: biosynthesis)GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase B isoform 1 cg260622044ATGGGCATGGTCAGGAAAGTGAAA[CG]AGCTGACACCTGAATGTTGAGAAG cg26067158 GI:34222173 NM_145020.2CCDC11 GeneID:2201365CTCCCGCTGTACGGTGCCAAAC[CG]CTGGCTGTACATTTTCGAGTCCCCTTCFLJ32743 coiled-coil domain containing 11 cg26071826 GI:54607063 NM_000726.2CACNB4 GeneID:785/GGTTCATGAATCAGGACTTGGGGA[CG]GAAGCTGGTGCAGTGTGGCEA5; EJM; CAB4; CACNLB4�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type; calcium channel beta-4 subunit; voltage dependent calcium channel beta 4 subunit; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: voltage-gated calcium channel complex; go_func<calcium channel; voltage-dependent; beta 4 subunit isoform b cg26101110 GI:89057852 XR_000578.1TSPYL3 GeneID:1288548GCTTTGGGGCAGTTGTAGGACACTCT[CG]GCCTTACAGGGGATAAATTACTCAGG cg26114777 GI:58000458NM_001009991.1SYTL3 GeneID:9412< 04GTAGGATGAGAAGGCATGGCTGGC[CG]TTGCAGCAGGTCGTTTTAGGAGTG=SLP3; MGC105130; MGC118883; MGC118884; MGC118885; exophilin-6jgo_function: protein binding; go_function: Rab GTPase binding; go_process: intracellular protein transportsynaptotagmin-like 3 cg26114828 GI:42764629 NM_003251.2THRSP GeneID:70697GCTGACCGTCATGGACCGGTATGCAGC[CG]AGGTGCACAACATGGAGCAGGTGGS14; SPOT14; MGC21659�thyroid hormone-inducible hepatic protein; spot 14 protein; thyroid hormone responsive SPOT14; thyroid hormone responsive SPOT14 (rat) homolog; go_component: nucleus; go_process: lipid metabolism; go_process: regulation of transcription from RNA polymeras"thyroid hormone-responsive protein cg26127391 GI:88976583 XM_371706.4KIAA1109 GeneID:841629GCTGGCACATAGATAGGCATAGAGGGGCAG[CG]TGAATAAGTGAGTTGCTGTTGTG'hypothetical protein LOC84162 isoform 1 cg26171914 GI:38348291 NM_198489.1DLNB14 GeneID:3386573CGCCAGACCTTCTTCTGTGGTCG[CG]GGCACGTTTACAGCCGCAAGCACChypothetical protein LOC338657 cg26204195 GI:22095372 NM_030576.2LIMD2 GeneID:807743CCGGCCTGGCTCCGGGATAAC[CG]GGCGGGGCCTGGGCCATTCACTGCCTMGC10986hypothetical protein LOC80774 cg26209797 GI:40549450 NM_006691.2XLKD1 GeneID:108943CACTCACTGCTCCACTTCATAAC[CG]AGACATCCGGATTTCCCTGCTTTCHAR; LYVE-1; CRSBP-1�lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1; hyaluronic acid receptor; cell surface retention sequence binding protein-1; extracellular link domain-containing 1; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_functio&extracellular link domain containing 1 cg26234682 GI:71040110 NM_002023.3FMOD GeneID:23316GGAGTGAAAGAGTCTACTGAGAGTGTG[CG]TGCCTGTGCCAGACCAGGGTCCCSLRR2E�go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: protein binding; go_process: transforming growth factor beta receptor complex assemblyfibromodulin precursor cg26236469 GI:46358075 NM_024762.2ZNF552 GeneID:798188GGGCGCCGTTAAAGAGCTGCAGAGTCA[CG]TCTGTGCAAAGAGAAGAACGACTCTFLJ21603zinc finger protein 552 cg26286496 GI:13377000 NM_020989.2CRYGC GeneID:14201CCATGGCTGGTTGACACGGATGATG[CG]AGTTCAGTGTGATGGGGCCT CCL; CRYG3Positive!ras homolog gene family; member F cg24105407 GI:29294614 NM_138697.2TAS1R1 GeneID:808358GCTGCTGGGCCTTTGCCTGCCATAGCA[CG]GAGTCTTCTCCTGACTTCACCCTCCTR1; T1R1; GPR70; gm148�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; G protein-coupled receptor 70; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: taste receptor activity; go_function: protein heterodimerization activity"sweet taste receptor T1r isoform b cg24106216 GI:50541947NM_001002002.1GMPR2 GeneID:512922CCTGCAAGGGCCACTTCTACTTC[CG]GGTCACTGTCTGGCTCCACCCCCMGC830; MGC15084�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 4; guanosine monophosphate reductase isolog; GMP reductase 2; guanosine 5prime-monophosphate oxidoreductase 2; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: potassium ion binding; -guanosine monophosphate reductase 2 isoform 2 cg24108694 GI:4504492 NM_003806.1HRK GeneID:8739/CGAGGGAAAAAGGCTTGTTTGC[CG]TTTTGGATGAAGCTGATGCTG DP5; HARAKIRI�activator of apoptosis Hrk; harakiri; BCL2-interacting protein (contains only BH3 domain); go_function: protein binding; go_process: regulation of apoptosis; go_process: induction of apoptosis; go_process: negative regulation of survival gene product actiharakiri cg24170682 GI:31543087 NM_020422.3LOC57146 GeneID:571465GCAGGCGGCTCTGGCTCCCTCT[CG]GGACGCTCTTTCCTTCTTCCTCTTGTT promethin cg24174161 GI:38788480 NM_007198.2PROSC GeneID:112122TGGCCGCAGGTGGCCGCTAACCTCT[CG]AAATAGGGATGGCCCGAATTG�proline synthetase co-transcribed (bacterial homolog); go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknown)proline synthetase co-transcribed homolog cg24181245 GI:23111045 NM_014426.2SNX5 GeneID:271313CGCTGCCGTCCATCTTGGAGC[CG]GGCAAAGACGCCACGTGGGGCCTACCFLJ10931sorting nexin 5 cg24189270 GI:21536478 NM_015478.4L3MBTL GeneID:260130GTCTGTGGGGATTGGCTAAGCCT[CG]TAAACCGCAGCCATGGGGCGG6L3MBTL1; KIAA0681; H-L(3)MBT; dJ138B7.3; DKFZp586P1522�isoform I is encoded by transcript variant I; l(3)mbt (Drosophila)-like; lethal (3) malignant brain tumor l(3); go_component: nucleus; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: chromatin modification; go_procel(3)mbt-like isoform I cg24233400 GI:32698789 NM_182489.1 LOC346673 GeneID:3466731GGCGCAAAAAGGGGTGGCCATCC[CG]AGTTGGTATGAATGCAGGGATCSTRA8 cg24241047 GI:21314727 NM_024899.2CEP76 GeneID:799593TCGCCTTGCTTGCCAGGGTCTC[CG]AAAGCGCTGCTGGCCCCTCTTCGCGC18orf9; HsT1705; FLJ12542centrosomal protein 76 kDahypothetical protein LOC79959 cg24276445 GI:38683843 NM_016083.3CNR1 GeneID:12683GTACAGGAGGTCAGTGGTGATGGTG[CG]GAAGGTGGTATCTGCAAGGCCA"CB1; CNR; CB-R; CB1A; CANN6; CB1K5�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; central cannabinoid receptor; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: cannabinoid receptor activity; go_process: behavior; go_proc&central cannabinoid receptor isoform a cg24293774 GI:38638697 NM_018689.1KIAA1199 GeneID:572142CGCCCTCACCTGGCTGCTGCGGG[CG]GGACTCTGCGCACCCGGGCTCCGTMEM2L; IR2155535Etransmembrane protein 2-like; go_process: sensory perception of sound cg24302132 GI:40254905 NM_017770.2ELOVL2 GeneID:548985CGCTGCCCAGATCGGCAGCCGCTGCTG[CG]GGGAGAAGCAGTATCGTGCAGGSsc2; FLJ20334�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_process: fatty acid biosynthesisNelongation of very long chain fatty acids (FEN1/Elo2; SUR4/Elo3; yeast)-like 2 cg24323289 GI:73486764 NM_005855.2RAMP1 GeneID:10267/TGTTCACCTGCCGTGCTGTCCC[CG]CCTCTGCCCACCCACTCATCC�go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: galanin receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: digestion; go_process: development; go_process: feeding bgalanin receptor 2 cg20993393 GI:21070996 NM_003156.2STIM1 GeneID:67862AGTGGAGCAGCACCAAGGCCCGGAGAT[CG]GGGCAGGGCAGCTGCTGTCGOK; D11S4896E�go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: cell-cell adhesion; go_process: positive regulation of cell proliferation; go_process: negative regulation of progression through cell cycle(stromal interaction molecule 1 precursor cg20998850 GI:88942176 XM_371208.3C1QDC2 GeneID:3885814GCGGCCCGAGGAGGACCACGACCG[CG]GCCCAGGCCCAGCGCCGCATGGCT(hypothetical protein LOC388581 isoform 1 cg21025132 GI:34577104 NM_183425.1RNPC1 GeneID:555441TAGTGCCTGCAACCGGCCGGGCCCG[CG]GGGGCAGCCAGGAGAGAAAG)RBM38; SEB4B; SEB4D; HSRNASEB; dJ800J21.2�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; ssDNA binding protein SEB4; CLL-associated antigen KW-5; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding1RNA-binding region containing protein 1 isoform b cg21053987 GI:8922327 NM_018047.1RBM22 GeneID:55696MGC10701 GeneID:847445GGCCGCTGCCAGGGCCGCGCAGCCACG[CG]AGTGGAATCAGAGGAGCCTCGAhypothetical protein LOC84744 cg13745142 GI:29825822 NM_030630.1C17orf28 GeneID:2839870TTTTTCTGACCTGTCAAACCCA[CG]TGTTCAGACAGTCCCGCAGGCCDMC1Fdownregulated in multiple cancer 1; go_component: integral to membranehypothetical protein LOC283987 cg13765703 GI:8922178 NM_018423.1STYK1 GeneID:553590CGGTTTCCGATGGCACCGGCCCAGT[CG]GAGGGGAAATAATGACAGGNOK; SuRTK106; DKFZp761P1010�protein kinase STYK1; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; g< "serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase 1 cg13785602 GI:32307168 NM_152910.3 GeneID:1608514GGAGAGGATTCGTCTGACAGCGAAG[CG]GAGCAAGAGGGACCCCAGAAACTDGKeta; DKFZp761I1510�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: diacylglycerol binding; go_function: diacylglycerol kinase activity; go_process: protein kinase C activation; go_process: intrace$diacylglycerol kinase; eta isoform 1 cg13797273 GI:58331147 NM_005940.3MMP11 GeneID:43204AGGAGAAACTGAGACCCAGAGCGGCA[CG]GGTTGGCCAGGGTCACCCAGCAST3; SL-3; STMY3�stromelysin 3; matrix metalloproteinase 11 (stromelysin 3); stromelysin III; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: stromelysin 3 activity; go_process: morphogenesi)matrix metalloproteinase 11 preproprotein cg13800921 GI:56550114 NM_016315.2GULP1 GeneID:514548AGGCAAGTCATCGTCGGGTCACAGCGAGG[CG]ACCCAGGAGCGAACTTCCAGGGCCED6; GULP; CED-6�engulfment adapter protein; PTB domain adaptor protein CED-6; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_process: apoptosis; go_process: phagocytosis; engulfment0GULP; engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1 cg13812744 GI:33469988 NM_007361.2NID2 GeneID:227953CCCTGAGGAGAAGCGAGCCTTTGTA[CG]AAGGCAGAGGGCTGACTCCTAA�osteonidogen; go_component: membrane; go_component: basement membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: collagen binding; go_process: cell-matrix adhesion nidogen 2 cg13830237 GI:38569444 NM_006385.2ZNF211 GeneID:105205CGGTCATTTTGGCTGCCCTCC[CG]GAGGTCCGTTCTGTCTGTCAGCCGCTTT!ZNF-25; ZNFC25; C2H2-25; CH2H2-25�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; zinc finger protein C2H2-25; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor ac!zinc finger protein 211 isoform 1 cg13848998 GI:46255040 NM_002888.2RARRES1 GeneID:5918,CGGAGAAAGGGGCAGGCCGCAG[CG]GGCATTGATGGGGCTCCTTIG1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; RAR-responsive protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: negative regulation of cell proliferationAretinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 1 isoform 2 cg13853366 GI:11967980 NM_022449.1RAB17 GeneID:642843ACTCCATGTGCAGCAAGCACAC[CG]AGGCCACAGGCTGCTGGGCCCACCTFLJ12538!RAB17; member RAS oncogene family cg13857119 GI:38373681 NM_020631.2PLEKHG5 GeneID:574494ACTGGACCTGCTGCCCCCAACT[CG]GCGGCTACCGCTCTTCCTGGCAAAGCKIAA0720; RP4-650H14.3�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; novel PH domain-containing protein; putative NFkB activating protein; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_process: positive regulation of I-kapp*putative NFkB activating protein isoform a cg13887940 GI:51558723 NM_030955.2ADAMTS12 GeneID:817926AGATGCAGGGGTGCATGGTCAGGCG[CG]AGAAGGCAGCGACTGCAAAGCTGCC�a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif; 12; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: metalloendopeptidase activity; gHADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif; 12 preproprotein cg13896476 GI:23308524 NM_153044.1FLJ35801 GeneID:1502915CTCGGCCACTGTTGTGCTGTGGC[CG]CTGATGATTAAGCATGAGGAACTCAG:go_function: DNA binding; go_process: protein biosynthesishypothetical protein LOC150291 cg13897443 GI:4505138 NM_002393.1 GeneID:41946GGAATGGCAGAGGAAGCGTAGTTTTTC[CG]AAGAGCTGAAGGCAGCCTGTGATMDMX; MRP1; DKFZp781B1423�p53-binding protein; mouse double minute 4; human homolog of; p53-binding protein; MDM4-related protein 1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; mouse double minute 4 homolog cg13914601 GI:10835022 NM_002222.1ITPR1 GeneID:37082CCGCTTCCATCCTAACGGAA[CG]AGCTCCCTCTTCGCGGACATGGGATTIP3R; IP3R1; Insp3r1�go_component: membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium channel activity; go_function: calcium ion transporter ac,inositol 1;4;5-triphosphate receptor; type 1 cg13929937 GI:11545810 NM_022097.1LOC63928 GeneID:639284CTCTCCCGTGCGGATCGCAAAATCT[CG]GAGCTGAAACAGCCCGTTGTTCG)hepatocellular carcinoma antigen gene 520 cg13931657 GI:14249561 NM_032844.1MASTL GeneID:849305TGTATGCTGTCCAGCGATGGATCCCACCG[CG]GGAAGCAAGAAGGAGCCTGGTHC2; FLJ14813; RP11-85G18.2�novel protein kinase domain containing protein; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: protein amino acid phosphorylation3microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase-like cg13949990 GI:37704387 NM_000346.2SOX9 GeneID:6662-TGGGAGTTGGAGAGCCGAAAG[CG]GAGCTCGAAACTGACTGGAACMD1; SRA1; CMPD1�SRY (sex-determining region Y)-box 9 protein; SRY (sex-determining region Y)-box 9 (campomelic dysplasia; autosomal sex-reversal); go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity; go_ptranscription factor SOX9 cg14011470 GI:59939903 NM_007073.3BVES GeneID:111492GGAGACTCGGCGGAGAGAGCAGAGA[CG]GAGCTCACCAAGGGGCTTGCCPOP1; HBVES; POPDC1; MGC42413�popeye domain containing 1; popeye protein 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: muscle development!blood vessel epicardial substance cg14017230 GI:31543190 NM_032333.2C10orf58 GeneID:842934AGATTGGAAGGAAGTTGGCCAGCCT[CG]GCTGCAGGACAGGTGCTTCCAGGMGC4248synonym: MGC4248hypothetical protein LOC84293 cg14018744 GI:38348331 NM_198508.1FLJ44186 GeneID:3466890AGAGCTTCTCACCCACCATA[CG]TCAGTGACCTTCAAGCCCAGATCTgo_function: sugar bindinghypothetical protein LOC346689 cg14022416 GI:89028063 XM_933454.1MYBL1 GeneID:46038TCAAGAGCCGCCGTTTGAATCTG[CG]CACGCGGCCCTGAACCTCATTGGCTGTGGDv-myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog (avian)-like 1 isoform 2 cg14081986 GI:40255051 NM_024726.3IQCA GeneID:797812ACTTAGCCTGTGGTCCTCCAGGC[CG]TCTTCCCGCTTTCCTGCTGGCCCFLJ22527; 4930465P12Rikgo_function: ATP binding#IQ motif containing with AAA domain cg14085589 GI:34330189 NM_181786.2HKR1 GeneID:2844596ACCTCTGCACCTTGTTACCTGACTTT[CG]GCTTCAGGATCCGCAGCGTGCACC�oncogene HKR1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: GLI-Kruppel family member HKR1 cg14100914 GI:22748882 NM_152417.1TMEM68 GeneID:1376954CGGGCTGCGTACGTCAGAGCTGCCTC[CG]AAGTGGTAAAATGTGCTGCGAGFLJ32370; MGC87778=go_function: acyltransferase activity; go_process: metabolismtransmembrane protein 68 cg14112558 GI:58197557NM_001010870.1TDRD6 GeneID:2214001CCTCTCTGGTCGGTCCTCAC[CG]CAGCCCTGTGTCAGGCCGTCACACG$TDR2; FLJ43850; NY-CO-45; bA446F17.41tudor repeat 2; go_function: nucleic acid bindingtudor domain containing 6 cg14132336 GI:14249589 NM_032858.1MAEL GeneID:849446TGGCTGGCCCTTTGTACCTGTAAAACG[CG]GAAACACCCGCAGCTCCTCTTTTFLJ14904; RP11-102C16.1!synonyms: FLJ14904; RP11-102C16.1maelstrom homolog cg14211646 GI:45580737 NM_205861.1DHDDS GeneID:79947:GACCACTGAGGCGTGAAGTACTAGGCGTG[CG]ATAACTGAAGGAGTTAGTAACTGGGDS; CIT; CPT; HDS; FLJ13102�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; cis-isoprenyltransferase; cis-prenyl transferase; go_function: transferase activity; go_process: metabolism.dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase isoform b cg14219259 GI:38327549 NM_005767.3 GeneID:10161< 3GACAGGGGGTGCAGCCCATGGAAGG[CG]AGCCAAAGCAGGGTGGGGCATCP2Y5; MGC120358�purinergic receptor 5; P2Y purinoceptor 5; RB intron encoded G-protein coupled receptor; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: purinergic nucleotide receptor activit*G-protein coupled purinergic receptor P2Y5 cg14232255 GI:31341122 NM_173803.2FLJ39599 GeneID:2550271GGAGGGGGCAGATGCAGGTGC[CG]GCTGCTGCAGTGCAGTAGCTGCTGMGC70356Mpv17-like protein type 1Mpv17-like protein type 2 cg14256452 GI:32455241 NM_001528.2 GeneID:30839GTCAGGTCTAGGACTAGGACCAGTGCAGGC[CG]AGGCCAGAGAGACAGCTGGGCTTHGFA; MGC138395; MGC138397�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase activity; go_process: cell motility; go_process: proteolysisHGF activator preproprotein cg14274921 GI:14149980 NM_032256.1TMEM117 GeneID:842164AGGTTCCTGAGTCCGTCCCT[CG]CCTGCAGCTGCCGCTCTGCAGAGGCGGG DKFZp434K2435synonym: DKFZp434K2435hypothetical protein LOC84216 cg14278514 GI:31343329 NM_175737.2KLB GeneID:1528312GGCCACCTCCCTCAAATTA[CG]TTGCTCTCTATGACCCATCCTCAGTCT�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: glucosidase activity; go_process: carbohydrate metabolismklotho beta like cg14318054 GI:11641236 NM_022337.1RAB38 GeneID:23682-GGAGAGGGGAGGAGACAGGAG[CG]AGTCCCGGGACTGGCAGCTGrrGTPbp; NY-MEL-1�Rab-related GTP-binding protein; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: GTPase activity; go_function: protein kinase activity; go_process: intracellular p cg14344311 GI:20143928 NM_012415.2RAD54B GeneID:25788�nexilin; NELIN; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknown!nexilin (F actin binding protein) cg17572348 GI:32698756 NM_030812.1ACTL8 GeneID:815695TTGCTGGTTGTCAAATTATTGCCTCTC[CG]CTCCACATTCACCCTTCTTGCCactin like protein cg17583448 GI:21314616 NM_000442.2PECAM1 GeneID:51755AGCTTGGAATGCAGCGGAACTGAGG[CG]AGAGAATAGCAGAGGAAGTAGGGG CD31; PECAM-1�adhesion molecule; PECAM-1; CD31/EndoCAM; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: intercellular junction; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell motility; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: cell recogni:platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule (CD31 antigen) cg17636033 GI:11545826 NM_022112.1P53AIP1 GeneID:639702CTTCCCACACTCTGCTTCC[CG]CACTCTGTCCTTCCTCAAGGCTGGCAC�go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: apoptosis*p53-regulated apoptosis-inducing protein 1 cg17669803 GI:75677364 NM_020877.2DNHD3 GeneID:1467548TGGCCACACAGGAGCAGGGGAATGCCC[CG]GCTGTCAGTGAGCCAGAGCTGCAGGFLJ46675; KIAA1503�go_component: dynein complex; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: microtubule motor activity; go_process: transport; go_process: microtubule-based movementprotein similar to dynein cg17682449 GI:40217842 NM_000095.2COMP GeneID:13114CCTGGATCCCGGGCCTCTCA[CG]GGTCCTACAGTCCGTTGTGGGGCCGTGGMED; EDM1; EPD1; PSACH�pseudoachondroplasia (epiphyseal dysplasia 1; multiple); epiphyseal dysplasia; multiple 1; cartilage oligomeric matrix protein(pseudoachondroplasia; epiphyseal dysplasia 1; multiple); cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (pseudoachondroplasia; epiphyseal d-cartilage oligomeric matrix protein precursor cg17714810 GI:45267833�zinc family member 5 protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding'zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 5 cg21780478 GI:38348255 NM_198468.1C6orf167 GeneID:253714/GGGGTGCCGGTATCCCGCGTACC[CG]GCTGCAGCAAGGACCCGGGG<FLJ46180; KIAA1900; dJ39B17.2; DKFZp781C2113; DKFZp686C20164Fsynonyms: FLJ46180; KIAA1900; dJ39B17.2; DKFZp781C2113; DKFZp686C20164hypothetical protein LOC253714 cg21842274 GI:47080098 NM_001882.3CRHBP GeneID:1393:AATGCACTCCCTTATTCTTTGTCTC[CG]CCTCATTCTCCAACACTTTAGTGCACTAA CRFBP; CRF-BP�corticotropin releasing hormone-binding protein; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: protein binding; go_process: pregnancy; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: learning and/or memory/corticotropin releasing hormone binding protein cg21870463 GI:4502902 NM_001835.1CLTCL1 GeneID:82183AGCGGGCCAGTGGTGCTAGTTCTGC[CG]CCAACTCTGGACGGTTGAGTTCCLTD; CHC22; CLH22; CLTCL�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; clathrin; heavy polypeptide-like; Clathrin; heavy polypeptide D; go_component: clathrin vesicle coat; go_component: clathrin coat of coated pit; go_function: binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; g,clathrin; heavy polypeptide-like 1 isoform a cg21900392 GI:31542584 NM_001956.2EDN2 GeneID:19076TGCAGGGCCACGAGCAGGGCTAGCGCAA[CG]GAGCACCAGGTGGTAGGCACGGET2�go_component: extracellular region; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: growth factor activity; go_process: pathogenesis; go_process: cell-cell signaling; go_process: regulation of vasoconstriction; go_process: protein kinase C activation; go_pro endothelin 2 cg21915529 GI:33598921 NM_182826.1SCARA3 GeneID:514352AAAATACCAAGGAAGTTGATCTGGGC[CG]GGGCCCAAGAAGTGACGAGGCSR; APC7; CSR1; MSLR1; MSRL1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; anaphase promoting complex subunit 7; cellular stress response protein; macrophage scavenger receptor-like 1; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; LISCH protein isoform 3 cg24989962 GI:38505191 NM_000953.2PTGDR GeneID:57293GAGCTCTTCACTGGCCTGCTCCG[CG]CTCTTCAATGCCAGCGCCAGGCGCDP; AS1; MGC49004�prostanoid DP receptor; PGD receptor; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: thromboxane receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: prostaglandin D receptor activity; go_processprostaglandin D2 receptor cg25000651 GI:8923418 NM_017826.1TEB1 GeneID:54937-CCCAGGCCGGGCTTTGAGGGC[CG]AGGGGACCACCGACCTAGGGFLJ20449; bA121N13.2hypothetical protein LOC54937 cg25031662 GI:31581597 NM_138441.1C6orf150 GeneID:1150042CTGGCGGGCACACAAGAGTCTGCGACC[CG]AAGGGGAACCCCAGGCTGGhypothetical protein LOC115004 cg25041439 GI:21450730 NM_145014.1HYLS1 GeneID:219844:AGTAAAAAAGAATGAGGGCTGAGCAAGA[CG]ATTGGAGCTGACTACCAAGATCACTGFLJ32915synonym: FLJ32915hypothetical protein LOC219844 cg25045351 GI:34916015 NM_194295.1 DKFZp434I1020 GeneID:1969682GAGCCCTCTTGGGACCCATGGT[CG]CCCTCAGTCAGCGGGACTGCTCCChypothetical protein LOC196968 cg25071116 GI:40789232 NM_020312.1COQ9 GeneID:57017.GGCTGCGCAAGGGACGAGGCAGC[CG]GGGAACGGCAGAAATTCCCC16orf49; DKFZP434K046 synonyms: C16orf49; DKFZP434K046hypothetical protein LOC57017 cg25075394 GI:62079294 NM_020825.2CRAMP1L GeneID:57585/GGCTCAAGAAGCTGGGCAAGCGGG[CG]GCCGATGAGGAGTCCCTGGTCE49Crm (Cramped Drosophila)-like; T-complex expressed gene 4Crm; cramped-like cg25085537 GI:32307151 NM_000916.3OXTR GeneID:50215TCTGCTTGTCTGCGCCCAAGAGC[CG]TTTCTGCCTCCTTGTCGCGCTTCGGAOT-R�go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: lipid metabolism; go_process: sphingolipid metabolism; go_process: sphingomyelin biosynthesis'sterile alpha motif domain containing 8 cg27415418 GI:28329446 NM_133497.2KCNV2 GeneID:169522:GAGAGAGAAGCTGAAGCTGACTCAAAGATC[CG]ACTGGACCTGAACAGTGCCCCAGGKv8.2; KV11.1; MGC120515�voltage-gated potassium channel Kv8.2; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: voltage-gated potassium channel complex; go_function: potassium ion binding; go_function: voltage-gated potassium channel activity; go_process(potassium channel; subfamily V; member 2 cg27442842 GI:40789263< NM_032350.3MGC11257 GeneID:843103TTGATGGAAAGGTCAATGAGAAAAC[CG]AGGTGGCAACCGACATGGAACGhypothetical protein LOC84310 cg27445635 GI:46409309 NM_207336.1ZNF467 GeneID:1685440GGGCAGGTGATGGTCCTAAGGCTC[CG]AGCCTGGAGTAGGTGTGGAA EZI; Zfp467�zinc finger protein EZI; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingzinc finger protein 467 cg27446481 GI:88961551 XM_934351.1C3orf41 GeneID:261723TCTGCTTGCTGAAAAGCTGCAGAGGC[CG]CCAGGAGCCCACGGTGAGCGG'hypothetical protein LOC26172 isoform 2 cg27450607 GI:4758021 NM_004086.1COCH GeneID:16906GACGCCTCTGTCCCTGTTTCTTTGT[CG]CTCCCAGCCTGTCTGTCGTCGTTTT DFNA9; DFNA31; COCH5B2; COCH-5B2�coagulation factor C (Limulus polyphemus) homology (cochlin); deafness; autosomal dominant 9; coagulation factor C (Limulus polyphemus homolog); cochlin; go_process: sensory perception of sound/coagulation factor C homolog; cochlin precursor cg27475623 GI:31542776 NM_152455.2ZNF690 GeneID:146050/CTGATCTCCCCCAGTATCTC[CG]CAGTCCTTCCCGAGGCCTTCTGCZfp690; ZSCAN29; FLJ35867zinc finger protein 690 cg27491274 GI:60218907 NM_032529.1KIAA1875 GeneID:3403904GTTCTGGACTCGGACCTGTATGATG[CG]GATGGCTATGATGTCCCAGACCCKIAA1875 protein cg27547693 GI:47132621 NM_002451.3 GeneID:45071GCTTGGTTCCCTTAGTCCCGAG[CG]CTCGCCCACTGCAGATTCCTTTC MSAP; c86fus�MeSAdo phosphorylase; go_function: phosphorylase activity; go_function: S-methyl-5-thioadenosine phosphorylase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring pentosyl groups; go_process: nucleobase; nucleoside; nucleotide and nucleic acid metab(5prime-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase cg27554763 GI:40806168 NM_014946.3SPAST GeneID:66832GCCGCCGCTGGGAGCCACCAGGCGG[CG]GAGAGGACAGCGACAGGAAGGFSP2; SPG4; ADPSP; KIAA1083�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; spastic paraplegia 4 (autosomal dominant; spastin); go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleoside-triphosphatase activityspastin isoform 1 cg27598077 GI:28626520 NM_021035.1ZNFX1 GeneID:571696CGCGGCCTGGACAACTACTAGAGCGCCT[CG]GGCTGTGCTGCTCGAGACTACA#zinc finger; NFX1-type containing 1 cg27626153 GI:5032094 NM_005630.1SLCO2A1 GeneID:65780CGGCAGTGGCCGGAGGAGATTCG[CG]GAGCGGAGACTGAGCCAGCGAPGT; OATP2A1; SLC21A2�solute carrier family 21 (prostaglandin transporter); member 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: lipid transporter activity; go_process: lipid transport;solute carrier organic anion transporter family; member 2A1 cg27639448 GI:31543409 NM_005084.2PLA2G7 GeneID:79414CCTTTCCGCAGACCTGATGC[CG]ATCAGATTTACTCCCTGCTGAATTCACCPAFAH; LDL-PLA2�platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: 2-acetyl-1-alkylglycerophosphocholine esterase complex; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: phospholipid binding; go_function: 1-alkyl-2-acetylglyceropphospholipase A2; group VII cg27662492 GI:39725959 NM_175852.3TXLNA GeneID:2000813CTTGGGATCTGCGGCTAGCCCCTG[CG]TAAAGAGGGACGCGTAGTCTTTT6TXLN; MGC118870; MGC118871; RP4-622L5.4; DKFZp451J0118�alpha-taxilin; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: protein binding; go_function: high molecular weight B cell growth factor receptor binding; go_process: exocytosis; go_process: cell proliferationtaxilinIhelicase C-terminal domain- and SNF2 N-terminal domain-containing protein+chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 cg25241629 GI:27477125 NM_002268.3KPNA4 GeneID:38403AAAGTAACGTTCTTTTCTCCC[CG]GGCGCGCCCTGTCTTCCTGGGCATTC%QIP1; SRP3; IPOA3; MGC12217; MGC26703�importin alpha 3; importin-alpha-Q1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: binding; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_process: intracellular protein transport; go_process: NLS-bearing substrate-nucleus importkaryopherin alpha 4 cg25268311 GI:13129095 NM_024094.1DCC1 GeneID:790756GTCCACATTGTCTCACCTTC[CG]CCAGTGGCGGGCCCTGTGATAACCACTTGGMGC5528synonym: MGC55280defective in sister chromatid cohesion homolog 1 cg25310901 GI:16507961 NM_022124.2CDH23 GeneID:640726GGGGGATTCGTAGAGTTGCCACAGCAGC[CG]GTGCCATGACATCGGCAGAGGGDUSH1D; DFNB12; FLJ00233; FLJ36499; KIAA1774; KIAA1812; DKFZp434P2350�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; cadherin-23; cadherin related 23; otocadherin; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_p'cadherin related 23 isoform 1 precursor cg25328045 GI:29244922 NM_015939.3CGI-09 GeneID:516051GGAAAGCTGCGGCTGAAGAGAACTG[CG]GACTTGGCAGGAGTCGCCTGMGC5029ggo_function: translation initiation factor activity; go_process: regulation of translational initiationCGI-09 protein cg25342909 GI:13375882 NM_024643.1 C14orf140 GeneID:796962GCTGGACCGAGCTGCAGAGTTGGC[CG]GACACTGACTGGGTCAAGTGACFLJ23093synonym: FLJ23093hypothetical protein LOC79696 cg25352228 GI:89052290 XM_930581.1FLJ46419 GeneID:3885075CAGTCTGGCTCTGCAGGGCCC[CG]TTATCCCGGGCTTCTGCTGTCACTCAGGUDerived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefseq.hypothetical protein LOC388507 cg253638855TTGCTGCAGTGGGGCGCATGCAGCCG[CG]AATCGGCACCTGGGCAGCAAGCG cg25373366 GI:21687174 NM_145309.1LRRC51 GeneID:220074+ATCTGAGATTTCCCCCAC[CG]ACCCTCATCACCTTTCACAGC!leucine rich repeat containing 51 cg25377353 GI:24497491 NM_003060.2SLC22A5 GeneID:65840GAGCCCGGGCTACCTCGGT[CG]TCCCCAGCAGGCTTGGCTGGCAGAGCDSP; OCTN2; FLJ46769�organic cation transporter 5; organic cation/carnitine transporter 2; high-affinity sodium dependent carnitine cotransporter; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_fu!solute carrier family 22 member 5 cg25399228 GI:51510894NM_001003937.1TSPYL6 GeneID:3889518ACCTCTGTCGCCTTGCTCTTTTCT[CG]GGACCTCTGGCCCTGGTGCGGGTCTTCC6go_component: nucleus; go_process: nucleosome assembly TSPY-like 6 cg25417743 GI:46409637 NM_207505.1FLJ45248 GeneID:4014721GTTGACTCAGAGGGTGGCCGGG[CG]GCCAGCGTCTGATGTCAGCCTGGhypothetical protein LOC401472 cg25421422 GI:88942357 XM_209234.5C1orf167 GeneID:284498/GGGAAGGAGCCAAGAGGAGGCA[CG]CCTGGTGGAGGAAGCCCAGAChypothetical protein LOC284498 cg25424726 GI:24307882 NM_001986.1ETV4 GeneID:21184GAAACTTCTCCGACTCACTGGGG[CG]ATGGCGAGGTTTCCGCCTGCCAGGCE1AF; PEA3; E1A-F; PEAS3�polyomavirus enhancer activator-3; ets variant gene 4 (E1A enhancer-binding protein; E1AF); go_component: nucleus; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcriptional activator activity; go_7ets variant gene 4 (E1A enhancer binding protein; E1AF) cg25428323 GI:19924157 NM_000538.2RFXAP GeneID:59948AAAATTAGCATCCTAACACTACAAGT[CG]TGAGACCGCTCAGGAACAATCCTAAT�RFX-associated protein; RFX DNA-binding complex 36 kDa subunit; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription coactivator activity; go_process: transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter&regulatory factor X-associated protein cg25429719 GI:13377001 NM_006891.2CRYGD GeneID:14212TGGCAAGAACCGCACAAAAGGGGCCCC[CG]GAGGGGAGCAAGGGCATTTCACA; CCA3; CRYG4; cry-g-D�gamma crystallin 4; go_function: structural constituent of eye lens; go_process: sensory perception; go_process: visual perceptioncrystallin; gamma D cg25459395 GI:47604913 NM_033402.2LRRCC1 GeneID:854442GCGGAAGTGGAAAACGAAGACGG[CG]ACAGCAGCTGCGGGGATGTATGCSAP2; KIAA1764synonyms: SAP2; KIAA1764#sodium channel associated protein 2 cg25468490 GI:55750010 NM_001362.2 GeneID:17350GCGGCAGCGGCTGCCGGAGTCCCC[CG]CCCCCGAGAGCTGGCTGCGGD3; 5DIII; TXDI3; DIOIII�type III iodothyronine deiodinase; type 3 iodothyronine selenodeiodinase; thyroxine deiodinase type III (selenoprotein); go_component: cel< lular component unknown; go_function: selenium binding; go_function: thyroxine 5prime-deiodinase activity; go_process#deiodinase; iodothyronine; type III cg25504434 GI:25777695 NM_021253.2TRIM39 GeneID:566582GCGGCGGGCATCCCATCTGCA[CG]TCACACCTCTTTCTCACCTGGACACTFP; RNF23; MGC32984�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; ring finger protein 23; testis-abundant finger protein; go_component: intracellular; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein self binding; go_process: biological pro(tripartite motif-containing 39 isoform 1 cg25515269 GI:67191026 NM_000885.4ITGA4 GeneID:3676/GTCCCGTGGCAACTGAGTGGGTG[CG]TGAAAAGGGGGGATCATCAAIA4; CD49D; MGC905184GAAACCTGGCGGTAACCTCTGCAGGT[CG]TGCCACTCGGTGTGCGCAAGGT(KIAA0018; SELADIN1; Nbla03646; seladin-1�diminuto/dwarf1 homolog; selective AD indicator 1; 3 beta-hydroxysterol delta 24-reductase; putative protein product of Nbla03646; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: oxidoreduct)24-dehydrocholesterol reductase precursor cg22553535 GI:21264615 NM_022772.2EPS8L2 GeneID:647874CCTGAGGGGTGCACCTGGCCCGG[CG]GAGGCTCTGACCTCCCCAGGGCTGG#EPS8R2; MGC3088; FLJ21935; FLJ22171~EPS8-related protein 2; epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8-related protein 2; go_function: receptor activityCepidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8-like protein 2 cg22569942 GI:71164890 NM_013372.5GREM1 GeneID:265853GGGACCAACGCAGGCGATGCCGGG[CG]GCCGACAGGGAAAGCCCAGACCT5DRM; PIG2; DAND2; IHG-2; GREMLIN; CKTSF1B1; MGC126660�cysteine knot superfamily 1; BMP antagonist 1; increased in high glucose-2; down-regulated in Mos-transformed cells; proliferation-inducing gene 2; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: cytokine activity; go_function: protein binding; go_processgremlin-1 precursor cg22570042 GI:51972185NM_001004306.1MGC87631 GeneID:3391848CCGTTACACACCAGTGCGCCTG[CG]CACCTTTGACGTCACTGAACCTGTGCCTTChypothetical protein LOC339184 cg22617637 GI:89040548 XM_926271.1 LOC146429 GeneID:1464294GAGCTGTGCTCAGCGGCATTTCC[CG]GTGAGGCCCTTGACCCTTGACCTCA,similar to ion transporter protein isoform 2 cg22632756 GI:11079650 NM_006228.2PNOC GeneID:53682CAGACACTTCCATCTGAGCCT[CG]AGTCTCAGCATTCTCCATTGCACCAPPNOC�propronociceptin; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: opioid peptide activity; go_function: neuropeptide hormone activity; go_process: synaptic transmission; go_process: sensory perception; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: neuropeprepronociceptin cg22654692 GI:42476270 NM_174900.2ZFP42 GeneID:1326255GTGGCATTGGAAATAGCAGAGTGCTTCG[CG]GTAACAGGGGTGAGTCTTGTTREX1zinc finger protein 42 cg22654861 GI:34878903 NM_003176.2SYCP1 GeneID:68472GCTCCGGGCCGCTCAGGCTGAG[CG]ATTTCCCGCCTTTTCTGAGGTTCTSCP1; MGC104417; HOM-TES-14�go_component: nucleus; go_component: lateral element; go_component: synaptonemal complex; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: protein binding; go_process: meiosis; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: cell division; go_process: spermatogenesis; go_procesynaptonemal complex protein 1 cg22667178 GI:58219011NM_001010897.1C13orf21 GeneID:3879236AGAGATTACTTCCGTCCGGGCTG[CG]GCCTCTCTCTGGAGTCGGCTAGCCGGG#MGC35505; bA269C23.1; RP11-269C23.11similar to ribosome associated membrane protein 4hypothetical protein LOC387923 cg22673702 GI:55743078 NM_138813.2ATP8B3 GeneID:1482296GGGACGCACAGCAGTGGGAGCACCCGC[CG]CTCACCGGCGCAGGAGAGGCAGGATPIK�aminophospholipid translocase ATP8B3; potential phospholipid-transporting ATPase IK; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleoti"ATPase; Class I; type 8B; member 3 cg22676291 GI:38570154 NM_022143.3LRRC4 GeneID:641013GCGCCTGGGAGAGCCAAGGCCCGG[CG]GGCTATGCAGGTGCATGCCCCCCNAG14dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 cg18825414 GI:13899222 NM_031416.1C18orf2 GeneID:566518CTCTGGCATAAACGGGTTAAGGCCTT[CG]ACTGACTGGATAAGGCCACCCATATThypothetical protein LOC56651 cg18838964 GI:33946312 NM_016350.3NIN GeneID:511994GTCTTCGCGCAGAGGAAGGGCCCC[CG]CCTTCAGCAAGCGGGACTTTAAGGKIAA1565�isoform 4 is encoded by transcript variant 4; GSK3B-interacting protein; ninein centrosomal protein; glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta-interacting protein; ninein isotype 2; go_component: microtubule; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: GTP binding; go_f4CCCCACCACTGCGTACTCTGTTG[CG]GATCACACCATCCAATACAAACTTThypothetical protein XP_056680 cg12032009 GI:42544120 NM_017684.3VPS13C GeneID:548328CATCTATGTGGCCGCTCTGCTTTCC[CG]CCGTCACCTGCTGTTGAACTCCGGCCGPisoform 1A is encoded by transcript variant 1A; go_process: protein localization/vacuolar protein sorting 13C protein isoform 1A cg12043014 GI:31317237 NM_012083.2FRAT2 GeneID:234011GGGACTGATTTCCGACCTCC[CG]GGCCCAACGAGCCGTGCTGAAACGTMGC10562�go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: development; go_process: cell proliferation; go_process: Wnt receptor signaling pathwayGSK-3 binding protein FRAT2 cg12061148 GI:33383234 NM_018518.3MCM10 GeneID:553889GAATGGACATAAGGCTGACAAAGGAACAGT[CG]GTCCCAGAGCGTCAGGAGTTGAGCNA43; PRO2249bisoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; homolog of yeast MCM10; go_function: protein binding/minichromosome maintenance protein 10 isoform 2 cg12071452<ATTGATTATTAATTTGAGAAACGTGATTTC[CG]AAAGCATTATATTGGGTCAGGTTTCC cg12085061 GI:71725372NM_001029997.1ZNF181 GeneID:3393189AGAGCTCGCCTGGTACAAGGTCTGCCCA[CG]TCCCGGGAGATAAACATTAGTGTGAHHZ181; MGC44316synonyms: HHZ181; MGC44316 zinc finger protein 181 (HHZ181) cg12106945 GI:22027564 NM_005203.3COL13A1 GeneID:13052TGACTGGCCCGGGAGACACGAGG[CG]CCCAGAAGGACTGACAGCGCGGC�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: collagen type XIII; go_component: collagen type XIII; go_function: extracellular matrix structural constituent; go_process: phosphate trans$alpha 1 type XIII collagen isoform 1 cg12122386 GI:17921994 NM_001853.2COL9A3 GeneID:12990GGCACTGACCGGGCCCTGGTAC[CG]GGGATTCACCCTCCCCGGGGTGIDD; MED; EDM3; DJ885L7.4.1�collagen IX; alpha-3 polypeptide; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen type IX; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: phosphate transportalpha 3 type IX collagen cg12125356 GI:71979931 NM_003486.5SLC7A5 GeneID:81400CTGGCGGGCTATTCCCAGGCC[CG]CGTGGTCCTCGAAGGCCCCAGTC.E16; CD98; LAT1; 4F2LC; MPE16; hLAT1; D16S469E�4F2 light chain; sodium-independent neutral amino acid transporter LAT1; integral membrane protein E16; L-type amino acid transporter 1; large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1; CD98 light chain; go_component: membrane; go_component: plasma Nsolute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter; y+ system); member 5 cg12177242 GI:41327717 NM_021158.3TRIB3 GeneID:577615GGATGGTGCGATCCCGGGCC[CG]AGGGCATCAGACGGCGGCTGATTAGCTCC!NIPK; SINK; TRB3; SKIP3; C20orf97�p65-interacting inhibitor of NF-kappaB; neuronal cell death inducible putative kinase; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein kinase binding; go_function: protein k tribbles 3 cg12179176 GI:7662025 NM_014758.1SNX19 GeneID:3999797GGGCGCGTGCTCGCCAAGAGCTGG[CG]CAGATTTCCGAAGTGCCACGAAACAGCCHET8; KIAA0254; DKFZp667I205�go_function: protein binding; go_function: phosphoinositide binding; go_process: protein transport; go_process: intracellular signaling cascadesorting nexin 19 cg12194605 GI:48717281NM_001001669.1FLJ41603 GeneID:3893371GTCTGGACAAGCTACTGGACTTTGAG[CG]GGTGGAAGAGAAGCTGCTGhypothetical protein LOC389337 cg12205584 GI:31343395 NM_178836.2 LOC201164 GeneID:2011643GCGCCCGGAGCCCGCAGCAGGGCCT[CG]< GTACAGGTCACCTGAGACGGGAUgo_function: hydrolase activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: lipid catabolismhypothetical protein LOC201164 cg12211605 GI:16579887 NM_000507.2FBP1 GeneID:22031CCTCCACCCGCACTGTGGAG[CG]GGACTCGGGCCATCGGACTCTGCCAFBP�liver fructose-bisphosphatase; fructose-bisphosphatase 1; growth-inhibiting protein 17; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: protein self binding; go_function: fructose-bisphosphatase activity; go_function: phosphorfructose-1;6-bisphosphatase 1 cg12233380 GI:20127595 NM_021146.2ANGPTL7 GeneID:102187AATATTTAAGATGCTGACTTGTGGAGCATT[CG]GGCTTGGAAGGAAAGCTATAG$AngX; CDT6; dJ647M16.1; RP4-647M16.2�angiopoietin-like factor; angiopoietin-like factor (CDT6); go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: soluble fraction; go_process: response to oxidative stressangiopoietin-like 7 cg12259254 GI:32189424 NM_178821.1WDR69 GeneID:1647818TCCCGCCTATCCATTTAGGCTG[CG]ACCTCTGGTAGTTCTCCACTTTCTCTAATTFLJ25955synonym: FLJ25955hypothetical protein LOC164781 cg12295307 GI:13591857 NM_013358.1PADI1 GeneID:29943/AGCAGGTGAGTCCTGCTTCGCC[CG]GGGCCCCCAGTTGAAGCTCCCPDI; PDI1; HPAD10�go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: protein-arginine deiminase activity; go_process: protein modification!peptidylarginine deiminase type I cg12326308 GI:22749318 NM_152647.1C15orf33 GeneID:1969512GTGTGGAGCTGTTCGAGGACTCG[CG]GGTGTGCAGGTCTGAGTACCACTFLJ32800; MGC57432synonyms: FLJ32800; MGC57432hypothetical protein LOC196951 cg12331425 GI:16554590 NM_001976.2ENO3 GeneID:20270GGACCGAGTGGCTCAGGGATAAATG[CG]CAGCCTGAGAGGGGGTGAGMSE�enolase-3; beta; muscle; muscle specific enolase; beta enolase; skeletal muscle enolase; 2-phospho-D-glycerate hydrolyase; ENO3; muscle enolase 3 beta; enolase 3; (beta; muscle); go_component: phosphopyruvate hydratase complex; go_function: lyase activity enolase 3 cg12334514 GI:34147560 NM_014424.3HSPB7 GeneID:271294GGCTGGATCCTGTCTCCTTGCCACT[CG]GACCTCGGTGCCTGCCCCAGAACcvHSP; DKFZp779D0968�cardiovascular heat shock protein; heat shock 27kD protein family; member 7 (cardiovascular); go_function: unfolded protein binding; go_function: protein C-terminus binding; go_process: protein folding; go_process: response to unfolded protein; go_process:heat shock 27kDa protein family; member 7 (cardiovascular) cg12342670 GI:28372554 NM_174934.1SCN4B GeneID:6330,TCCAGTGGGGCTGGGCTGCTG[CG]GCTGGCACTGCAGGGCCGG�go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: voltage-gated sodium channel complex; go_function: sodium ion binding; go_function: voltage-gated sodium channel activity; go_process: ion transport; go_process: sodium ion transport; go_process: synaptic ,sodium channel; voltage-gated; type IV; beta cg12348189 GI:15718770 NM_003740.2KCNK5 GeneID:8645-AGCCTGAGGAAGGGGGTTAGAA[CG]GGGCTGAAGAAGCTGTAGGTASK2; TASK-2; FLJ11035�potassium channel; subfamily K; member 1 (TASK-2); potassium channel; subfamily K; member 5 (TASK-2); acid-sensitive potassium channel protein TASK-2; TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ channel 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_co(potassium channel; subfamily K; member 5 cg12371173 GI:38569483 NM_017641.2KIF21A GeneID:55605-CTGCCCCCTCCGGTGGGGA[CG]CGGCCTCCCAGCGGCCAGGCTG<FEOM; CFEOM; FEOM1; CFEOM1; FLJ20052; KIAA1708; DKFZp779C159�NY-REN-62 antigen; fibrosis of the extraocular muscles; congenital; 1; Fibrosis of extraocular muscles; congenital; 1; autosomal dominant; go_component: microtubule; go_component: microtubule associated complex; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nuclkinesin family member 21A cg12377578 GI:55770853 NM_000835.3GRIN2C GeneID:29053CAAGCTGGGTCGTGACCCCGAGTCC[CG]CAGTGGGGGGACCAAGCCAGCC NR2C; NMDAR2C�N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 2C; go_component: postsynaptic membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: ion channel activity; go_function: transporter activit2N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 2C precursor cg12383820 GI:55749931 NM_001927.3DES GeneID:16743GGAGATAACCAGGGCTGAAAGAGGCC[CG]CCTGGGGGCTGCAGACATGCT9CSM1; CSM2; CMD1I; FLJ12025; FLJ39719; FLJ41013; FLJ41793�intermediate filament protein; go_component: intermediate filament; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; go_process: muscle development; go_process: muscle contraction; go_process: regulation of heart contraction rate; go_process: cytoskeldesmin cg12392477 GI:4557392 NM_000606.1C8G GeneID:7332TGGGTGATGGTTTAAGGAAGATAA[CG]TGTAAAGGGCTAAGGACTGTCGC8C�go_component: extracellular space; go_component: membrane attack complex; go_function: binding; go_function: retinol binding; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: cytolysis; go_process: transport; go_process: immune response; go_process: complem)complement component 8; gamma polypeptide cg12450954 GI:21536454 NM_000021.2PSEN1 GeneID:56636TGGTTGTCAAAGTTGGAGTCCAAGAAT[CG]CGGAGGATGTTTAAAATGCAGTTAD3; FAD; PS1; S182�isoform I-467 is encoded by transcript variant I-467; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: kinetochore; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: endoplasmicpresenilin 1 isoform I-467 cg12457068 GI:24307932 NM_007162.1TFEB GeneID:79424CTCCGGCAACTTGTCGCAAGTT[CG]GGTGCCTGGCCCGCAAGCTGTGCCCGTCFEB; AlphaTFEB�T-cell transcription factor EB; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription regulator activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-transcription factor EB cg12482842 GI:33457329 NM_133462.1TTC14 GeneID:1516138CCCTGCATTCTCTAGCCATGGAC[CG]GGACCTTTTGCGGCAGTCGCTAAATTGCCFLJ00166; KIAA1980sgo_component: nucleus; go_component: exosome (RNase complex); go_function: RNA binding; go_process: rRNA processing"tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14 cg12556030 GI:4885512 NM_005382.1NEF3 GeneID:47413GGCGATATTCGCACCAAGGGTGCGAAA[CG]CAATCGGGAGGTGAGAAATGNFM; NEFM; NF-M�neurofilament 3 (150kD medium); neurofilament-3 (150 kD medium); go_component: axon; go_component: neurofilament; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeletonneurofilament 3 (150kDa medium) cg12565989 GI:27734858 NM_173662.1RNF175 GeneID:2855332GCCATGCAGGGCCCCTGCGA[CG]CAAGCATCTTGCCTTTGCCCCTCTACFLJ34190hypothetical protein LOC285533 cg12571654 GI:29540530 NM_001055.2SULT1A1 GeneID:68172GCCAGCCTCCAGCAGCTACTG[CG]CTGCAGCAGCCGGCACCTGCACCTGEPST; STP; STP1; P-PST; ST1A3; TSPST1; MGC5163; MGC131921; HAST1/HAST2�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; phenol-preferring phenol sulfotransferase1; phenol-sulfating phenol sulfotransferase; aryl sulfotransferase; thermostable phenol sulfotransferase1; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: sulfotransferMsulfotransferase family; cytosolic; 1A; phenol-preferring; member 1 isoform a cg12600197 GI:13375816 NM_024608.1NEIL1 GeneID:796619CTTTCAGTGACCAATCTCTTTCT[CG]CCTCAGGGCCTTTGTACTGGCGGTTCCTTCNEI1; hFPG1; FLJ22402FLJ40021synonym: FLJ40021hypothetical protein LOC157869 cg16027566 GI:56676339 NM_016264.2ZNF44 GeneID:517100ATTTCCCGGCTGTGCGGTGTCC[CG]GGTCCTCCCAACTCCCGTAGTC0ZNF; KOX7; ZNF58; GIOT-2; ZNF504; DKFZp686L21136�gonadotropin inducible transcription repressor-2; zinc finger protein 58; DNA-binding protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: intracellular; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: proteizinc finger protein 44 cg16062764 GI:31742485 NM_022073.2EGLN3 GeneID:112399.TCGGGGACAAGGGAAAGTTTCT[CG]CAACTCTCGGGAGAAGGGAT!PHD3; HIFPH3; FLJ21620; MGC125999�EGL nine (C.elegans) homolog 3; go_component: nucleus; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: L-ascorbic acid bi< nding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; acting on single donorsegl nine homolog 3 cg16092836 GI:7019336 NM_013399.1C16orf5 GeneID:299650GACTGCTGGCACCCAAGGGCCA[CG]GCTGGGCCCTCTGCCTCCCCTCI1; CDIP�transmembrane protein I1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknowncell death inducing protein cg16114442 GI:88961467 XM_934158.1ULK4 GeneID:54986:CCATGGCAGCACGCAGAACGCTGGAAAAA[CG]CAAAGCGCTGATTGGTTAAGAGTCT'hypothetical protein LOC54986 isoform 2 cg16127845 GI:4504090 NM_001505.1GPR30 GeneID:28523CCACGCAGGTCTCTGAACCA[CG]CCTCAGGCTGCAGCAGCCGCATTACTC/FEG-1; LERGU; CMKRL2; LERGU2; GPCR-Br; MGC99678�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; chemokine receptor-like 2; leucine rich protein in GPR30 3 UTR (LERGU); go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-lik'G protein-coupled receptor 30 isoform 2 cg16129259 GI:50080220 NM_173636.3WDR62 GeneID:2844034AATCTCTTACGGCTCCACCCTA[CG]CCTACATCCGGGCAACCGTTGGGGCG/C19orf14; FLJ33298; DKFZP434J046; DKFZp686G1024�magic roundabout; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_process: angiogenesis; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: regulation of cell migration&roundabout homolog 4; magic roundabout cg19794174 GI:48093064 NM_022486.3SUSD1 GeneID:644202GGGAGCTGGATGAGGTGACCACAG[CG]CAAGGCCCAGATGAGAGGTCGG RP11-4O1.1sushi domain containing 1 cg19812226 GI:41327753 NM_020639.2RIPK4 GeneID:541014GCAGAGCTTCTCACGCTTCTCA[CG]GGTCTCGACGTGCGCATCAGCTGCCCDIK; PKK; RIP4; ANKK2; ANKRD3�PKC-delta-interacting protein kinase; serine/threonine-protein kinase ANKRD3; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transfeankyrin repeat domain 3 cg19836999 GI:45935392 NM_024939.2RBM35B GeneID:800040GGAAGTCAAAGGGTCAAGGGGG[CG]GTGAGAGTTGCCGGGTATCACCFLJ21918; FLJ22248aRNA binding motif protein 35A; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindinghypothetical protein LOC80004 cg19849597 GI:39753956 NM_015602.2TOR1AIP1 GeneID:260920AAGTTGCCCTGCCATCCTTCTAT[CG]CCCCCACCCCTCCTTTACTTA5LAP1B; MGC3413; FLJ13142; DKFZP586G011; RP11-533E19.1?synonyms: LAP1B; MGC3413; FLJ13142; DKFZP586G011; RP11-533E19.1 lamina-associated polypeptide 1B cg19855341 GI:88943814 XM_932839.1C1orf67 GeneID:2000958CATTGTGGCCTCTTCGCCAGGG[CG]CAGGCGTGGCTCTTGGTCAGGCGGTTACGG(hypothetical protein LOC200095 isoform 2 cg19908768 GI:28830307 NM_006588.2SULT1C2 GeneID:272333TCACAGAGAACGGAAGGGCTGGAA[CG]GGACCCAGCCAGCAGGGTTTGTGSULT1C; MGC34422 GI:42516571 NM_033549.3TRIM41 GeneID:90933-CGGCATCGGCTGTGGGGAGTAC[CG]GCTGCAGTCGGCTGTGCCGMGC1127; MGC31991�isform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: protein ubiquitination'tripartite motif-containing 41 isform 1 cg23509666 GI:70780352 NM_020475.2ANK1 GeneID:2860GTTGCCCCGGGGTCGAGAGCAGC[CG]GGGAGAGCTGAGTTCAGAGCCANK; SPH1; SPH2�isoform 4 is encoded by transcript variant 4; ankyrin-R; ankyrin-1; erythrocytic; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: actin cytoskeleton; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: basolateral plasma membrane; go_componankyrin 1 isoform 4 cg23512686 GI:54607142 NM_004628.3XPC GeneID:75087AAGGGCGCAGGGTTTGAAACATGG[CG]GACGACGTAGACCAGGTAAGTGTATTT XP3; XPCC�xeroderma pigmentosum group C protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: damaged DNA binding; go_function: single-stranded DNA binding; go_process: nucleotide-excision repair.xeroderma pigmentosum; complementation group C cg23528037 GI:44662812 NM_203411.1TMEM88 GeneID:921626CCCGCTGTCACCATGCTGGGCTT[CG]GCTTCCTCTGCCACTCTCAGGTGAGCGFLJ20025; MGC71744synonyms: FLJ20025; MGC71744hypothetical protein LOC92162 cg23545111 GI:4505056 NM_002353.1TACSTD2 GeneID:4070:ACAATTTGATTCTAACACAGCAAAT[CG]TTGCTTTTCTTTTCCTGTATCCCACGTAA"M1S1; EGP-1; GA733; TROP2; GA733-1�epithelial glycoprotein-1; membrane component; chromosome 1; surface marker 1 (40kD glycoprotein; identified by monoclonal antibody GA733); go_component: cytosol; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor act6tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 precursor cg23571754 GI:45594308 NM_003980.3MAP7�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; oncogene TIM; transforming immortalized mammary oncogene; guanine nucleotide regulatory protein TIM; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activ2rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5 isoform 2 cg26643631 GI:13376381 NM_024915.1GRHL2 GeneID:799776CTGTAGCTCTTGTTCTGCCATCTCGGG[CG]CTCTCACACACCTTCACCTGCACBOM; DFNA28; TFCP2L3; FLJ13782deafness; autosomal dominant 28transcription factor CP2-like 3 cg26645329 GI:88985530 XM_930378.1 LOC134466 GeneID:1344668AGATGGACGTACAAAATAAAGGAGAAAGTG[CG]GAAATGAGAAAGACTAAGGGAC,similar to zinc finger protein 300 isoform 2 cg26667119 GI:71164863 NM_003719.2PDE8B GeneID:86228GGACTCGGACGAGTCCAGCTCGCCC[CG]CCAGACCACCAGCGTGTCGCAGGGCCCFLJ11212�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; 3 ;5 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 8B; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: manganese ion binding; go_function: sigphosphodiesterase 8B isoform 1 cg26687305 GI:51972277NM_001004351.1MGC57359 GeneID:4412720GATTGGAAGGACCGGACTCTGT[CG]GCGCCTGGCAGTTCAGGTGAAC MGC119294synonym: MGC119294hypothetical protein LOC441272 cg26701826 GI:37059795 NM_152621.3MGC26963 GeneID:1669298TGGCTGTGTTAGTGCTTCGGACCTC[CG]TTAGAAGTAGCAGTTCATGGTGTTGAA�go_component: Golgi apparatus; go_component: integral to Golgi membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: ceramide cholinephosphotransferase activity; go_process: lipihypothetical protein LOC166929 cg26705724 GI:89038193 XM_927997.1 LOC643338 GeneID:6433385GGGCTGTGATCAGAAAGGAAGCCG[CG]TGGTGACACATAAAGCAGGGCTGCChypothetical protein XP_933090 cg26707998 GI:46195736 NM_022160.1DMRTA1 GeneID:639513CCGGGGTCTCTGCCAGGCTCA[CG]GGACAGCTGCACCTCTCAGCGTCTCCDMODMRT-like family A1 cg26737927 GI:31377467 NM_004946.1DOCK2 GeneID:17944AGTCATTTGTCCCCGTCTGGATT[CG]AACCGAGATCTGACACCAAAGCTCAKIAA0209�dedicator of cyto-kinesis 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: GTPase binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: T cell receptor binding; go_function: Rac guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor dedicator of cytokinesis 2 cg26748991 GI:37577174 NM_022781.3RNF38 GeneID:1520069CGTGCCTCCTACCTACAAAACTC[CG]CAATCAAACAGTAACTGACCTCACGTAGTTFLJ21343�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: protein ubiquitination ring finger protein 38 isoform 1 cg26777309 GI:54792124 NM_020445.3 GeneID:571804TTACAGGAGGAGAAAGGCGCCAGGCCT[CG]GAAATGGGGTCACGTTCATGTARP11; ARP3BETA; DKFZp686O24114�actin-related protein Arp11; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: protein binding; go_function: actin filament binding; go_process: actin filament polymerizationactin-related protein 3-beta cg26785471 GI:51317357 NM_052880.3MGC17330 GeneID:1137917CAGGTGATTGAACGACCAGTGTTTAAC[CG]AGGCCCCCTTGGCGGCGGCTCTGC HGFL protein cg26825481 GI:42558282 NM_004004.3GJB2< GeneID:2706/AGGTTCCTGGCCGGGCAGTC[CG]GGGCCGGCGGGCTCACCTGCGTC(HID; KID; PPK; CX26; DFNA3; DFNB1; NSRD1�gap junction protein; beta 2; 26kD (connexin 26); gap junction protein beta 2; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: connexon complex; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: connexon channel activity; go_process: transport; go_process: ce1gap junction protein; beta 2; 26kDa (connexin 26) cg26832142 GI:32171240 NM_002600.2PDE4B GeneID:5142;CAGTTACAACCTACTACACAGCATCT[CG]TCCGTGCGATACGGTCACATTGTTATTCC'DPDE4; PDEIVB; MGC126529; DKFZp686F2182�dunce-like phosphodiesterase E4; cAMP-specific 3 ;5prime-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4B; PDE32; 3 ;5prime-cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: insoluble fraction; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: cAMP-speci#phosphodiesterase 4B; cAMP-specific cg26855133 GI:67782327 NM_015088.1TNRC6B GeneID:231128AAATCAAGGAGCCGGCACGTATGGATTC[CG]TTATAGGGCAGTACTGGTTGGAGAKIAA1093�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; heat shock cognate protein; 71-kDa; heat shock 70kD protein 8; heat shock 70kd protein 10; heat shock cognate protein 54; constitutive heat shock protein 70; lipopolysaccharide-associated protein 1; LPS-associ$heat shock 70kDa protein 8 isoform 1 cg23871670 GI:14149978 NM_032255.1ZNF541 GeneID:842151GCTTTTGGGACAGCCCGGCAGGTTC[CG]GAGCCACTGGAAGCTGTGGC.MGC119518; MGC119519; MGC119521; DKFZp434I1930�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingzinc finger protein 541 cg23899599 GI:44680131 NM_032047.3B3GNT5 GeneID:84002<GTGGCTTTAGGGAGAGGTCTAACAACATG[CG]GGAAACAAGAAATCAAGCGCATCCAGGB3GN-T5; beta3Gn-T5�beta 1;3 N-acetyglucosaminyltransferase Lc3 synthase; go_component: membrane; go_component: intracellular; go_function: galactosyltransferase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go_function: beta-galactosyl-N-acetylg/beta-1;3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase bGnT-5 cg23902780 GI:44890053 NM_030906.2STK33 GeneID:659752CCTCCGCTGGGGGGTTACCAGC[CG]GCCGGCAGCGAGATACCCAGAGGC�go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: protein amino acid phosphorylationserine/threonine kinase 33 cg23916104 GI:62865864 NM_014469.3HNRNPG-T GeneID:272886TTCAGGAGGCCATTGAAGCCGTTAAGAC[CG]GGTCAGGTGAACAGGAAGTTAAHNRPGTkgo_component: ribonucleoprotein complex; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding:testes-specific heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G-T cg23929381 GI:62243483 NM_206886.2CCDC18 GeneID:343099;GCGTCAGGTACTGTTGTCTCCGCTC[CG]CGTTTCCTCTCTGGACTCCTCGTGGTTGAC#NY-SAR-41; dJ717I23.1; RP4-717I23.1:sarcoma antigen NY-SAR-24; go_function: catalytic activitysarcoma antigen NY-SAR-41 cg23938813 GI:62912469NM_001017403.1LGR6 GeneID:593520AAGTTTCCTTGACTCCTCCTC[CG]GCTGGGTCTCCCTCCCTTGCCAAGPCR; FLJ14471; VTS20631�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; gonadotropin receptor; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: protein-hormone receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: G-protein coupled receptoEleucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 6 isoform 1 cg23949049 GI:71143111 NM_018124.3RFWD3 GeneID:551591GCCGCACTCCGAATGCACCTA[CG]CCAACTGCCACTTCCGGAGCCGCTRNF201; FLJ10520�go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: protein ubiquitination"ring finger and WD repeat domain 3 cg23960723 GI:31542717 NM_024693.2ECHDC3 GeneID:797467AGGCAGAAACTTAAAGTGTGGACCCCCAG[CG]TCTGGATGAGAGGACACAAAGGFLJ20909.enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase domain containing 3 cg23962380 GI:31377704 NM_024548.2LRRIQ2 GeneID:795986CCGATGGTAAAAGTGTCAAATTTCGCAAA[CG]CCTGGACAAGGAAGTGAAATGFLJ23047; 2810403B08Rik!synonyms: FLJ23047; 2810403B08Rik.leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 2 cg23969088 GI:56711311 NM_018555.4ZNF331 GeneID:55422:TTCTCCTGGATCTTATCCCAACTG[CG]CCTGAGACCTTGTTTCACCTCCTGATGTGC#RITA; ZNF361; ZNF463; DKFZp686L0787�C2H2-like zinc finger protein; zinc finger protein 463; KRAB zinc finger protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcrizinc finger protein 331 cg23990535 GI:40255081 NM_032368.3LZIC GeneID:843286ACTCTGATCTCTGCACAGTGCCGAC[CG]GTCTCAAATTGCACAAACCTCCAGTMGC15436wleucine zipper domain and ICAT homologous domain containing; go_function: beta-catenin binding; go_process: development-leucine zipper and CTNNBIP1 domain containing cg24049906 GI:4885638 NM_005486.1TOM1L1 GeneID:100403GCTGCCTGCTCCTCCTGCACGGGG[CG]AAAAGCCCACCTGGGATCCGAGCSRCASM�target of myb 1-like 1; Src activating and signaling molecule; target of myb1 (chicken) homolog-like 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: endosome; go_component: lysosome; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_procestarget of myb1-like 1 cg24076461 GI:4557580 NM_001444.1 GeneID:21717GAATACATGAAGGAGCTAGGTGAGGCACC[CG]GCCTGGCAGCGCCTGCAACGTGEFABP; E-FABP; PAFABP; PA-FABP�go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: fatty acid binding; go_process: transport; go_process: lipid metabolism; go_process: epidermis development3fatty acid binding protein 5 (psoriasis-associated) cg24091278 GI:50345996 NM_001429.2 GeneID:2033.CGATGAGAAGGAGGAGGACAGCGC[CG]AGGAGGAAGAGGTTGATGp300�E1A-binding protein; 300kD; E1A-associated protein p300; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein C-terminus binding; go_function: E1A binding protein p300 cg24094271 GI:46048451 NM_206921.1C6orf204 GeneID:387119;ATCACTCAGAGGTAAGTCGGAACGCAGGT[CG]CTTAACTAGAGAGGCTTTGAGTTCCG!NY-BR-15; bA57K17.2; RP11-57K17.2+synonyms: NY-BR-15; bA57K17.2; RP11-57K17.2#chromosome 6 open reading frame 204 cg24097153 GI:38016956 NM_019034.2RHOF GeneID:545097GTCCCAGGGATACTGCAGCACCGGAAAAA[CG]GGGCTCAGCTGCGAGCAAAGCTRIF; ARHF; FLJ20247�go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: GTPase activity; go_process: actin filament organization; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transductionSYN16; hsyn16; MGC90328�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: microsome; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: t-SNARE activity; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_process: intra-Golgisyntaxin 16 isoform b cg20834885 GI:18152778 NM_080744.1SRCRB4D GeneID:1368532GAGGTGGCCGGCACCAGCTGGAG[CG]GCCCCAGAAAAAGGGCACCCAGGS4D-SRCRB; SRCRB-S4D�scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein SRCRB-S4D; go_component: membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: copper ion binding; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; go_function: protein-lysine 6-oxidase activityGscavenger receptor cysteine rich domain containing; group B (4 domains) cg20858807 GI:7662674 NM_015369.1TP53TG3 GeneID:241500ACGCTCTGGAAAGAACTCGGGTG[CG]AGTGGGAAAGAAAATCGAGCTTP53TG3A'hypothetical protein LOC24150 isoform 1 cg20882717 GI:42794268 NM_203392.1FAM27L GeneID:2841239TTGTGTATGGGCCCTTCCCAGGTAAG[CG]TGATACGTCCTGGCTGTCCTCAGTCCAMGC35151synonym: MGC35151hypothetical protein LOC284123 cg20884757 GI:19528648 NM_001202.2BMP4 GeneID:652-CCCTCCTCCTCTGCCTTCT[CG]CATCTTCCTTCCTCCTCTTTCCZYME; BMP2B; BMP2B1�bone morphogenetic protein 2B; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: cytokine activity; go_function: growth factor activity; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_process: g< rowth; go_process: ossification; go_process: cell differentiation;*bone morphogenetic protein 4 preproprotein cg20888276 GI:27894377 NM_053277.1CLIC6 GeneID:541022GGGTCCCGGTGGGAAGCAGACG[CG]CAATCGGGGAGAAGCTCCAGCAGTCLIC1L�chloride channel form A; go_component: membrane; go_function: voltage-gated chloride channel activity; go_process: ion transport; go_process: chloride transport chloride intracellular channel 6 cg20896619 GI:21483180 NM_014569.2ZFP95 GeneID:23660:CTAGCTAGGCTTACAAGCGTGGGACCCCG[CG]CCTGGCTGAAGAGAGGTATCATTAAKIAA1015; MGC33710�zinc finger protein homologous to Zfp95 in mouse; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: transcription faczinc finger protein 95 homolog cg20924839 GI:34147627 NM_024610.3HSPBAP1 GeneID:796636GGGGTCAGAGTAGGGGCCAAACTC[CG]AGACCCGAAGCTGCACCACAGGAAGGPASS1; FLJ22623; FLJ39386�heat shock 27 kDa associated protein; protein associating with small stress protein PASS1; HSPB (heat shock 27kD) associated protein 1Hspb associated protein 1 cg20980094 GI:8051600 NM_003857.2GALR2 GeneID:88113CGGTCATCGTGCCCCTGCTCTT[CG]CGCTCATCTTCCTCGTGGGCACCGTGALNR2 NM_016019.1LUC7L2 GeneID:516310GCGGGCGGAGTGATACAGCTGGA[CG]CCAGTTGGTGGAGCCCCCGCGCGI-59; CGI-74; FLJ10657-H_NH0792N18.3; go_function: metal ion binding LUC7-like 2 cg13736897 GI:88953459 XM_927995.1FBG2; FBS2; FBX6; Fbx6b�F-box protein Fbx6; F-box protein FBG2; go_function: protein binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_function: ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activity; go_process: proteolysis; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: protein catabolismF-box only protein 6 cg10672223 GI:40789260 NM_004694.2SLC16A6 GeneID:91202GCCGACCATGTGCTGCGAGCGCTGAG[CG]CAGCCAAGGAGGGGGCCTGCMCT6�monocarboxylate transporter 6; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_function: monocarboxylic acid transporter"solute carrier family 16; member 6 cg10672665 GI:4757917 NM_004350.1RUNX3 GeneID:8647CGGCCTTGGCTCATTGGCTGGGCCG[CG]GTCACCTGGGCCGTGATGTCACGGCCAML2; CBFA3; PEBP2aC�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; core-binding factor; runt domain; alpha subunit 3; encoded by distal 5 portion of the mRNA; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcripti-runt-related transcription factor 3 isoform 2 cg10675506 GI:68533252NM_001025197.1 GeneID:11170TGATGAGGAAGGAGATTCAGGGC[CG]AGGGTGATACCAGGAGGCAGA YKL39; YKL-39�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; chondrocyte protein 39; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: chitinase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_process: chitin catabolism; go_process: carbohydchitinase 3-like 2 isoform b cg10708761 GI:22748834 NM_152390.1MGC33926 GeneID:1307337CCAGAGCCGGGATATAAATGCACCAGGAGC[CG]GGGAGCAGAGGAGCAAATGAGGgo_component: tight junction; go_function: structural molecule activityhypothetical protein LOC130733 cg10713847 GI:44921609 NM_175873.3ANKRD43 GeneID:1345486GGTGCGCAACTCCGAGCTGCTGAGC[CG]CTTCAAGCCGCTGCTCGATGCCGGCankyrin repeat domain 43 cg10717306 GI:88992533 XM_371801.4OACT1 GeneID:1541415AGCCTCCGCTGGGTAAACCGGCATT[CG]ATCAGACAGGCAATGACTTTCGGG6O-acyltransferase (membrane bound) domain containing 1 cg10739913 GI:56711291 NM_014827.3 GeneID:98777GAAAACTTGTCATCATTTTAGTCATT[CG]GTCAAGGCCCGTCAGATACTGCAAGBKIAA0663; ZC3HDC11A; DKFZp781G2455; DKFZp686D03108; DKFZp686F14109nzinc finger CCCH-type domain containing 11A; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindinghypothetical protein LOC9877 cg10752613 GI:19923520 NM_018204.2CKAP2 GeneID:265863CGGCAACTGCAGTCCAGGCTC[CG]CCTCCCTACGCCCATTGGCTTATTCALB1; TMAP; se20-10; FLJ10749/tumor-associated microtubule-associated protein!cytoskeleton associated protein 2 cg10756509 GI:22027645 NM_130847.1AMOTL1 GeneID:1548106CCAGCCGAGGGACTGAACTAGCCATGAT[CG]CCTCATGTGGAGGGCAAAGTTGJEAPijunction-enriched and associated protein; go_component: tight junction; go_function: protein self bindingangiomotin like 1 cg107572899ACCCACACGCAGGATAACTGGCGAGTGACG[CG]GAGTGGCTGCGAGTCCAAGTTAT cg10764766 GI:33354248 NM_018602.2DNAJA4 GeneID:554661GGGCGGCAGTCAGAGCTGGAGCTC[CG]GGGAATCAGACGGGCAGCCAAMST104; MSTP104; PRO1472�go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: unfolded protein binding; go_function: heat shock protein binding; go_process: protein folding+DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog; subfamily A; member 4 cg10829518 GI:8923147 NM_017688.1BSPRY GeneID:548365TCACCAAGTATGTGGCGGACGTCCTGC[CG]GGGAAGAATCAAAGAGCAGTGGFLJ20150mzetin 1; B-box and SPRY-domain containing protein; go_component: intracellular; go_function: zinc ion binding B-box and SPRY domain containing cg10850028 GI:13899264 NM_031437.1RASSF5 GeneID:83593/CCAAAGCTGCCGCCACTAGC[CG]GGCATGGCCATGGCGTCCCCGGC$RAPL; Maxp1; NORE1; RASSF3; MGC10823�isoform D is encoded by transcript variant 4; Rap1-binding protein; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: intracellular signaling cascade7Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family 5 isoform D cg10854158 GI:55770889 NM_004836.3EIF2AK3 GeneID:94517GCGTTTGCTCTCTCATTGGCTGCGGC[CG]CTGCCACTCCATGTTCCCAGGCTGGPEK; WRS; PERK; DKFZp781H1925�eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_component: eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding9eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 cg10861751 GI:56682943 NM_002922.3RGS1 GeneID:5996:TTTCTTTCTAATCAAGTGACCTGTTCT[CG]TTTGGTTAAGTTTCAACCACAAGACAC1R20; BL34; IER1; IR20�immediate-early response 1; B-cell specific; B-cell activation protein BL34; early response protein 1R20; go_component: plasma membrane; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: GTPase activator activity; go_p#regulator of G-protein signalling 1 cg10866620 GI:13518027 NM_001195.2BFSP1 GeneID:6313CGCGCTGCTGGGACGTTCCAGAGC[CG]ATCAGCAGTTGGGCGCCACGCTGCP94; CP115; LIFL-H; FILENSIN�cytoskeletal protein; 115 KD; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: intermediate filament; go_component: intermediate filament; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: 3prime-5prime-exoribonuclease filensin cg10874098 GI:47717122 NM_003024.2ITSN1 GeneID:64530GCCCCTTCTTCCAATTGGCTGG[CG]GTTTCCCCACCCACTTATGGGCITSN; SH3D1A; SH3P17�isoform ITSN-l is encoded by transcript variant 1; SH3 domain protein-1A; human intersectin-SH3 domain-containing protein SH3P17; Src homology 3 domain-containing protein; intersectin short form; intersectin 1 short form; go_component: cellular component intersectin 1 isoform ITSN-l cg10922069 GI:50845408 NM_198440.2DERL3 GeneID:913190GAGGCTGGTGGCCAATGGGCAGG[CG]CCAAGGTTGAGCACGTGGCGGIZP6; C22orf14; MGC71803�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; derlin-3; DERtrin 3; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulumderlin-3 protein isoform a cg10924923 GI:6006000 NM_002084.2GPX3 GeneID:2878/GGCTTGGCCGCGGATTGGTCACACC[CG]AGGGCTTGAAAGGTGGCT�go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: selenium binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: electron transporter activity; go_function: glutathione peroxidase activity; go_process: response to lipi)plasma glutathione peroxidase 3 precursor cg10931680 GI:16933539 NM_004460.2FAP GeneID:21912TGGGTCACTGGATCTGTGAAAAC[CG]TTGAAAAGGACCAAGTCTGTC< TTFAPA; DPPIV; SEPRASE�integral membrane serine protease; go_component: membrane; go_component: lamellipodium; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: prolyl oligopeptidase activity; go_function: dipeptidyl-peptidase IV activity; go_fun,fibroblast activation protein; alpha subunit cg10946781 GI:31343459 NM_178823.2C6orf165 GeneID:1543134GACACGGCTCCTGCTGTCGATTC[CG]ATCCAGGTCAGCCTACTCGGGGCTCFLJ25974; dJ382I10.1(hypothetical protein LOC154313 isoform 2 cg11000518 GI:40254477 NM_004171.2 GeneID:65063CCCTTTAGCGCCTCAACGGG[CG]CAGGAGGCTCCTGCGGGCGCTAATCCG EAAT2; GLT-1�glutamate/aspartate transporter II; excitatory amino acid transporter 2; glial high affinity glutamate transporter; H.sapiens mRNA for glutamate transporter; dJ68D18.1.2 (solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter) member 2); dJ68D!solute carrier family 1; member 2 cg11024412 GI:32698897 NM_182530.1C12orf28 GeneID:1964469GAGTTAGAAATATGGAACAGAAAGCTGGCC[CG]GCTAAAGCGGCTCAGTAGTTGGAFLJ25056; MGC126869synonyms: FLJ25056; MGC126869hypothetical protein LOC196446 cg11027625 GI:27734872 NM_173557.1RNF152 GeneID:2204414CAAGTCACCGTCACTCTGCTTTGG[CG]ATTTCTCTACTCTCTCCAGACCCAFLJ39176ring finger protein 152 cg11061851 GI:50301235 NM_001454.2FOXJ1 GeneID:23024TAAGTATGTGGTGCCTGCGAGGACCA[CG]GTGGGAGCTGAGCACTACCCCAHFH4; HFH-4; FKHL13; MGC35202forkhead (Drosophila)-like 13forkhead box J1 cg11063256 GI:47271375 NM_198480.2ZNF615 GeneID:2843703GGTGGGCTCCGGCCTCATCTCT[CG]GCCTCCTCAGTGCCTGACGGCGACT!FLJ33710; FLJ39372; DKFZp686O1554zinc finger protein 615 cg11122604 GI:50355940 NM_198569.1GPR126 GeneID:57211/GGGGACTCGGGTAGGCTGCAAA[CG]CTGGGGAGATGCCACAGGAGCDREG; VIGR; PS1TP2�beta 1 is encoded by transcript variant b1; developmentally regulated G-protein-coupled receptor; HBV PreS1-transactivated protein 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: G-protein couple%G protein-coupled receptor 126 beta 1 cg11129664 GI:62339397 NM_014604.2TAX1BP3 GeneID:308515GGAACGCTAAGTAGTGTGTCCGGCGC[CG]TGTTCCAGGTAACTGGGCCACCGTIP-1�Tax interaction protein 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: protein binding; go_function: ion channel activity; go_process: ion tran;Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 3 cg11132334 GI:4507742 NM_003328.1TXK GeneID:72947TCATAGTTCGCTCAAGATGTTTCTCA[CG]GGCAGAGTTAACCCCACCTATTTTCRLK; TKL; BTKL; PTK4; PSCTK5�PTK4 protein tyrosine kinase; PTK4 protein tyrosine kinase 4; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity; go_prTXK tyrosine kinase cg11137313 GI:62955041 NM_032521.1PARD6B GeneID:846120CGCAGGACCAATCGTGCGGTGGTAGG[CG]GGGTTTTGAGGAGGCAGC PAR6B; PAR-6B�par-6 (partitioning defective 6; C.elegans) homolog beta; go_component: tight junction; go_component: plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: cell division; go_process: axonogenesis; PAR-6 beta cg11137436 GI:34147326 NM_015179.2KIAA0690 GeneID:232234TGGCGAGGAATGAGCTTAAATGAC[CG]GCTTCCAGGGACGTAGAAACACGC DKFZp762P11169go_component: nucleus; go_component: integral to membranehypothetical protein LOC23223 cg11149835 GI:21614530 NM_144956.1PRSS21 GeneID:109423GAAGTGAAGAGAGCCCAGCGGGAGCC[CG]CAGTGGGGACAGCCTGGGCAG ESP-1; TEST1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; serine protease from eosinophils; testisin; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: trypsin activity; go_function: chymotrypsin activity; go_procestestisin isoform 2 cg11158482 GI:40254987 NM_032356.3LSMD1 GeneID:843169TTACTTGATCCTTATATGCCCCACG[CG]GGACTCATACTACGTTTCCCGTGAACACPFAAP2; MGC14151; MGC74837�regulated by phosphonoformate; phosphonoformate immuno-associated protein 2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex; go_process: mRNA processingLSM domain containing 1 cg11174847 GI:32307134.CCTCCCTCGTTGGCCTGCTC[CG]GCGCCACTCCCTGCTTTGTCCCFSBP�RAD54; S. cerevisiae; homolog of; B; fibrinogen silencer binding protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: DNA helicase activity; go_fRAD54 homolog B cg14356530 GI:4557648 NM_000197.1HSD17B3 GeneID:3293;GCTCTCTGTGTATGCCTCCTGGGACCA[CG]CTGCTCTGGAGACCTCCAGATCTTCTTCEDH17B3�17-beta-HSD3; go_component: microsome; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: sex determination; go_process: steroid biosynthesis; go_process: male genitalia morphog!estradiol 17 beta-dehydrogenase 3 cg14358137 GI:38788287 NM_033288.2ZNF160 GeneID:90338;ACGCCATGGTGTGATGCTTGCTCCGCA[CG]ATCCACTTCCGGGTCTGTGGGCAACTGC:F11; HZF5; KR18; HKr18; FLJ00032; KIAA1611; DKFZp686B16128�KRAB zinc finger protein KR18; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_component: intracellular; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcriptionzinc finger protein 160 cg14361834 GI:46488903 NM_002392.2 GeneID:41933TGCGTACGAGCGCCCAGTGCCCTGGCC[CG]GAGAGTGGAATGATCCCCGAhdm2; MGC71221�isoform MDM2 is encoded by transcript variant MDM2; p53-binding protein MDM2; mouse double minute 2; human homolog of; p53-binding protein; ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 Mdm2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleolus; go_component: nucleoplasm; go_com*mouse double minute 2 homolog isoform MDM2 cg14396117 GI:62177126 NM_015011.1MYR8 GeneID:23026:AGCCTCTGATCCTTCCAATAAATAA[CG]CTGCTGATCTTCACGCCTCCTCTTCTGTCKIAA0865Kgo_component: myosin; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: motor activitymyosin heavy chain Myr 8 cg14405474 GI:42544135 NM_015713.3 NM_014007.2ZNF297B GeneID:230995AGCTGAGGCTACAACAGGCCTGCGCCGG[CG]GCAGAGAGGATATCTTGGGCGZNF-X; ZBTB22B�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 297B cg17735054 GI:56237026 NM_006546.3IGF2BP1 GeneID:106421CCTTTCTTTTTAAATCACCAGCT[CG]TGCGACCCTCTCCTGAAGACCC"IMP1; CRDBP; IMP-1; CRD-BP; VICKZ1�coding region determinant-binding protein; IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 1; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding3insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1 cg17739279 GI:6912325 NM_012135.1FAM50B GeneID:262406TGCGCAGGTAATGTTCACGAGACGCCACAG[CG]GGGTAGCATCAGAGGCGGGA X5L; D6S2654Ego_component: nucleus,family with sequence similarity 50; member B cg17775235 GI:55770877 NM_002522.2NPTX1 GeneID:48843GGCTGGGTGCCCAAGGACCCAGGT[CG]TCAACACCCGAGTGCCCGGTGGTNP1; MGC105123; DKFZp686J2446�go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: transport; go_process: synaptic transmission; go_process: central nervous system developmentneuronal pentraxin I precursor cg17793793 GI:46409265 NM_207310.1CCDC74B GeneID:914092TCTGCCTGAGCTGCGGGCTCTG[CG]GCCTCAAGGACTGGACGCCCACAG DKFZp434E2321synonym: DKFZp434E2321hypothetical protein LOC91409 cg17876827 GI:19923414 NM_014571.2HEYL GeneID:265085TCGGCTCCTTGGGTCGCTTCATGG[CG]AACGCAGGCTGCCTGGTCTCAGCCC�go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: nervous system development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent4hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif-like cg17886648 GI:32261315 NM_024733.2ZNF665< GeneID:797882GGTGAACACTGGGAGGCTCCTGCAG[CG]TGGTGCACCCAGGGAGGGCACZFP160L; FLJ14345.scavenger receptor class A; member 3 isoform 2 cg21941078 GI:34303923 NM_144689.3ZNF420 GeneID:147923.CGCACCTGCTGGGCTGGCGAACC[CG]AAATTGGGCTTGGAACCCGFLJ32191zinc finger protein 420 cg21955499 GI:14790148 NM_003701.2TNFSF11 GeneID:86005AGAGCTGAGAAAGACTTCTGGAGAGG[CG]ACATTTGAGCTGAGAAAGGAAAG.ODF; OPGL; sOdf; CD254; RANKL; TRANCE; hRANKL2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; TNF-related activation-induced cytokine; receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand; osteoprotegerin ligand; osteoclast differentiation factor; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular spac=tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily; member 11 isoform 1 cg21970525 GI:27436874 NM_173079.1RUNDC1 GeneID:146923/GAGGCCCGGCCTGGGGCAACCG[CG]TTTTTAGAAGAGGCGACGGCC DKFZp761H0421synonym: DKFZp761H0421RUN domain containing 1 cg21971753 GI:40354193 NM_000224.2KRT18 GeneID:38750AGGGCCAACAACACCTGCTGTC[CG]TGTCCATGCCCGGTTGGCCACC K18; CYK18�cytokeratin 18; cell proliferation-inducing protein 46; go_component: intermediate filament; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; go_process: morphogenesis keratin 18 cg21988999 GI:38327648 NM_007155.4ZP3 GeneID:77849CGCAGTGCACGTTGTCCAGCAGGATGTGTC[CG]GTGCCATAGCCGAAGAAGGCGTT2ZPC; ZP3A; ZP3B; HUMZP3; ZP3-372; ZP3-424; ZP3-474�zona pellucida glycoprotein 3A (sperm receptor); zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 3 precursor; zona pellucida protein C; zona pellucida glycoprotein 3B; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: integral to membrane; go_+zona pellucida glycoprotein 3 preproprotein cg22017467 GI:6042194 NM_004733.2SLC33A1 GeneID:91976AAGTCTTCGTGGGTGTAGGTTTCTT[CG]TTATGCTGACGACAGGCAGTGCCCGAT1; AT-1; ACATN�go_component: endosome; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: vasopressin receptor activity; go_function: oxytocin receptor activity; go_functioxytocin receptor cg25087553 GI:38505217 NM_032169.3ACAD11 GeneID:841295AGCAGGCGGAAGACCTGCAGGGTCC[CG]TTCAGAAAAAGGGCCGTCAGACTGFLJ12592rgo_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity; go_process: electron transportputative acyl-CoA dehydrogenase cg25090499 GI:38372937 NM_016529.3ATP8A2 GeneID:517617GCTATAAGAAGGCAGAGGATGAGATGTCC[CG]GGCCACGTCTGTTGGAGACCAG#IB; ATP; ML-1; ATPIB; DKFZP434B1913�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: phospholipid-translocatiFATPase; aminophospholipid transporter-like; Class I; type 8A; member 2 cg25107034 GI:15451928 NM_003672.2CDC14A GeneID:85562AAGAGTAACTGCTGAAAGGAGGTGG[CG]AAGGAGGATCCGGAGCAGCTGcdc14; hCDC14; Cdc14A1; Cdc14A2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; CDC10 (cell division cycle 10; S. cerevisiae; homolog); go_component: nucleus; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: protein tyrosine phosphatase activity; go_function: protein tyrosine/serine/threoninCDC14 homolog A isoform 1 cg25109886 GI:54607026NM_001005619.1ITGB4 GeneID:36915GCCCCGAGGTAGGTCCAGGACGGG[CG]CACAGCAGCAGCCGAGGCTGGCCGGCD104�isoform 2 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 2; integrin beta-4 subunit; GP150; CD104 antigen; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integrin complex; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: protein binding#integrin beta 4 isoform 2 precursor cg25119571 GI:6006002 NM_000833.2GRIN2A GeneID:29030CAGCGACCCTCTTGTGATCCTGC[CG]CTTCCTCCCTCTTCAGGCCTC NR2A; NMDAR2A�NMDA receptor subtype 2A gene; N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 2A; go_component: postsynaptic membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: ion channel activity; g2N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 2A precursor cg25123614 GI:34222115 NM_020755.2SERINC1 GeneID:575153TTCCTCTTTCTCAGTCTTTGTC[CG]TCCTAACTCCACTTATTTCCCATTTTDE2; TDE1L; TMS-2; KIAA1253�go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: L-serine transporter activity; go_process: L-serine transport; go_process: sphingolipid metabolism; tumor differentially expressed 2 cg25143771 GI:24476003 NM_020682.2AS3MT GeneID:574123CCTGGTTGGAAAGCCTGTAGAGCAGCG[CG]GATGACAGTGGAACAGCGGGCYT19�S-adenosylmethionine:arsenic (III) methyltransferase; Cyt19 protein; 2310045H08Rik; methylarsonite methyltransferase; go_component: cytosol; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: arsenite methyltransferase activity; go_function: methylarsonite m.arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase cg25150674 GI:34147328 NM_015407.3ABHD14A GeneID:25864;TGGGACAGGCCAGACGTTGGTAACACAT[CG]CCAACCAGGGCAGGCGCCATGAGTAGADORZ1; DKFZP564O243Igo_function: hydrolase activity; go_process: aromatic compound metabolism!abhydrolase domain containing 14A cg25184248 GI:68362739 NM_007064.2KALRN GeneID:89971CCACTGCAAACCTCGCGTCTTTG[CG]AAAACCCTTCCTGACTCCCTCC duo; DUET; TRAD; HAPIP; FLJ16443�isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3; huntingtin-associated protein interacting protein (duo); serine/threonine kinase with Dbl- and pleckstrin homology domains; go_component: actin cytoskeleton; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: protein bind kalirin; RhoGEF kinase isoform 3 cg25187525 GI:19923443 NM_016072.2GOLT1B GeneID:510262GGCTCTCGCCTGGGCTGTTTCC[CG]GCTTCATTTCTCCCGACTCAGCTTGOT1; CGI-141; YMR292W�go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_process: vesicle-mediated transport; go_process: positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascadegolgi transport 1 homolog B cg25217124 GI:40255230 NM_022034.3CUZD1 GeneID:506241AAACACAAATGTCTTCCCAGGG[CG]GCCTAGGATCCCAAGCTGGCCCA ERG-1; UO-44=estrogen regulated gene 1; go_component: integral to membrane%CUB and zona pellucida-like domains 1 cg25222014 GI:13376420 NM_024942.1C10orf88 GeneID:800072CGTTGCTGAGCTGGTGTGGAA[CG]TCTGTGATCAGGTAGGTGTAGTCTCFLJ13490 Em:AC073585.5hypothetical protein LOC80007 cg25239450 GI:29244923 NM_032221.3CHD6 GeneID:841812GGTTCCGCAGGGGCCGAGGCCACG[CG]GGCAGATGCAAGGAGAAGCGAGCHD5; RIGB; KIAA1335 GI:29550827 NM_022735.3ACBD3 GeneID:647465GACTTCCTGCTGACCTCTGACCTC[CG]CTTACCGACACCGGAACTTCCGCTGPAP7; GCP60; GOCAP1; GOLPH1�golgi phosphoprotein 1; golgi complex associated protein 1; 60kDa; golgi resident protein GCP60; PKA (RIalpha)-associated protein; peripherial benzodiazepine receptor associated protein; PBR associated protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi +acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 3 cg22269997 GI:27886542 NM_004555.2NFATC3 GeneID:47750CGGCGGGGAACATTGGCTAAGC[CG]ACAGTGGAGGCTTAGGCACCGG NFAT4; NFATX�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; nuclear factor of activated T-cells; cytoplasmic 3; T cell transcription factor NFAT4; cytoplasmic nuclear factor of activated T-cells 3 isoform 4 variant; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription fac;cytoplasmic nuclear factor of activated T-cells 3 isoform 2 cg22280221 GI:57862814 NR_002196.1H19 GeneID:283120-CCCTGGACAGTTCCAGCACA[CG]TCTCTCTCACCCAGCACCCAT*ASM; BWS; ASM1; MGC4485; PRO2605; D11S813E4synonyms: ASM; BWS; ASM1; MGC4485; PRO2605; D11S813E cg22291276 GI:66346738 NM_004657.4SDPR GeneID:84363GAACTGACTGATGGGTTGCAGAACAC[CG]GGTGTCCTACTGGGAGGCATA SDR; PS-p68�serum deprivation response (phosphatidylserine-binding protein); go_component: caveola; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: phospholipid binding"serum deprivation response protein cg22293146 GI:27894347 NM_006186.2< NR4A2 GeneID:4929.GGAGGGAGGGAGCAGGGACAGG[CG]GCCGGCTGGACAGGCAAAAGNOT; RNR1; HZF-3; NURR1; TINUR�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; transcriptionally inducible nuclear receptor related 1; nur related protein-1 (mouse); human homolog of; intermediate-early receptor protein; T-cell nuclear receptor NOT; orphan nuclear receptor NURR1; NGFI-B/9nuclear receptor subfamily 4; group A; member 2 isoform a cg22353038 GI:23111022 NM_013322.2SNX10 GeneID:298873CTGTTCTGCCCGGAGGAGCCGCC[CG]TAAGTGACAAGAGACCCGCTGAGGMGC33054Jgo_process: protein transport; go_process: intracellular signaling cascadesorting nexin 10 cg22375975 GI:22547228 NM_016239.2MYO15A GeneID:511686GAGGACCCCCATGAGGCGGCATGCAGG[CG]GGGAGCAGGCCACAGAACGCAGGDFNB3; MYO15; DKFZp686N18198�unconventional myosin-15; go_component: myosin; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: actin binding; go_function: motor activity; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: structural molecu myosin XV cg22385799 GI:29571103 NM_002256.2KISS1 GeneID:38140AGGCGGGACTTTCTCCTTCTTAC[CG]GCTCTTTCCATCCTCCACACCKiSS-1; MGC39258�metastin; malignant melanoma metastasis-suppressor; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cytoskeleton organization and biogenesisKiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor cg22428172 GI:6382069 NM_001878.2CRABP2 GeneID:13821CGTGTATGGCTGTCCCCCACC[CG]AGTTCCTCACGTCTCGCCTGTTCCRBP6; CRABP-II�cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2; go_function: lipid binding; go_function: retinal binding; go_process: transport; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: epidermis development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent(cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2 cg22449107 GI:44921604 NM_005994.3TBX2 GeneID:69091CTGGCTCGTTAGCGCAGGGGATC[CG]AGCTGGGCAGGACATGTGAGATFLJ10169�go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: development; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentT-box 2 cg22468685 GI:26190613 NM_145307.2PLEKHK1 GeneID:2197904CAATAACATTACTCTCAAACACAG[CG]CTCTCTGTTTCCTCTCACCTTTCC!RTKN2; bA531F24.1; DKFZp686J10120nrhotekin-like protein; rhotekin 2; Em:AC024597.2; go_component: intracellular; go_process: signal transduction8pleckstrin homology domain containing; family K member 1 cg22485214 GI:31317283 NM_181340.1WDR21A GeneID:260945CTTGGTCTTTCCGGGTCCTTGCA[CG]CTTCGCTCCAACTCCTGCAGAGCTGA'WDR21; MGC20547; MGC46524; DKFZp434K114WD repeat domain 21A isoform 2 cg22494302 GI:36031015 NM_018017.2 C10orf118 GeneID:550881GCCGGGTCTCCTGCCCTTTGGT[CG]GGTTCTTCCTTTCAAGCTCCTCCFLJ10188; FLJ35301synonyms: FLJ10188; FLJ35301CTCL tumor antigen L14-2 cg22499086 GI:7108348 NM_012484.1HMMR GeneID:31616CACTACACCGTCCCCTAAGTGA[CG]CCAAAATGCACTTTCTAACGTCTCCGGA)CD168; IHABP; RHAMM; MGC119494; MGC119495�expressed in breast cancer cells isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; intracellular hyaluronic acid binding protein; go_function: hyaluronic acid binding; go_process: cell motility/hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor isoform a cg22519024 GI:39780596 NM_018215.2FLJ10781 GeneID:552282GGCGCTGCAATTGGACCTAGGGAGC[CG]GGTGCAAGAGTGGCCTGTTCAhypothetical protein LOC55228 cg22535930 GI:23111001 NM_012323.2MAFF GeneID:23764;GATGAGATCATTAAGGCAGAAGGTCTAGGT[CG]AAAGAAGAGGGCCAGGACCACTACCU-MAF�v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma (avian) oncogene family; protein F; v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family protein F; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: parturition; go_procestranscription factor MAFF cg22546437 GI:5901993 NM_007059.1KPTN GeneID:11133/GGAGGTGGTGGCCACGGCCTCT[CG]CTGTATGCTGTGTGGAAGGTC�found at barbed ends of actin filament in platelets; fibroblasts; neuronal growth cones; intestinal microvilli and stereocilia of the inner ear; kaptin (actin-binding protein); go_component: nucleus; go_component: actin cytoskeleton; go_component: microtukaptin (actin binding protein) cg22549094 GI:56790943 NM_014762.2DHCR24 GeneID:1718�decoy receptor 3; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: protein binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_process: apoptosis; go_process: anti-apoptosis5tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily; member 6b cg18715029 GI:54145494 NM_152384.2BBS5 GeneID:1298805GGCCCGTTGCCTTGGAGCCAGAGAGA[CG]CAGCTAGGCCTGCACGGCTGTGGBardet-Biedl syndrome 5 cg18762864 GI:21553310 NM_145168.1HSPC105 GeneID:935177CCCACGTTCTCTGGCTGTGCGTTC[CG]CCGTGGCGGGAACCCTTTTAGGGTCAC�go_function: steroid delta-isomerase activity; go_function: 3-beta-hydroxy-delta5-steroid dehydrogenase activity; go_process: steroid biosynthesis+NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like cg18792929 GI:6715560 NM_001171.2ABCC6 GeneID:3685GATGAGAGAACTGAAAGGTGTGCACA[CG]TTAGTAACAAGGAGGCCTGGTGA-ARA; PXE; MLP1; MRP6; ABC34; MOATE; EST349056�anthracycline resistance-associated; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; ,ATP-binding cassette; sub-family C; member 6 cg18799306 GI:62422575 NM_006033.2LIPG GeneID:93882GGCCGAGAGAAGGGTCTTACCGGC[CG]GGATTGCTGGAAACACCAAGAGEL; EDL; PRO719�endothelial cell-derived lipase; lipoprotein lipase H; go_function: heparin binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: protein binding; go_function: lipoprotein lipase activity; go_function: phospholipase A1 activity; go_function: triacylglyceendothelial lipase precursor cg18821621 GI:27262623 NM_018672.2ABCA5 GeneID:234615CAGTGGTAAACCTGCCGCCTCTTAG[CG]GGTGACCTTGGCCCACGGCCCTCTABC13; EST90625pATP-binding cassette A5; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding-ATP-binding cassette; sub-family A ; member 5 cg18825258 GI:50811906 NM_001386.4DPYSL2 GeneID:18086CTAAATTTGCATATCCCAGGATCG[CG]GCCAATCGCTGCTCGTCTCTCTCGAADRP2; CRMP2; DRP-2; DHPRP2�collapsin response mediator protein hCRMP-2; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: dihydropyrimidinase activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: nervous system development; go_process: nucleobase; nucleoside; nucleotide and nucleic ac.GGGGAGCCGCTCCGCAAGAGGCCG[CG]GAGAGATGGTCCCGGCCTSIR2L1�sir2-like 1; SIR2alpha; sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2; S. cerevisiae; homolog) 1; sirtuin type 1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromatin silencing complex; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function sirtuin 1 cg09522854 GI:67906811NM_001001188.3TRPM2 GeneID:72264GAACATGTGCAGGCTGATGAAGAGAAC[CG]GATGAGGGCTTCACATGAGGA+KNP3; EREG1; TRPC7; LTRPC2; NUDT9H; NUDT9L1�isoform SSF-TRPM2 is encoded by transcript variant S; transient receptor potential channel 7; long transient receptor potential channel 2; estrogen responsive element associated gene 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; goTtransient receptor potential cation channel; subfamily M; member 2 isoform SSF-TRPM2 cg09560399 GI:47933345 NM_019028.2ZDHHC13 GeneID:545039AATAACAGTCTGATCCTGACCCTGGA[CG]CACATCTGGGGCCCGTGGCACCTGGGG,HIP14L; HIP3RP; FLJ10852; FLJ10941; MGC64994�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; huntingtin interacting protein HIP3RP; HIP14-like; HIP14-related protein; zinc finger; DHHC domain containing 13; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: signal transdu0zinc finger; DHHC domain containing 13 isoform 1 cg09608207 GI:34222317 NM_014711.3CP110 GeneID:97386CTCTGTCAGTACCATTTGAGCCATT[CG]CTTCCTGACAAGGCCCGTGGCGAGGKIAA0419; DKFZp781G1416 CP110 protein cg09609605 GI:4505058 NM_002354.1TACSTD1 GeneID:40725CGGGCGGTGACTCATCAACGAGCACCAG[CG]GCCAGAGGTGAGCAGTCCCGGREGP; KSA; M4S1; MK-1; CD326; EGP40; MIC18; TROP1; Ep-CAM; h< EGP-2; CO17-1A; GA733-2�MK-1 antigen; antigen identified by monoclonal antibody AUA1; human epithelial glycoprotein-2; membrane component; chromosome 4; surface marker (35kD glycoprotein); go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane6tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 1 precursor cg09632936 GI:70995129 NM_017581.2CHRNA9 GeneID:555843CCTAACACACCCTGGGTTCC[CG]GCTTCTCAGCCACTGGAGCTGCCAGTCNACHRA9; HSA243342�acetylcholine receptor; neuronal nicotinic; alpha-9 subunit; neuronal acetylcholine receptor protein; alpha-9 subunit; NACHR alpha 9; nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 9; cholinergic receptor; nicotinic; alpha polypeptide 9; go_component: int2cholinergic receptor; nicotinic; alpha 9 precursor cg09656008 GI:13128967 NM_024025.1DUSP26 GeneID:789860CTCACATTCGGTGGCCCGAGT[CG]CCAGGCAGCGTGGGCTCCCCAGC+MKP8; LDP-4; NATA1; SKRP3; MGC1136; MGC2627�Novel amplified gene in thyroid anaplastic cancer; mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 8; dual-specificity phosphatase SKRP3; low-molecular-mass dual-specificity phosphatase 4; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_fundual specificity phosphatase 26 cg09661250 GI:74024892NM_001010978.2LDLRAD1 GeneID:3886336CATCTGCCATCTGACAGCAACATTG[CG]AGGCTGGAATCCTCATCCCTATTCCOTTHUMP000000101026low density lipoprotein receptor A domain containing 1 cg09665394 GI:45269142 NM_001793.3CDH3 GeneID:10015ATGCGGAGCCTCCGTTTTCAGT[CG]ACTTCAGATGTGTCTCCACTTTTTTCCCDHP; HJMD; PCAD�placental cadherin; P-cadherin; cadherin 3; P-cadherin (placental); calcium-dependent adhesion protein; placental; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: cell cadherin 3; type 1 preproprotein cg09695167 GI:23199984 NM_014683.2ULK2 GeneID:97064CCAAACTGCCAGCCTTCGGA[CG]CCTCTCGGGGTTTACTCGCTTAGGATCCUnc51.2; KIAA0623�unc-51 (C. elegans)-like kinase 2; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: protein aminunc-51-like kinase 2 cg09738261 GI:40805848 NM_130435.2PTPRE GeneID:5791,CTACATCCCCCAGACAGG[CG]CCTTATCCCCTCCTCTTTCCAG)PTPE; HPTPE; DKFZp313F1310; R-PTP-EPSILON�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; protein tyrosine phosphatase; receptor type; epsilon polypeptide; protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_fu8protein tyrosine phosphatase; receptor type; E isoform 2 cg09744251 GI:19923121 NM_000743.2CHRNA3 GeneID:11364TCAGTTTCTGTCCCAGGTTTC[CG]GGGCGTGTGCAGCTCCCGCAGGGGGTT MGC104879�Cholinergic receptor; neuronal nicotinic; alpha polypeptide-3; neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; alpha3 subunit; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: postsynaptic membrane; go_component: nicotinic acetylcholine-gated receptor-channel4cholinergic receptor; nicotinic; alpha polypeptide 3 cg09762000 GI:89049801 XM_932164.1 LOC126520 GeneID:1265207CCGAAATGGCACACATTCAGAA[CG]TCGAGGCTCATACCTCAAGCGCACTGTGG(hypothetical protein LOC126520 isoform 2 cg09764624 GI:7656966 NM_014246.1CELSR1 GeneID:96208TCCACTTCGAGAGCACTTTGCGAAAGTTTG[CG]AAGTTGGTTTCAAGATGGCTCC&ME2; FMI2; CDHF9; HFMI2; DKFZp434P0729�protocadherin flamingo 2; cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1; flamingo (Drosophila) homolog; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_func-cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 cg09764698 GI:76563931 NM_199168.2CXCL12 GeneID:63877GTCGCTGAGGCAGAGCGCGGTCAGCA[CG]AGGACCAGCACGACCACGACCTTGGRPBSF; SDF1; SDF1A; SDF1B; TPAR1; SCYB12; SDF-1a; SDF-1b; TLSF-a; TLSF-b; chemokine�isoform alpha is encoded by transcript variant 1; stromal cell-derived factor 1; stromal cell-derived factor 1a; stromal cell-derived factor 1 gamma; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: chemokine activity; gOchemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (stromal cell-derived factor 1) isoform alpha cg09767759 GI:57164974 NM_000356.2TCOF1 GeneID:69497TCTGGTTCATGGGCACCAAAAACCGTG[CG]AAATGGATAAATGAGCAGGTAATG MFD1; treacle�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; Treacher Collins syndrome protein; go_component: nucleolus; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport; go_process: skeletal development3Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome 1 isoform b cg09774787 GI:65506986 NM_001043.2SLC6A2 GeneID:6530/GTCTCCAACTCTTGAGTTCCGG[CG]TGCCCCAACCTCTGTTTCCAANET; NAT1; NET1; SLC6A5�norepinephrine transporter; noradrenaline transporter; solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter; norepinephrine); member 5; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_component: inte solute carrier family 6 member 2 cg09790517 GI:30581154 NM_178311.1GGTLA4 GeneID:920861CACCGGCGCCATTAAGTGCTCA[CG]CGCCCACTCCCTCAGGTTTAAAAMGC50550; dJ831C21.2Rgamma-glutamyltranspeptidase-like; go_function: gamma-glutamyltransferase activity)gamma-glutamyltransferase-like activity 4 cg09802426 GI:33519465 NM_004546.2NDUFB2 GeneID:4708,GACTGCTGGAGATGGTGGAGTC[CG]TCAGTGAGTGTGGGGCTGAGGG; CI-AGGG; MGC70788�NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex; 2 (8kD; AGGG); NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase AGGG subunit; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: NADH dehydrogenase activity; goDNADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex; 2; 8kDa precursor cg09822907 GI:22748968 NM_152463.1EME1 GeneID:1469561CCTCACCCCGCTCTGACTACTG[CG]TCCCATTACCGGCTGTCCGGGTCMMS4L; FLJ31364�homolog of yeast EME1 endonuclease; essential meiotic endonuclease 1 homolog 2 (S. pombe); essential meiotic endonuclease 1 homolog (S. pombe); go_component: proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: hydrogen-tr*essential meiotic endonuclease 1 homolog 1 cg09829455 GI:28416433 NM_175054.2HIST4H4 GeneID:1215040CAGCACCTTCCGGTGGCGCTTGG[CG]CCTCCCTTACCCAGCCCCTTGH4/p; MGC24116synonyms: H4/p; MGC24116 histone H4 cg09833913 GI:20302137 NM_001323.2CST6 GeneID:14748CGCTGGCGCTGGGCCTGGCCCTGGT[CG]CATTCTGCCTCCTGGCGCTGCCACGCG�cystatin M; cystatin 6; cystatin M/E; cysteine proteinase inhibitor; go_function: cysteine protease inhibitor activity; go_process: morphogenesiscystatin M precursor cg09835813 GI:21361630 NM_018427.2RRN3 GeneID:547001ATCTTCACGGAGGAAAGGGGATT[CG]AACCCGGCTGACCCAGGAGCCTTIFIA; DKFZp566E104�RNA polymerase I transcription factor RRN3; go_function: translation initiation factor activity; go_function: RNA polymerase I transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter2RRN3 RNA polymerase I transcription factor homolog cg09837063 GI:50582984 NM_024717.3MCTP1 GeneID:797721GCCGCCGAGGCTCTCTGGCCT[CG]GGACTCCGGCGCTGCCTCTTCCTCFLJ22344bisoform L is encoded by transcript variant L; multiple C2-domains with two transmembrane regions 1>multiple C2-domains with two transmembrane regions 1 isoform L cg09842729 GI:25777719 NM_001080.3ALDH5A1 GeneID:79154CCGGCCCAGCTCCGCTGCTA[CG]CTGGGCGCCTGGCGGGCCTCTCTGCGGC SSDH; SSADH�precursor; isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; mitochondrial succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase; NAD(+)-dependent succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: aldehyde deh/aldehyde dehydrogenase 5A1 precursor; isoform 2 cg09846191 GI:33598962 NM_015458.3MTMR9 GeneID:660362ATTCCGTAAGGTCACAGTCAC[CG]CCTCCATCCCCTACTTGCCATGTCT0MTMR8; C8orf9; LIP-STYX; MGC126672; DKFZp434K171�myotubularin related protein 8; myotubularin-related protein 9 variant; go_f< unction: inositol or phosphatidylinositol phosphatase activity; go_process: phospholipid dephosphorylationmyotubularin-related protein 9 cg09879864 GI:27886567 NM_022168.2IFIH1 GeneID:641358GACTCTGCGGTGTGCGCCTGGGGTCC[CG]GACCGGGGCGATCCTGCTGCACACTCHlcd; MDA5; MDA-5�DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide; go_component: intracellular; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: ATP-depend-melanoma differentiation associated protein-5 cg09885611 GI:31377809 NM_003635.2NDST2 GeneID:85090GGGACCACGACTTCGGAGCAGGGG[CG]GGCTCAGGCCTGGGCTCATCNST2; HSST2; NCST2�go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: sulfotransferase activity9N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 2 cg09889537 GI:38570070 NM_006984.3CLDN10 GeneID:90714CCTGTACTTCCTCAGGCCATC[CG]AGCATGAAACGCTGTCACCTACCCACAOSP-L; CPETRL3�endonuclease VIII; go_component: nucleus; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: damaged DNA binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; acting on glycosyl bonds; go_function: purine-specific oxidized base lesion DNA N-glycnei endonuclease VIII-like 1 cg12670290 GI:9966848 NM_020375.1C12orf5 GeneID:571032TGCCCCGAACGCAGGCTGCCGGCTAT[CG]AGGGAAGGAATCCTACCGCG"chromosome 12 open reading frame 5 cg12678310 GI:38708298 NM_001532.2SLC29A2 GeneID:31774CAGCACTGGTGCGGGGCTCTTCC[CG]CTTCGTCAGCTCCGAGGTGATGCCAENT2; DER12; HNP36�equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2; hydrophobic nucleolar protein; 36kD; go_component: membrane; go_component: nucleolus; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: nucleoside transporter activity; go_function: nucleoside transporter acti<solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters); member 2 cg12681641 GI:60593094NM_001012642.1GRAMD2 GeneID:196996;ATTGTGTCCCCTCTGGACGCTTCTGT[CG]TCCTAGTCTTGCGGCTTGGGTCCCTCTGChypothetical protein LOC196996 cg12693135 GI:24496766 NM_004712.3HGS GeneID:9146/GAGGCAGCGGCACCTTCGAG[CG]TCTCCTAGGTAACGCGTCCCCAC HRS; ZFYVE8�human growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate; go_component: membrane; go_component: endosome; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: intracellular protein transport; go_proces<hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate cg12708216 GI:63253299 NM_022905.3TTC23 GeneID:649277CTGTAACTCTCCAATCTCCAACTATGT[CG]TAAAATCCCTTGCCAGTTTACCCAHCC-8; FLJ12572; FLJ12939Tisoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; proto-oncogene 8; go_function: binding,tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23 isoform 2 cg12710152 GI:20428651 NM_005356.2 GeneID:3932/GGTCTATGGTGGCAGGAAGCTTGG[CG]TGCTAGAGGGTTGTGGTTG9synonyms: C19orf14; FLJ33298; DKFZP434J046; DKFZp686G1024WD repeat domain 62 cg16151146 GI:40068037 NM_016524.2SYT17 GeneID:517603GCGCTGGGGTCGCTGCAGTCCC[CG]CAGCTGCCCCGGGCTGCTTGCCCAGpgo_component: membrane; go_component: synaptic vesicle; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport B/K protein cg16151977 GI:88987909 XM_936894.1OCLN GeneID:4950/AAACAGTCCCCTCTGGACCT[CG]TTCGGCCTCTCTCCATCAGACACsimilar to Occludin cg16170157 GI:45505138 NM_152309.2PIK3AP1 GeneID:1187889GGGCACCTGGCCCTGGGTGCTCGG[CG]TTGCCCTTGAGTGCCCTCCTGTGATCTTTBCAP; RP11-34E5.3CB cell adaptor protein; 1810044J04Rik; go_function: kinase activity+phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 cg16186466 GI:38570137 NM_032878.2ALKBH6 GeneID:849641GGGGGCGGCAGCCGTGACAGCCG[CG]GGAAGACATGAGAGGCTGCTAGMGC15677'hypothetical protein LOC84964 isoform 2 cg16254068 GI:4505930 NM_002690.1 GeneID:54233TCGGCATGGTTCACGCCGGGCTC[CG]GCAGCGCCCTAGTACGTAAGGGGC MGC125976�DNA polymerase beta subunit; DNA pol beta; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: spindle microtubule; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: sodium ion binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: magnesium ion bindipolymerase (DNA directed); beta cg16257983 GI:23510419 NM_000043.3FAS GeneID:3559CTGAAGTGAGCATGCCAGCCACTGCAGGAA[CG]CCCCGGGACAGGAATGCCCATTT:APT1; CD95; FAS1; APO-1; FASTM; ALPS1A; TNFRSF6; Apo-1 Fas�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily; member 6; apoptosis antigen 1; Fas antigen; APO-1 cell surface antigen; CD95 antigen; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytosol; go_component: integralHtumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily; member 6 isoform 1 precursor cg16285181 GI:38257143 NM_198404.1KCTD4 GeneID:386618�sulfotransferase family; cytosolic; 1C; member C2; sulfotransferase 1C2; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: sulfotransferase activity; go_function: sulfotransferase activity; go_process: biological pr0sulfotransferase family; cytosolic; 1C; member 2 cg19928494 GI:89033997 XM_166213.6DTX4 GeneID:232207TGCGACTGTGAGTGTGCCAGTGCGTG[CG]CAAGCCCCGAGACAATGCGTGTCTCdeltex 4 homolog cg19928555 GI:40018634 NM_015440.3MTHFD1L GeneID:259021GCAGAGTCTGAGTCCCACTC[CG]CACCCCACCCTCTGTCTGGTACAGC;FLJ21145; FTHFSDC1; dJ292B18.2; RP1-292B18.2; DKFZp586G1517�formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase domain containing 1; mitochondrial C1-tetrahydrofolate synthase; mitochondrial C1-tetrahydrofolate synthetase; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: hydrolas@methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 1-like cg19943952 GI:32698852 NM_182507.1 LOC144501 GeneID:1445012GACCAGTCGGGGGCTGAGGCCC[CG]GGCTGACCAGCAAGAGCCCACGGAKB20ltype II keratin; keratin b20; go_component: intermediate filament; go_function: structural molecule activityhypothetical protein LOC144501 cg19953358 GI:73623018 NM_001228.3CASP8 GeneID:8413AGGAAGTGAGAAACAAGTGTGTGATAAA[CG]GTGGAGAATGGGAGCACTC!CAP4; MACH; MCH5; FLICE; MGC78473�isoform A is encoded by transcript variant A; caspase 8; apoptosis-related cysteine protease; Mch5 isoform alpha; FADD-homologous ICE/CED-3-like protease; MACH-alpha-1/2/3 protein; MACH-beta-1/2/3/4 protein; procaspase-8L; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_ccaspase 8 isoform A cg20005798 GI:13124893 NM_007210.2GALNT6 GeneID:112265TCACCAGGGACTTCAGCCA[CG]GCTTCTCTGTGGCCTCCTCTCTGCTGCTCAGalNAcT6; GALNAC-T6 GeneID:90538CCACTGCGGGCGACCCTATCTTGT[CG]CCAGGACTTCGCATCTGATGAGCCTCAGEMAP115; E-MAP-115�dJ325F22.2 (microtubule-associated protein 7 (EMAP115; E-MAP-115)); go_component: microtubule associated complex; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: establishment and/or maintenance of cell polarity; go_process: microtubule cytoskeleto microtubule-associated protein 7 cg23633158 GI:39573717 NM_198947.1FAM111B GeneID:3743932TGTCAGTTCCCAGGCTCCTGC[CG]CGCACGGGCGAGCCCTTCTAGGCGGCANPcancer-associated nucleoproteinhypothetical protein LOC374393 cg23661125 GI:13376997 NM_002005.2FES GeneID:22426GCGCGGCAGGCAGGGGCAGAGCAGG[CG]TTCCGAGGGCCAGAGACCCACCCAGFPS�Oncogene FES; feline sarcoma virus; feline sarcoma (Snyder-Theilen) viral (v-fes)/Fujinami avian sarcoma (PRCII) viral (v-fps) oncogene homolog; c-fes/fps protein; proto-oncogene c-fes variant 1; proto-oncogene c-fes variant 2; proto-oncogene c-fes varianNV-FES feline sarcoma viral/V-FPS fujinami avian sarcoma viral oncogene homolog cg23662125 GI:63055046 NM_019089.3HES2 GeneID:546260CCGCCTTTGCGTCCTGTCTAC[CG]CGGGGTGGCGGCCCCCAGTTTTC�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: transcription regulator activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent%hairy and enhancer of split homolog 2 cg23688649 GI:69122472 NM_005497.2GJA7 GeneID:100527CCAGAGTTGTCTTCTGCGCGCTC[CG]CCGAGGCCTTGGTCCATTGTAGCACGGGCX45; DKFZp686P0738�gap junction protein; alpha 7; 45kD (connexin 45); go_component: connexon < complex; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: connexon channel activity; go_process: transport; go_process: cell communication; go_process: muscle contraction; go_proces2gap junction protein; alpha 7; 45kDa (connexin 45) cg23745162 GI:7705854 NM_016142.1HSD17B12 GeneID:511444CACCGTGGCCTACCTAGCCCTG[CG]TATTTCGTACTCGCTCTTCACGGCCCKARV3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_process: metabolismsteroid dehydrogenase homolog cg23753251 GI:23308730 NM_003302.1TRIP6 GeneID:7205.AGGGGGTGAAGGCCAGAGGCT[CG]GGGCTTCAAGACCGCTGTCTG;OIP1; ZRP-1; MGC3837; MGC4423; MGC10556; MGC10558; MGC29959�OPA-interacting protein 1; zyxin related protein 1; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: thyroid hormone receptor binding; go_process: biologica%thyroid hormone receptor interactor 6 cg23779050 GI:50878264 NM_017525.1CDC42BPG GeneID:555615CGTAGGGGGCCGCTGCTGAGCT[CG]TGGTGCAGCGCCAGCAGCAGATCTAGG%DMPK2; HSMDPKIN; KAPPA-200; MRCKgamma�myotonic dystrophy protein kinase like protein; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: prot.CDC42 binding protein kinase gamma (DMPK-like) cg23783130 GI:21389598 NM_144694.1ZNF570 GeneID:148268/ACGCACAAACCTTTTCCCTG[CG]GCCAACCTGCGATTCTCAACTCCFLJ30791zinc finger protein 570 cg23803245 GI:46195786 NM_144664.3FAM76B GeneID:1436843AATGACATCCCGGAGCTCTCAG[CG]CGCGAAATCCGCTTTGAACCTGCCCMGC33371synonym: MGC33371hypothetical protein LOC143684 cg23808729 GI:89056735 XM_932926.1 DKFZp779O175 GeneID:3748990GGGTGATTGTGATATTTGGTTGCG[CG]GGATTATGATGAAATGTGTG(hypothetical protein LOC374899 isoform 2 cg23830625 GI:38372912 NM_198594.1C1QTNF1 GeneID:1148976CACATCTGGCTGGGCTTCGCTCCTTG[CG]CGTCTGTCCCACTTTCTCCCTCTCGIP; CTRP1; ZSIG37; FLJ90694hG protein coupled receptor interacting protein; go_component: cytoplasm; go_process: phosphate transport/C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 1 cg23831143 GI:22547120 NM_003841.2 TNFRSF10C GeneID:87945GGGTATAAATTCAGAGGCGCTGCGCTC[CG]ATTCTGGCAGTGCAGCTGTGGGLIT; DCR1; TRID; CD263; TRAILR3�decoy receptor 1; TRAIL receptor 3; TNF related TRAIL receptor; lymphocyte inhibitor of TRAIL; decoy without an intracellular domain; antagonist decoy receptor for TRAIL/Apo-2L; TNF related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptor 3; go_component: membrane; go_@tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily; member 10c precursor cg23837845 GI:66363689 NM_181076.2GOLGA8A GeneID:230157CCCTGCCCTGGCTGAGCTGATCAC[CG]CTGCATGTCCCAGCTGCCGGTCTGCCTGM88hisoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; golgin-67; 88-kDa golgi protein; go_component: Golgi stackGM88 autoantigen isoform b cg23858459 GI:56676307 NM_002632.4PGF GeneID:5228/GGAAGCCTTGCGGAGTCAGGAGCC[CG]TAGGTAAGGCTGTGGCTGG PLGF; PlGF-2�go_component: membrane; go_function: heparin binding; go_function: growth factor activity; go_process: angiogenesis; go_process: cell proliferation; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: cell-cell signaling; go_process: signal transduction; go_proKplacental growth factor; vascular endothelial growth factor-related protein cg23863117 GI:24234684 NM_006597.3 GeneID:33126TGGAACTAACCAATGATAGCGGCGCTAGC[CG]GGATCTTGGCCGGCACAGAAC@LAP1; HSC54; HSC70; HSC71; HSP71; HSP73; NIP71; HSPA10; MGC29929/CGGGACCCTCACTCTTGGAC[CG]CTTTCCAGAACTCCGAACCCTGT-APR; LRP; A2MR; CD91; APOER; TGFBR5; MGC88725�alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor; type V tgf-beta receptor; go_component: membrane; go_component: coated pit; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_fu)low density lipoprotein-related protein 1 cg20495739 GI:24308160 NM_018420.1SLC22A15 GeneID:553562TTCCTCTTTCCTCACTTTAAGG[CG]CAGACAGCGGTCCCTCTCAAAACAFLIPT1; PRO34686; DKFZp761G0313�fly-like putative organic ion transporter 1; trans-like protein; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport@solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter); member 15 cg20496830 GI:33598918 NM_052822.2SCAMP1 GeneID:95225GGTGCAGTAGCCTCTCCAGTGCC[CG]CGTCCCACGGTCTAACGGCACTGCTCSCAMP; SCAMP37�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: protein transport; go_process: post-Golgi transport.secretory carrier membrane protein 1 isoform 2 cg20508523 GI:4505958 NM_002698.1POU2F2 GeneID:54523AAGCAGGCTGGAAGAGCCGACTCCTA[CG]GCTGCGATCCAAGAGGTGCCTOCT2; OTF2; Oct-2�homeobox protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: humoral immune response; go_process: regulation of transcription;+POU domain; class 2; transcription factor 2 cg20575628 GI:38570157 NM_004561.2OVOL1 GeneID:50174GGGCGAGTTTCGTGTCATCACC[CG]CGGAGCGTGCCAGCGCCGGTGCAAATHOVO1�putative transcription factor OVO-like 1; ovo (Drosophila) homolog-like 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: spermatogenOVO-like 1 binding protein cg20613633 GI:31377649 NM_032780.2TMEM25 GeneID:848663GCCGCGCTGTGCAACCGCATGCTGGC[CG]ACATGATGGGGCAGCTGCGCCFLJ14399I0610039J01Rik; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membranetransmembrane protein 25 cg20625559 GI:48427668NM_001001551.1C9orf103 GeneID:414328-TTTCCATGGGTGGATGAGGATC[CG]GCCTGCCAGGGTGAGGATC bA522I20.2�glucokinase-like protein; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: shikimate kinase activity; go_process: amino acid biosynthesis; go_process: carbohydrate metabolismgluconokinase-like protein cg20634034 GI:27881481 NM_014314.2DDX58 GeneID:235868ATGCCGGCCTCTGCTTGCAGCTAGCTA[CG]TTCCCCGCAGGCTGTGCCTCACTAGRIG-I; FLJ13599; DKFZp686N19181�DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide; RNA helicase; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: helicase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: nucleoside-triphosphatase activity2DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide RIG-I cg20646598 GI:22749298 NM_152636.1METT5D1 GeneID:1960745TCCACAGGGGTCGCTGGATTCGTC[CG]GAGCAAAAGAAAAATACGCCCCTGAFLJ33979'go_function: methyltransferase activity'methyltransferase 5 domain containing 1 cg20649212 GI:41406075 NM_003644.2GAS7 GeneID:85220CCGGACATGGCCTTGGCGCC[CG]GGTTCACAGCGCAGCCTGCATTCCMGC1348; KIAA0394�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant a; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: cell cycle arrest; go_process: nervous system development"growth arrest-specific 7 isoform a cg20666158 GI:61744447 NM_000596.2IGFBP1 GeneID:3484:ATTTTGAACACTCAGCTCCTAGCGTG[CG]GCGCTGCCAATCATTAACCTCCTGGTGC$AFBP; IBP1; PP12; IGF-BP25; hIGFBP-1�isoform a precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; placental protein 12; amniotic fluid binding protein; alpha-pregnancy-associated endometrial globulin; growth hormone independent-binding protein; binding protein-28; binding protein-26; binding prot@insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 isoform a precursor cg20669318 GI:22749038 NM_152495.1CNIH3 GeneID:149111/AGCCACCCGGGCTGGAGTTGGCC[CG]TTGGGTGGAGCCAGTGCTCGFLJ38993ggo_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: intracellular signaling cascadecornichon homolog 3 cg20734397 GI:28872718 NM_006763.2 GeneID:78322AAAAACGCTGCCCGGGGAAAGTC[CG]GGCAGAGCCCGAGCAGCGGCCAG PC3; TIS21; MGC126063; MGC126064�pheochromacytoma cell-3; NGF-inducible anti-proliferative protein PC3; nerve growth factor-inducible anti-prolif< erative; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: DNA repair; go_process: regulation of transcriptionB-cell translocation gene 2 cg20742855 GI:11068002 NM_000875.2 GeneID:34804CCACTGCGGGAACTTTTCCTC[CG]AGGGGCTGCGCCCTGTTTGCGAAACCC CD221; JTK13�clone 1900 unknown protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: phosphoinositide 3-ki/insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor precursor cg20778136 GI:21389358 NM_144584.1C1orf59 GeneID:113802,TGGAGTCCCAGTCAGCCTC[CG]CTTTCATCCCAGAGCAGTCCA"FLJ30525; MGC111091; RP11-256E16.2,synonyms: FLJ30525; MGC111091; RP11-256E16.2hypothetical protein LOC113802 cg20780724 GI:88961380 XM_371617.3CAND2 GeneID:23066/GGGTGTGTGCAATCCGGCGCTG[CG]CTGTCAGCAGGGCAAGGGCTG!TBP-interacting protein isoform 1 cg20784785 GI:47778941 NM_003763.3STX16 GeneID:86750CCTGCTGGCAGTGGAGGACCAGGC[CG]TCCAGGAAAGGAAGGGGTCAhypothetical protein XP_496818 cg16886987 GI:9506556 NM_018962.1DSCR6 GeneID:538201CGGGTTCCTGGGTCACTTCC[CG]CTGTCTCCAGCCCGAGCTCGTGGCCRIPPLY3'Down syndrome critical region protein 6 cg16893934 GI:61676177 NM_000961.3PTGIS GeneID:57400ACCCTTGGGCTGCAGCCCGGG[CG]GGAGCCGCCCCCTTTGTCTGGCG.CYP8; PGIS; PTGI; CYP8A1; MGC126858; MGC126860�go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: heme binding; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: isomerase activity; go_function: monooxygenase activity; go_function: prostagla(prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) synthase cg16907488 GI:22749040 NM_152500.1CCDC17 GeneID:1494836CTGATTCCTCATTTTTCAGCTGTAGA[CG]AAGATAATCAGCACAGCCCAAGAAFLJ33084; RP4-697E16.4 synonyms: FLJ33084; RP4-697E16.4hypothetical protein LOC149483 cg16916551 GI:11386198 NM_015480.1PVRL3 GeneID:259457AAATCTCTGCTGTGGGAGAAACCC[CG]TTATCAAAGTGGATGAAAAGAATATTT<PPR3; PRR3; PVRR3; CDw113; FLJ90624; nectin-3; DKFZP566B0846[member of the PVR/PRR/nectin family; go_component: membrane; go_function: receptor activitynectin 3 cg16932690 GI:56699489 NM_014028.3OSTM1 GeneID:289628GCTCGCCAGCCGGTGACCACGAGCACCCAC[CG]CTTTGGACAATTGCATCTCGGGGL; GIPN; HSPC019zgrey-lethal osteopetrosis; GAIP-interacting protein N terminus; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane0osteopetrosis associated transmembrane protein 1 cg16961218 GI:41327759 NM_198531.3ATP9B GeneID:3748681CCCAGCTTTAGCCACTCGTGA[CG]TCATTGCCCGGACTCCACTGCCTCCNEO1L; ATPIIB; ATPASEP; FLJ46612; HUSSY-20; MGC61572; DKFZp686H2093�ATPase type IV; phospholipid transporting (P-type); go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide bindATPase; Class II; type 9B cg16962045 GI:7656842 NM_014449.1GPR162 GeneID:272394GTCTCCATGGCAGTGCTGGGCGCAGC[CG]GAGAGAGGTAAGACGACCCCTG A-2; GRCA�pyroglutamase; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolysing) cg13736404 GI:7706309�go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: electron transporter activity; go_function: cysteine dioxygenase activity; go_process: L-cysteine metabolismcysteine dioxygenase; type I cg07651773 GI:23308516 NM_153028.1ZNF75A GeneID:76275GAAAGCGTCACTTCCACTTC[CG]GCCGGCGCTCTGGCTCTGTACCTGGACAGFLJ31529zinc finger protein 75a cg07653411 GI:38605734 NM_018243.2 GeneID:557523CACCTGATGGAGCAGGGGGTGG[CG]GCCAGCGCACAGGCTGTCGGCATCTlgo_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: cell division septin 11 cg07667471 GI:31077196 NM_022454.2SOX17 GeneID:643215GGCCCTGGGTACGCTGTAGACCAGACCG[CG]ACAGGCCAGAACACGGGCGGCFLJ22252�SRY-related HMG-box transcription factor SOX17; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent SRY-box 17 cg07690837 GI:34147350 NM_023940.2RASL11B GeneID:65997:GCACTAAGCCGGGGAGCAAACACCGCTCC[CG]GCCCGCCCAGAGCAGACGCCCTAGGMGC2827; MGC4499�go_component: membrane; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transductionRAS-like family 11 member B cg07715387 GI:21314631 NM_003038.2SLC1A4 GeneID:65090GGGGCGGCTTCCCAGAACCTG[CG]GAGCACAACTGGCCGACCGACCC SATT; ASCT1�glutamate/neutral amino acid transporter; alanine/serine/cysteine/threonine transporter; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: sodium:dicarboxylate!solute carrier family 1; member 4 cg07751246 GI:39930530 NM_173654.1AER61 GeneID:2852031GAGTCCCACCTGGAGCCGGGGCAGC[CG]TGAACTACCGAGGAGGAGGCFLJ13078; MGC34132!go_function: transferase activityAER61 glycosyltransferase cg07764412 GI:19557655 NM_003513.2 HIST1H2AB GeneID:8335<AGTCTTAGCCTTGGCGCGAGCTTTAC[CG]CCTTGTTTGCCGCGACCAGACATAACTACT H2A/m; H2AFM�go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; go_component: nucleosome; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: nucleosome assembly; go_process: chromosome organization and biogenesis (sensu Eukaryota)H2A histone family; member M cg07768851 GI:56788375 NM_014089.3NUPL1 GeneID:98185ACGCTCTTCTGGGCCCCCTT[CG]GGGCTGGGCGTCGGGCTCGCAACAACTGCPRO2463; KIAA0410�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; nucleoporin p58/p45; go_component: nucleus; go_component: outer membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: porin activity; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity; go_process:nucleoporin like 1 isoform a cg07781235 GI:40805107 NM_032947.3MST150 GeneID:85027<GTGGCAAAGCCTCCGAAGGACCCTACACTT[CG]GACATCGCAAAGCAGGATCTGAGTCC&NID67; MGC117221; MGC126887; MGC126889%putative small membrane protein NID67 cg07785585 GI:22749014 NM_152482.1C19orf25 GeneID:1482230GGGGAACACGGCACTAGGGGACA[CG]CCACCCATGTGGCTGACGGGAFLJ36666go_function: protein bindinghypothetical protein LOC148223 cg07816675 GI:34335231 NM_001823.3CKB GeneID:1152/CAGTGCGAGCTGGCCCGGAGC[CG]CCGACCTTCCTCAAGGTGCCCG B-CK; CKBBjcreatine kinase B-chain; creatine kinase-B; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: creatine kinase activitybrain creatine kinase cg07827109 GI:51477719 NM_024665.3TBL1XR1 GeneID:797189AAAAGCTGTTACTAAGGGAAAGAGCCAAA[CG]GTTCGGAGCAGCCAACGGCTCAGA C21; DC42; IRA1; TBLR1; FLJ12894�TBL1-related protein 1; go_component: nucleus; go_process: transcription; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent3nuclear receptor co-repressor/HDAC3 complex subunit cg07840463 GI:55956911 NM_004533.2MYBPC2 GeneID:46065GTCAGAGGAGCAGGAGGAGGTCCCC[CG]ACATGCCTGAGGCAAAACCAGGTG MYBPC; MYBPCF�fast-type muscle myosin-binding-protein C; myosin-binding protein C; fast-type; go_component: striated muscle thick filament; go_function: actin binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: structural constituent of muscle; go_process: cell adhesio#myosin binding protein C; fast type cg07856959 GI:55775476 NM_014985.1CEP152 GeneID:229954GCCGACTAGAAGCTCGCCCGGTGGG[CG]GAGCCGTGCCAGCTCAGGGCAGAKIAA0912centrosomal protein 152 kDahypothetical protein LOC22995 cg07859411 GI:63252914NM_001017420.2ESCO2 GeneID:1575703GGCGCTCGGCAGGTCCGCAGGCC[CG]AGACCGAAGAAGCCACTGACTCGTRBS; EFO2; 2410004I17Rik�Roberts syndrome; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: acyltransferase activity; go_process: cell cycle%establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2 cg07868710 GI:21361869 NM_020642.2 GeneID:566720GCGCGCAGACGCCAAGGCTGGGA[CG]CAGA< AGGCGTGTTTGGCCGCC BCA3; AKIP1�breast cancer associated gene 3; koyt binding protein 1; koyt binding protein 2; koyt binding protein 3; protein kinase A-interacting protein 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding#chromosome 11 open reading frame 17 cg07948743 GI:55741472 NM_020760.1HECW2 GeneID:575205TGCATGCAGCTCACGGCTGCTGCGGC[CG]CTGCCACGGAGCCGAGAGTCTCTNEDL2; DKFZp686M17164�NEDD4-related E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDL2; go_component: intracellular; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: ubiquitin cycle?HECT; C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 cg07973470 GI:24041025 NM_018092.3NETO2 GeneID:818310GCTCGACCCTGGGCAGGGAAGCG[CG]GACATCGGCAGAGGGAGCCCG#NEOT2; FLJ10430; FLJ14724; FLJ90456Bgo_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity0neuropilin- and tolloid-like protein 2 precursor cg07977277 GI:62821786 NM_014900.3COBLL1 GeneID:228373CAGTAGCTCGCCTGTTCTCCCT[CG]CGGCTTCCTCTCCTACTCTTCCCTTKIAA0977synonym: KIAA0977 COBL-like 1 cg07989146 GI:41393578 NM_017655.4GIPC2 GeneID:54810;GGGCCAGCGTGTTTGCCTTCTAAGG[CG]TATTGTTCTGTAGCGTCGGCATCCTCAGGCSEMCAP2; FLJ20075; SEMCAP-2KsemaF cytoplasmic domain associated protein 2; go_function: protein bindingPDZ domain protein GIPC2 cg08010600 GI:52851450 NM_000860.3HPGD GeneID:3248.GCGATCTTTGCCTTCCGGACT[CG]CAGACCGGCTCAAAGCCTCCCPGDH; PGDH1; 15-PGDH�15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase; NAD+-dependent 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase; 15-hydroxy prostaglandin dehydrogenase; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: electron transporter activity+hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15-(NAD) cg08012725 GI:62865647 NM_057178.3RFFL GeneID:1175844AAGACCCGGCTTGGTGACCTTGAG[CG]AGTCCCTCAACACCTCTGAACGCARNF189; RNF34L�fring; FYVE-RING finger protein SAKURA; go_component: membrane; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: ap rififylin cg08018120 GI:25777740 NM_032507.2PGBD1 GeneID:845473ACCGGGCCTCTGAGCTCCCT[CG]GGAGCCTTTCACGAGGTCAGCTACGTCSCAND4; HUCEP-4; dJ874C20.4�cerebral protein-4; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent'piggyBac transposable element derived 1 cg08052054 GI:16933527 NM_057157.1CYP26A1 GeneID:15923CCCAGATCTGCCTATTGCGCC[CG]ATGCCCCGAGGCTCTCTCTTGGACTCCP26; CYP26; P450RAI; P450RAI1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; P450; retinoic acid-inactivating; 1; retinoic acid-metabolizing cytochrome; retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase; cytochrome P450; subfamily XXVIA; polypeptide 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: microsome; go_com@cytochrome P450; family 26; subfamily A; polypeptide 1 isoform 2 cg08052296 GI:51242942NM_001003716.1RECQL5 GeneID:94004GACCCCGAAGAATGGTCCAGGGTC[CG]GGGTGAGATAGAGCATTAGAGACTRECQ5�isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3; RecQ protein 5; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: nucleoplasm; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: DRecQ protein-like 5 isoform 3 cg08057490 GI:55741644 NM_133463.1AMZ1 GeneID:155185:GGTGCTGTGACCTGCGGCAGCACAGC[CG]CCTGCGTTGAGCGCCCACGGTGGGCTGGKIAA1950�metalloproteinase-like protein; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: metallopeptidase activity; go_process: proteolysisarchaemetzincin-1 cg08135400 GI:39777596 NM_004613.2TGM2 GeneID:70523GCGGTGGCTCCTTCCACTGGCGG[CG]AGACCCTCCAAGTGCGACCACTGGTG2; TGC�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; transglutaminase C; tissue transglutaminase; TGase C; TGase-H; C polypeptide; protein-glutamine-gamma-glutamyltransferase; go_component: cytosol; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular matrix (sentransglutaminase 2 isoform a cg08140274 GI:17402894 NM_002876.2RAD51C GeneID:58894GGTCAGAAAAGGGGGACGGTCAG[CG]GGAAGAGCCAAGAGACTGCAACTCTRAD51L2; MGC104277�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; RAD51 (S. cerevisiae) homolog C; RAD51 homolog C; isoform 1; DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 3; yeast RAD51 homolog 3; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: nRAD51 homolog C isoform 2 cg08216110 GI:48976053 NM_024828.2C9orf82 GeneID:798865ACTGGCGTCGCAGGTTATGCGTCACTTC[CG]GCCGTGGCACAGAACGTGGTGFLJ13657; RP11-337A23.1!synonyms: FLJ13657; RP11-337A23.1hypothetical protein LOC79886 cg08221064 GI:56699410 NM_018656.2SLC35E3 GeneID:555080GGCGTTAGGTGACCAAGGGGGT[CG]GGGACCCAGAGGATAGGACCCABLOV1$bladder cancer overexpressed protein#solute carrier family 35; member E2 cg08230071 GI:50301241 NM_017637.4BNC2 GeneID:547968TGGTTCAGCCGTAGTCGTTCTGGTTC[CG]AACTGCATGGAGTTGTCAGTACAGGA(BSN2; FLJ20043; FLJ34928; DKFZp686A01127 basonuclin 2 cg08249556 GI:31657110 NM_015565.1ZNF294 GeneID:260461CCCTCAGGTTCCCTTTAGTT[CG]CTGCTTGTTCTTCCCGCCCATGGTC.RNF160; C21orf10; C21orf98; FLJ11053; KIAA0714zinc finger protein 294 cg08287220 GI:13386504 NM_000765.2CYP3A7 GeneID:15511CCCCCGTGCTCTGCCTGCAGT[CG]GAAGAGGCTTCTCCACCTCGGCAGCP37; P450-HFLA�aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase; microsomal monooxygenase; xenobiotic monooxygenase; flavoprotein-linked monooxygenase; cytochrome P450; subfamily IIIA; polypeptide 7; go_component: membrane; go_component: microsome; go_component: membrane fraction; go_compo5cytochrome P450; family 3; subfamily A; polypeptide 7 cg08319618 GI:47716684 NM_025169.1ZNF167 GeneID:55888:CGGCTCGGCCATTGTTTTTGGTCTAA[CG]GGCAGTAGAGTGTCCGGCTTCGGTGCCG ZFP; FLJ12738�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transc!zinc finger protein ZFP isoform 2 cg08398349 GI:47834327 NM_020804.2PACSIN1 GeneID:29993,GCTCCCAAGTCAGCTCACA[CG]CACGTCTTCAACACACCCACCKIAA1379�go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein kinase activity; go_process: endocytosis9protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 1 cg08442522 GI:52352808 NM_005902.3 GeneID:40887TGACAGCACTTGGAAAGGAGGCTGCA[CG]CGGATTTGCATGAAACACAGACTGGQMADH3; JV15-2; Smad 3; HSPC193; HsT17436; MGC60396; DKFZP586N0721; DKFZp686J10186 NM_005386.2NNAT GeneID:4826/ATCTCGGCAAACCCTCTTTCT[CG]ACCACCCACCTACCATTCTTGG Peg5; MGC1439�isoform alpha is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_function: auxiliary transport protein activity; go_process: development; go_process: brain development; go_process: protein-lipoylationneuronatin isoform alpha cg11180163 GI:17402874 NM_001849.2 GeneID:12923GACCAGGTGAGCGCCTCCCGGACCC[CG]CACCCTGGAAGCCGCTCGGCCCPP3610; DKFZp586E1322�isoform 2C2 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 2C2; collagen VI; alpha-2 polypeptide; human mRNA for collagen VI alpha-2 C-terminal globular domain; go_component: collagen; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; bridging; go_functi.alpha 2 type VI collagen isoform 2C2 precursor cg11206268 GI:49574496 NM_138434.2C7orf29 GeneID:1137633AGCCACACTCTCTGCCTGTCTC[CG]CCACCCATTGCTTGGGACACTTCCChypothetical protein LOC113763 cg11210652 GI:51039801 NM_001714.2BICD1 GeneID:6364CATTTCTCGTCAGTTTCTCGGG[CG]GTGTAGCTGCCGCTGCCACCAGAGCCBICD�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; cytoskeleton-like bicaudal D protein homolog 1; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: RNA processingbicaudal D homolog 1 isoform 1 cg11210754 GI:19923371 NM_006505.2PVR GeneID:5817< 5GGGCTCAGGATCTGTCCCATCA[CG]AGTTGGAACCTCAGCTCTGCCACTCGGPVS; HVED; CD155; NECL5; TAGE4�Polio virus receptor; ortholog of mouse Tage4; nectin-like-5; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activitypoliovirus receptor cg11214083 GI:61743923 NM_033632.2 GeneID:552944CCTCTTCCTGGGTCTTTTCAGGCTG[CG]GCTTCTGCCCGTCCAGGGCCACT<AGO; CDC4; FBW7; FBX30; FBXW6; SEL10; SEL-10; DKFZp686F23254RRM2B GeneID:50484,CGCCTACCTCTGCCAGCCA[CG]CCTCCCCTGCCTCGGGGCTCC*p53R2; MGC42116; MGC102856; DKFZp686M05248�p53-inducible ribonucleotide reductase small subunit 2 homolog; p53-inducible ribonucleotide reductase small subunit 2 long form; p53-inducible ribonucleotide reductase small subunit 2 short form; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: ribonuc.ribonucleotide reductase M2 B (TP53 inducible) cg14429908 GI:16418396 NM_052886.1MAL2 GeneID:114569.TCACCTGGGCCCACGTGACGGGG[CG]GGGCTCGAGGAGCCCCACGsMAL proteolipid protein 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding%mal; T-cell differentiation protein 2 cg14434684 GI:46409333 NM_207350.1MGC72104 GeneID:2848026CCTGGTGCTGCTCCAGGTCACATACT[CG]TCCTGAGCCGGCTTCAGCCTGTCChypothetical protein LOC284802 cg14441887 GI:50345249 NM_153694.3SYCP3 GeneID:505115CCTGAAACACACCGCAATGGC[CG]AGGACCAGTTACTGGTCGTCGACAGGCGCOR1; SCP3; MGC71888Ygo_process: male meiosis I; go_process: spermatogenesis; exchange of chromosomal proteinssynaptonemal complex protein 3 cg14451276 GI:4502114 NM_001637.1AOAH GeneID:313/CTGGAGGGAGTCTGTGGTGTG[CG]GTTCTGCTGAGGTAAAGACTGC�go_function: acyloxyacyl hydrolase activity; go_function: lipoprotein lipase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; acting on ester bonds; go_process: lipid metabolism; go_process: inflammatory responseacyloxyacyl hydrolase precursor cg14457759 GI:22758145 NM_152792.1FLJ25084 GeneID:151516:AAAGGGTAGCACGGGAGGACATCCAGT[CG]TCTACAGAGGACATCTGTGAGTCCAAGMUNO�zinc finger protein 160-like; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingzinc finger protein 665 cg17892280 GI:29029606 NM_004154.3P2RY6 GeneID:5031/AACTGAGGCCAGGGAAAGGTAAAGT[CG]TGAAGGATTCTGGACTGGP2Y6; MGC15335�P2Y6 receptor; G-coupled nucleotide receptor; P2 purinoceptor; P2Y purinoceptor 6; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: purinergic nucleotide receptor activipyrimidinergic receptor P2Y6 cg17906744 GI:30089991 NM_053017.2ART5 GeneID:1169695AATTCCCTTTCTCAAGGCCTG[CG]GGGTCTTTCTGCGGGACCCTCTTTGGCTMGC22848�mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferase 5; NAD(P)(+)--arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase 5; ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferase 5 precursor; go_component: membrane; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go_function: NAD(P)+-protein-arginine ADP-ribos"ADP-ribosyltransferase 5 precursor cg17922631 GI:42560230 NM_203285.1PVRL1 GeneID:58188GCCGGCTCAGAGGCTCGGCAGATGCC[CG]CCGCAAGTTGCACGAGTCATGCCCCTGED4; PRR; HIgR; HVEC; PRR1; PVRR; CD111; PVRR1; SK-12; CLPED1; nectin-1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; nectin 1; ectodermal dysplasia 4 (Margarita Island type); poliovirus receptor-like 1; poliovirus receptor related; herpesvirus entry mediator C; go_component: membrane; go_component: adherens junction; go_compNpoliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator C; nectin) isoform 2 cg17928396 GI:62988360 NM_001624.1AIM1 GeneID:2024TTGGCTGGTGGTTCTGTAATGTA[CG]TCTAAGGGGAAAAACACCAGATTCTST4lgo_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: sugar binding; go_process: biological process unknownabsent in melanoma 1 cg17949275 GI:38348391 NM_198553.1FLJ30851 GeneID:375190:AGTCAGAAAAGTGTTGCAAATGGGACTC[CG]AGAGGCCAGGCTGAAGCTGCCACACT�go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum membrane; go_function: acetyl-CoA transporter activity; go_process: transportacetyl-coenzyme A transporter cg22031795 GI:32698695 NM_014573.1TMEM97 GeneID:273464CCAACTTTAGTTCGGTGTTTTCCT[CG]GGCTTTGTCTCTATCCCAGCCCCTMAC30xgo_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: regulation of cell growthhypothetical protein MAC30 cg22069139 GI:63497678 NM_152379.2C1orf131 GeneID:1280611CGTTCCTCAAATCTGTTCTCCA[CG]TGGGCTCCTGGGACCCCGCACTC DKFZp547B1713synonym: DKFZp547B1713hypothetical protein LOC128061 cg22096450 GI:7019582 NM_013250.1ZNF215 GeneID:77626TGCGCAAGAGTGCGTCGAGGTTGTTC[CG]CGGCAATTTATGAAACTCGGAGCCBAZ2�go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcriptizinc finger protein 215 cg22119801 GI:52856412 NM_016037.2UTP11L GeneID:511186CGGAAGGCGGCTAAGTCCCGGCAG[CG]GGAACACAGAGAGCGAAGCCAGGTAG CGI94; CGI-94�go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: ribonucleoprotein complex; go_function: protein binding; go_process: rRNA processing; go_process: induction of apoptosis; go_process: nervous system developme1UTP11-like; U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein; cg22140862 GI:31563435 NM_144673.2CMTM2 GeneID:1462253CCGGCGCCCTAGCAGATGCA[CG]TGTCTGTCGAATCGCTGCCTCCGAGCCCKLFSF2; MGC39436�chemokine-like factor super family 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: cytokine activity; go_process: chemotaxis; go_process: sensory perception#chemokine-like factor superfamily 2 cg22172113 GI:34304338 NM_004035.4ACOX1 GeneID:512GGAAAGAAGAAATCCGAGGACCGG[CG]ACGCCTAGAACAGGTTGGCTGGACOX; MGC1198; PALMCOX�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: peroxisome; go_function: electron donor activity; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: acyl-CoA oxidase activity; go_function: acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity; go_process: electron !acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase isoform a cg22180579 GI:41327725 NM_000747.2CHRNB1 GeneID:11403CCTGGCACTGCTCCCAGGGGAT[CG]GGTCTCCACTCCAGCTTTCTCAATT!ACHRB; CHRNB; CMS1D; CMS2A; SCCMS�cholinergic receptor; nicotinic; beta polypeptide 1 (muscle); go_component: postsynaptic membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ion channel activity; go_function: acetylcholine receptor activity; go_function: channel or pore cla9nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta 1 subunit precursor cg22197682 GI:31317267 NM_178583.1WDFY3 GeneID:230016CTGCTCCTCCTACTGAGCCGGC[CG]CAGAAATTGCAGCCGCTCAGCTTCTACC!ALFY; ZFYVE25; KIAA0993; MGC16461aisoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_function: binding; go_function: zinc ion binding0WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 3 isoform 2 cg22204474 GI:46276870 NM_006538.2 GeneID:100187CTTCTGATGTAAGTTCTGAGTGTGAC[CG]AGAAGGTAGACAATTGCAGCCTGCGBAM; BIM; BOD; BimL; BimEL�isoform 6 is encoded by transcript variant 6; bcl-2 interacting protein Bim; bcl-2 interacting mediator of cell death; bcl-2-related ovarian death agonist; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: protein binding; go_process: BCL2-like 11 isoform 6 cg22228706 GI:41327742 NM_021012.3KCNJ12 GeneID:37681TGGCTTGGGCAAGACCAGAGCACGAT[CG]TGGGTCAATCAGGGTGGAA6IRK2; hIRK; KCNJN1; Kir2.2; Kir2.2v; kcnj12x; hkir2.2x�ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 12; potassium inwardly-rectifying channel; subfamily J; inhibitor 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; g)potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J12 cg22237111 GI:49472811 NM_138417.2KTI12 GeneID:1129705CAATGCCTTCTCACGGGCAGAAT[CG]CCGTACACCGCTGGGTCCTCTGCGCC< $TOT4; SBBI81; MGC20419; RP11-91A18.3.synonyms: TOT4; SBBI81; MGC20419; RP11-91A18.3#KTI12 homolog; chromatin associated cg22244083 GI:89058943 XM_929318.1KIAA1043 GeneID:23331=GTTCTTTTACCTATGTCATGCTGCATC[CG]ACTTTCTTCTTGCTGTCCTATAACTTACCChypothetical protein LOC23331 cg22247277 GI:22035699 NM_145738.1SYNGR1 GeneID:9145/CCCACACTTGCTGTGCACGCAC[CG]CCCTCCCCCAAACACTTTGCAMGC:1939�isoform 1c is encoded by transcript variant 1c; go_component: synapse; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membranesynaptogyrin 1 isoform 1c cg22259041 GI:32526906 NM_033260.2FOXQ1 GeneID:942347GAACCCCTCCTGGGCTCTTTAA[CG]AGCAGCAGATGCGCATGCTGCTTCTCTCCHFH1�winged helix/forkhead transcription factor; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentforkhead box Q1 cg222614751CCGGGGTGCCTTTCCTTACCT[CG]GTGGACACACACCTTCCTCACAGTFLJ32942synonym: FLJ32942hypothetical protein LOC121355 cg18228723 GI:54792087 NM_015349.1KIAA0240 GeneID:235065AGACTGTCCCTTCTGCCTTCGGG[CG]TGTCCCTCTTCTGGGCATCTTTTCAG DKFZp686P0250synonym: DKFZp686P0250hypothetical protein LOC23506 cg18244286 GI:34147494 NM_004155.3SERPINB9 GeneID:52724GCGAAGGTCGGGTGACAGCCAAGCTC[CG]TGTTCCAGTGGGAAGGTCCCATPI9; CAP3; CAP-3�protease inhibitor 9 (ovalbumin type); go_component: cytosol; go_function: protein binding; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity; go_process: anti-apoptosis; go_process: signal transductionHserine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor; clade B (ovalbumin); member 9 cg18266915 GI:40807478 NM_080867.2SOCS4 GeneID:122809/CCGCGTGGAAATTAGCCGGTTGCC[CG]GGCAAATCAGGGAGGAAGGSOCS7; DKFZp686J1568�suppressor of cytokine signaling 7; SH2 domain containing SOCS box protein; go_process: regulation of cell growth; go_process: intracellular signaling cascade; go_process: negative regulation of signal transduction"suppressor of cytokine signaling 4 cg18278902 GI:38016940 NM_014365.2HSPB8 GeneID:263534GGTCCCCAGGGGAAAGGCAGGATA[CG]ACACGCTCTAGGGAAGGTATTTCCH11; HMN2; DHMN2; E2IG1; HSP22�protein kinase H11; small stress protein-like protein HSP22; spinal muscular atrophy; distal; adult; autosomal dominant; Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; spinal; hereditary motor neuropathy; distal; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: kinasheat shock 27kDa protein 8 cg18294345 GI:4502620 NM_001761.1CCNF GeneID:8995AGGGCACGGCCTCGTCTTAGAAG[CG]CCACGTCGAGGCTGTCCCAGGCTGGA FBX1; FBXO1�F-box only protein 1; go_component: nucleus; go_process: mitosis; go_process: cell division; go_process: regulation of progression through cell cyclecyclin F cg18306861 GI:7706642 NM_016445.1PLEK2 GeneID:264995CAGTCTCTCTGCTCAGCGTCCTT[CG]CCAGGTGCTTCCCGGGCACTTAGCGC�pleckstrin 2 (mouse) homolog; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_process: intracellular signaling cascade; go_process: actin cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis pleckstrin 2 cg18348369 GI:74048513 NM_170589.2CASC5 GeneID:570825CGCAAAATTTGTCGAGGAGGTTTGC[CG]CGGCAGGTAAAGAGAATGACTCTTD40; AF15Q14; KIAA1570�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; AF15q14 protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: acrosome; go_process: acrosome formation+cancer susceptibility candidate 5 isoform 1 cg18375739 GI:50428916NM_001002264.1EPSTI1 GeneID:942404CCCGGAGTTCACCACTCTATTG[CG]GGTGTTCATGGTTCACAGCCCGCGGGBRESI1; MGC29634*epithelial stromal interaction 1 isoform 1 cg18382090 GI:55956913 NM_004997.2MYBPH GeneID:46083CGCAGATGGGTGAGATGGGACAT[CG]AGCAGGCCGCGTGCCAGGTGTCAG�myosin-binding protein H; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: striated muscle thick filament; go_function: protein binding; go_function: structural constituent of muscle; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: muscle development; go_process: regulatmyosin binding protein H cg18418457 GI:4507466 NM_000358.1TGFBI GeneID:70459TGTAGCCTCAAGATCAGTGAGGGAATCTT[CG]GGCCCCCAGCATGCAGGACCGAAG5CSD; CDB1; CDG2; CSD1; CSD2; CSD3; LCD1; BIGH3; CDGG1�corneal dystrophy; kerato-epithelin; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: protein binding; go_function: integrin binding; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: sensory perception; go_process:/transforming growth factor; beta-induced; 68kDa cg18447158 GI:38788259 NM_004459.5FALZ GeneID:21862CCGGCTTTGGGCTCCAGCCAG[CG]GTCCGCGGAGACTTTGGTCTCCGAABPTF; FAC1; NURF301�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; fetal Alz-50 reactive clone 1; nucleosome remodeling factor; large subunit; bromodomain and PHD domain transcription factor; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; go_fun!fetal Alzheimer antigen isoform 2 cg184499507CATTTGAGTGTCGCCTGAACCC[CG]AGGTCATCTGCACAGCACTATTCCTCTTC cg18546692 GI:9506670 NM_019027.1FLJ20273 GeneID:545020CAGTGAGCTGACCCGCCTCCTAA[CG]CCTCATCCGGGCCTCCCTTTT!go_function: nucleic acid bindinghypothetical protein LOC54502 cg18557556 GI:37059784 NM_007043.5HRB2 GeneID:111033CCGTAGTTTCCTCGTGGCCTCA[CG]GCCTAACCTGGACCATCGGACAGCGRIP-1HRev interacting protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: RNA bindingHIV-1 rev binding protein 2 cg18564041 GI:4505004 NM_002315.1LMO1 GeneID:40048CCTAGCTCGGTGAGCGTCTTTGCTC[CG]ATCCCAGGGTCGTGGTCTTCAATGATTTTG1; RBTN1; RHOM1�go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: development; go_process: cell proliferationLIM domain only 1 cg18650880 GI:57770467NM_001009905.1B3GNTL1 GeneID:146712.GGGCTGCTCAGGGCGGAGACCC[CG]TAGGTGAGCCCGAGAGGCGGB3GNT8`UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1;3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8; go_function: transferase activityBUDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1;3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1 cg18653451 GI:14042971 NM_032040.1CCDC8 GeneID:839871GCTGGGCCCATTGCTTCCCAG[CG]AAGCGGCAGTGGCCCACGTCAGCA DKFZP564K0322synonym: DKFZP564K0322coiled-coil domain containing 8 cg18690790 GI:14790166 NM_003823.2 GeneID:8771;GCTGACTCCTGAACCGTGTGCAGCCTA[CG]ACTTGGTGGGTCCCTCAGTGGCTTCACGM68; TR6; DCR3; DJ583P15.1.11AACGACTCACCCTGCACACATG[CG]AACTACAATTCCCATAACCGCCC H-l(3)mbt-l�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; H-l(3)mbt-like protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription corepressor activity; go_process: chromatin modification; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-l(3)mbt-like 2 isoform a cg15295444 GI:50593009 NM_000290.2PGAM2 GeneID:52240ATCCTTGATGGCCTTGGCTCCC[CG]CTTGGCCTCCTCGGTCCCCTTTPGAMM; MGC88743�Phosphoglycerate mutase; muscle form; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: isomerase activity; go_function: protein homodimerization activity; go_function: phosphoglycerate mutase activity; go_function: bisphosphoglycerate phosphatase activity; g"phosphoglycerate mutase 2 (muscle) cg15317900 GI:50363227 NM_025151.3 RAB11FIP1 GeneID:802236CCTCATTTCCAGGGTCACAT[CG]CCAGTCGTGGCCTTGCGCGGATTACCTAAC5RCP; NOEL1A; FLJ22524; FLJ22622; MGC78448; rab11-FIP1�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; Rab-interacting recycling protein; Rab effector protein; no Rab11-binding protein 1A; Rab11-family interacting protein 1D; RAB11 coupling protein; RAB11-family interacting protein 1CRab coupling protein isoform 1 cg15326977 GI:45439363 NM_004438.3 GeneID:20436TGGAACCTGTGACAGCGTCGCAAATCC[CG]AAGAGACACGAAAATAGGGCGAASEK; HEK8; TYRO1�ephrin type-A receptor 4; tyrosine-protein kinase receptor SEK; receptor protein-tyrosine kinase HEK8; TYRO1 protein tyrosine kinase; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: receptor activiephrin receptor EphA4 cg15328382 GI:34222164 NM_033210.3ZNF502 GeneID:913923GCTGGAGTTACAGGCTGGGCTTGG[CG]GGAAACAAAGCTGGAGTTACAGGFLJ12515; FLJ14855zinc finger p< rotein 502 cg15337887 GI:20070322 NM_022902.2SLC30A5 GeneID:649245TGTAGGGACAGGTAAGTGCACAGGGAG[CG]CCACCCGGAGAGGCTGATAGGA5ZNT5; ZTL1; ZNTL1; ZnT-5; MGC5499; FLJ12496; FLJ12756�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; zinc transporter ZTL1; zinc transporter 5; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: apical plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: zinc ion bindinzinc transporter ZTL1 isoform 1 cg15341808 GI:27436952 NM_080284.2ABCA6 GeneID:234606TCAACTACAGGGATAAGGGGGAAAA[CG]GTAAACAAGGAAAATGGAACTAGTT EST155051�go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: protein ser TEK tyrosine kinase; endothelial cg05762700 GI:34916053 NM_153686.4MLR1 GeneID:2542512TTTCTGCCTTCACTACGGGACTC[CG]ACAGTCCGGAGACTTCACTTCCCFLJ30696/go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA bindingtranscription factor MLR1 cg05806375 GI:20149636 NM_016442.2ARTS-1 GeneID:51752.GTTAGGGGCATGCAGGAAAGGGC[CG]GTGCTCAAGTTGGGGACCG:ALAP; A-LAP; ARTS1; ERAAP; ERAP1; APPILS; PILSAP; KIAA0525�aminopeptidase PILS; adipocyte-derived leucine aminopeptidase; go_component: cytosol; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum lumen; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein bGtype 1 tumor necrosis factor receptor shedding aminopeptidase regulator cg05808432 GI:39725680 NM_021195.3CLDN6 GeneID:90742AGCGGTGACGTCACTGGACCACCGCCC[CG]GAGGAGGGGCAGAGACCCT�go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein self binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion claudin 6 cg05823269 GI:38569506 NM_016651.4DACT1 GeneID:513394GGCGACGAGAAAGAGCCAATGAGGAG[CG]AGGGCAAAATCGGGTGCAGTAA+DPR1; FRODO; HDPR1; DAPPER; THYEX3; DAPPER1sheptacellular carcinoma novel gene 3; dapper homolog 1; antagonist of beta-catenin (xenopus); go_component: nucleusDAPPER1 cg05878106 GI:23308518 NM_153026.1PRICKLE1 GeneID:1441658CACGCGCAGCCAGTGGGGCAGAGCAGCAGG[CG]GATTATGCGCAGGGAGAAAAAARILP; FLJ31627; FLJ31937�REST (RE-1 silencing transcription factor)/NRSF (neuron-restrictive silencer factor)-interacting LIM domain protein; REST/NRSF-interacting LIM domain protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metalprickle-like 1 cg05878700 GI:4502050 NM_000697.1ALOX12 GeneID:2397GGGGCCTGGCTCTTCTCCGGGT[CG]TACAACCGCGTGCAGCTTTGGCTGGTCGGLOG12�12(S)-lipoxygenase; platelet-type 12-lipoxygenase/arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase; go_component: cytosol; go_component: sarcolemma; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: lipoxygenase activity; go_function: oxidoreductasearachidonate 12-lipoxygenase cg05921943 GI:55769569 NM_032825.3ZNF382 GeneID:84911-TGAACCCAGGTCCCCTGC[CG]TGAGCTCTTCTCGCATCCAGACC KS1; FLJ14686�multiple-zinc-finger-Kruppel-associated box protein KS1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation ozinc finger protein 382 cg05959508 GI:13435126 NM_025228.1TRAF3IP3 GeneID:803426AAAAAGAAAGACGGTACCAAGAAGGGA[CG]TGTTAATGGGGCCCAGACCTATG&T3JAM; FLJ44151; MGC117354; DJ434O14.3�TRAF3-interacting Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-activating modulator; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: kinase activity*TRAF3-interacting JNK-activating modulator cg05964671 GI:4502010 NM_000476.1AK1 GeneID:2035GTGCCAGAGAGAGGCCAGACCAGGGAG[CG]AGAGGGCTGAGGCATCGACTCA�go_component: cytosol; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: adenylate kinase activity; go_function: adenylate kinase activity; go_adenylate kinase 1 cg05973262 GI:55770875 NM_004557.3NOTCH4 GeneID:48550CCTGGACACCCTAGTAATGGGGGG[CG]GAGGAAGAGTGGAGGAACACINT3; NOTCH3; MGC74442�Notch (Drosophila) homolog 4; go_component: membrane; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cell surface; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_funcnotch4 preproprotein cg05994565 GI:47271476 NM_173833.3SCARA5 GeneID:2861330CAATCGTGGCATTACAGCCC[CG]TGTGGGAACGCCCGCTGGGCCCAGFLJ23907; MGC45780�go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; go_process: phosphate transporthypothetical protein LOC286133 cg059951851GCCCAGCACTCATGGAGCC[CG]GAGCCTTCAGTGGTGCCAGACCAGGC cg06014908 GI:13376307 NM_024872.1DOK3 GeneID:799301CAACTCCTGGCTTTCCCACT[CG]GCGTCCTGGTTTGAGCGCCTCACCCFLJ22570; FLJ39939Dok-like proteindocking protein 3 cg06018669 GI:45580690 NM_001845.3COL4A1 GeneID:12823TGGCCCGAGAGCACCGACTTGGAG[CG]CCTTGTGCAGGCTAGGGCTGCACarresten�collagen IV; alpha-1 polypeptide; collagen of basement membrane; alpha-1 chain; COL4A1 NC1 domain; go_component: collagen; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen type IV; go_function: extracellular matrix structural constituent; go_process: phosp&alpha 1 type IV collagen preproprotein cg06058891 GI:26667226 NM_005244.3EYA2 GeneID:21394CACTATTGAGGTCCTCTCCGAGC[CG]TCGTTCCTTTCACAGGGGTCATGCCEAB1; MGC10614�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; translation of this uORF probably lowers the translation efficiency of EYA2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_funceyes absent 2 isoform a cg06060042 GI:40317631 NM_019094.3NUDT4 GeneID:111635TCTTTCCATTCACTGGCATGTTTT[CG]GGGCACGGTCATCCCACGCTGGGCT?DIPP2; HDCMB47P; KIAA0487; DIPP2beta; DIPP2alpha; DKFZp686I1281�isoform alpha is encoded by transcript variant 1; diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase type 2; go_component: intracellular; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: diphosphoinositol-polyphosphate dipho nudix-type motif 4 isoform alpha cg06108383 GI:20336249 NM_005155.5PPT2 GeneID:93745CAGTCGTTCTGGTCACTTAGGCGTT[CG]CGTGAGCGCTCAACCCCTTACCGCG14; NG3; C6orf8; DKFZp564P1516�isoform a precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; palmitoyl-protein hydrolase 2; VE-statin2; go_component: lysosome; go_component: lysosome; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase4palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2 isoform a precursor cg06111805 GI:89037345 XM_934774.1 LOC645431 GeneID:6454310GCTGTGGCCCGCGGCTCTGCTAGG[CG]GTGGATGCTGCTGCTACGCThypothetical protein XP_939867 cg06152151 GI:37622888 NM_007236.3CHP GeneID:112617TCGATTCCTGTGAGAAAAGGTAGACTA[CG]CTGCCTGTCGCAGGTTAGTTTGTTSLC9A1BP�SLC9A1 binding protein; calcineurin homologous protein; calcineurin B homolog; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: potassium channel regulator activity; go_process: potassium ion transport; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transductioncalcium binding protein P22 cg06169282 GI:62548863 NM_014629.2ARHGEF10 GeneID:9639/AGCTCTGAGCCGGGAGCAGGCTCTG[CG]GGGAGGATCCAGATGTTGGEF10; DKFZp686H07267go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity)Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10 cg06188113 GI:30179904 NM_178272.1PILRA GeneID:299924TCTCTGAGGACTGAATCTGGGG[CG]CAGAAGGACAGAGATTCAGGCCTGCCFDF03�isoform 2 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 2; paired immunoglobin-like receptor alpha; paired immunoglobulin-like receptor alpha; inhibitory receptor PILRalpha; cell surface receptor FDF03; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; < go_function:Dpaired immunoglobulin-like type 2 receptor alpha isoform 2 precursor cg06194054 GI:7669488 NM_001953.2ECGF1 GeneID:18901CCCCTCGGTCCCGTGTCTGTGT[CG]CCCTCGTCCGTGTCTGCCTCCCGTP; MNGIE; PDECGF; hPD-ECGF�thymidine phosphorylase; gliostatin; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: growth factor activity; go_function: thymidine phosphorylase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go3endothelial cell growth factor 1 (platelet-derived) cg06194302 GI:21699053 NM_144974.1FLJ31846 GeneID:1608570CGTTGAGGCTCAGGACGAGGGA[CG]GGGCGGCAAATTGTCACAGAGGhypothetical protein LOC160857 cg06275482 GI:21536460 NM_002405.2MFNG GeneID:42425CCTCTGGGGCTCCCACAGTTGTT[CG]CTCAGTTCCTGAGGTCTTCACAACAG�go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go_process: pattern specificationmanic fringe homolog cg06293449 GI:23199988 NM_004887.3CXCL14 GeneID:95473GAATCGTGTGGTTCTCTCTCTGGCC[CG]GCAGGCCAGCTTTTCCGAGCCG>KS1; Kec; BMAC; BRAK; NJAC; MIP-2g; SCYB14; MGC10687; bolekine�CXC chemokine in breast and kidney; small inducible cytokine subfamily B (Cys-X-Cys); member 14 (BRAK); go_component: extracellular space; go_function: chemokine activity; go_process: chemotaxis; go_process: inflammatory response; go_process: cell-cell si&small inducible cytokine B14 precursor cg06323215 GI:24432071 NM_145032.2FBXL13 GeneID:2222356AGCCCTGATCGCCTACAAGTC[CG]AATTTGACTTCACTTTCTCGCATTCTGCCFbl13; FLJ38068; MGC21636�go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: proteolysis; go_process: ubiquitin cycle(F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 13 cg06382169 GI:60593053NM_001012716.1C18orf56 GeneID:4945145GTGAGCCAGGGGCTGACCTTGAC[CG]CTCAGATAAATGGAGCGCAGCCTTGAhypothetical protein LOC494514 cg06391255 GI:41281667 NM_003110.4SP2 GeneID:66680CCCAGTGACTACCTGCAGCCTGC[CG]CCTCCACCACCCAGGCGAGTA�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: immune response; go_process: regulation ofSp2 transcription factor cg06447867 GI:24475652 NM_003442.3ZNF143 GeneID:77023TGGGCCAATGGAAAACCGGAAG[CG]TCCTGTGAGTGATGTAATGACAGCCSBF; STAF; pHZ-1�SPH-binding factor; transcriptional activator Staf; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: RNA polymerase III transcription factor activity; go_function: specific RNA po%zinc finger protein 143 (clone pHZ-1) cg06448700 GI:88983555 XM_042066.10MAP3K1 GeneID:42149GTAGAGTCCAGGGACTAGGAGGACTCACAA[CG]CAGCGATGGGCAGCCAGGCCCTG0mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 cg06452877 GI:31342347 NM_178169.2RASSF3 GeneID:2833490GGCCGGGAGAGCCTGATTGAG[CG]GCGGCCGCAGCTGCATAAGGACT'RASSF5; MGC119194; MGC119195; MGC119197=go_function: protein binding; go_process: signal transduction-Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family 3 cg06480496 GI:47087196 NM_006674.2HCP5 GeneID:108664AGATTCGGGGAGACATTGAGACAGAG[CG]TTTGATATAAAAGAAGGGGGTAP5-1; D6S2650E^MHC class I region ORF; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_process: defense responseHLA complex P5 cg06481143 GI:60097903 NM_014518.1ZNF229 GeneID:7772/ATGAAACCCTTCCCACACA[CG]TCACACACGTAGGGCCTCTCTCCCFLJ34222�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 229 cg06486995 GI:89028223 XM_931047.1 LOC642730 GeneID:642730�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein self binding; go_functionclaudin 10 isoform b cg09895989 GI:42734313 NM_014779.2TSC22D2 GeneID:98192CGAGCTGGACTGACCACGGCTGCC[CG]GAGACGAGAGAGGAAGCAGCCG TILZ4a; TILZ4b; TILZ4c; KIAA0669bgo_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentTSC22 domain family 2 cg09907936 GI:34419632 NM_003436.2ZNF135 GeneID:7694.GTTCCAAGCGGCACTTATCC[CG]CGTTGATGCCCAGGCACCCCGC ZNF61; pHZ-17�zinc finger protein 61; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regu&zinc finger protein 135 (clone pHZ-17) cg09936022 GI:40255088 NM_145201.3NAPRT1 GeneID:931005GGCTAGGACGAGGCAGCCCAGATGGA[CG]CAAATGTCGCTTGGAAAGAGCTTPP3856�go_function: nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go_process: pyridine nucleotide biosynthesis8nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase domain containing 1 cg09942079 GI:50897285NM_001002919.1 LOC285016 GeneID:285016/TTTCTTTCCCCTTTGGAAGC[CG]CGGGTGCCAGGCAGCTCCCCGGCPRO1097; RGPG542synonyms: PRO1097; RGPG542hypothetical protein LOC285016 cg09948821 GI:67190343 NM_002842.2PTPRH GeneID:57941CAGCACCTACTTCCTCAAGAT[CG]AGGTGCAGGCACCCAGCTCCTTCTSAP-1�go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity; go_process: protein amino acid dephosphorylation8protein tyrosine phosphatase; receptor type; H precursor cg09981176 GI:38327514 NM_181844.2BCL6B GeneID:2558770TCGTCTGCCCAAACCTGCTGTCT[CG]TTGGGCTCCCCCTTTTCTCCCBAZF; ZNF62; ZBTB28�zinc finger protein 62; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding5B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6; member B (zinc finger protein) cg09996874 GI:75677324 NM_014238.1KSR1�oncogene LCK; membrane associated protein tyrosine kinase; protein-tyrosine kinase; put. ptk (135aa); lck tyrosine kinase (AA 1-142); proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase LCK; go_component: lipid raft; go_component: lipid raft; go_component: pericentrio+lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase cg12731089 GI:74316010 NM_003485.3GPR68 GeneID:81110AGGGGTCCTTCTCCAGCCA[CG]CCCACTCCCGGGTGCCCTGGCTGTCOGR1; MGC111379�Ovarian cancer G protein-coupled receptor; 1; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: inflammatory response; go_process: G-proteG protein-coupled receptor 68 cg12753450 GI:68160940 NM_006918.3SC5DL GeneID:63098CCTTGAGGGAGAAAACGACCCAGACATT[CG]CGTCAAAGGAAGTGTCGTCTATTT ERG3; SC5D4CCAGCCTGGTGATGGAATGGAAA[CG]CTGGCAGCATCGCCTGCGCTGTCAG bA321C24.3�go_component: membrane; go_component: voltage-gated potassium channel complex; go_function: protein binding; go_function: voltage-gated potassium channel activity; go_process: potassium ion transport5potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 4 cg16301924 GI:59806341 NM_007015.2LECT1 GeneID:110614TGCACCGGAGGATGTCTTAGAATGTCAG[CG]GGCTCTGCTGTGACAACTGGCHM1; CHM-I; BRICD3�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; chondromodulin I precursor; BRICHOS domain containing 3; go_component: basement membrane; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: cell differentiation; go_p7leukocyte cell derived chemotaxin 1 isoform 1 precursor cg16310529 GI:37059780 NM_178861.3RNF113B GeneID:1404328GGGGCTGAGCCACTGTGTCGCCCT[CG]TCCCCGCTGCTGCTGCTCTCTCCGTGCT$RNF161; MGC26599; ZNF183L1; bA10G5.1< �zinc finger protein 183-like 1; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: protein ubiquitinationring finger protein 113B cg16312552 GI:19882258 NM_138283.1CSTL1 GeneID:1288172GGGCGGCAGGTGAGCAAGGAGAA[CG]TGTCTGTAAAGGAAGCACAGGGARCET11; dJ322G13.41go_function: cysteine protease inhibitor activitycystatin-like 1 precursor cg16325358 GI:39930470 NM_032230.1C12orf26 GeneID:84190:TGCTCCGTCTTCCTATCTAGAGCTCTG[CG]AAGCTCACAGCTTTAGCGGGCTCAGGAFLJ22789synonym: FLJ22789hypothetical protein LOC84190 cg16337370 GI:48762933 NM_000089.3 GeneID:12784CAAAGCCTATCCTCCCTGTAGC[CG]GGTGCCAAGCAGCCTCGAGCCTGCTCOI4�GalNAc transferase 6; UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6; protein-UDP acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: sugar binding; go_function/polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6 cg20059835 GI:74959746 NM_020937.1FANCM GeneID:576975CGTAGCGGTTGAGCTGCTGCTGCTA[CG]GATATCTGACAGAAGCCTTCGGTGKIAA1596�go_function: ATP binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: ATP-dependent helicase activity'Fanconi anemia; complementation group M cg20100938 GI:22749022 NM_152487.1TMEM56 GeneID:1485346CGTGGCTAGCCCAGGTACTGACCGCTG[CG]GGGGCGGGCTCACACAGTTCCCCFLJ31842; MGC102912transmembrane protein 56 cg20130097 GI:42544162 NM_032738.3FCRLM1 GeneID:848244CCTAAGGGTGCAGATGATGCTGAAAG[CG]TGTTGGCCAAATCTGAATGATGUFCRL; FREB; FCRLX; FCRLa; FCRLb; FCRLd; FCRLe; FCRLc1; FCRLc2; MGC4595; RP11-474I16.5nFc receptor related protein X; Fc receptor homolog expressed in B cells (FREB); go_function: receptor activity!Fc receptor-like and mucin-like 1 cg20138050 GI:39812180 NM_144677.2MGAT5B GeneID:1466641GAAGGAGCAGGGACCCCCGCCCGCC[CG]TCCTCGAAGCTGGTCCTCGG"GnT-IX; GnT-VB; FLJ25132; KIAA2008�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase IX; beta(1;6)-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V; mannosyl (alpha-1;6-)-glycoprotein beta-1;6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase; isoenzyme B; go_function: transferase activity; tr5beta(1;6)-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V isoform 1 cg20139121 GI:55742688 NM_152406.1FLJ36748 GeneID:1342657GGCTTAGAAGGTGCTCAAGAAAGACCCG[CG]GCGAATGGAGAAGACAAGCCCAAhypothetical protein LOC134265 cg20165366 GI:89041252 XM_930399.1KIAA0565 GeneID:97203GACAGGCAGGCTGGGCGCCGCCACCC[CG]AAACCTCCGAGGGAGGACCAG&hypothetical protein LOC9720 isoform 1 cg20177827 GI:30520362 NM_173488.2SLCO6A1 GeneID:1334822CACCCTGGGCGGCTCCTGGCGA[CG]CGGCCCGAGTGCTCTCGGCTGCCCGST; OATPY; OATP6A1; MGC26949�gonad-specific transporter; testis-specific organic anion transporter; go_component: membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport;solute carrier organic anion transporter family; member 6A1 cg20186563 GI:31982880 NM_024692.3RSNL2 GeneID:797452CGGGGGAGGTAACACTGCGACACCC[CG]CAGACGCTGTCAGCCGGGGTCFLJ21069; FLJ32705synonyms: FLJ21069; FLJ32705 restin-like 2 cg20257673 GI:4503466 NM_003991.1EDNRB GeneID:1910;ATACCGAATTAAAGAAAGAAGAGGTTTATT[CG]GCCAGAAGCATCGGCAAGACTCCTGETB; ETRB; HSCR; ABCDS; HSCR2�This splice variant isoform differs from the variant 1 protein in the intracellular C-terminal domain. isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; Hirschsprung disease 2; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_funct$endothelin receptor type B isoform 2 cg20258192 GI:22748966 NM_152457.1ZNF597 GeneID:1464343GGAGACACCGGAACTCGAAAGAAAAT[CG]GTAACAAAATGTGGGTTCGGCFLJ33071zinc finger protein 597 cg20280727 GI:51173742 NM_003287.2TPD52L1 GeneID:7164;ATCTCTGCGTTATGCCCTTATAGCGC[CG]GGAGTGGGTGCCTTCCGCCGGCTGTACAGD53; hD53; MGC8556; TPD52L2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; tumor protein D53; tumor protein D52-like 2; go_component: perinuclear region; go_component: perinuclear region; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_fun"tumor protein D52-like 1 isoform 1 cg20305423 GI:41393543 NM_032573.3CCDC62 GeneID:846605GCTACACAGGAGCGAGCACGGCCGAGCTCA[CG]GTTATTAGGGGGAAGATGGaaa; TSP-NY; FLJ40344Lisoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; testis-specific protein TSP-NY(testis-specific protein TSP-NY isoform a cg20307730 GI:15451873 NM_003781.2B3GALT3 GeneID:87063CAGCCCTGTGAGCTCGCATGGCG[CG]CCCTCTGGGTCCTCGCGGTCACCT2P; P1; GLCT3; galT3; Gb4Cer; B3GALNT1; beta3Gal-T3�globoside synthase; globotriaosylceramide 3-beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase; P blood group globoside; brainiac1; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function:3UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1;3-galactosyltransferase 3 cg20318096 GI:62865867 NM_004102.3FABP3 GeneID:21701GGCGCCCTGCTAGCCTGCGTCAG[CG]CCAGTGCCTGGCCCCCGAGTCCMDGI; FABP11; H-FABP; O-FABP�mammary-derived growth inhibitor; Fatty acid-binding protein 3; muscle; fatty acid binding protein 11; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: fatty acid binding; go_function: lipid transporter activity; go_process: transportfatty acid binding protein 3 cg20323936 GI:38505225 NM_024680.2E2F8 GeneID:797338GATACAAAGCACTATTTACTCCCTGTT[CG]GGTGGCCAGTTCACACCACGGCGTTFLJ23311�go_component: nucleus; go_component: transcription factor complex; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: regulation of progression through cell cycleE2F family member 8 cg20408466 GI:31377716 NM_022351.2EFCBP1 GeneID:641680CGTCCCTTCTCTCTGTCCGGA[CG]CCCTCCTCCATCCCTGCACTTGGNECAB1; STIP-1�synaptotagmin interacting protein 1; neuronal calcium binding protein; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_process: antibiotic biosynthesis!EF hand calcium binding protein 1 cg20421926 GI:88965915 XM_376281.3 LOC401097 GeneID:4010975TCAACTAAGGTCACCTTGACGGAG[CG]CTTCCCTGTCCCTCTGGGGCTACCThypothetical protein XP_376281 cg20461386 GI:4758685 NM_002332.1LRP1 GeneID:4035:GGCGCCTGCTGCTGGCTCGGCTGCC[CG]CGCTGCACTGGCTGCCCCATTACCGCTGG�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport-solute carrier family 26; member 10 isoform 2 cg16656762 GI:40354209 NM_018043.4TMEM16A GeneID:551075GGCGGTCCCAGCGCACAGGCGGCCA[CG]ATGAGGGTCAACGAGAAGTACTCGTAOS2; ORAOV2; FLJ10261�oral cancer overexpressed 2; transmembrane protein 16A (eight membrane-spanning domains); membrane protein; tumor amplified and overexpressed sequence 2transmembrane protein 16A cg16660493 GI:8922580 NM_018173.1PLEKHG6 GeneID:55200.GGCTGGGTGACCCTGGTGTAGC[CG]GGAGTGGGCTTATTTGCAGGFLJ10665; MGC126353; MGC126354Mpleckstrin homology domain containing; family G (with RhoGef domain) member 6 cg16662230 GI:21687223 NM_017964.2SLC30A6 GeneID:556760CTTGCCTTGCCCTTAACCTCAA[CG]CTTCAGGTCCCGACCAATCTCTZNT6; FLJ31101; MGC45055^go_component: membrane; go_function: cation transporter activity; go_process: cation transport5solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter); member 6 cg16689662 GI:38044285 NM_173631.2ZNF547 GeneID:2843064ACTCTGTTTACCAGCTCCCCTGA[CG]GTGCCACTGAGCCTCTATCCGCCATFLJ31100zinc finger protein 547 cg16713969 GI:11321570 NM_003062.1SLIT3 GeneID:6586/GAACCAGGGAAGGAAAGGGGCT[CG]GCCAGCAGGGCCCCTGGAAAG"MEGF5; SLIL2; SLIT1; slit2; Slit-3�slit (Drosophila) homolog 3; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: central nervous system development< slit homolog 3 cg16738016 GI:14917112 NM_021203.2SRPRB GeneID:584773TTGTCAGTAGTGGTGGCGGTTCTTG[CG]GTGCTGCTGACGCTAGGTAAAAAPMCF1�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_component: signal recognition particle (sensu Eukaryota); go_function: GTP binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: nucleotide binding2signal recognition particle receptor; beta subunit cg16739895 GI:14589887 NM_004360.2CDH1 GeneID:9991CGGGGCTCACCTGGCTGCAGCCA[CG]CACCCCCTCTCAGTGGCGTCGG#UVO; CDHE; ECAD; LCAM; Arc-1; CD324�calcium-dependent adhesion protein; epithelial; cadherin 1; E-cadherin (epithelial); cell-CAM 120/80; uvomorulin; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: ca cadherin 1; type 1 preproprotein cg16744180 GI:56682950 NM_001979.4EPHX2 GeneID:2053/GGCCGCACGGAGGAGGCCCTGG[CG]CTGCCCAGGTAAGGGGGCCCACEH; SEH�epoxide hydrolase 2; cytosolic; epoxide hydrolase; soluble; epoxide hydratase; go_component: peroxisome; go_component: cytosol; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: epoxide hydro epoxide hydrolase 2; cytoplasmic cg16750466 GI:56605997NM_001008394.1EID3 GeneID:4938614TTTTCACGGTCCTTGGCCTTAC[CG]ACGGTTTACAGTCCAGCCAGATTTAG#similar to mouse 1700027M21Rik gene'E1A-like inhibitor of differentiation 3 cg16761655 GI:4758883 NM_004562.1 GeneID:50715CAGACCTCCTGCTCACATC[CG]TAAAGCCCACTGATTCTTTTACTACACTTTPDJ; PRKN; AR-JP�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; parkin; E3 ubiquitin ligase; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protparkin isoform 1 cg16785344 GI:4506344 NM_002859.1PXN GeneID:58294TCAAAGTCACTTGCCTGACCCTG[CG]GATGACAAATCCGTCCACAGTCAGC�go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: microtubule associated complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: vinculin binding; go_process: cell motility; paxillin cg16800077 GI:9966896 NM_020410.1ATP13A1 GeneID:57130;AGGCTATACGCTGTGATGGCCCCAGGG[CG]GGCACTCTGCAGATATCATCTCCGCTTCFATP13A; CGI-152; FLJ31858; FLJ41786; FLJ43873; KIAA1825; DKFZp761L1623�cation-transporting ATPase; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_functiATPase type 13A1 cg16805953 GI:13994189 NM_031866.1FZD8 GeneID:8325:AGTTGTAGCCGATGCCCTTACACAG[CG]GCACGGTGATCTCTTGGCATGCCAGCTCC FZ-8; hFZ8�frizzled (Drosophila) homolog 8; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: Wnt receptor activity; go_function: G-protein coupled receptor activity; go_process: development; go_process: frizzle frizzled 8 cg16813980 GI:14916516 NM_005498.3AP1M2 GeneID:100534CTTGCATTCATTAATCCATCCA[CG]CATCCACTCATTTAGCCATTCATTAAMU1B; MU-1B; HSMU1B�AP-mu chain family member mu1B; clathrin-associated adaptor medium chain mu2; clathrin coat assembly protein AP47 2; clathrin coat associated protein AP47 2; golgi adaptor AP-1 47 kDa protein; HA1 47 kDa subunit 2; clathrin assembly protein complex 1 medi/adaptor-related protein complex 1; mu 2 subunit cg16821654 GI:14150117 NM_032334.1C8orf53 GeneID:84294;ACTGGGTTCCAGACACTAACAAACTA[CG]TGCCCTTCGTGAACGTGCTTAATTTCTTTMGC14595synonym: MGC14595hypothetical protein LOC84294 cg16832119 GI:51465402 XM_496818.1 LOC441161 GeneID:4411616GCGGCACCATTGGACACTTCCTG[CG]CTGCTTCAATCGCCGGGATTGCCTCTT6CTCTGCTTTCTCCGCCTACTTGGGT[CG]GCGAACACTTCCGCCTTGGTGCCGCFLJ23495�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleolus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: manganese ion bind;NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)- related kinase 11 isoform 1 cg13487807 GI:19923714 NM_138284.1IL17D GeneID:53342.AGCCCTCTCCTCCTCCTG[CG]TGGCGCAGCACAGGCCCTGAGCGCIL27; IL-22; IL-27; IL-17Dtinterleukin 27; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: cytokine activity; go_process: inflammatory responseinterleukin 17D precursor cg13510107 GI:44889476 NM_203446.1SYNJ1 GeneID:88675GTCGGCTCGCCGAGCCAACCAGGTGG[CG]CCTGAAGAGCTGTCCATGGTGTCINPP5G�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; inositol 5prime-phosphatase (synaptojanin 1); synaptojanin-1; polyphosphoinositide phosphatase; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: phosphoisynaptojanin 1 isoform b cg13513181 GI:27477133 NM_024923.2NUP210 GeneID:232253TCCCAGAAGAGGGACCCCGGGCT[CG]CAAAGGGAAGCCACCTGCTGAAGC!GP210; POM210; FLJ22389; KIAA0906Dnuclear pore membrane glycoprotein 210; go_function: protein bindingnucleoporin 210 cg13538467 GI:88942879 XM_933781.1 LOC646626 GeneID:6466260CACTGCCACCAAGGTCCCT[CG]GATGCAGGGCTCGCCACAGTCCTCChypothetical protein XP_938874 cg13652504 GI:25777607 NM_024618.2NOD9 GeneID:796713GGCTAGGCCATGAATGGGTGTCAGACC[CG]AAGAGCAGGTTGGGGTGCAAFLJ21478; MGC21025,isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1NOD9 protein isoform 1 cg13666069 GI:48314819 NM_017570.1OPLAH GeneID:268731CCTGAGGGAGAGACCCACGGGCA[CG]ACTCTGGGAAGAGCCAGAGCCGOPLA; 5-Opase; DKFZP434H2445GAGTCTATGAAGCCTGCGGAGGTCA[CG]CCCTAGGGAAAGAAGGAGCCCACT6CCCTTAGCGTTTCCCTGGAGG[CG]CCCAGGTCGAGTCCTTATATACTAGCGGGSLFN8/9synonym: SLFN8/9hypothetical protein FLJ34922 cg04094478 GI:18482384 NM_018018.2SLC38A4 GeneID:550897GACAAACACAGGGTGGGTAGAAAGAGTTA[CG]AGTGAAAGGGAAGGTAGAAACA%ATA3; NAT3; PAAT; FLJ10191; MGC126876�N amino acid transporter 3; amino acid transporter system A3; go_component: membrane; go_component: ribosome; go_component: intracellular; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome; go_function: amino acid-polyamine transporter activity; go_process:"solute carrier family 38; member 4 cg04123409 GI:33469957 NM_006843.2SDS GeneID:109937GGGTCTGAGCAGGAGTCAGAGCCAAGCCAG[CG]AGGGAGGGATCAACTGAGTAGSDH�L-serine deaminase; L-serine dehydratase; L-serine ammonia-lyase; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: L-serine ammonia-lyase activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: gluconeogenesis; go_process: amino acid metabolism; go_process: L-serine metabserine dehydratase cg04134048 GI:42544227 NM_003840.3 TNFRSF10D GeneID:87935CGTGGTCAGTTGTACTCCCTTCC[CG]CAGTCACTTCCAGGCACTCAGGCTGGDCR2; CD264; TRUNDD; TRAILR4�decoy receptor 2; TNF receptor-related receptor for TRAIL; decoy with truncated death domain; TRAIL receptor 4; TRAIL receptor with a truncated death domain; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transmembrane receptor a@tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily; member 10d precursor cg04160807 GI:5730042 NM_006598.1SLC12A7 GeneID:10723/TCGGCGTGAGCCTCCACGGGCACCA[CG]GTGAAGTTGGTGGGCATGKCC4; DKFZP434F076�potassium/chloride transporter KCC4; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_function: potassium ion binding; go_function: amino acid-polyamine transporter aDsolute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters); member 7 cg04189241 GI:22749312 NM_152644.1FAM24B GeneID:1967927CCGGGAGTCGCTCTGCCTGCC[CG]TTTCTGCGCTGCACTGGCCGACACTTAAGC#MGC45962; AC073585.2; DKFZp667I0323-synonyms: MGC45962; AC073585.2; DKFZp667I0323hypothetical protein LOC196792 cg04228652 GI:15743547 NM_033514.1LIMS3 GeneID:966261ACGATGGCCTTCTCAGGCCGAG[CG]CGCCCCTGCATTATCCCAGAGAAFpinch-2; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding-LIM and senesc< ent cell antigen-like domains 3 cg04240294 GI:22218352 NM_147194.1MGC35361 GeneID:2222344TGACTTGAGGCGGCACAGTGGCCAAGT[CG]ATTGGCCGTGGCAAGTGACCChypothetical protein LOC222234 cg04245622 GI:18087834 NM_080663.1MGC16943 GeneID:1124791GGTAAACTGAATTGAGAAGCGGATC[CG]AGGGAGGTTGAAAGCTGTCAKIAA1504~go_component: intracellular; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: exonuclease activityhypothetical protein LOC112479 cg04280360 GI:40255072 NM_144717.2FNDC6 GeneID:1520287GCCCTTTCTGAGCTTCCTGGGC[CG]GCTCTAGAACAATTCAGGCTTCGCTGCGAMGC34923�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: hematopoietin/interferon-class (D200-domain) cytokine receptor activity(fibronectin type III domain containing 6 cg04283851 GI:4505054 NM_002350.1 GeneID:40673GGAAAGGAGACGCGAGAGGTGTAGT[CG]ATGTGCCTGCGAAGCCCAGGCTJTK8�Yamaguchi sarcoma viral (v-yes-1) related oncogene homolog; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: receptor signaling protein t8v-yes-1 Yamaguchi sarcoma viral related oncogene homolog cg04287033 GI:19924144 NM_006019.2TCIRG1 GeneID:10312/CCCAAGCCCATGAGCCTG[CG]AATGTTGGGGTCCCATCAGCCAGAGHa3; Stv1; Vph1; Atp6i; OC116; OPTB1; TIRC7; ATP6N1C; ATP6V0A3; OC-116kDa�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; ATPase; H+ transporting; 116kD; vacuolar proton translocating ATPase 116 kDa subunit A isoform 3; V-ATPase 116-kDa isoform a3; T-cell; immune regulator 1; ATPase; H+ transporting; lysosomal V0 protein a isofor$T-cell; immune regulator 1 isoform a cg04310854 GI:22035680 NM_025104.2DBF4B GeneID:801744AATCGGGAAGAGCTCATGGAGCTCG[CG]AATGTAATACGGAGGCCTCTGAGDRF1; ASKL1; FLJ13087; MGC15009�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; activator of S-phase kinase-like protein 1; Dbf4-related factor 1; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingDBF4 homolog B isoform 2 cg04313068 GI:30023852 NM_014751.2MTSS1 GeneID:97885TGATGCAGAGAAAATCGCCCGCTGACC[CG]GGGCCAGCGCCATTGAAAAACGMIM; MIMA; MIMB; KIAA0429�missing in metastasis; go_component: ruffle; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: endocytic vesicle; go_component: actin cytoskeleton; go_function: receptor binding; go_function: actin monomer binding; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: cell adhesion; metastasis suppressor 1 cg04320004 GI:23312391 NM_145715.1TIGD2 GeneID:166815=ACCTTATTTGCACTGTTCACTTCTGTC[CG]GGTCATCTTCTCTTGCGTATGATTTCCACA�go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; pericentric region; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: regulation of transcription%tigger transposable element derived 2 cg04342092 GI:58219051NM_001010879.1ZIK1 GeneID:284307.CGCGCTGAGAAAAGGGTCGTTTC[CG]CTTTGGGACCAATGGGTCG0zinc finger protein interacting with K protein 1 cg04391629 GI:31077214 NM_148959.2HUS1B GeneID:1354588CAGGCACTCGGGTTCCCGGTTG[CG]GTTGCGGGTTCTGTTGTGGGTTCCGCAGCC"MGC126746; MGC126748; RP11-532F6.1$HUS1 (S. pombe) checkpoint homolog bHUS1 checkpoint protein B cg04432152 GI:45827774 NM_021136.2 GeneID:62526CCTCCTACTCCACTCGCTGCTGC[CG]CCGCTGCTTCGCTATTCCCAATCCTGTNSP; MGC133250�isoform A is encoded by transcript variant 1; neuroendocrine-specific protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_component: integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane; go_function: signal treticulon 1 isoform A cg04435789 GI:21361885 NM_032849.2FLJ14834 GeneID:849352GATTCGTGAAGGCTTTATGGAAAAG[CG]ATGTGATGATCAGTGGGATTThypothetical protein LOC84935 cg04443744 GI:22218344 NM_147190.1LASS5 GeneID:910122CGGTACCTCTGTCTCCACTCC[CG]GAGGCCAGATCGATCTCTCAGGTCATrh4; FLJ25304; MGC45411�go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: lipid biosynthesis; go_process: reg"LAG1 longevity assurance homolog 5 cg04463453 GI:24371259 NM_153756.1FNDC5 GeneID:252995.GACAAGTGCCACCGAGATGCC[CG]TTTGTGCCCCCACCCCTAAGCFRCP2(fibronectin type III domain containing 5 cg04468863 GI:16507967 NM_022358.2KCNK15 GeneID:605983AAGGAAGGACGGAAGACTGGCA[CG]AGGTCACAACATGAGTTAGTGGCGG9KT3.3; TASK5; KCNK11; KCNK14; TASK-5; KIAA0237; dJ781B1.1�two pore potassium channel KT3.3; potassium channel; subfamily K; member 14; potassium channel; subfamily K; member 15 (TASK-5); go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: potassium ion binding; go_function: potassium channel(potassium family; subfamily K; member 15 cg04512645 GI:27502374 NM_002399.2MEIS2 GeneID:42124AAGTGAGGAGGCAGTCATCTGGGTC[CG]ATGTAGCCAAAGGCGTGTGTGTGMRG1; MGC2820; HsT18361�isoform f is encoded by transcript variant f; Meis (mouse) homolog 2; TALE homeobox protein Meis2; Meis1-related gene 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcript homeobox protein Meis2 isoform f cg04513818 GI:88942490 XM_057040.6KIAA1922 GeneID:1148190CCTCCTGGACAGCTCGTGATGTC[CG]GGCCAGCTCCCCTCCCAGCTGhypothetical protein LOC114819 cg04518115 GI:31341670 NM_178566.2ZDHHC21 GeneID:3404817TCCCATGGTACCTTGCTTCAAAG[CG]CGGTCTGCAGCATCAGCATCCTCTGGGAZ9130404H11Rik; HSPC097; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: metal ion binding&zinc finger; DHHC domain containing 21 cg04574090 GI:62388886 NM_005472.3KCNE3 GeneID:100081GGCTGTGGGCTCCGACCCTTC[CG]TCCCCTGCAGCGCCTGCTTCCTGG'HOKPP; MiRP2; MGC129924; DKFZp781H21101�potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E member 3; minimum potassium ion channel-related peptide 2; minK-related peptide 2; voltage-gated K+ channel subunit MIRP2; cardiac voltage-gated potassium channel accessory subunit isoform 3a; cardiac voltage-ga=potassium voltage-gated channel; Isk-related family; member 3 cg04582319 GI:48255934 NM_000610.3 GeneID:9600CCTCACTCCCCACTGTGGGCA[CG]GAGGCACTGCGCCACCCAGGGCAIIN; LHR; MC56; MDU2; MDU3; MIC4; Pgp1; CDW44; MUTCH-I; ECMR-III; MGC10468�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; cell surface glycoprotein CD44; antigen gp90 homing receptor; CDW44 antigen; phagocytic glycoprotein I; extracellular matrix receptor-III; GP90 lymphocyte homing/adhesion receptor; heparan sulfate pr CD44 antigen isoform 1 precursor cg04661315 GI:63054865 NM_017640.3LRRC16 GeneID:55604/GGCCCAAGCCCCGCCGGGGACCAG[CG]AGCCGGGAGGAGGAGCAGG*FLJ20048; FLJ43708; dJ501N12.1; dJ501N12.54synonyms: FLJ20048; FLJ43708; dJ501N12.1; dJ501N12.5!leucine rich repeat containing 16 cg04677154 GI:18375656 NM_007039.2PTPN21 GeneID:110990CTGTCTCCAAAAACCCGGCT[CG]CAGACCATTCCCCTGGGCAGAGTCPTPD1; PTPRL10�protein tyrosine phosphatase D1; dJ1175B15.2 (protein tyrosine phosphatase; non-receptor type 21); go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_function: protein tyrosine 2protein tyrosine phosphatase; non-receptor type 21 cg04699700 GI:13194198 NM_023003.1TM6SF1 GeneID:53346.CTTCCTCCTCTGACACCCT[CG]GATCTGGTTCCACCTTTCCCGGA�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknown$transmembrane 6 superfamily member 1 cg04709424 GI:59797059NM_001012301.1ARSI GeneID:3400755CTTCTTGCCCTGGATTTCTCC[CG]CCTCCTAATTTCTCTCTCCTCTGCTTTCFLJ16069�go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: sulfuric ester hydrolase activity; go_process: metabolismarylsulfatase I cg04748704 GI:54792103 NM_000739.2CHRM2 GeneID:1129.GGGGATGGAAATGGAGAGAAG[CG]AAAAAGAGCCTGGAGAAACGG#HM2; FLJ43243; MGC120006; MGC120007�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 4; muscarinic acety< lcholine receptor M2; muscarinic M2 receptor; 7TM receptor; M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor; cholinergic receptor; muscarinic 2; isoform a; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: pos,cholinergic receptor; muscarinic 2 isoform a cg04764861 GI:14589930 NM_002589.2PCDH7 GeneID:50991CAGCCGTGCCAGGGCACTTC[CG]AGGCCACAACCGACTGACACTTTTTBHPCDH; BH-Pcdh�isoform a precursor is encoded by transcript variant a; brain-heart protocadherin; protocadherin 7; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: cell #protocadherin 7 isoform a precursor cg04824727 GI:21735551 NM_006301.2MAP3K12 GeneID:77861GCATTGCTCCCCCTATCATAC[CG]ATCTTGCCAGCTCTCCTTCCCTTGDLK; MUK; ZPK; ZPKP1�leucine zipper protein kinase; protein kinase MUK; dual leucine zipper kinase DLK; go_component: cytosol; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: nucleotide bindi1mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 cg04834852 GI:39653314 NM_138419.2FAM54A GeneID:1131159TGCAGCCACAGGCGGTAACGATGCCCTCAG[CG]AGGAATAAGAGGTCAACCCGGTGDUFD1synonym: DUFD1DUF729 domain containing 1 cg04846897 GI:61743965 NM_001328.2CTBP1 GeneID:1487/AGGCCCCGGGCCTGGTGTTC[CG]CACGTTCTAAACCGCCTGTCCCCBARS; MGC104684�MAD; mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3 (Drosophila); mad homolog JV15-2; mad protein homolog; SMA- and MAD-related protein 3; go_component: intracellular; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transcription facto.MAD; mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3 cg08514736 GI:66841382 NM_021147.2UNG2 GeneID:103094TCACCATGATGCGGCCGGGTGGC[CG]CTTTACTACCTTCAACGCCCGGGCTUDG2; FLJ22422�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleoplasm; go_function: uracil DNA N-glycosylase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; acting on glycosyl bonds; go_process: carbohydrate metabolism; go_process: bas"uracil-DNA glycosylase 2 isoform a cg08515184 GI:38327621 NM_007005.3TLE4 GeneID:70914AATTGGTCGGAGCTACAGGCGACGCC[CG]GCCCCCACGTGGGTTTCAGCTGESG; ESG4; GRG4; BCE-1; E(spI)�transducin-like enhancer of split 4; homolog of Drosophila E(sp1); enhancer of split groucho 4; B lymphocyte gene 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: frizzled signaling pathway; go_process: regulation of transcri"transducin-like enhancer protein 4 cg08532447 GI:16507203 NM_013282.2UHRF1 GeneID:291282CCAACTCGGCCACTTGGCC[CG]GGCCTCCTTTCTCCTCTGGTCGTGGGG&Np95; ICBP90; RNF106; huNp95; FLJ21925�transcription factor ICBP90; ICBP90 amino acids 746..793; go_component: nucleus; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: meta9ubiquitin-like; containing PHD and RING finger domains; 1 cg08538288 GI:4507554 NM_003276.1TMPO GeneID:71129TTCCAGCTTGGCCGCAGTTGGTT[CG]TAGTTCGGCTCTGGGGTCTTTTGTGTCCGGTP; LAP2; PRO0868; MGC61508�isoform alpha is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: chromosome; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: nuclear membrane; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: lamin bindingthymopoietin isoform alpha cg08560647 GI:12056974 NM_022663.1CTAGE1 GeneID:646937TGCTCTGGCGGTTGCTGCAGTAACCT[CG]GCCACAACAAACGCTGGAGAAGACGCTAGE-1; CTAGE-2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; F-box protein SEL-10; homolog of C elegans sel-10; archipelago; Drosophila; homolog of; F-box protein FBW7; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_process: protein ubiquitinationF-box protein FBW7 isoform 1 cg11234394 GI:31317211 NM_016376.2ANKFY1 GeneID:514795CGTAGAGGTCTGCCACGATGGCCAGCAGA[CG]GCTGATGAAGGACTCGCTGC)ANKHZN; ZFYVE14; KIAA1255; DKFZp686M19106�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; ankyrin repeat hooked to zinc finger motif; go_component: membrane; go_component: endosome membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: end5ankyrin repeat and FYVE domain containing 1 isoform 1 cg11254593 GI:62868229 NM_020774.2MIB1 GeneID:575343CAACGGCACAGCTGCCAACTAC[CG]CTGCTCCGGGGCTTACGACCTCCGC@MIB; ZZZ6; DIP-1; ZZANK2; FLJ90676; DKFZp686I0769; DKFZp761M1710�SASPase; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: aspartic-type endopeptidase activity; go_function: phosphopantetheinyltransferase activity; go_process: proteolysis; go_process: fatty acid biosynthesisSkin ASpartic Protease cg14459668 GI:24475719 NM_032024.2C10orf11 GeneID:839385AAAGCCAGGCACTTGTGAGATGGAGAC[CG]GGGCGAAACTGCAAGCAGATGCCDA017synonym: CDA017#chromosome 10 open reading frame 11 cg14509115 GI:5729924 NM_006533.1MIA GeneID:81904GCTGGCTGACCGGAAGCTGTGTG[CG]GACCAGGAGTGCAGCCGTAAGAATGCD-RAPfgo_component: extracellular space; go_function: growth factor activity; go_process: cell proliferationmelanoma inhibitory activity cg14522427 GI:62339431 NM_022153.1C10orf54 GeneID:641153CAGCGAGTCAGCTCCACTTGAT[CG]GCAGTTTAAAGCCCGTTCTACCGTCGI24�platelet receptor GI24; PP2135 protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activityhypothetical protein LOC64115 cg14562060 GI:31543802 NM_018679.2TCP11 GeneID:69541GGATGGCCTGGAACTGCTGAGA[CG]AGGCCAGAGCATGCATGGGGCTTD6S230E; KIAA0229; MGC111103<t-complex 11 (a murine tcp homolog); go_process: development t-complex 11 cg14582879 GI:32483358 NM_181861.1APAF1 GeneID:3177GTAGCGAGTGGACGTGACTGCTCTATCC[CG]GGCAAAAGGGATAGAACCAGAGGCED4�isoform c is encoded by transcript variant 3; apoptotic protease activating factor; apoptotic protease activating factor 1; go_component: cytosol; go_component: intracellular; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein bi.apoptotic protease activating factor isoform c cg14607310 GI:31795536 NM_002915.2RFC3 GeneID:59834GGACGGCTGGACTATCACAAGGAGCAGG[CG]GCCCAGCTGCGGAACCTGGTRFC38; MGC5276hypothetical protein LOC375190 cg17965230 GI:33946272 NM_001198.2PRDM1 GeneID:6398TCTTAAGCAGGGAGGGGAAGCCAGA[CG]GTTAACACAGACAAAGTGCTGCCGTGA<BLIMP1; PRDI-BF1; MGC118922; MGC118923; MGC118924; MGC118925�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; positive regulatory domain I-binding factor 1; B-lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1; PR-domain zinc finger protein 1; beta-interferon gene positive-regulatory domain I binding factor; PRDI-binding factor-1PR domain containing 1; with ZNF domain isoform 1 cg17967710 GI:62955053 NR_002307.1MSX2P GeneID:555452GCAGGGAAGGCATGGCTTCTGTTTT[CG]TCCAATGAGAAGGGGCCAGCGHSHPX5synonym: HSHPX5 cg17980119 GI:34147439 NM_032726.2PLCD4 GeneID:848123CCCTTCTTACTGCTTCCCTC[CG]GCTATAACTTGCCAGTCACAGCAGCCAMGC12837�PLC delta4; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: phosphoinositide phospholipase C activity; go_process: lipid catabolism; go_process: lipid metabolism; go_process: intracephospholipase C; delta 4 cg18009902 GI:21361775 NM_018229.2 C14orf108 GeneID:557456GCGAAAGAACCGAAAAAAGGCTCGA[CG]CTACCGTGTATGAGGAACTTTGATCFLJ10813Pgo_component: clathrin vesicle coat; go_process: intracellular protein transporthypothetical protein LOC55745 cg18033559 GI:56790896NM_001007527.1LMBRD2 GeneID:922553GGAAAATCCGTCTACAGTCCAG[CG]GCTGACATTTCCCAGTCAGCCGTAG'MGC125692; DKFZp434H2226; DKFZp686G10571synonyms: MGC125692; DKFZp434H2226; DKFZp686G1057LMBR1 domain containing 2 cg18037903 GI:9055283 NM_018728.1MYO5C GeneID:559304TGGTCCCTCCAAGCTTGGCC[CG]GCTAGTCGGCGCTGCCATTGGCCGGGGCmyosin; MGC74969�member of the myosin V family; myosin 5C; go_component: myosin; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: actin binding; go_function: motor activity; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_fu< nction: nucleotide binding myosin VC cg18073197 GI:45007006 NM_006187.2OAS3 GeneID:49403GGTTCGTGGCCAGAAGGCTGCAGCCG[CG]GAAGGAGTTCGTAGAGAAGGCp100�2 -5prime-oligoadenylate synthetase 3 (100 kD); 2 -5 oligoadenylate synthetase p100; go_component: microsome; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: nucleotidyltransferase activity; go_process: 2 -5 oligoadenylate synthetase 3 cg18093821 GI:31542152 NM_000905.2NPY GeneID:48522CTATCTCTGGCAGGACTAGACGGGG[CG]TGAAGGAAAGAAGGAAAGAAGPYY4�go_component: cell; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: neuropeptide hormone activity; go_function: calcium channel regulator activity; go_function: G-protein coupled receptor activity; go_process: digestion; go_process: circulation; go_proceneuropeptide Y cg18099234 GI:75905804 NM_002429.4MMP19 GeneID:43274CAGTTCATGGTCCCACCAGA[CG]AGAGCTCCAGAGGCTGTCCGTGCCTCTG MMP18; RASI-1�isoform rasi-1 preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 1; matrix metalloproteinase 18; matrix metalloproteinase 19; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: me8matrix metalloproteinase 19 isoform rasi-1 preproprotein cg18110535 GI:22027649 NM_014646.2LPIN2 GeneID:96633TGGAGAAAATGGTGATCCGCTGG[CG]TTAGAAGTGGACAGAGAGGCTCTCKIAA0249lipin 2 cg18126192 GI:4557368 NM_001200.1BMP2 GeneID:6503AATAACTTGCGCACCCCACTTTG[CG]CCGGTGCCTTTGCCCCAGCGGAGCBMP2A�go_component: extracellular space; go_function: cytokine activity; go_function: growth factor activity; go_process: growth; go_process: ossification; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: cartilage development; go_process: cell-cell signaling&bone morphogenetic protein 2 precursor cg18129222 GI:40789305 NM_199451.1ZNF365 GeneID:228914CGGCCCGGCTCAGTCTGATTTA[CG]GCTCTGCTGAAAACCGCTTCGCTCCC!UAN; KIAA0844; MGC41821; MGC87345�isoform C is encoded by transcript variant C; talanin; Uric acid nephrolithiasis; Em:AC024598.1; Em:AC067751.1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding!zinc finger protein 365 isoform C cg18158614 GI:38327636 NM_017422.3CALML5 GeneID:518062CATGCCTGCGTCTCCTGCACCT[CG]CGGAGCCTCCGAGCTGCTGCCCACCLSPdgo_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: epidermis developmentcalmodulin-like skin protein cg18184050 GI:25121968 NM_004982.2KCNJ8 GeneID:3764:GGGCTACTTCATGATAACTGGGCTACTT[CG]GACTGAATAAAAGCAGAGAGGTCAGAKIR6.1; uKATP-1�inwardly rectifying potassium channel KIR6.1; ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 8; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: voltage-gated potassium channel complex; go_functi(potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J8 cg18208227 GI:49472840 NM_014371.2AKAP8L GeneID:26993/GGGCAGGGCTGGGATGCCAACTC[CG]CCACCGAGGTGCTGGGTAGGHAP95; NAKAP95; DKFZp434L0650�helicase A-binding protein 95 kDa; neighbor of A-kinase anchoring protein 95; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: pro%A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 8-like cg18211706 GI:21389378 NM_144594.1FAM112B GeneID:121355 GeneID:2842172CCTGCCAGGAGCTGGGCGAGAGG[CG]ACCCCTCGGGAAGCCACCCAGGCLAMA�go_component: laminin-1; go_component: laminin-3; go_component: basement membrane; go_function: receptor binding; go_function: extracellular matrix structural constituent; go_process: development; go_process: regulation of cell adhesion; go_process: regullaminin; alpha 1 precursor cg14929683 GI:41393564 NM_014216.3ITPK1 GeneID:37051CTCTGATGTTCCCAGCCGGGC[CG]TAACCCCTGGGCGCGCTTGGACCCITRPK1�inositol 1;3;4-trisphosphate 5/6 kinase; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: catalytic activity; go_process: signal transduction&inositol 1;3;4-triphosphate 5/6 kinase cg14943068 GI:38348411 NM_198568.1GJB7 GeneID:3755193GAGGCAATGCCTCGCCCTGCTT[CG]GCTCTCACATGGTGCGCGCACCCAC%CX25; MGC71746; bA136M9.1; connexin25�go_component: connexon complex; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: connexon channel activity; go_process: cell communicationhypothetical protein LOC375519 cg14980422 GI:5032222 NM_005761.1PLXNC1 GeneID:101540CACCTACACAGTAACCCAAATTA[CG]AGACCTCCCTCCTCCCTATCTCD232; VESPR; PLXN-C1�receptor for virally-encoded semaphorin; plexin (semaphorin receptor); go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: receptor binding; go_process: development; go_process: cell adhesion plexin C1 cg15000232 GI:17196625 NM_025225.2ADPN GeneID:803394GAAAAATGCTTTCTCTCGAGTCGCTG[CG]GGGAGCTCCCAGGCTGGACCCC PNPLA3; C22orf20; iPLA(2)epsilon�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: acyltransferase activity; go_function: phospholipase A2 activity; go_function: diolein transacylation activity; go adiponutrin cg15002187 GI:46361974 NM_032295.2SLC37A3 GeneID:84255;GACCTGGCCAGTAATGTTAGCTGCAAAAGA[CG]AGAGGTAGAGAGAAGAAATGATATGMGC32939�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transportOsolute carrier family 37 (glycerol-3-phosphate transporter); member 3 isoform 2 cg15008293 GI:56699460 NM_022716.2PRRX1 GeneID:53963TCTTCTGTTTGCCTAACTCCCC[CG]CCCTGCTGGCCTCCGCTTTCCTCTCPMX1; PRX1; PHOX1�isoform pmx-1b is encoded by transcript variant pmx-1b; homeobox protein PHOX1; paired mesoderm homeo box 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription coactivator activity; go_process: development; go_pr)paired mesoderm homeobox 1 isoform pmx-1b cg15094841 GI:67190865 NM_004667.3HERC2 GeneID:89245TCCCGCTTATCTTCCTACTTGGAG[CG]CCCTGGCTGCGGCCAAGGCCAACAG,jdf2; p528; D15F37S1; KIAA0393; DKFZp547P028�go_component: intracellular; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: intracellular protein transporthect domain and RLD 2 cg15096140 GI:44889480 NM_012223.2MYO1B GeneID:4430:AATTGAGACTTACTCCCACTGTTTGC[CG]GAATGTGACCCCAGGCTGGCTTCGAGTTmyr1�myosin-I alpha; go_component: myosin; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: actin binding; go_function: motor activity; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: nucleotide binding myosin IB cg15098362 GI:88965670 XM_496664.2 LOC152078 GeneID:1520785CCAGGGTTCTGACAGTGGAGCCAGGA[CG]TCCGGGAGCTGACAATCTAAACG(hypothetical protein LOC152078 isoform 1 cg15105081 GI:38788332 NM_016578.3HBXAP GeneID:517736CGCAGATCCCGAAGCAGCGCTGGGAG[CG]TAAGTGCGGGCAGAGCACTGCGCCRSF1; XAP8; p325; RSF-1�HBV pX associated protein-8; hepatitis B virus x-associated protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_component: RSF complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_function: histoneremodeling and spacing factor 1 cg15218073 GI:24497502 NM_021784.3FOXA2 GeneID:31707CAAGGTTACTTTTCAGTCACAAC[CG]AGGTGCCCACAGCATTTCGTAACTAAAAHNF3B; TCF3B; MGC19807�hepatocyte nuclear factor 3; beta; hepatic nuclear factor-3-beta; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentforkhead box A2 cg15256611 GI:27735098 NM_173497.1HECTD2 GeneID:1432793TGCAGGGCTCGACTTGTCTCCC[CG]ACTGCCCGTCCTTAGTCCAGGTTCT�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: intracellular; go_function: heme binding; go_function: oxygen transporter activity; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; g< o_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: oxygen transport"HECT domain containing 2 isoform b cg15257783 GI:15147331 NM_000777.2CYP3A5 GeneID:15779GCTGACAGCCAGGAGAAGCCAGGTTTCCAC[CG]CCAAATTTGGGATGAGGTCCATCCP35; PCN3; P450PCN3�flavoprotein-linked monooxygenase; niphedipine oxidase; cytochrome P450; subfamily IIIA (niphedipine oxidase); polypeptide 5; aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase; xenobiotic monooxygenase; microsomal monooxygenase; cytochrome P-450; go_component: membrane; go_co5cytochrome P450; family 3; subfamily A; polypeptide 5 cg15261141 GI:5174408 NM_006110.1CD2BP2 GeneID:10421/GGTCAGGATGGAGGGGCAAAGTC[CG]AGCAGGGTCAGTGGGTTGCTFWP010�CD2 antigen (cytoplasmic tail)-binding protein 2; go_component: cytoplasm; go_process: antimicrobial humoral response (sensu Vertebrata)0CD2 antigen (cytoplasmic tail) binding protein 2 cg15283028 GI:51173749 NM_031488.4L3MBTL2 GeneID:83746FAM77A; bA261N11.2hypothetical protein LOC128414 cg11974121 GI:21361833 NM_020372.2SLC22A17 GeneID:513105CCCGCTCTGCAGCTCTGCAGC[CG]CGGGCGCCTCCTTGGTCTCTGCGATCTCBOCT; BOIT; hBOIT�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; potent brain type organic ion transporter; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: ion transportJsolute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter); member 17 isoform a cg11974187 GI:61966902NM_001013728.1 LOC441459 GeneID:4414592TCGCAGAACCGGGGCTAGATGTCGC[CG]TGGCTGCGGCCAAGCCAGGCGhypothetical protein LOC441459 cg11994089 GI:88953361 XM_031009.8LOC90342 GeneID:903426CCTTTTCTCCGTTTTCCTCT[CG]CTTGCCCTAGTGTATTCCCGACTCTGTTAGsimilar to myoferlin isoform b cg12017577 GI:8922786 NM_018281.1ECHDC2 GeneID:552682GGAGGCACAGAACGCGCAGCATCGGGG[CG]CAGGCTGGGAGTGAAGGTGFLJ109487go_function: catalytic activity; go_process: metabolism.enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase domain containing 2 cg12018931 GI:31543194 NM_152259.2C15orf42 GeneID:903810AAAAGACTCCTCCTCACC[CG]GCCATGACTCACCATTGGATTCAAAAFLJ41618; MGC45866synonyms: FLJ41618; MGC45866leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 cg12021020 GI:40316920 NM_032483.2PPAPDC1B GeneID:845131CCAGTTCCAGCCGAGTAGGT[CG]GCGTACGGTCCATCATCAGCAGCTCHTPAPsynonym: HTPAP HTPAP protein cg12023170 GI:41350334 NM_003196.1TCEA3 GeneID:69209GCTTTAACCTGCACTCACTCCAT[CG]TGCACACGGCCTGTGCATGCCACGTGTATCTFIIS; TFIIS.H�rhabdomyosarcoma antigen MU-RMS-40.22; go_component: nucleus; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: RNA elongation; go_process: defense response; go_process: regulation of transc*transcription elongation factor A (SII); 3 cg12024937 GI:89035600 XM_056680.7 LOC115749 GeneID:1157499TGTGGATACCCGACCTAGAAGGATAAGG[CG]TGTATGATGCTGAGAGCAACCTTTTCHC1L�chromosome condensation 1-like; RCC1-like G exchanging factor RLG; go_function: protein binding; go_function: Ran guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activityHregulator of chromosome condensation and BTB domain containing protein 2 cg09520923 GI:13775598 NM_012238.3SIRT1 GeneID:23411:ATACGAAAGCAGCTGCGAAGTGTTGTATCC[CG]CATGGCAGCGCTGAGGACGCAGACFLJ21802NO66$chromosome 14 open reading frame 169 cg02362065 GI:27262635 NM_003114.3SPAG1 GeneID:66740GGAAGGTGAACCTGTGGCCGT[CG]GCAGATCTGCAGATCTGCCGGACSP75; TPIS; HSD-3.8; FLJ32920�infertility-related sperm protein; TPR-containing protein involved in spermatogenesis; tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: fertilization (senssperm associated antigen 1 cg02379119 GI:6912427 NM_012269.1HYAL4 GeneID:235534CTAGGAGTGAGCAAGGCTCTGTGGG[CG]TGGGACCCACCGAGCCAGGCACG�hyaluronidase 4; go_function: hyalurononglucosaminidase activity; go_process: carbohydrate metabolism; go_process: glycosaminoglycan catabolism; go_process: fusion of sperm to egg plasma membranehyaluronoglucosaminidase 4 cg02380222 GI:44890058 NM_005547.2IVL GeneID:37135GATGGTAGAACCAGGGTTGGGACT[CG]GGACCTCCAACAGCATACGATGTGG�go_component: cytosol; go_component: cornified envelope; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: keratinization; go_process: keratinocyte differentiation involucrin cg02382400 GI:14042959 NM_032034.1SLC4A11 GeneID:83959/GGGCTGCCCAGGCGGGCCAGAGG[CG]AGGAGGAGAGACGTTCCAGG%BTR1; MGC126418; MGC126419; dJ794I6.2�bicarbonate transporter related protein 1; sodium bicarbonate transporter-like protein 11; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: inorganic anion exchanger activity; go_process: anion transport!solute carrier family 4 member 11 cg02391727 GI:47458051 NM_170601.3SIAE GeneID:544141AAGACCTAGCCTTTTCCCTT[CG]TCTCTCTTATTCTCTCAGCATCCCALSE; YSG2; CSE-C; MGC87009�Ysg2 homolog (mouse); go_component: lysosome; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: serine esterase activity; go_function: sialate O-acetylesterase activity0cytosolic sialic acid 9-O-acetylesterase homolog cg02398077 GI:13376686 NM_025113.1C13orf18 GeneID:801832CCCAGCACCACGCACCTATG[CG]CGCCTCTGCCGGTCCTCCTAGAAATCFLJ215623go_function: protein phosphatase inhibitor activityhypothetical protein LOC80183 cg02421972 GI:71834871 NM_178865.3SERINC2 GeneID:3477353CACACGGGCTCAAACCGAGGT[CG]ATTTCCGAACGCTCACTTTGGAGCAG&TDE2; TDE2L; FKSG84; PRO0899; MGC90340dtumor differentially expressed protein 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane%tumor differentially expressed 2-like cg02445328 GI:23957697 NM_153607.1 LOC153222 GeneID:1532226AAATATTGAGTCGGTGAATGAATGAA[CG]AACGACAAAAGGCAAGGTTTGTCTDKFZp313F2319; DKFZp686G2059�go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein dimerization activity; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependenthypothetical protein LOC153222 cg02469210 GI:4885454 NM_005475.1LNK GeneID:10019/GCTGGCCATTTTCCGAGCC[CG]GGTTTCCTGCCTGAGCCCCGCTCG+go_process: intracellular signaling cascadelymphocyte adaptor protein cg02477564 GI:45545430 NM_023932.2EGFL9 GeneID:659896CAGCCCTGCCTTCGCTTGTC[CG]CCGCTCATCACGCTTCTCATATAGATCTATMGC2487Dgo_component: integral to membrane; go_function: calcium ion bindingEGF-like-domain; multiple 9 cg02515422 GI:19924147 NM_003266.2TLR4 GeneID:7099=CTGTTTCTTTAGCCACTGGTCTGCAGG[CG]TTTTCTTCTTCTAACTTCCTCTCCTGTGAC TOLL; hToll�isoform C is encoded by transcript variant 3; homolog of Drosophila toll; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_component: lipopolysaccharide receptor complex; go_function: protein binding; go_function: lipopolysaccharide btoll-like receptor 4 isoform C cg02574636 GI:51870928 NM_014580.3SLC2A8 GeneID:299883CAGGGCCCGTGGCGGTTCAGG[CG]CCAGAGCTGGCCGATCGGCGTTGGCC GLUT8; GLUTX1�glucose transporter X1; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_function: sugar porter activity; go_function: glucose transporter activity; go_function: gCsolute carrier family 2; (facilitated glucose transporter) member 8 cg02574732 GI:74024920NM_001032389.1 LOC389517 GeneID:3895179CCCACATGGCTTCCTAACGGGCTG[CG]GCTCTCCTAGGAGTCTCTCGCTCATGGGAhypothetical protein LOC389517 cg02604130 GI:19923492 NM_019012.2PLEKHA5 GeneID:544773CTGGAGTGGATCTCCCTGCCC[CG]GTCCTGGACTTACGGGATCACCAGGGPEPP2; FLJ10667; KIAA1686�phosphoinositol 3-phosphate-binding protein-2; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: phosphatidylinositol binding; go_process: biological process unknown8pleckstrin homology domain containing; family A member 5 cg02621249 GI:38195085 NM_022098.2LOC63929 GeneID:639295CAAGCTGGTTCCCGCTGTAGCAAA[CG]TCCGCGGCCTCTCAGGTTAGACTCT�go_function: peptidase activity; go_function: protein binding; go_function: metalloexopeptidase activity; go_process: proteolysis and peptidolysishypothetical protein L< OC63929 cg02622200 GI:58866047NM_001011880.1 LOC497190 GeneID:4971905GCATGGGTCTGTTGGGCCCGTCAGG[CG]CTCCGTGCACAGCCTGGCTCAGCChypothetical protein LOC497190 cg02635607 GI:5031644 NM_005694.1COX17 GeneID:100634ACAGGTGGGGAATTTAAAAGGAGCG[CG]TGCGCAGAAGAGGCAAAATTCGG MGC104397�human homolog of yeast mitochondrial copper recruitment gene; COX17 (yeast) homolog; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein; go_component: mitochondrial intermembrane space; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: copper ion binding; go_function: unfo4COX17 homolog; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein cg02702570 GI:40286635 NM_138403.3MYLC2PL GeneID:934086CCATGCAGACAGGCAGGCTATGGGGCTC[CG]ACCCCACGGCAGTGTCTAGGGGPLRLCnlikely ortholog of mouse myosin light chain 2; precursor lymphocyte-specific; go_function: calcium ion binding3myosin light chain 2; precursor lymphocyte-specific cg02724935 GI:62912480 NM_003483.4 GeneID:8091/CTGCCCAGGGGTGACCTCGAGAGG[CG]GGTGGAGCTAGGCCCACGGBABL; LIPO; HMGIC; HMGI-C�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; High-mobility group protein HMGI-C; high-mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein isoform I-C; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromatin; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: AT DNA binding; go_p'high mobility group AT-hook 2 isoform a cg02731774 GI:7019548 NM_013351.1TBX21 GeneID:300095AAGCGCTGCGACTCTAGTGACAGCGGCC[CG]CTGGAGAGGAAGCCCGAGAGCT-PET; T-bet; TBLYM�T-box expressed in T cells; T-cell-specific T-box transcription factor; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentT-box 21 cg02740488 GI:20336181 NM_138320.1PCSK6 GeneID:50460CGAAGGCCGCACTCACCTGG[CG]GGGGCCTCAGACGCCTGGCGGCCT SPC4; PACE4�isoform g preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 7; paired basic amino acid cleaving system 4; subtilisin-like protease; subtilisin-like proprotein convertase 4; subtilisin/kexin-like protease PACE4; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_functioApaired basic amino acid cleaving system 4 isoform g preproprotein cg02801886 GI:13435403 NM_000861.2HRH1 GeneID:32692ATCCATGTACTGGAGGGGACATATGCA[CG]AGGGCAGGGAAAATTTCTC H1-R; hisH1�histamine receptor; subclass H1; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: histamine receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; ghistamine receptor H1 cg02804914 GI:14249523 NM_032824.1TMEM87B GeneID:849100CTGCCAGCCCTCCCTTGCA[CG]TTCCGGCTCCTCTTCTATCTTCACGFLJ14681"go_component: integral to membranehypothetical protein LOC84910 cg02810134 GI:40807466 NM_003279.2TNNC2 GeneID:71251GACCGGGACTCCTCTGTTGCAGGT[CG]CCTCCTTTGCACTCCACCACC�troponin C2; fast; go_component: troponin complex; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: muscle development; go_process: regulation of muscle contractionfast skeletal muscle troponin C cg02818493 GI:67782364 NM_005556.3KRT7 GeneID:38551TATGGGAAATGAAGTAGGAAGGAA[CG]CAGCCAGGGAAACTAGCTGGGK7; CK7; SCL; K2C7; MGC3625�keratin; simple epithelial type I; K7; keratin; type II cytoskeletal 7; cytokeratin 7; sarcolectin; keratin; 55K type II cytoskeletal; type II mesothelial keratin K7; go_component: intermediate filament; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_proce keratin 7 cg02825611 GI:39725667 NM_000864.3HTR1D GeneID:33529CTTGACGCATCCTGAGCTACTTAACTT[CG]GTTCCTATCCCACTGATCGTTTTAGA!HTRL; RDC4; HT1DA; 5-HT1D; HTR1DA�go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: serotonin receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: synaptic transmission; go_process: G-protein s+5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1D cg02844604 GI:38016130 NM_183239.1GSTO2 GeneID:1193912CGCTTGGCCCTAGTGCTTTCCAG[CG]GATTTCCCCTCAGGTGCGGAGCC bA127L20.1�bA127L20.1 (novel glutathione-S-transferase); glutathione-S-transferase-like protein; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: glutathione transferase activity; go_process: metabolism!glutathione S-transferase omega 2 cg02852313 GI:42544118 NM_017512.2ENOSF1 GeneID:555562CAGTGGCTCAGCTCCCAAGC[CG]AGGCCGCTGGTTGTCGCCAGCGTACC+RTS; TYMSAS; RTS beta; HSRTSBETA; RTS alphaago_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: catalytic activity; go_process: metabolismrTS beta protein cg02853704 GI:16933548 NM_033316.2MFI2 GeneID:4241/CCCGCCTTTGGCTCTCACAG[CG]GGGCCTCACCGGTGCGCAGAGCCMTF1; CD228; MAP97; MGC4856�isoform 2; precursor is encoded by transcript variant 2; melanotransferrin; melanoma-associated antigen p97; melanoma-associated antigen p97; isoform 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: integral to plasma membrane;4melanoma-associated antigen p97 isoform 2; precursor cg02872389 GI:21699063 NM_145044.1ZNF501 GeneID:1155604GAGCGGTTTCTGCTGTGCCCGGCTGC[CG]CGGGTCGATTCCAGCTCCTCCC ZNF; MGC21738�zinc finger protein MGC21738; DNA-binding protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 501 cg02958718 GI:38093648 NM_198277.1SLC37A2 GeneID:2198558GGTAGTGCGGGCAGGCAGGCACGTCACAC[CG]GACAGCGTCGAGATTGCTGCTTTpp11662; FLJ00171; MGC71430}go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transportEsolute carrier family 37 (glycerol-3-phosphate transporter); member 2 cg02962156 GI:7662650 NM_014059.1RGC32 GeneID:289848GGCACGCGGCGGGAAGCAGCAGAGCT[CG]CGCCCAGCAGTCAGCTCTGGTGACGCKIAA0564; MGC87338; bA157L14.2�RGC32 protein; bA157L14.2 (RGC32; a novel gene induced by complement activation in oligodendrocytes); go_component: cytoplasm; go_process: regulation of cyclin dependent protein kinase activityresponse gene to complement 32 cg02962558 GI:31341703 NM_178558.2ZNF680 GeneID:3402527TATGTGCTCAGCGGCTGGGCTGAA[CG]TAGAAAGAGTGAAATCCAAGCTGCAGGFLJ90430zinc finger protein 680 cg02981703 GI:70167126 NM_001215.2CA6 GeneID:7651ATGGACTGACCGGATATGAAATTGA[CG]TGGGAGGAGATCAGGCAGGTGUSTIN; MGC21256�carbonate dehydratase VI; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: carbonate dehydratase activity; go_function: carbonate dehydratase activity; go_process: one-carbon compound metabolismcarbonic anhydrase VI precursor cg02982722 GI:57863254 NM_080752.2ZSWIM3 GeneID:1408310TCCGGCAGATTGCCCTAGTAAC[CG]GAAGTCTCCTGCAGACCCCGGG C20orf164=go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding%zinc finger; SWIM domain containing 3 cg029905675GCCCTGCTGCCCGTCGGGGAA[CG]GCTCCTGCCGCTGGTCCGCTGGCTGACChypothetical protein XP_936140 cg06510830 GI:45827699 NM_018944.2C21orf45 GeneID:540695CTCTGCTACACCTCAGTGACCGAA[CG]CCTGCCATTACCTACAAATCGCCCGB28; FASP1; C21orf46�FAPP1-associated protein 1; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknown#chromosome 21 open reading frame 45 cg06536912 GI:27370564 NM_173039.1AQP11 GeneID:2826796CGCAGGGGCGCAAGGGCCGCAGCACG[CG]TGCGCAGTGGGCACCAAGAGCGCTAQPX1tgo_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport aquaporin 11 cg06561745 GI:24430218 NM_000882.2IL12A GeneID:35924GACCCCGTTGCTCCGGCTGAG[CG]TGGGCTCTTTCTCTAGGTCTTTCCTCCCLMF; NFSK; NKSF1; IL-12A�natural killer cell stimulatory factor 1; 35 kD subunit; cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor 1; p35; interleukin 12; p35; IL-12; subunit p35; NF cell stimulatory factor chain 1; interleukin-12 alpha chain precursorinterleukin 12A precursor cg06572723 GI:40353772 NM_015431.2< TRIM58 GeneID:258931GTCGGCGCCTGCTTTCCTGGGG[CG]TGGGCTCCTCCCCCTGTGCAGACBIA2; DKFZp434C091synonyms: BIA2; DKFZp434C091tripartite motif-containing 58 cg06575013 GI:21687236 NM_145276.1ZNF563 GeneID:1478379GAAGAAGCGATCACACAGTGCTGAGTCGAG[CG]GGATGAACGAGTTCCAGGCACAGFLJ34797zinc finger protein 563 cg06623606 GI:24797098 NM_002891.3RASGRF1 GeneID:59230AATCCAGATATACCATTCCC[CG]CTGGAACCTCTTCTCCGCTCCGCA)GNRP; GRF1; CDC25; GRF55; CDC25L; H-GRF55�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; Ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor; CDC25 homolog; guanine nucleotide exchange factor; guanine nucleotide-releasing factor; 55 kD; Ras-specific nucleotide exchange factor CDC25; go_component: synDRas protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1 isoform 1 cg06654160 GI:55741749 NM_020342.1SLC39A10 GeneID:571817CGACGTTCGAAAGCCAGGAGAAAAGG[CG]AATGATAAAGGGCGCTCCACGCATGLZT-Hs2; DKFZp781L10106�solute carrier family 39 (metal ion transporter); member 10; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: metal ion transporter activity; go_process: metal ion transport GeneID:88442GCTTGTGCAAGAGCCCTGAGGCAGAAT[CG]AGCTTGGTGTGGTCAAGGG KSR; RSU2�go_component: membrane; go_component: intracellular; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: diacylglycerol binding; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: protein serine/tkinase suppressor of ras cg10008113 GI:22218346 NM_147196.1TMIE GeneID:2592364CTGGAACCCTCCATAACACTGC[CG]GCTGGCAGCTCTGACCATACCATCCCDFNB6ldeafness; autosomal recessive 6; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: sensory perception of soundtransmembrane inner ear protein cg10009944 GI:47717140 NM_006255.3 GeneID:55834TCTACCACGCCTCAGGTGTTTGCT[CG]GGCTGGGCCACGAACCCTTTCCTT/PKCL; PKC-L; PRKCL; MGC5363; MGC26269; nPKC-eta�fungal ERG3; delta-5-desaturase-like; sterol C5-desaturase-like; lathosterol oxidase; lathosterol dehydrogenase; sterol-C5-desaturase (fungal ERG3; delta-5-desaturase)-like; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_functsterol-C5-desaturase-like cg12780491 GI:41462411 NM_201520.1SLC25A35 GeneID:3995124GGTGATGAAGGCATGGAAGACATTT[CG]GTAGTGCCGCTGGTATGTGCCAGFLJ40217; MGC120446; MGC120448ggo_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: binding; go_process: transport#solute carrier family 25; member 35 cg12781886 GI:22209007 NM_005842.2 GeneID:102532CGGTCCCAGCTCATTGGCTC[CG]CGGGGCTACATTCACTCACACTCCAGhSPRY2; MGC23039�sprouty (Drosophila) homolog 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: microtubule; go_process: development; go_process: cell-cell signaling; go_process: organ morphogenesis; go_process: regulation of signal transduction sprouty 2 cg12810229 GI:23503290 NM_153360.1FLJ90166 GeneID:164284:AACCCAGAAGCGCAGTGAAAGTGGCCAACC[CG]GTCGCCTAGAAGCCAGCCCCGGCC!MGC126807; MGC126809; RP4-685L9.2+synonyms: MGC126807; MGC126809; RP4-685L9.2hypothetical protein LOC164284 cg12815234 GI:34222236 NM_173824.2C3orf38 GeneID:2852375GGCCTGGAATACTGGAGGCCCTT[CG]ACGGAGAACAACAAGAAAGGCACTTCMGC26717�go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: cysteine-type endopeptidase activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: proteolysishypothetical protein LOC285237 cg12821827 GI:89041129 XM_925907.1 LOC642378 GeneID:6423783TGAGCCCAAACATGGTGGGGTTTA[CG]CTGGACCCCGAGCTTGCAATCTGhypothetical protein XP_931000 cg12829072 GI:21389522 NM_144652.1LETM2 GeneID:1379946CCTGTTTAATCCAGTCTTCAATCA[CG]GGTTTCCTCGGGCGTTAGCCACTGCCFLJ25409Fleucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1-like protein9leucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 2�Collagen I; alpha-2 polypeptide; osteogenesis imperfecta type IV; Collagen of skin; tendon and bone; alpha-2 chain; alpha 2(I)-collagen; alpha-2 collagen type I; type I procollagen; go_component: collagen; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen talpha 2 type I collagen cg16361316 GI:46049062 NM_015171.1XPO6 GeneID:232142CGCAGACTTGACCAGTCACGGCTA[CG]AACAACTCCTTCCTCCCTACCA!EXP6; RANBP20; FLJ22519; KIAA0370�member of importin beta like family of nuclear transport receptors; RAN binding protein 20; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: nuclear pore; go_function: binding; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_process: protein im exportin 6 cg16378421 GI:66529004 NM_005688.2ABCC5 GeneID:100578GCTCATGGTTCGACCCTGCAGTCTG[CG]CAGATACCGCCTTTCTCACTTTAACAC3MRP5; SMRP; ABC33; MOATC; MOAT-C; pABC11; EST277145�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter C; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATP6ATP-binding cassette; sub-family C; member 5 isoform 1 cg16388705 GI:16554575 NM_004661.2CDC23 GeneID:86978TTATGGACAGGACAGGCGCCACTGCCGC[CG]TCACAGCCACCGGGACCATGGAGGAPC8�anaphase-promoting complex subunit 8; go_component: anaphase-promoting complex; go_function: binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: cell division; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: G1 phase of mitotic cell cycle; go_prcell division cycle protein 23 cg16411251 GI:54262142 NM_022571.4GPR135 GeneID:645821TCGGGTTTCCGAGAGTGCCAGGT[CG]ACCTCCTGAGGGACCAATGTCC HUMNPIIY20�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: platelet activating factor receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: G-protein coG protein-coupled receptor 135 cg16426044 GI:39753958 NM_017634.2KCTD9 GeneID:547935GGGAAGAGACGCTGAAGGCTAGTAGA[CG]GGAAGGGGCATCAGCCAATCAGAFLJ20038�potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 9-like; go_component: membrane; go_component: voltage-gated potassium channel complex; go_function: protein binding; go_function: voltage-gated potassium channel activity; go_process: potassium ion trans5potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 9 cg16459349 GI:47132586 NM_145040.2PRKCDBP GeneID:1124646TCTCCCTCATGATCCCTGAC[CG]CTCTGCTCCGTCTGCCTGCAACTGCTGGCCSRBC; HSRBC; MGC20400Msdr-related gene product that binds to c-kinase; go_function: kinase activity'protein kinase C; delta binding protein cg16497482 GI:45243529 NM_152418.2WDR21C GeneID:1380094TCGCGGTCTTTTGCTCTCCATTT[CG]TTCGGCGGATGTTCTCCCTCCTGAGFLJ35775synonym: FLJ35775hypothetical protein LOC138009 cg16524735 GI:68131545 NM_030799.6YIPF5 GeneID:815551GTTAGCAGGTTGGGCACCGGTGGG[CG]GGAGGAGGAGACACGAGTATG3SB140; SMAP5; YIP1A; SMAP-5; FinGER5; DKFZp313L2216golgi membrane protein SB140'smooth muscle cell associated protein 5 cg16552496 GI:4502186 NM_001170.1AQP7 GeneID:3646CAGCGCATCTTGATCTTGTTCCTC[CG]TGACTGTCCCTGGCTCAGCTTCCACCAQP9; AQP7L; AQPap�aquaporin adipose; go_component: membrane; go_component: outer membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: porin activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_function: water channel activity; go aquaporin 7 cg16569685 GI:13569888 NM_030927.1TSPAN14 GeneID:816190GGCCCCGGGCCAGGCCCGGCCTG[CG]CCGCGCACCCACTGGGAGGGCTM4SF14; DC-TM4F2; MGC11352�tetraspanin similar to TM4SF9; transmembrane 4 superfamily member 14; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membranetetraspanin 14 cg16575248 GI:51702239 NM_003582.2DYRK3 GeneID:84445GCGGGCAGCCCTTCTGAGATCG[CG]GGCTAACTGCTACTTTCACCCCTCCTTRED; REDK; DYRK5�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; regulatory erythroid kinase; dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 5; protein kinase Dyrk3; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity< Jdual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 3 isoform a cg16601171 GI:46877069 NM_005399.3PRKAB2 GeneID:55653CCCAAATGACACTCGGAGGC[CG]CCTCCCTGGGCTCCGGTGCTCGGTGCCMGC61468�AMPK beta-2 chain; 5prime-AMP-activated protein kinase; beta-2 subunit; AMPK beta 2; go_process: fatty acid biosynthesis; go_process: signal transduction9AMP-activated protein kinase beta 2 non-catalytic subunit cg16606683 GI:50897838 NM_032550.2KIAA1914 GeneID:846321AACCCAATGCCTGGAGGAGGAGAC[CG]AGGTCCAAGCTAGGAGGTTGAXB130; FLJ14564Iisoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; CTB-1144G6.4; Em:AC005383.4KIAA1914 protein isoform 2 cg16606731 GI:19526752 NM_015293.1SYNE1 GeneID:233457TGGCTCCTTTTTCATCAACTTC[CG]AAAGATCCTAAATCGTTTTGGCTGCCAAG�8B; CPG2; MYNE1; MYNE-1; SYNE-1; SYNE-1B; FLJ30878; KIAA0796; KIAA1262; KIAA1756; dJ398G3.1; dJ398G3.2; nesprin-1; RP3-398G3.1; RP11-809I23.2; DKFZp781J13156�isoform beta is encoded by transcript variant beta; synaptic nuclei expressed gene 1; nesprin 1; enaptin; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_component: Golgi apparatus; go_component: nuclear envelope; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: postsynanesprin 1 isoform beta cg16608023 GI:65506788 NM_133489.2 GeneID:65012�go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleoside-triphosphatase activity; go_process: transport&chromosome fragility associated gene 1 cg13150102 GI:59806359 NM_013305.3ST8SIA5 GeneID:299062AGAGGGCAGGAAGAGGAAACAACAGTTG[CG]GAGCTGGACTTGATGGAA&SIAT8E; ST8Sia V; MGC119670; MGC119671�alpha-2;8-sialyltransferase 8E; sialyltransferase 8E (alpha-2; 8-polysialytransferase); go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to Golgi membrane; go_function: sialyltransferase activity; go_function: sialyltr<ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2;8-sialyltransferase 5 cg13152838 GI:19923799 NM_016499.2MGC13379 GeneID:51259/GTCTGGAGAGGGGACATCCGAG[CG]AGGGCCACTTGCGGCCAGGCChypothetical protein LOC51259 cg13168163 GI:47894110 NM_032246.3RKHD3 GeneID:842065TGTCTAATGCGGGACTGGCAGGCT[CG]GGACACTTGGATGTACCTATCAGCCRNF195; DKFZp434J0617�go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: ubiquitin-protein liga&ring finger and KH domain containing 3 cg13171419 GI:14211868 NM_032563.1LCE3D GeneID:846483CCTCTCTGCCATCCTCTCTC[CG]GGCTTTTGTTTCAGATCTCTCCATTTCLEP16; SPRL6A; SPRL6B�late envelope protein 16; small proline rich-like (epidermal differentiation complex) 6B; small proline rich-like (epidermal differentiation complex) 6Alate cornified envelope 3D cg13216229 GI:38201695 NM_173630.2RTTN GeneID:259144AGGGATAGAACCAGCGTTGGCCGCCG[CG]CACGTCGGGAGTTGTAGTTCTG FLJ26356; FLJ39085; DKFZP434G145rotatin cg13229112 GI:23821022 NM_152899.1IL4I1 GeneID:2593076ACGATTCTTCGTGCTTGGTTGTTCCTG[CG]CAGTAGCCCACCAGTGCCCCGTAFIG1�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; interleukin four induced 1; interleukin-4 induced gene-1 protein; Fig-1 protein; interleukin-4 induced protein 1; interleukin 4 induced protein 1; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_process: el+interleukin 4 induced 1 isoform 1 precursor cg13229453 GI:34335126 NM_181453.2GCC2 GeneID:96483GATTTTACAGACGTGGAAACCGAGGCC[CG]AGGCCCCAAGGGGTAATCGGGCC185; KIAA0336�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; GRIP and coiled-coil domain-containing 2; CTCL tumor antigen se1-1; CLL-associated antigen KW-11; GRIP coiled-coil protein GCC185; go_component: Golgi stack2GRIP and coiled-coil domain-containing 2 isoform a cg13246294 GI:24431963 NM_006620.2HBS1L GeneID:107674GGAATCAGATTTAGCCCAGGC[CG]GTGCGGTGGCTCCTTCCTGTAATCCCAERFS; HBS1; EF-1a; HSPC276�HBS1 (S. cerevisiae)-like; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: translation elongation factor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: protein biosynthesis HBS1-like cg13298636 GI:41393589 NM_006716.3DBF4 GeneID:109260CGGCAGTGACCGCGGGAAAACCC[CG]CTTGCTGTGCGACCCAGGGCG ASK; DBF4A�go_component: intracellular; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingactivator of S phase kinase cg13316393 GI:38202247 NM_005419.2STAT2 GeneID:67735CGCGCCCTCCAATGGCTCTGGT[CG]CGACTTCCCGTCCCTAGTATGAGCTCGP113; ISGF-3; STAT113; MGC59816�interferon alpha induced transcriptional activator; go_component: nucleus; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: hematopoietin/interferon-class (D200-domain) cyt2signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 cg13351264 GI:58219057NM_001010915.1PTPLAD2 GeneID:4014940CTGGGCTGCAGCCAGGCGGGCAG[CG]CCAAGGGCCCCATGGGCCGCCDKFZp686F01145; DKFZp686G24132!OTTHUMG00000021016; Em:AL662879.1hypothetical protein LOC401494 cg13358047 GI:31341399 NM_174939.2MGC39681 GeneID:2831970GGGCCACCACGTGATCAGTC[CG]CCGACAGATCAAGCACAGCCTCTThypothetical protein LOC283197 cg13369668 GI:46049113 NM_016195.2MPHOSPH1 GeneID:95854ACCTACTCCCAGCGTTCAGTG[CG]GTGCCCTGGCCGCCATTGTTTGAATTT0MPP1; KRMP1; MPP-1; DKFZp434B0435; DKFZp434P0810�mitotic kinesin-like protein; go_component: nucleolus; go_component: centrosome; go_component: microtubule; go_component: nucleoplasm; go_component: nucleolus; go_component: centrosome; go_component: nucleoplasm; go_component: microtubule associated complM-phase phosphoprotein 1 cg13419741 GI:31543075 NM_145316.2C6orf128 GeneID:2214683ACCTGTGTGCCCAGCCCCTGA[CG]TTACCGGTCGGCTTCAGCGGCCTGCA dJ355M6.2hypothetical protein LOC221468 cg13426875 GI:51702476 NM_003782.3B3GALT4 GeneID:87050GAGGGGCCGTGAGTGCCGCAGT[CG]GCCAGCCATGGAGCGGAGCTTG3GalT4; Gal-T2; beta3GALT4; DJ1033B10.3; beta3Gal-T4�beta-3-galactosyltransferase 4; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: galactosyltransferase activity; go_function: ganglioside galactosyltransferase activity; go_function: transferase activity;3UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1;3-galactosyltransferase 4 cg13433538 GI:13376817 NM_025214.1CCDC68 GeneID:80323:AGAGTCGTCTATATACCCCTCAGT[CG]GTGTCTCCTAATGCCTACAGCTTCCATAACSE57-1synonym: SE57-1CTCL tumor antigen se57-1 cg13470171 GI:7019554 NM_013390.1TMEM2 GeneID:236706GGCTTGCTAGGGTCGCGCTCAGCCTC[CG]CCGGCCAGACAAGCAGCCCGGCTCPputative; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to membranetransmembrane protein 2 cg13485052 GI:22094142 NM_024800.2 GeneID:79858�go_component: nucleus; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: immuring finger protein 125 cg10624472 GI:32455235 NM_033647.2HELB GeneID:927973AGGAGGATGAAGAGTCCGTGTTCAT[CG]ACGCCGAGGAGCTCTGCAGTGG*helicase B; go_function: helicase activityhelicase (DNA) B cg10634636 GI:54112396 NM_018398.2CACNA2D3 GeneID:557996ACGTGGTGCGCTCGGAGCAGCAGATAC[CG]CTCTCCGTGTAAGTGCCGGCTCC HSA272268=calcium channel alpha2-delta3 subunit; go_component: membrane;calcium channel; voltage-dependent; alpha 2/delta 3 subunit cg10634797 GI:72255570NM_001031623.1ZNF451 GeneID:26036/AGAAAGAGGCTCCGGGGAGATAG[CG]GACCAGTGAGGGCTGCCCCT&COASTER; KIAA0576; MGC26701; dJ417I1.1�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; coactivator for steroid receptors; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcrip!zinc finger protein 451 isoform 1 cg10641007 GI:66472886 NR_002314.1FLJ40434 GeneID:1637426TAATGGTTCA< AACCCCCAAA[CG]AAATGTTTGCAATCCTCTTGAGTTGCCAAA cg10650033 GI:50658086 NM_022060.2ABHD4 GeneID:638748CCGGGTCAGCTGGTGCTGGCGTCAGG[CG]CTGGGCGGGCTCGCCAGGACCTGGCAFLJ12816synonym: FLJ12816abhydrolase domain containing 4 cg10663054 GI:23308510 NM_153018.1ZFP3 GeneID:1249611TCTAGGAAACCCGGAGGACTCAGGT[CG]TCAATGATTCCGGGGCTGAAFLJ30726�zinc finger protein homologous to Zfp-3 in mouse; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingzinc finger protein-3 cg10667970 GI:48995170 NM_018438.4FBXO6 GeneID:26270}go_component: late endosome; go_component: lysosomal membrane; go_function: Rab GTPase binding; go_process: protein transport!Rab interacting lysosomal protein cg00816846 GI:45439361 NM_024940.4DOCK5 GeneID:800054GTCGCCGCCATGGCCCGCTGGATCC[CG]ACCAAGAGGCAGAAGTACGGGGT(DKFZp451J181; DKFZp779M164; DKFZp781J211ngo_function: GTP binding; go_function: GTPase binding; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activitydedicator of cytokinesis 5 cg00831633 GI:44680155 NM_032834.2ALG10 GeneID:849205CTCAGTCTTTGCTATCACAACCAA[CG]CACCCTTCCTACACTCCAAAGTTGAKCR1; FLJ14751=alpha2-glucosyltransferase; go_function: transferase activityQasparagine-linked glycosylation 10 homolog (yeast; alpha-1;2-glucosyltransferase) cg00846787 GI:40254970 NM_024825.2FLJ23447 GeneID:798830AGCTCCTGACCAGGTCTGCTGCC[CG]GCACCCACCTCCCCTCTGCTGhypothetical protein LOC79883 cg00847609 GI:75709167 NM_001112.2ADARB1 GeneID:1043GGTCGTGAGGGAGGTGCCACAGCTC[CG]GCTGCCCACGACAGACACGGGCLRED1; ADAR2; ADAR2d; ADAR2g; DRABA2; DRADA2; ADAR2a-L1; ADAR2a-L2; ADAR2a-L3�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; RNA editase; human dsRNA adenosine deaminase DRADA2b; RNA editing deaminase 1; adenosine deaminase acting on RNA type2g; adenosine deaminase acting on RNA type2a; adenosine deaminase acting on RNA type2d; aden-RNA-specific adenosine deaminase B1 isoform 1 cg00869693 GI:27734800 NM_173583.1FLJ33790 GeneID:2832128TCTCCAGGAAGTAAGCGGGCGCCAGTAG[CG]GCAGGCGCACGTGCTCCAGCAGGChypothetical protein LOC283212 cg00878814 GI:23308566 NM_025080.2ASRGL1 GeneID:801508TTGCTTTTCAATCTGCAATTACAAAAT[CG]TGGCATGCCACTTCACGCTTCTCGCALP; ALP1; FLJ22316Ggo_function: asparaginase activity; go_process: glycoprotein catabolismasparaginase-like 1 protein cg00980410 GI:38569408 NM_007247.3AP1GBP1 GeneID:112767CTCCCCTCTTTCTCTGGAACT[CG]GTAGCTTCATGTTGGCACCTATCACAGACGSYNG; MGC104959�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; gamma-synergin; adaptor-related protein complex 1 gamma subunit-binding protein 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: AP-1 adaptor complex; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_pr-AP1 gamma subunit binding protein 1 isoform 1 cg00987688 GI:5453761 NM_006158.1NEFL GeneID:47475CGCCGCTTGTAGGAGGTCGAGTAGTA[CG]GCTCGTAGCTGAAGGAACTCATGNFL; NF-L; NF68; CMT1F; CMT2E�neurofilament; light polypeptide (68kD); go_component: axon; go_component: neurofilament; go_component: intermediate filament; go_function: protein binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton&neurofilament; light polypeptide 68kDa cg00999006 GI:65507252 NM_018169.2C12orf35 GeneID:551965AAGATCGCTGCAGGAGATTTCCGCGT[CG]GGCAGATGAAAGCGCTCTGCAAGFLJ10652; FLJ20696synonyms: FLJ10652; FLJ20696hypothetical protein LOC55196 cg01003927 GI:31543391 NM_133263.2PPARGC1B GeneID:133522-GGGGCCAGGGGTGCTGAGCTG[CG]GGGGCCGCAGCTGCAGCCGCPERC; PGC1B; PGC-1(beta)�peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 beta; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_component: mediator complex; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_func1PGC-1-related estrogen receptor alpha coactivator cg01030720 GI:4758609 NM_001572.2IRF7 GeneID:36650GTAATGGGAGGTGGACGTGCCT[CG]AAAAAGGGGCAGCTGCACCGTT IRF7A; IRF-7H�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant a; interferon regulatory factor-7H; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity; go_process: t(interferon regulatory factor 7 isoform a cg01034638 GI:33354284 NM_006210.1PEG3 GeneID:51784GCAGCTGCCCAGACTTCTGCAC[CG]AGGTGCAGCTCGACGCCTCCTTGTCA$PW1; ZSCAN24; KIAA0287; DKFZp781A095�paternally expressed gene 3; Human putative imprinted ZNF gene; maternally imprinted; Kruppel-type zinc finger protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: tpaternally expressed 3 cg01048834 GI:49574542 NM_178523.3ZNF616 GeneID:903177GGAGAAGTGAGGACTGCAAAGTGCA[CG]TTTAATCCAGGCAGACGGAGCGAAGTMGC45556Wgo_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingzinc finger protein 616 cg01053764 GI:4503734 NM_001453.1FOXC1 GeneID:22966TTTGTCTGCTTTCCCCCGTTTG[CG]CCTGGAAGCTGCGCCGCGAGTTCCTGCA%ARA; IGDA; IHG1; FKHL7; IRID1; FREAC3�forkhead-related activator 3; Forkhead; drosophila; homolog-like 7; forkhead (Drosophila)-like 7; iridogoniodysgenesis type 1; myeloid factor-delta; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcriptional activator forkhead box C1 cg01063157 GI:89029130 XR_001080.1MGC24103 GeneID:158295<CGACAACTGATAGGTCAAATCACTAGGGAG[CG]GCTAAAGAGTTATTAATGGTGACAGG cg01095278 GI:28373102 NM_005173.2ATP2A3 GeneID:4895GGAGCACCCGGCTCTGGGCTGCG[CG]TCGCCTCCTCTGGGCTCTCCTGGGCCSERCA3�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; ATPase; Ca(2+)-transporting; ubiquitous; sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3; SR Ca(2+)-ATPase 3; calcium pump 3; adenosine triphosphatase; calcium; sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase; ca2sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ -ATPase isoform a cg01123311 GI:47777315 NM_000952.3PTAFR GeneID:57249GGCAGCGGCTTCAGCTGCAGTGAC[CG]TGTGTCTCTGTCTGGGTCCTGGCCCCAGCPAFR�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: phospholipid binding; go_function: phospholipid binding; go_function: platelet activating factor receptor activity; go_function: platelet activ#platelet-activating factor receptor cg01130144 GI:15718720 NM_003520.3 HIST1H2BN GeneID:83414TCCAGGACTCACCACTGGTTAAA[CG]CACAACTTCATTCTCTACCCCACTT6H2B/d; H2BFD; MGC9388; MGC125414; MGC125415; MGC125416�go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; go_component: nucleosome; go_component: nucleosome; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: nucleosome assembly; go_process: nucleosome assembly; go_process: chromosome organization H2B histone family; member D cg01134719 GI:21553320 NM_145172.1WDR63 GeneID:1268207TCTTAGCGACAGATGCGTCCTGGCAACAGT[CG]GCAGAGTTGCTGCGGTTTGTG!FLJ30067; NYD-SP29; RP11-507C22.2.testis development protein NYD-SP29 (NYD-SP29)#testis development protein NYD-SP29 cg01142170 GI:47778922 NM_016229.2CYB5R2 GeneID:517000CTGGCCCCTTCCCTGCACA[CG]CAGAGCTGCCACACTGAGCGCCCCTB5R.2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; cytochrome b5 reductase b5R.2; go_component: membrane; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: FAD binding; go_function: NAD binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: cytochrome-b5 reduc'cytochrome b5 reductase b5R.2 isoform 1 cg01150297 GI:51242965NM_001003791.1SPFH2 GeneID:111606GCTGGGCCTAGCTGCCGCTCAGGGT[CG]GGGCTGACCCGTCACTTTCGGGAACC8orf2; MGC87072�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 3; go_component: membrane; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknown&SPFH domain family; member 2 isoform 2 cg01154225 GI:54873625 NM_001968.2 GeneID:1977=TCTTGACGTTGACTCATTCTCCTTAGG[CG]AGTGACTTAATCGCTCGGCGTCTCAGCTTTCBP; EIF4F; EIF4EL1�mRNA cap-binding protein; eIF-4F 25 kDa subunit; eukaryotic translatio< n initiation factor 4E-like 1; go_component: eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex; go_function: RNA cap binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein bindin+eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E cg01167774 GI:12669913 NM_001949.2E2F3 GeneID:18715CGAGAGATGAGAAAGGGAATCCAGCC[CG]CTCTGGAGCAGTACCTGGTGACC*E2F-3; KIAA0075; MGC104598; DKFZp686C18211�go_component: nucleus; go_component: transcription factor complex; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: regulation of progrE2F transcription factor 3 cg01180601 GI:7706149 NM_016612.1SLC25A37 GeneID:513120GTTGCTTGGAAATGTGCACGGGA[CG]GTGACGTCACACAGGGAGGCG+MSC; MSCP; HT015; PRO1278; PRO1584; PRO2217�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; predicted protein of HQ2217; mitochondrial solute carrier protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: mitochondrial inner membrane; go_function: binding; go_process: tran.mitochondrial solute carrier protein isoform 1 cg01197831 GI:22907027 NM_003837.2FBP2 GeneID:87890CCCAGTCCCTTTGGCCTGA[CG]CCCCTTTTCCATAACGTAGCGGGTC�muscle fructose-bisphosphatase; fructose-1;6-bisphosphatase isozyme 2; D-fructose-1;6-bisphosphate 1-phosphohydrolase; FBPase; hexosediphosphatase; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: fructose-bisphosphatase activity; go_function: phosphoric estfructose-1;6-bisphosphatase 2 cg01216281 GI:31543829 NM_013270.2TSP50 GeneID:291221CCTGGAGTCCCTCAACTTAATCT[CG]GCCGATTCTCAGACCTCCTCACZgo_function: trypsin activity; go_function: chymotrypsin activity; go_process: proteolysistestes-specific protease 50 cg01223795 GI:14195613 NM_018940.2PCDHB7 GeneID:561297AGAAGAATGGAGGCCAGAGTGGAG[CG]TGCTGTGCAGAAAAGGCAAGTCTTATTMGC111391; PCDH-BETA7�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: homophilic cell adhesion; go_process: calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesionprotocadherin beta 7 precursor cg01294695 GI:14149723 NM_018670.1MESP1 GeneID:558970CAAGGTGCCAGCCCCTTGACTG[CG]CCTGTTTCGCCCCACCTGGGCCMGC10676; IR1899308mgo_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription regulator activity; go_process: regulation of transcriptionmesoderm posterior 1 cg01310473 GI:5730074 NM_006682.1FGL2 GeneID:108755GCGCAGGGCTGGAGCTGCTTTAATAG[CG]GCAGCTGCCTGAGTCAGGCTTTC T49; pT49Hfibrinogen-like protein 2; fibroleukin; go_component: fibrinogen complexfibrinogen-like 2 cg01316022 GI:27804312 NM_015973.2GAL GeneID:510834GACTGAGGAGTCGTCCCTGCC[CG]TCACCCTCTGGGGTCTCCAGTGCTGCGGALN; GLNN; MGC40167�galanin-related peptide; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: neuropeptide hormone activity; go_process: insulin secretion; go_process: growth hormone secretion; go_process: smooth muscle contraction; go_process: neuropeptide signaling pathwaygalanin preproprotein cg01320361 GI:47458818 NM_007214.3SEC63 GeneID:11231;CTCTGGATTAATTGCCCTGGTTGATCA[CG]TTTCCTTGGGTTCTGGATCTGCTCCTCCERdj2; SEC63L; PRO2507�SEC63; endoplasmic reticulum translocon component (S. cerevisiae) like; go_component: membrane; go_component: microsome; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: unfolded proteinSEC63-like protein cg01325264 GI:47834321 NM_006266.2RALGDS GeneID:5900/TGTTGCGTAGGGCTGAAATGTGTA[CG]TGCTGATCATGTGTGGGGA RGF; RalGEF�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: Golgi stack; go_function: NAD binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: protein C-terminus binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; acting on the CH&C-terminal binding protein 1 isoform 1 cg04853925 GI:20070270 NM_016000.2TRNT1 GeneID:510959AAGACAGCTGCCAGTTGTCTCAGAT[CG]CACGGGCATGCCGCGCAGATGGGCTTCTCCA1; MtCCA; CGI-47�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; mitochondrial CCA-adding tRNA-nucleotidyltransferase; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: tRNA binding; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: tRNA 5tRNA nucleotidyl transferase; CCA-adding; 1 isoform 1 cg04871778 GI:8923572 NM_017904.1TTC22 GeneID:550015ATTGTCAAATACGGGGTGCGCAAACCT[CG]GTGCAAGGCAAAAGGCGTGTTTFLJ20619hypothetical protein LOC55001 cg04882716 GI:37622884 NM_003869.4CES2 GeneID:88243GGCGCTGGGTCGTGCGAGCCAGTAG[CG]GGCTGAAACGTAGAGGCCAGAA iCE; CE-2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; intestinal carboxylesterase; liver carboxylesterase-2; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: serine esterase activity; go_process: catabolismcarboxylesterase 2 isoform 1 cg04906950 GI:33695152 NM_182978.1GNAL GeneID:2774:CTATTAAAGTAGGGATAAAGAGTGTGCAGA[CG]TGGGTGTAAGATAATGAACAGAAA�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; Guanine nucleotide-binding protein; alpha-subunit; olfactory type; guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein); alpha stimulating activity polypeptide; olfactory type; go_function: GTP binding; go_function:oguanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein); alpha activating activity polypeptide; olfactory type isoform 1 cg05041222 GI:18765744 NM_030582.2COL18A1 GeneID:807813GGGGTCTGACCCGTGCCTGTCC[CG]CGCAGGTGCCCCTGGCCATGGCCGC KNO; MGC74745�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; endostatin; antiangiogenic agent; multi-functional protein MFP; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen; go_component: extracellular matrix; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc io/alpha 1 type XVIII collagen isoform 1 precursor cg05052253 GI:68509927NM_001025090.1MBP GeneID:41552GAGGAGAGTCAGCCCGGCCTGGAGG[CG]AAAGGAGCCGGCAGGTCCTCCMGC99675�isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3; go_function: structural constituent of myelin sheath; go_process: immune response; go_process: nerve ensheathment; go_process: synaptic transmission; go_process: central nervous system developmentmyelin basic protein isoform 3 cg05059730 GI:59858805 NM_178815.3ARL5B GeneID:2210795TCGGCCTAGCAGTGCCCTCGCTG[CG]CGATCTCAGGCGGGTTCTCCTCGGCTARL8�ADP-ribosylation-like factor 8; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transductionADP-ribosylation factor-like 8 cg05083214 GI:64085166�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: signal recognition particle (sensu Eukaryota); go_function: GTP binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: enzyme activator 8cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1 isoform 2 cg08572219 GI:21389518 NM_144650.1ADHFE1 GeneID:1378729CTGGGTGTGACCCGCTCAGATCCTG[CG]CAGTCTTCTCCGCTTACTTTCAAGAATT"ADH8; FLJ32430; HMFT2263; MGC48605>alcohol dehydrogenase 8; Fe-containing alcohol dehydrogenase 1)alcohol dehydrogenase; iron containing; 1 cg08577840 GI:46048189 NM_172037.2RDH10 GeneID:1575060CCACCCTCTCGCAACTTGGGT[CG]AGTTGACAACTCCCGCGGCAGCC<go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_process: metabolismretinol dehydrogenase 10 cg08632308 GI:38348407 NM_198566.1FLJ32363 GeneID:375444�ubiquitin ligase mind bomb; DAPK-interacting protein 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: mindbomb homolog 1 cg11257595 GI:24308188 NM_020211.1RGMA GeneID:569638AGGCGGTTACATCCAAGACAAATGCTGTTG[CG]CTCTGCGGAGACGCACCTTTGTRGM5repulsive guidance molecule A; go_component: membraneRGM domain family; member A cg11258043 GI:21361930 NM_030568.2C6orf148 GeneID:807592GCGGCAGCGGCTGCAGGCCTGGC[CG]ATTGTGAGGAGACAGCGGTACCTMGC10818; bA257K9.4synonyms: MGC10818; bA257K9.4< #chromosome 6 open reading frame 148 cg11260905 GI:22748660 NM_152289.1ZNF561 GeneID:931343GTCCAGAGAAAAAGGTGAGGTTAGAAC[CG]GGCCTCCAGACGGAACTGTGMGC45408zinc finger protein 561 cg11261906 GI:66346694 NM_001999.3FBN2 GeneID:22010TGCATAACCGGCCTAAAGCCC[CG]AGCGACTCCAGGACCGTCAGCGGCCA�fibrillin 5; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: extracellular matrix structural constituent; go_process: morphogenesisfibrillin 2 precursor cg11262174 GI:40548418 NM_024027.3COLEC11 GeneID:789898AATGAAACTTAAATGCGTAGAGTGAGTTTC[CG]GACTCACGTGTGGCCAGGTCTCMGC3279�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: sugar binding; go_process: phosphate transport(collectin sub-family member 11 isoform a cg11265750 GI:19718757 NM_013451.2FER1L3 GeneID:265098CTTTTGACTTTTCGCTGTTACTTCTCA[CG]CCATTGAACACACCCACTCAGTAACMYOF�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; fer-1 (C.elegans)-like 3 (myoferlin); go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: nuclear membrane; go_process: circulation; go_process: muscle contractionmyoferlin isoform a cg11323304 GI:13569959�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; replication factor C (activator 1) 3 (38kD); RFC; 38 kD subunit; A1 38 kDa subunit; go_component: nucleus; go_component: protein complex; go_component: DNA replication factor C complex; go_component: delta-DNA replication factor C 3 isoform 1 cg14613470 GI:8393671 NM_017415.1KLHL3 GeneID:262492TCAGGCAGTTCGTCACTAGCC[CG]AGAAATACTGGCCCCTACACCCTCCKIAA1129�alternatively spliced; similar to Drosophila kelch protein encoded by GenBank Accession Number Q04652 and Homo sapiens mayven encoded by GenBank Accession Number AF059569; contains POZ (BTB) domain and kelch repeats; kelch (Drosophila)-like 3kelch-like 3 (Drosophila) cg14657290 GI:34577051 NM_005242.3F2RL1 GeneID:21504CCCACCGCTTTCGTGATGTC[CG]CAGTTGCCCACCTGCCTCTACAATAAAA PAR2; GPR11�protease-activated receptor 2; G protein-coupled receptor-11; go_component: Golgi apparatus; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: thrombin rec:coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor-like 1 precursor cg14657474 GI:21264571 NM_005325.2HIST1H1A GeneID:30243GCCTATTTATAGGGTGGGACTGCGC[CG]TGATTGGTGCCCGTCAGTGCCCH1.1; H1F1; HIST1; MGC126642�go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromosome; go_component: nucleosome; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: nucleosome assembly; go_process: spermatogenesisH1 histone family; member 1 cg14671219 GI:21902518 NM_014982.1PCNX GeneID:229904GACTTTTCAACAGTGTCATCAGC[CG]TACCTAACTCTTCCAGGCCTTCAGTPCNXL1; KIAA0805; KIAA0995Opecanex-like 1; pecanex-like 1 (Drosophila); go_component: integral to membranepecanex homolog cg14688530 GI:22748850 NM_152399.1FLJ30834 GeneID:132332/GATTCCTCCCTCCAAATGGA[CG]ACTGAATCTTCTCTCCCCCACGChypothetical protein LOC132332 cg14727980 GI:20127635 NM_024944.2CHODL GeneID:1405783CTTCTGCTTCGCCTCTAGGACATACA[CG]GGACCCCCTAACTTCAGTCCC MT75; PRED12; C21orf68; FLJ12627�transmembrane protein MT75; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: perinuclear region; go_function: sugar binding; go_function: hyaluronic acid binding; go_process: muscle developmentchondrolectin precursor cg14773260 GI:6031164 NM_001992.2F2R GeneID:2149;AGTGCCCGGCGTATGAAACGCCTAACTT[CG]CGAAATAAAGAGAGACGTATAAAAGTTTR; HTR; CF2R; PAR1�thrombin receptor; protease-activated receptor 1; go_component: Golgi apparatus; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: receptor binding; go_function: thrombin receptor activi(coagulation factor II receptor precursor cg14795112 GI:55956887 NM_152366.3KARCA1 GeneID:1268233GAACCCAGGTCTCCTGTCTCT[CG]GGCCAGTGGTCAGTCCACTTTCACTTMGC33338;isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; RP11-544M22.9Gkelch/ankyrin repeat containing cyclin A1 interacting protein isoform a cg14800219 GI:63055068 NM_181354.3OXR1 GeneID:550747CCAGCCCCGCGGCAGCATGGACTACCTGA[CG]ACGTTCACCGAGAAGAGTGGGCFLJ10125; FLJ38829; Nbla00307�putative protein product of Nbla00307; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: cell wall catabolism; go_process: response to oxidative stressoxidation resistance 1 cg14800414 GI:59806340 NM_000060.2BTD GeneID:6867ACCAGACACCTGCTCCTCGCTG[CG]CTCTGCGAAGTTACTGTCCGGCATCTTCC�go_function: biotinidase activity; go_function: biotin carboxylase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds; go_process: biotin metabolism; go_process: epidermis development; go_process: nitrogen compounbiotinidase precursor cg14803663 GI:26665868 NM_172240.1WDR51B GeneID:2828097TGCAGGATATTGATATAGTTGCTGGATGTG[CG]TGATGAATGAATGAGTGAATGTUWD12; FLJ14923TUWD12WD repeat domain 51B cg14827187 GI:52856403 NM_005904.2SMAD7 GeneID:40924GGGGGCCGAGTGGACTTCACCC[CG]CATGAGACGTCTGGCAAAATAAGAAG MADH7; MADH8�Mothers against decapentaplegic; drosophila; homolog of; 7; MAD (mothers against decapentaplegic; Drosophila) homolog 7; MAD; mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7 (Drosophila); go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: recepto.MAD; mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7 cg14831641 GI:5174688 NM_006049.1SNAPC5 GeneID:103025CATAGCCAACCTCCGGGCTGCTGT[CG]GCCCGGCACTCGGTGATGACGCCATSNAP19�go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; go_process: transcription initiation from RNA :small nuclear RNA activating complex; polypeptide 5; 19kDa cg14873294 GI:26787973 NM_005345.4HSPA1A GeneID:33036GAGACAGTATCTCCATTGTAACGTGGC[CG]GGCGGTGTCAACACAAACGCCCCHSP72; HSPA1; HSPA1B; HSP70-1�heat shock 70kD protein 1A; heat shock-induced protein; dnaK-type molecular chaperone HSP70-1; heat shock 70kDa protein 1B; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: protein folding; go_process: response to unfolded proteinheat shock 70kDa protein 1A cg14878230 GI:7657706 NM_014242.1ZMYM5 GeneID:9205,GTCAGGTGCGGGCCACACC[CG]CGGCCCTGCAGTTCCACTCCCMYM; ZNF237; HSPC050; ZNF198L1Tgo_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion bindingzinc finger protein 237 cg14898108 GI:34147563 NM_006671.3SLC1A7 GeneID:6512,GGTGGGTGGGTGCATGTGCTG[CG]GGCCAGGCCTGTGCTGGCT AAAT; EAAT5�excitatory amino acid transporter 5 (retinal glutamate transporter); go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: L-glutamate transporter activity; go_function: sodium:dicarboxylate symporter ac9solute carrier family 1 (glutamate transporter); member 7 cg14917260 GI:38788415 NM_005559.2LAMA10serine/threonine kinase 17a (apoptosis-inducing) cg11648968 GI:31881756 NM_012137.2DDAH1 GeneID:235766CCGGACCTGGCGGTACCTGTGTTCTGT[CG]CAGGTGCACACCTCCCATCGTCCDDAH�NG; NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: dimethylargininase activity; go_process: arginine catabolism; go_process: nitric oxide mediated signal transduction)dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 cg11648972 GI:23618925 NM_032497.1ZNF559 GeneID:845270CGGTGGTGTCCCGGTGCAGCCACG[CG]AGAGTAGAAGGGTGGAAAGGMGC13105; Nbla00121�putative protein product of Nbla00121; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 559 cg11705359 GI:23510444 NM_005118.2TNFSF15 GeneID:9966:TCCTGGCCTTGGGCCTGCAGCTGC[CG]TGCTCTGGCAGCATTTCCACACTGGCTGTT< %TL1; TL1A; VEGI; MGC129934; MGC129935�T cell costimulator; ligand of DR3 and DcR3/TR6; vascular endothelial cell growth inhibitor; TNF superfamily ligand TL1A; TNF ligand-related molecule 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular space; go_componen5tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily; member 15 cg11709017 GI:54859667NM_001006637.1RAB37 GeneID:3266243AGAACGCAGCCGGGTGCTGAGCCTC[CG]GAGTCCGGTAGCTGAATGAAATFLJ30284; FLJ32507�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; RAB37; member of RAS oncogene family; Rab37-like; go_component: membrane; go_component: ER-Golgi intermediate compartment; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: protein transpo+RAB37; member RAS oncogene family isoform 1 cg11709358 GI:28372496 NM_174916.1UBR1 GeneID:1971313GAGGGAAACTGACGCCTGCAGTTGC[CG]ACCCCCGGCCAGAGGCAAGCGG�ubiquitin ligase E3 alpha-I; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: ubiquitin cycle2ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 1 cg11748577 GI:49574525NM_001001887.1IFIT1 GeneID:34342TTTAGTTTCACTTTCCCCTTT[CG]GTTTCCCTAGGTTTCCAACTTGCAA-G10P1; IFI56; IFI-56; IFNAI1; RNM561; GARG-16�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; Interferon; alpha-inducible protein (MW 56kD); interferon-induced protein 56; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: binding; go_process: immune responseEinterferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 isoform 1 cg11758478 GI:45504379 NM_015015.1JMJD2B GeneID:230304GCCCAGCTGCCGTCGGGTTGGT[CG]CGGCAGCCTTGGCTGGCGTGCGCCCCKIAA0876�go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentjumonji domain containing 2B cg11803636 GI:7657298 NM_014553.1TFCP2L1 GeneID:298421TGCTGGTTGTAGTGCTCGGGCTG[CG]TGTGCCAGAAGAGCATGGCTGGLBP9; CRTR1; LBP-9�go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription corepressor activity; go_process: pregnancy; go_process: steroid biosynthesis; go_process: regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoterLBP-9 cg11818703 GI:22538469 NM_005442.2EOMES GeneID:8320-CCTCTCCTTTTCCTTCCT[CG]TACCTCTTGCTCCTCAGGACCCCTBR2�eomesodermin (Xenopus laevis) homolog; t box; brain; 2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent eomesodermin cg11837269 GI:37622342 NM_198058.1ZNF266 GeneID:107812TTATTCTCACCTCCTCCCA[CG]TTCCTAGCACCCTCAAAATGATGCTTCHZF1�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 266 cg11901478 GI:4758453 NM_004487.1GOLGB1 GeneID:28046GGACGGAAGATGGGATTAAGACAC[CG]ACCAATCAGGACTATCGGCAGGACGTGCP; GCP372; GIANTIN�Human mRNA for golgi antigen gcp372; complete cds; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: Golgi membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: ER-Golgi intermediate compartment; go_function: DNQgolgi autoantigen; golgin subfamily b; macrogolgin (with transmembrane signal); 1 cg11919904 GI:37595567 NM_020436.2SALL4 GeneID:571673CTCGACATGGTGCGAGCATCGGGG[CG]CCGGGAGAGCCGCAGTTATTTGCDRRS; HSAL4; dJ1112F19.1�sal (Drosophila)-like 4; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent sal-like 4 cg11941167 GI:19747274 NM_018288.2PHF10 GeneID:55274,GGTGGGACTGGGCCCACGCCC[CG]GCACCCAGGCCCGGGACGGXAP135; FLJ10975; MGC111009�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; PHD zinc finger protein XAP135; PHD finger protein 10; isoform a; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; PHD finger protein 10 isoform a cg11946783 GI:27735142 NM_173674.1DCBLD1 GeneID:285761.CCCGCAGGGCTGGGCTGAAAGC[CG]CCCCAATGGGATTCGGTGCG#MGC46341; dJ94G16.1; DKFZp686L21135Ugo_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: cell adhesion+discoidin; CUB and LCCL domain containing 1 cg11973225 GI:42476063 NM_152864.2C20orf58 GeneID:1284144GGCCGGAGCAGGAGCCCATGGTGCC[CG]CCTATACAGGAGGCCCCCGGGTG'hypothetical protein LOC54458 isoform 1 cg09401971 GI:31542788 NM_173567.2ABHD7 GeneID:2531522TGCCTGCCCCGCCTGATGCTCA[CG]CTCCGGTCCCTGCTCTTCTGGTCCEPHXRP; FLJ90341�go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: aminopeptidase activity; go_process: proteolysis; go_process: aromatic compound metabolismabhydrolase domain containing 7 cg09448951 GI:41281488 NM_014761.2KIAA0174 GeneID:97984CTTAGAGCCCGTAGAGGGACACGGAGG[CG]CTGGGTGAAGAGTCAGGGATA MGC117220Xgo_component: ER-Golgi intermediate compartment; go_function: molecular function unknown%putative MAPK activating protein PM28 cg09492210 GI:38327653 NM_000080.2CHRNE GeneID:1145-TGTGTTTCCTGCCCCTGCCC[CG]CCCCAGCCCAGCGTCCTTTGC(ACHRE; CMS1D; CMS1E; CMS2A; FCCMS; SCCMS�AchR epsilon subunit; cholinergic receptor; nicotinic; epsilon polypeptide; go_component: postsynaptic membrane; go_component: nicotinic acetylcholine-gated receptor-channel complex; go_function: ion channel activity; go_function: cation transporter activ>nicotinic acetylcholine receptor epsilon polypeptide precursor cg09505586 GI:33342275 NM_025130.2HKDC1 GeneID:802011GCTGAGTGGGCTTGGCAGAGCCC[CG]GCTTGAGAGGGTTGCTTAGCAAFLJ22761; FLJ37767; MGC125688�go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: hexokinase activity; go_function: transferase activity; go_process: glycolysishexokinase domain containing 1 cg09516805 GI:38570088 NM_001268.2RCBTB2 GeneID:1102 C14orf169 GeneID:79697TCGA-02-0071-10A-01Wp.L320*TCGA-06-0188-01A-01WTCGA-06-0188-10B-01WGCAAATCGA-06-0168-01A-01WTCGA-06-0168-10A-01Wp.R335* NM_002834p.E69Kp.I282M NM_000321p.R251*&CTAGAAAATGATACAAGAATTATTGAAGTTCTCTGTAAp.Q395*p.V654LPosition Match: Nucleotidep.Y659Fp.Q702*p.R787*# of genes in peak�Known cancer genes Amplification1754892257550650937p11.22125636166656597790p.L381H NM_021136 NM_175634p.R10KENST00000316347p.G701D NM_001085p.V45M NM_000193p.V254MENST00000265631p.P126S NM_000340p.A313T NM_005359p.W509* NM_015191p.G497Ep.A635Vp.P155S NM_003745p.G82E NM_003108p.E412*p.D428GENST00000231061p.A127V NM_021908 NM_007315p.K201MENST00000295709p.W184* NM_003179p.V222M NM_004606p.G73Ep.S1654T NM_016281p.R490C NM_013254p.A535T NM_207036CTTCGA-06-0128-01A-01WTCGA-06-0128-10A-01Wp.R672Hp.E440K NM_001024847p.I120L NM_003255p.Q212* NM_002160p.E1897Kp.G892Dp.R499H NM_002546p.R111C NM_001066p.T222P NM_001010938p.R147*p.W138*p.A50T NM_003286p.P560L NM_000546p.R342*p.A307V rs28934574p.R282Wp.D281Ap.P278R rs17849781p.P278Sp.A276V rs28934576p.R273Hp.R273CTCGA-02-0058-01A-01WTCGA-02-0058-10A-01Wp.V272Mp.F270Sp.G266RTCGA-02-0034-01A-01WTCGA-02-0034-10A-01Wp.E258Q rs11540652p.R248QTCGA-06-0241-01A-02WTCGA-06-0241-10A-01W rs28934575p.G245Sp.N235Dp.V216Mp.R213*p.I195Tp.H179Yp.H178Qp.P177STCGA-06-0214-10A-01WTCGA-06-0124-01A-01WTCGA-06-0124-10A-01WTCGA-02-0086-01A-01WTCGA-02-0086-10A-01WTCGA-06-0184-01A-01WTCGA-06-0184-10B-01WTCGA-06-0178-01A-01WTCGA-06-0178-10B-01W NM_002511p.P148Hp.A86V NM_000603p.G345Sp.G439RENST00000371701p.T32IENST0000027754< 1p.A2452T NM_002524p.G12D NM_001012338p.N95S NM_016734p.Y346CTCGA-06-0174-01A-01WTCGA-06-0174-10B-01Wp.A34T NM_015542p.E851K NM_003390p.G160S NM_003391p.D338Np.S269FFGFR2chr17GLI2p.C245S NM_002646p.E1144KCTGTGGGGCATCCACTTGATGTCGA-06-0166-01A-01WTCGA-06-0166-10A-01WCCCTCGA-02-0047-01A-01WTCGA-02-0047-10A-01WTCGA-06-0171-01A-02WTCGA-06-0171-10A-01W NM_181523p.G376RAGAAAGTGACAAACGTATGAACAGp.D560YTCGA-02-0074-01A-01WTCGA-02-0074-10A-01Wp.N564KCGAGGTTCGA-02-0011-01B-01WTCGA-02-0011-10A-01WENST00000373507p.N269S NM_002655p.M361I NM_033238p.P96T NM_000535p.Q186*ENST00000367862p.R285Q NM_006245p.G267S NM_002737p.P613S NM_212535p.D631NTCGA-06-0145-01A-01WTCGA-06-0145-10A-01W NM_006254p.R67CTCGA-06-0206-01A-01WTCGA-06-0206-10A-01W NM_002744p.R260Hp.E574K NM_016457p.D411NENST00000314191p.S3457Fp.P2531SENST00000389465p.R251H NM_000264p.R1394* NM_000314p.G36ETATCGA-06-0197-01A-02WTCGA-06-0197-10A-01WATTCGA-02-0052-01A-01WTCGA-02-0052-10A-01Wp.D92Ep.P96LGTTCGA-06-0138-01A-01WTCGA-06-0138-10C-01Wp.R130*TCGA-02-0027-01A-01WTCGA-02-0027-10A-01Wp.T131ATCGA-06-0187-01A-01WTCGA-06-0187-10B-01Wp.G132DTCGA-06-0195-01B-01WTCGA-06-0195-10A-01Wp.R159Kp.T167Ip.T167STCGA-02-0038-01A-01WTCGA-06-0213-01A-01WTCGA-06-0213-10A-01W NM_000826ENST00000317082p.W452* NM_002101p.G98S NM_001017963p.D854Gp.P48S NM_002167p.P95S NM_016232p.I404TENST00000377035p.S145* NM_001014794p.D138G NM_016162p.G234Rp.W220*TCGA-06-0147-01A-01WTCGA-06-0147-10A-01W NM_000208p.A20T NM_003870p.S804Fp.Q904RENST00000305123p.R1140Hp.S428L NM_000211p.T708I NM_021930p.P788L NM_004560p.E519Kp.A271T NM_002944p.V1666I NM_002950p.E99K NM_004586p.P279L NM_020964p.S2169T NM_004798p.P46S NM_000222p.A599TENST00000316479p.H478Yp.V184M NM_001008490p.S77Fp.E12G NM_144505p.P86L NM_002266p.R13H NM_033360p.G12A NM_182926p.E113K NM_005561p.S47CENST00000367217p.S305C NM_005566p.T144Ip.V209A NM_005567p.A522T NM_002343p.R190C NM_004672p.E1186K NM_002754 NM_002749p.A590T NM_002752p.V91Mp.G35RTCGA-02-0085-01A-01WTCGA-02-0085-10A-01W NM_002392p.Y287HTCGA-06-0129-01A-01WTCGA-06-0129-10A-01W NM_002393p.T160S NM_005924p.S136Fp.W540* NM_000249p.G101Sp.A410Tp.H543RTCGA-02-0057-01A-01WTCGA-02-0057-10A-01WENST00000374259p.S344F NM_002430p.A1292T NM_000251p.P69Tp.G692E NM_000179p.E484Kp.R1024Wp.V1056Mp.T1219I NM_002442p.C167Yp.A100T NM_002451p.Q122H NM_005378p.P44L NM_033118p.S72N NM_012330p.E705Kp.G1530E NM_002485p.P748SENST00000295720p.I95V NM_006159p.D602N'AGTAACAATGAACTTTATGTTACTGCAGCTCACAAATGCTCGA-02-0001-01C-01WTCGA-02-0001-10A-01Wp.G849*p.R997KTCGA-06-0190-01A-01WTCGA-06-0190-10B-01WCTCTTCGA-06-0214-01A-02W PI3K_p85Bp.N345Kp.C420RPI3K_C2p.M1043VSH2 p.E439del NOT_VALIDATED p.KS459delNp.DKRMNS560del$p.R574delKDERPILDVVDSKRCSAKEVERVVGQ*p.R574fs p.T576del p.W583delB56 Pkinase_CFATProx1 p.Y76del*p.Y76fs p.T78delRQI*p.T78fsFrame_Shift_InsACTCGA-02-0054-01A-01WTCGA-02-0054-10A-01W NM_001346 NM_018706p.A783Tp.A1027VENST00000280333p.S1250L NM_006206p.W349C NM_002609p.L986Fp.A74TENST00000007708p.P182S NM_015886p.A179TTCGA-06-0148-10A-01WTCGA-02-0116-01A-01WTCGA-02-0116-10A-01Wp.A597Pp.G598VTCGA-02-0046-01A-01WTCGA-02-0046-10A-01WTCGA-02-0003-01A-01WTCGA-02-0003-10A-01Wp.C620Y rs10258568 NM_201284p.S703FTCGA-06-0185-01A-01WTCGA-06-0185-10B-01Wp.V651Mp.R680G NM_001429p.P1337STCGA-06-0133-01A-01Wp.P1880Sp.A2143Tp.Q377* NM_004431p.G111D NM_004438p.P332L NM_004440p.S207Fp.R69Q NM_004448p.L49Hp.T216Sp.C311Rp.N319Dp.E321Gp.D326Gp.C334Sp.V750Ep.V777ATCGA-02-0113-01A-01WTCGA-02-0113-10A-01W NM_001982p.S1046N NM_033632p.V672Mp.R367*TCGA-02-0060-01A-01WTCGA-02-0060-10A-01Wp.K656ETCGA-02-0033-01A-01WTCGA-02-0033-10A-01Wp.Q212KENST00000344954p.G94ETCGA-02-0009-01A-01WTCGA-02-0009-10A-01Wp.V436ITCGA-06-0173-01A-01WTCGA-06-0173-10B-01W NM_002019p.G727CTCGA-06-0201-01A-01WTCGA-06-0201-10A-01W NM_182925p.E989D NM_212482p.A1993Vp.A1990Tp.P363Sp.P300Sp.A492T NM_002569p.A574Tp.P654Sp.G755D NM_001002295p.A146Tp.S403F NM_005269p.A1051V NM_000168p.S276Np.D193N NM_016592p.A173T NM_080819p.A115T In_Frame_DelAAT AKT/ FOXOTCGA-06-0139-01A-01WTCGA-06-0139-10A-01W NM_024922p.M96Ic.288e5-1c.561-1Carn_acyltransf Helicase_CTCGA-06-0145-01A-02Wp.R160HPkinasee11+1I-setCollagene9+1VWAe1+1e8+1CAP_GLYp450 NM_000555p.P409LIns#p.K347insNSVTGATKVSSATRVSPRGTACGAG*p.K347fsC1_1Validation_Germline NM_007329TCGA-06-0158-01A-01WTCGA-06-0158-10A-01W NM_000212p.R378Cp.G484Ep.A776V NM_000214Integrin_b_cytKinesinTrypsinIBBRasLampe5+1Ldh_1_NLdh_1_CLRRN2ENST00000367175p.E415Kc.1243e16-1 Transferrin NM_002350p.A119VTCGA-06-0147-01A-02WENST00000262891 NM_000245PSIe13+2 HATPase_cENST00000222270p.T498NNOT_VALIDATED_IN_NORMALp.S1285Np.R2334CMutS_IMutS_VMutS_IVRRM_1Mtap_PNPMyc_N NM_004544 VWC:EGF_CA NM_000267 e16-28_S575p.R1391SRasGAPe32-1p.Q1426Kp.R1513*.p.K1640delGLLFFLALLTTTSPQSISITVTPGSGSTPSIMSGC* p.K1640fsp.W1641*gene altered in 72 untreatedgene altered in 19 treatedgene altered in allpathway altered in all pathway altered in 72 untreatedpathway altered in 19 treatedRange (low, high)+Newly diagnosed untreated vs. Treated casesNew DX UntreatedSpecimen acrural siteDuke UniversityHenry Ford Hospital MD AndersonUC San Francisop.D1828Ne37+1p.Q1966*p.T1983delQICLMLY* p.T1983fse42-1p.Q2281delHHFLIRTRLCTKPSFG* p.Q2281fsp.W2296*p.S2311*p.A2315Tp.E2318delNKTCIL* p.E2318fs NO_synthaseig NM_194449p.M738TSCPPI3_PI4_kinase NM_006218p.LWGIHLM10delp.P18delp.R88QTCGA-02-0102-01A-01WTCGA-02-0102-10A-01Wp.D451N NM_000059p.R18HTCGA-06-0169-01A-01WTCGA-06-0169-10A-01Wp.P920STCGA-02-0014-01A-01WTCGA-02-0014-10A-01Wp.I1017SENST00000282059p.G283E NM_001229p.G134Ep.A423V NM_005188p.P428Lp.W609*TCGA-06-0189-01A-01WTCGA-06-0189-10A-01W NM_172359p.I350VTCGA-06-0141-01A-01WTCGA-06-0141-10A-01WENST00000281141p.E293KENST00000370769p.E6576Kp.P4545Sp.S4074Cp.G2032Ep.E1716GENST00000281662p.G2183DTCGA-02-0107-01A-01WTCGA-02-0107-10A-01WENST00000337737p.G304ETCGA-06-0237-01A-02WTCGA-06-0237-10A-01W NM_005228p.L62Rp.R222CTCGA-02-0021-01A-01WTCGA-02-0021-10A-01Wp.R252CTCGA-02-0007-01A-01WTCGA-02-0007-10A-01Wp.T263Pp.A289TTCGA-06-0157-01A-01WTCGA-06-0157-10A-01Wp.A289VTCGA-06-0156-01A-01WTCGA-06-0156-10A-01WTCGA-06-0148-01A-03WTCGA-06-0126-01A-01WTCGA-06-0126-10A-01W NM_000089p.R938H NM_000090p.G861Sp.G879D NM_001849p.P257L NM_001894p.G415RNovel: Nucleotide NM_001904 NM_004390 NM_015247p.A154V NM_000785p.G290ETCGA-02-0080-01A-01WTCGA-02-0080-10A-01Wp.P247SENST00000336411p.D6N NM_152879p.R80Q TranscriptCALLED_CLASSIFICATIONPROT_STRING_SHORT PFAM_DOMAINComments NM_001089p.A521VABC_membrane:ABC_tranPep_M12B_propep hgsc.bcm.eduTSP_1AnnexinPH NM_001668p.P607SIQ vATP-synt_E NM_001184p.R2533*fn3'Validated_Somatic_Wildtype_Verificationzf-C2H2< NM_173060p.A401VD123AnkDel1p.H134delPDPCTTLPGRASWTRWWCCTGPGRGWTCAMPGAVCPWTWLp.H134fse13+1CES3 NP_065681RHOA NP_001655 NP_001035918RPA1 NP_002936 NP_002941S100P NP_005971SEC61G NP_001012474 GI:21361071 NM_004761.2RGL2 GeneID:58635CTACACTCGGGGATTCTGGAGACCA[CG]TCGACCCGCAATGAACTGGAATAAKE1.5; RAB2L; HKE1.5�RAB2; member RAS oncogene family-like; GDS-related protein; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_function: Ras guanyl-nucleotide exch5ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like 2 cg03030524 GI:47080097 NM_199071.2C21orf58 GeneID:540586GCCAGCCTGGCAGGGGATTTTAAAAT[CG]GCCAATCACAGCGGGCGCCAGGCC,isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2'hypothetical protein LOC54058 isoform 2 cg03043670 GI:16306490 NM_001786.2CDC2 GeneID:9834AGGCTTGGTGTGCAAGTTCAGAGGG[CG]GGCAACATCAGGTTCTGGCAAGGCDK1; MGC111195; DKFZp686L20222�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; cell division control protein 2 homolog; cyclin-dependent kinase 1; p34 protein kinase; cell cycle controller CDC2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function'cell division cycle 2 protein isoform 1 cg03098927 GI:56118233 NM_181716.2PRR6 GeneID:2011612CCAGAATCCACTCGCACCTG[CG]AAGGCGCCCCTGCCCTGTGTGAATCCp30; 3110013H01RikVnuclear protein p30; go_function: carbon-sulfur lyase activity; go_process: metabolismproline rich 6 cg03108875 GI:62739153 NM_014387.3LAT GeneID:27040-GGGTCCTGGATATGGAGGCCA[CG]GCTGCCAGCTGGCAGGTGGC LAT1; pp36�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; 36 kDa phospho-tyrosine adaptor protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: lipid raft; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: immunological synapse; go_function: protein binding; go_function: pr*linker for activation of T cells isoform a cg03113460 GI:5031846 NM_005562.1LAMC2 GeneID:39183CTCTGTGCCACACCCTTGGCC[CG]GGCCAGGTGTGCGCCCTCCTCGCTGC'B2T; EBR2; BM600; EBR2A; LAMB2T; LAMNB2�isoform a precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; nicein-100kDa; kalinin-105kDa; BM600-100kDa; laminin; gamma 2 (nicein (100kD); kalinin (105kD); BM600 (100kD); Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa)); nicein (100kDa); go_component: laminin-5; go$laminin; gamma 2 isoform a precursor cg03132840 GI:75677393 NM_175769.1TCF23 GeneID:1509218GACTCAGGCCAAAGCACGGTTGCTGCCAGG[CG]CTGACAGGAAGAGGAGCCGCCTOUTtranscription factor 23 cg03200574 GI:75991711 NM_005156.4ROD1 GeneID:99912AGAGCAGGGACTGACGGGCTAACCG[CG]AGCAGAGGAAGCAGGCGGCGG DKFZp781I1117�fission yeast differentiation regulator; regulator of differentiation (in S. pombi) 1; regulator of differentiation (in S. pombe) 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: n#ROD1 regulator of differentiation 1 cg03237412 GI:76781448 NM_025165.2ELL3 GeneID:802373CCGAGAGACCAGAGGATGGCTGACA[CG]AAGGGGCACCCGAGACAGCGCCFLJ22637�go_component: nucleus; go_component: transcription elongation factor complex; go_function: protein binding; go_function: positive transcription elongation factor activity; go_function: RNA polymerase II transcription elongation factor activity; go_process*elongation factor RNA polymerase II-like 3 cg03272336 GI:50511339 NM_018330.3KIAA1598 GeneID:576986solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter); member 10 cg06669172 GI:13775237 NM_031310.1PLVAP GeneID:834833GGGCGGTGCTGATTAAGTGCCACAAAA[CG]TGGGAAATGTGCCAGGCACGPV1; FELS; PV-1; gp68bfenestrated-endothelial linked structure protein; PV-1 protein; go_component: integral to membrane&plasmalemma vesicle associated protein cg06671916 GI:21361605 NM_021825.3MDS025 GeneID:604926CAAGCCGCTCACTTTTCGTGAGG[CG]TCACATCCTGCTGCTTCACCCTCTGGTMDS011synonym: MDS011hypothetical protein LOC60492 cg06700690 GI:21618332�go_function: ATP binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: diacylglycerol binding; go_function: protein kinase C activity; go_process: intracellular signaling cascade; go_procprotein kinase C; eta cg10049912 GI:33598955 NM_182896.1ARL13B GeneID:2008947TCCTTGGCTAAGAGGGCAGTCGTCG[CG]GACCCACGCGGTTAGCAAGGCTTAGT*ARL2L1; MGC120611; MGC120612; DKFZp761H079�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2-like 1; go_function: GTP binding; go_process: intracellular protein transport/ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2-like 1 isoform 1 cg10051645 GI:16936519 NM_025216.2WNT10A GeneID:80326/TCTGCCAGGCACACACACCT[CG]CGGTAACACATATCCCCCACACAFLJ14301�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_process: development; go_process: frizzled-2 signaling pathway@wingless-type MMTV integration site family; member 10A precursor cg10085973 GI:49574585 NM_015227.3POFUT2 GeneID:23275.CCATCCTCTGACCCTGCC[CG]GTCCTGGAACCCCAGCGTTGGCACFUT13; C21orf80�isoform A is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_function: peptide-O-fucosyltransferase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go_process: fucose metabolism; go_process: carbohydrate metabolism(protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 isoform A cg10087924 GI:23503260 NM_153336.1C10orf89 GeneID:1186723TTCACATCTGGGAACCGCAAAGGAGCG[CG]GTGGTCGGACTGTCAGCCTCPSTK; MGC35392 cg12845613 GI:46409355 NM_207362.1MGC42367 GeneID:3439900ACCCGGAGGTGGTGGCAAGTCAGTC[CG]GGACTGGCCCAGGGCACCChypothetical protein LOC343990 cg12851566 GI:56693214 NM_152715.2LRRC35 GeneID:2198991GGTCAATGCAGGACACTGGGCTCCGG[CG]GCCAGAGTGGGGGACTAGGEl; FLJ14177; MGC102336catastrophin; E-like; go_process: protein modification!leucine rich repeat containing 35 cg12869780 GI:34147583 NM_015472.3WWTR1 GeneID:25937/CTTTGAGTTTACCACGGACTTGGGG[CG]GGATCAAAGGGAAAGTGGTAZ; DKFZP586I1419�transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ); go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription coactivator activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent.WW domain containing transcription regulator 1 cg12884832 GI:68800039 NM_006758.2U2AF1 GeneID:73070CCACAGAGCCGCCTGGGGCT[CG]GTGGGGGGCGCTCAGCTCGACCCC1RN; FP793; U2AF35; U2AFBP; RNU2AF1; DKFZp313J1712�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant a; splicing factor U2AF 35kDa subunit; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxillary factor; 35-KD subunit; U2(RNU2) small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor binding protein; U2(RNU2) small nuclear RNA auxillary factor 1U2 small nuclear RNA auxillary factor 1 isoform a cg12896421 GI:21359932 NM_020169.2LXN GeneID:569254CCGCCCCACTACTGCCTGCAG[CG]GGCTTCCTTACTCCGCCTGCTGGTTCCECI; TCImlatexin protein; go_function: enzyme inhibitor activity; go_function: metalloendopeptidase inhibitor activitylatexin cg12897058 GI:62751416 NM_173825.2RABL3 GeneID:2852826AAACCTTGTTCCCTGTTCCTTGTT[CG]GAGTTCCCTGGCCGGGCATTGCATTTMGC23920�go_component: Golgi stack; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: protein transport; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transduction; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; g)RAB; member of RAS oncogene family-like 3 cg12915061 GI:88943539 XM_371320.3PEAR1 GeneID:3750331TCTGCATGGTCTGTGTCGGGTA[CG]TGTGTATGGGATGTATATGTGAA+platelet endothelial aggregation receptor 1 cg12925807 GI:21536446 NM_020168.3PAK6 GeneID:569245GTGTGGACCCACGTGTGTGTGAGTG[CG]AGAGTGTGTAAGCCAGTGTGTGTGPAK5�p21-activated protein kinase 6; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: protein amino acid phosphorylationp21-activated kinase 6 cg12926100 GI:63003906 NM_006663.2PPP1R13L GeneID:108486GGAGATACAGAAGAGCCGAG< ACGCCTGCCT[CG]CTGTGGCTGGAGACTGACTCRAI; IASPP; NKIP1; iASPP gene�RelA-associated inhibitor; NFkB interacting protein 1; inhibitor of apoptosis stimulating protein of p53; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor binding; go_function: transcription corepressor activity; go_process: apoptosis; go_process:=protein phosphatase 1; regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 13 like cg12948768 GI:27881483 NM_017590.4ZC3H7B GeneID:232644AGGGGCTGGAAATGAAAGTAAAG[CG]CTCCAGAGCCACATGGACGGAGCTG(RoXaN; FLJ13787; KIAA1031; DKFZp434K0920�ubiquitous tetratricopeptide containing protein RoXaN; Rotavirus X associated non-structural protein; rotavirus X protein associated with NSP3; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic ac#zinc finger CCCH-type containing 7B cg12950973 GI:11386200 NM_020121.2UGCGL2 GeneID:557575AGCCTAGTAGCAGCCGCACCA[CG]TTCGTGGCTTTCGCTGGCGCCATGGCAC#HUGT2; FLJ10873; FLJ11485; MGC87276�go_component: endoplasmic reticulum lumen; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring glycosyl groups; go_function: UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase activity; go_function: U.UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 cg13037719 GI:38524599 NM_022103.2ZNF667 GeneID:639343CGTGTGGACACTGAGGCCCTTCCT[CG]AGCTCTTTAACCAAACCCAACCTFLJ14011zinc finger protein 667 cg13045510 GI:33624895 NM_182920.1ADAMTS9 GeneID:569995GCCGGAGCCTGGTTACCTTGCCT[CG]GGTGCAGCCTGTCCTTGCGCACGGCCKIAA1312�a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif; 9; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: metalloendopeptidase activity; goGADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif; 9 preproprotein cg13084818 GI:73747888 NM_003183.4ADAM17 GeneID:68687CGCCTCCTTTGTCTTGATGCCCA[CG]TCTGGTTAGGACCCCTGCTGTCCATTTTTACE; cSVP; CD156b; MGC71942�snake venom-like protease; a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 17 (tumor necrosis factor; alpha; converting enzyme); TNF-alpha converting enzyme; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_f-ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17 preproprotein cg13085480 GI:4505476 NM_002531.1NTSR1 GeneID:49232TGGAACCCGTGGCAAGCGCCGAGC[CG]GGAGACAGCCCGAGGAACCACGNTR�go_component: Golgi apparatus; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_function: neurotensin receptor activity; G-protein coupled; goneurotensin receptor 1 cg13088780 GI:38198666 NM_144712.2SLC23A3 GeneID:1512958GATCGGCTCATGCTGCCTTGCCTTT[CG]CTTTGTCTTGGCTGCCCGGGACCAGAGE2BP3; SVCT3; Yspl1; FLJ31168fE2-binding protein 3; go_component: membrane; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transport<solute carrier family 23 (nucleobase transporters); member 3 cg13109857 GI:89039655 XM_498632.2 LOC440335 GeneID:440335:AGGGGGACACACAGCAGAGTTGATAGAGAG[CG]AGAAAGACGGCACAGGCATGAAGG(hypothetical protein XP_498632 isoform 1 cg13130696 GI:45580710 NM_004640.4BAT1 GeneID:79193TCCATGCCCCTCATCTCTT[CG]TTTAGGTTTTTGCCACGCAGGTCTTCTCD6S81E�HLA-B associated transcript-1; DEAD-box protein; nuclear RNA helicase (DEAD family); go_component: spliceosome complex; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: helicase activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: nucleHLA-B associated transcript 1 cg13139924 GI:26080430 NM_024857.3C17orf41 GeneID:799154GAAGCTCTGTGGTCCGATCTGCGGTC[CG]CTTGCTTTCCCTGCCCGGTCCCFRAG1; FLJ12735�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; breast cell glutaminase; L-glutaminase; L-glutamine amidohydrolase; phosphate-activated glutaminase; phosphate-dependent glutaminase; glutaminase I; glutaminase; liver; go_component: mitochondrion; go_componenglutaminase GA isoform a cg10308159 GI:66933003 NM_001746.3CANX GeneID:8212CCCTTCCTGATGGCCGATCGT[CG]GACTCCTACCCCTTTTGCCGGCTGCCNX; P90; IP90�major histocompatibility complex class I antigen-binding protein p88; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: sugar binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: calnexin precursor cg10312089 GI:8923762 NM_018404.1CENTA2 GeneID:558032GGGTCCCTCTCCACCTGC[CG]GGCGGAGCGCACGGGCCATGGGCTGAGCcent-b; HSA272195�centaurin beta; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: mitochondrial envelope; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: GTPase activator activity; go_function: protein binding; bridging; gocentaurin-alpha 2 protein cg10321703 GI:67190621 NM_020993.3BCL7A GeneID:6051GGGCAGGTCGGTTCGAGCCGAGA[CG]AGGAGCCGGGCCAAAGATGATABCL7}isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; B-cell CLL/lymphoma-7; go_function: actin binding; go_function: protein binding B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7A isoform a cg10332572 GI:34147713 NM_145233.2ZNF625 GeneID:905892AGGTGTCCTGGCCTCCTCTCCA[CG]GATCCCTCTAACAGTCCAGTCACAzinc finger protein 625 cg10340147 GI:39725651 NM_032348.2MXRA8 GeneID:545874CATGGGCCCCTGATACCACGTGAT[CG]TGTCTCACGTCTAGGAGCCTCCCGMGC3047limitrinmatrix-remodelling associated 8 cg10352817 GI:4505936 NM_002693.1POLG GeneID:54286GGCCTAATGGATAAGGCGTCTGACTT[CG]GATCAGAAGATTGCAGGTTCGAGTPEO; SCAE; POLG1; POLGA; SANDO�DNA polymerase gamma; mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: gamma DNA polymerase complex; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: magnesium ion binding; go_function: delta DNA poly polymerase (DNA directed); gamma cg10376598 GI:44955913 NM_004720.4EDG4 GeneID:91702TCTTCTTCGTGTCCAATCGGC[CG]CCGAGTTACAAGCCACTCCCTGATCLPA2; EDG-4; LPAR2�G protein-coupled receptor; LPA receptor EDG4; lysophosphatidic acid receptor EDG4; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: lipid binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: LIM domain binding; go_fPendothelial differentiation; lysophosphatidic acid G-protein-coupled receptor; 4 cg10414229 GI:41393615 NM_152442.2RAD9B GeneID:1447153GGCAGCCATGCTGAAGTGCGTGATGAG[CG]GCAGTCAGGTGAAAGGTGGAFLJ40346Pgo_process: DNA repair; go_process: regulation of progression through cell cycleRAD9 homolog B cg10417734 GI:70780380 NM_052840.3BRUNOL6 GeneID:606775CCCATCACACATCTCTGTCTT[CG]GTGTCTTTAACCACTTTCTTACCCCTGACELF6�RNA-binding protein BRUNOL-6; CUG-BP and ETR-3 like factor 6; Bruno (Drosophila) -like 6; RNA binding protein; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding!bruno-like 6; RNA binding protein cg10445233 GI:4502406 NM_001713.1BHMT GeneID:6356GGCAAAAGTGCAAGAGGCAAAAGGGA[CG]CTAGGCAGGTTTGAAATCTGAGCG�betaine homocysteine methyltransferase; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: methyltransferase activity; go_function: homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity; go_function: betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferas&betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase cg10486227 GI:8923354 NM_017793.1RPP25 GeneID:549133TGCGCGCTTTAGGGTGAGCCAGGCA[CG]ATGCCTTGCCAACGTGGCCGCCFLJ20374\RNase P protein subunit p25; go_function: protein binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingribonuclease P 25kDa subunit cg10498005 GI:34147716 NM_145238.2ZNF31 GeneID:7579;AACTGTCCAGTTCTCTCCTGCCTAT[CG]GGCTGGTCACCTCTAGTCATTCTCTCTTCTKOX29; ZFP-31; ZNF360; ZSCAN20�zinc finger protein 360; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 31 cg10519371 GI:32964824 NM_152732.2C6orf206 GeneID:2214216GGAGCTTCAGGTCTCCATGGAGG[CG]GCTTCTCCTAGCAACTCGACGGGC< GTTFLJ30845; MRPS18AL1\mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18A-like 1; go_function: structural constituent of ribosomehypothetical protein LOC221421 cg10548649 GI:34304337 NM_138340.3ABHD3 GeneID:1715867AGAGGGAGAGCTCCCGGGACAACATC[CG]CAGGTCCATGGCCAGGCGCTGCATGLABH3; MGC11259<lung alpha/beta hydrolase 3; go_function: hydrolase activity0alpha/beta hydrolase domain containing protein 3 cg10571044 GI:14249707 NM_032921.1MGC15875 GeneID:850076CTAGAATCTAGGCAGGGTGAACCGGA[CG]AGCTGTATCGTCGCTGAGAGAATCMGC45484; MGC117348zisoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_function: transaminase activity; go_function: pyridoxal phosphate binding'hypothetical protein LOC85007 isoform 1 cg10581005 GI:19743797 NM_016324.2ZNF274 GeneID:107823CGGCCTGACCCCTGTCCAG[CG]CCTTTCCTTTCTCCAGCTTCTGCTCTGCZF2; HFB101; DKFZp686K08243�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant ZNF274b; KRAB zinc finger protein HFB101; zinc finger protein zfp2; go_component: nucleolus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function:!zinc finger protein 274 isoform b cg10604470 GI:37595554 NM_017831.2RNF125 GeneID:54941<ATTGATTGGATGACAGAGTAGCGATAGCAC[CG]TCTTAGGAGACGCCCAATCATAGGTCFLJ20456; MGC21737�transcription factor BMAL2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: entrain5aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 cg07620889 GI:33300638 NM_032276.2RHBDD1 GeneID:842364CACACTCTCCTTACTGCGCTCTGC[CG]CGGTCCTGCCCCGCTGTGCCCTCGMGC117258; DKFZp547E052!synonyms: MGC117258; DKFZp547E052hypothetical protein LOC84236 cg07633755 GI:20986527 NM_002754.3 GeneID:56030GGTCCCGCTGGGCAGCCCCGACCC[CG]TGCCTGGGCCGCACCTGCCG!SAPK4; PRKM13; MGC99536; p38delta�stress-activated protein kinase 4; mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 delta; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: MAP kinase activity; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: MP kinase activity; go_function: pr#mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 cg07644368 GI:56786146 NM_001801.2CDO1 GeneID:10368CTTCCAAATAGAGAATTGTGAGGAGCCTG[CG]AAAATTGAGGATGGATTCCACTC NM_152270.2FLJ34922 GeneID:91607 NM_019079.2ECAT11 GeneID:545961CTCACTTTGTTCGCTCCTCAGT[CG]TCCAGGCGGATTCCTTTTTCGCCFLJ10884; RP5-1155K23.3!synonyms: FLJ10884; RP5-1155K23.3hypothetical protein LOC54596 cg00798605 GI:13899248 NM_031430.1RILP GeneID:835477GGAAAAAGCAGCAAATGTGGTCAAGGCAG[CG]GAGTGTGAAAGCCCAGCCCTGCPP10141; FLJ31193 NP_001035147SSTR1 NP_001040 NP_009330 NP_998827SYK NP_003168 NP_004597 NP_003196TFPI2 NP_006519 NP_003246 TNFRSF10B NP_003833 NP_002537TNFRSF8 NP_001234 NP_056086 NP_003843TSFM NP_005717TSPAN31 NP_005972TTK NP_003309 NP_003353 NP_009053USP6NL NP_001073960VASP NP_001008736VAV1 NP_005419VEGFABCL11B NP_075049BCL2L1 NP_612815 NP_056182CAPZA1 NP_006126 NP_001220 NP_114172 NP_002380CDK2 NP_009226MAP3K14 NP_003945PRKCI NP_002731 NP_005836ACTN1 NP_001093ADSL NP_000017 NP_859029ALDOC NP_055585 NP_065574 NP_001265CHN1 NP_001020372CLDN5 NP_003268 NP_001833 NP_000079CRYAB NP_001876CSF1R NP_005202CTDSP2 NP_005721CUL4A NP_001008895CXCR7 NP_001041306CYP2E1 NP_000764DAPK3 NP_001339DBH NP_000778DDX10 NP_004389DEPDC5 NP_001007189 NP_001337DGKH NP_690874 NP_001005360DYRK2 NP_006473E2F6 NP_937987 NP_005217EIF4E NP_001959ENAH NP_001008493 NP_001420 NP_056224 NP_004422 NP_004431ERBB2IP NP_001006600 NP_001973ETS1 NP_005229FABP5 NP_001435FAM119B NP_056248FGF1 NP_000791FGF4 NP_001998 NP_002010 NP_002006GAB1 NP_002030GABBR1 NP_068703 chr6_qbl_hap2GADD45G NP_006696GAS6 NP_000811GDF15 NP_004855GEFT NP_891992 NP_005261 NP_000159GML NP_002057 NP_536351 NP_000817 NP_004482 NP_573574GYPA NP_002090HGF NP_000592HGFAC NP_001519HRAS NP_005334 NP_001017963IFNA21 NP_002166IGFBP3 NP_000589IL15 NP_000576 NP_057316 NP_001014794INPP5D NP_001017915 NP_001073285 NP_003861ITGB1 NP_002202ITK NP_005537 NP_000205JUN NP_002219KDR NP_002244 NP_066015 NP_004789KLRC1 NP_002250LGALS1 NP_002296LGI1 NP_005088LIN7A NP_004655MAD1L1 NP_001013858MAF NP_005351MAOBchrX NP_000889MAP2 NP_001034627MAP2K7 NP_660186MAP3K2 NP_006600MAPK1 NP_002736MAPK10"COSMIC_COMPARISON(ALL_TRANSCRIPTS) OMIM_COMPARISON(ALL_TRANSCRIPTS) PROT_STRINGMissense_MutationSNPTCGA-02-0028-01A-01W NP_002403MIF NP_002406MKL1 NP_065882MMP15 NP_002419MMP2 NP_004521MMP9CASTPDGFRBSPARCMAPK9FLT4MAPK13PIM1PPP2R5DBAI3EPHA7ROS1NMBRPROX1CENPFSOX11PMS2MEOX2SNX13GLI3GNAI1COL1A2SLC25A13TRRAPCYP3A4RINT1ST7WNT2TRIM24NOS3SHHFGFR1NBNRUNX1T1 TNFRSF11BMTAPCDKN2ACNTFRPAX5ANXA1ROR2PTCH1KLF4TNCTSC1VAV2NOTCH1KLF6GATA3UPF2DHTKD1CDC123APBB1IPBAMBICHATANXA7MYST4DMBT1ADAM12DOCK1TRIM3ILKWEE1LDHAATMSNF1LK2CBLCHEK1FLI1ING4ZNF384A2MKRASNELL2ERBB3GLI1DTX3CENTG1CYP27B1AVILTBK1PRKDCLYNPLAG1PI15UNGPTPN11TAOK3MSI1IL31EP400FLT1BRCA2ABCC4LAMP1KTN1RTN1SERPINA3HSP90AA1SLC12A6PMLCTSHADAMTSL3IQGAP1FURINCYLDBCAR1AURKBMAPK7STAT3ITGB3PDK2COL1A1PRKCAKPNA2TIMP2LGALS3BPKIAA1632C18orf25SMAD4PHLPPBCL2INSRMLL4AXLPRKD2GRLF1BAXKLK8JAG1MYLK2KIF3BTOP1GNASITGB2COL6A2ATP6V1E1BCL2L13BCRMN1CHEK2CSNK1EEP300XCDKL5RPS6KA3SYPTAF1DCXAIFM1TSC2ABCA3SOCS1PRKCB1PhaseNameStopomimId proteinAccPhase1ABI1 NP_005461ABL1 NP_009297 NP_003806 NP_997400ANGPT1 NP_001137ANKMY2 NP_064715 NP_000691ANXA2 NP_001002857ASZ1 NP_570124 NP_055382GTS Focal CNA Loss Regions8.3 - 9 SLC45A1, RERE, ENO1, CA6, SLC2A7 50.7 - 51.2 23.8 - 24ATAD2B 50 - 50.4 NP_001789CDKN1C NP_000067CEACAM1 NP_001020083CECR5 NP_149061�" For amplifications, number of samples with copy number gain at this locus; for deletions, number of samples with copy number loss. (Out of 206 samples.)�" For amplifications, number of samples with high level focal gain at this locus; for deletions, number of samples with homozygous deletions. (Out of 206 samples.) Frequency-all events"*>� q values given for largest data set that identified the peakchr7EGFRchr4chr8CSMD3PDGFRAchr12chr2chr21ACTR3Bchr6EGFL11chr9chr11chr1chr19chr22chr3CLDN1, CLDN16, UNQ846, IL1RAPchr13TIAM2HMGA2SLC38A1PTPRRTFECchr14chr16chr10MSH2MSH6BCL11AIL1RL1GYPCCOL3A1STAT1FN1STK36EPHA4IRS1DGKDNDUFA10CHL1NEK10TGFBR2MLH1CTNNB1LTFSEMA3BPRKCDRPN1ATRSLC2A2PIK3CADGKGTNK2GPR78PRKCZ+TUnknownMissenseASomaticCGValidKITFBXW7TRIM2GRIA2TERTPIK3R1CCNB1 p53 signaling#RTK-Ras-PI-3K-AKT signaling network Hugo_SymbolEntrez_Gene_IdCenter NCBI_Build ChromosomeStart_position End_positionStrandVariant_Classifi< cation Variant_TypeReference_AlleleTumor_Seq_Allele1Tumor_Seq_Allele2dbSNP_RSdbSNP_Val_StatusTumor_Sample_BarcodeMatched_Norm_Sample_BarcodeMatch_Norm_Seq_Allele1Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2Tumor_Validation_Allele1Tumor_Validation_Allele2Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2Verification_StatusValidation_StatusMutation_Status 27.6 - 27.9ZNRF3, C22orf31, KREMEN1 42.1 - 42.2Novel: Amino Acid NM_000014p.F1290LTCGA-02-0028-10A-01WNovel: No Cosmic File Focal CNA Gain RegionsGene Set BoundariesGenes 201.6 - 203.4�FMOD, PRELP, OPTC, ATP2B4, LAX1, ZC3H11A, SNRPE, C1orf157, SOX13, ETNK2, REN, KISS1, GOLT1A, PLEKHA6, PPP1R15B, PIK3C2B, MDM4, LRRN2, NFASC, CNTN2, TMEM81, RBBP5 241.4 - 242.97CEP170, SDCCAG8, AKT3, ZNF238, C1orf100, ADSS, C1orf101 44.4 - 44.4 55.7 - 55.8PNPT1 121.3 - 121.5 35.7 - 35.8ARPP-21, hsa-mir-128b 191.5 - 191.8 41.1 - 41.4 52.4 - 52.7!DCUN1D4, LOC339977, SGCB, SPATA18 53.4 - 56.6qSCFD2, FIP1L1, LNX1, LOC402176, CHIC2, GSX2, PDGFRA, KIT, KDR, SRD5A2L, TMEM165, CLOCK, PDCL2, NMU, EXOC1, CEP135 66.1 - 66.3 129.2 - 129.9 155.5 - 155.6 53.1 - 53.1 DKFZp564N2472 54.6 - 56.1kVSTM2A, SEC61G, EGFR, LANCL2, ECOP, FKBP9L, SEPT14, ZNF713, MRPS17, GBAS, PSPH, CCT6A, SUMF2, PHKG1, CHCHD2 77.5 - 78.9MAGI2 115.4 - 115.5 116.1 - 117.3+MET, CAPZA2, ST7, WNT2, ASZ1, CFTR, CTTNBP2 152.1 - 152.2 61.8 - 61.9 113.3 - 114.5 6.4 - 6.5UHRF2 8.3 - 10.6 134.6 - 1351C9orf98, C9orf9, TSC1, GFI1B, GTF3C5, CEL, RALGDS 88.4 - 88.7 LDB3, BMPR1A 123.2 - 123.3 82.8 - 84.3 109.5 - 109.5 43.9 - 44.1 44.9 - 44.9 48.9 - 49 56.1 - 56.6�INHBE, GLI1, ARHGAP9, MARS, DDIT3, hsa-mir-616, MBD6, DCTN2, KIF5A, PIP4K2C, DTX3, GEFT, SLC26A10, B4GALNT1, OS9, CENTG1, TSPAN31, CDK4, MARCH9, CYP27B1, METTL1, FAM119B, TSFM, AVIL, CTDSP2, hsa-mir-26a-2, XRCC6BP1 67.3 - 68.4[RAP1B, LOC643752, NUP107, SLC35E3, MDM2, CPM, CPSF6, LYZ, YEATS4, FRS2, CCT2, LRRC10, BEST3 69.3 - 69.4 71 - 71.3TRHDE 108 - 108.7MYO16 109.2 - 109.2IRS2 55.1 - 55.1 75.5 - 75.6 48.6 - 48.6TEX101 16.4 - 16.91C21orf34, hsa-mir-99a, hsa-let-7c, hsa-mir-125b-2 FOXO3+4 mut.FOXO4XIAPDCLK1S1PR3FOXO1GSX2NAMPTPIP4K2APIP4K2C RP6-213H19.1SGSM3HNF1AMARCH9 106.1 - 106.2 140.7 - 142.6 182.7 - 183.1 199.8 - 200 202.9 - 203.1 205.1 - 206.2PARD3B 233.3 - 233.4TNRC15, KCNJ13 235.5 - 236.7SH3BP4, CENTG2 3.8 - 3.9 29.3 - 30 89.2 - 89.5 117 - 117.6 153 - 153AADAC 189.4 - 190.5LPP, hsa-mir-28, FAM79B 2.2 - 2.4 93.4 - 94.9 98.7 - 99.3 148.6 - 148.7EDNRA 151.4 - 152.2 LRBA, MAB21L2 187.7 - 187.911 - 12CTNND2 37.1 - 37.2 152.5 - 152.5SYNE1, C6orf98 163.8 - 163.9 166.7 - 167 4.1 - 4.3 133.8 - 133.8AKR1B1 2.8 - 4.8CSMD1 9.5 - 9.7TNKS, hsa-mir-597 14 - 15.1SGCZ, hsa-mir-383 35.5 - 35.8UNC5D 85.3 - 86RALYL 140.7 - 140.8 19.5 - 19.8 20.3 - 22.4qMLLT3, KIAA1797, hsa-mir-491, PTPLAD2, (9p21 interferon-family), KLHL9, hsa-mir-31, MTAP, CDKN2A, CDKN2B, DMRTA1 23.7 - 23.8 26.8 - 28.7JC9orf82, PLAA, IFT74, LRRC19, TEK, C9orf11, MOBKL2B, IFNK, C9orf72, LINGO2 16.7 - 16.9 25.5 - 25.9 51.6 - 51.7ASAH2 52.4 - 53.7PRKG1, hsa-mir-605, CSTF2T 83.6 - 84.7NRG3 87.3 - 88.1GRID1, hsa-mir-346 89.4 - 90.3PAPSS2, ATAD1, PTEN, C10orf59 111.8 - 111.9 126.1 - 126.3LHPP 40.1 - 40.3 87.9 - 88.4 42 - 42.2 44.4 - 44.6ARID2 55.6 - 55.6 79.1 - 79.3 84 - 84.2 LRRIQ1, ALX1 110 - 110.3 122.8 - 123DNAH10 34.4 - 35.1 NBEA, MAB21L1 47.8 - 48 RB1, P2RY5 57.1 - 57.2 75.1 - 75.3 92.7 - 93.9GPC6 98.3 - 98.7ADAMTS176 - 7.7 26.4 - 26.9!NF1, OMG, EVI2B, EVI2A, RAB11FIP4 47.1 - 47.6CA10 48.1 - 49.3DCC 53.9 - 54.2NEDD4L 13.9 - 16MACROD2, FLRT3 57.6 - 57.9PHACTR3 21.3 - 21.8NCAM2 40.3 - 41.1DSCAM02-000902-001002-001102-001402-001502-001602-002102-002302-002402-002502-002602-002702-002802-0033TCGA-02-0024-01B-01WTCGA-02-0024-10A-01Wp.G367RTCGA-02-0043-01A-01WTCGA-02-0043-10A-01W broad.mit.edugenome.wustl.eduNonsenseWildtypeFRAP1TNFRSF1BCASP9EPHA2ID3MAP3K6TRIM33NRASARNTADAM15USF1POU2F1ASPMLAX1PIK3C2BCD46Frequency- focal events" Asian)Fixed Deletion not Insertion p.T78delRQI* p.C105del*p.C105fsDSPc p.R130delQLV*p.R130fsp.R159delGPETKRE*p.R159fs p.T319delp.T319fs p.T319del*p.N323delMILTKQIKTKPTDTFLQILR*p.N323fs p.A328del*p.A328fs Y_phosphatase p.L267delRT*p.L267fsRB_Ae18+2RB_Be20-1Rb_Ce24-1Fze21+1 Ribophorin_IPkinase:Pkinase_CSerpinHint NM_005135p.D929Yp.A896VSugar_trMH2 NM_015132Kazal_1e3-2 STAT_alpha NM_003150p.S405delCRIQTLDPEGAEMWEWGPSQL*p.S405fsMARVEL TBP-bindingp.S497delCQSQWQSFSPV*p.S497fse17-1 NM_198255 ecTbetaR2 EGF:EGF_2TNFR_c6 Topoisom_I P53_tetramer)p.S313delAPLPSQRRNHWMENISPFRSVGVSASRCSES*p.S313fse8-1P53p.N200delIACGVFG*p.N200fsp.K139delNLPCAAVG*p.K139fs8p.S99delENLPGQLRFPSGLLAFWDSQVCDLHVLPCPQQDVLPTGQDLPCAAVG*p.S99fsFilaminNHLp.E2017Kc.6049TuberinMIF4G NM_003371e22-1wntZEB1ENST00000320985p.E128Kc.382 NM_001039917p.A433TInf�go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transduction; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transduction.ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator cg013665105GCATTCCATTACAGTGTCTTTCAG[CG]GAGCCAGAGCTCAGCCAATCCTAAT cg01404906 GI:63999751 NM_152331.2ACOT4 GeneID:1229702TTTGCCTCAGACGAGTCCGGAGCGC[CG]GGTTAACCGGTCTGAAGTCCCPTE1B; PTE2B; PTE-Ib�go_component: peroxisome; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: serine esterase activity; go_function: palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity; go_process: lipid metabolism$peroxisomal acyl-CoA thioesterase 2B cg01436362 GI:48675821 NM_145257.2C1orf96 GeneID:126731;CTGGTCCCAGCAGACGCTGTCCCAGGCA[CG]CGTCACTCTGCAGGAGTCGTCAGTTAGFLJ41471; RP4-803J11.3 synonyms: FLJ41471; RP4-803J11.3hypothetical protein LOC126731 cg01437521 GI:74271902 NM_175856.4CSS3 GeneID:3378761TTCTCTCCGGCTGGCAGCGGTGC[CG]CCTGCGGCTCCTCCTCCGGGCCCHSY2�carbohydrate (chondroitin) synthase 2; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: N-acetylgalactosaminyl-proteoglycan 3-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activichondroitin sulfate synthase 3 cg01518917 GI:19743791 NM_001717.2BNC1 GeneID:6460CTCCCCTCCTACCCTGGGG[CG]CCCTCGGGGTCTCACTGCCGCGGAGBNC; BSN1; HsT19447�zinc finger protein basonuclin; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: epidermis development; go_process: regulation of trans basonuclin 1 cg01519261 GI:49574544 NM_001754.3RUNX1 GeneID:861/CTGTGGGTTGGTGATGCTCACCA[CG]CTGCGAAACCCTGTGGTTTG8AML1; CBFA2; EVI-1; AMLCR1; PEBP2A2; PEBP2aB; AML1-EVI-1�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; core-binding factor; runt domain; alpha subunit 2; aml1 oncogene; acute myeloid leukemia 1 gene; AML1-EVI-1 fusion protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: protein binding; go_fun-runt-related transcription factor 1 isoform a cg01519382 GI:50284695 NM_182757.2IBRDC2 GeneID:2554885CTGTCAGCCGCAGAGCACGGAGGAAAGA[CG]GAGAGAATGGAAGAGCTCCTG&p53RFP; KIAA0161; MGC71786; bA528A10.3�p53-inducible RING finger protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: ligase activity; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion bindiIBR domain containing 2 cg01524690< GI:6138970 NM_001611.2ACP5 GeneID:542TCTGGGCACACGTGTGCAGCAGCCT[CG]GCCCACACAGCCTCCGGGTGGTRAP; MGC117378�tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5; go_component: lysosome; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: acid phosphatase activity/tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 5 precursor cg01538659 GI:46397389 NM_015100.2POGZ GeneID:231264TTCACGGCCTCCCAATTGGT[CG]GAGCGCGCTGCACGTCATGGGCTCATCC!SUHW5; ZNF635; KIAA0461; MGC71543NM_001017915.1 GeneID:36351TGTGCTGAGGCCTGTGCTGCAGAGC[CG]TGACAGGGTTGGACTTCTGC'SHIP; SHIP1; hp51CN; SIP-145; MGC1048557AGAGTGTTTTGGCCAAGATGCCCGCCA[CG]AAACAGGAAAGCGGAGACAGCGCCMGC46448synonym: MGC46448hypothetical protein LOC375444 cg08659444 GI:20336764 NM_138448.2ACYP2 GeneID:988GAAAATATCACAATCCGTTTAGAATA[CG]AGTTCAGGCTCAATTCCTTCCTGACT ACYM; ACYP�acylphosphate phosphohydrolase; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: acylphosphatase activity; go_process: phosphate metabolismmuscle-type acylphosphatase 2 cg08665810 GI:34335395 NM_032515.3BOK GeneID:6661CCACTGCTCTGCCTTGCGGGGGC[CG]CTCCGGCCTGGTCGCCTTCTCCBOKL; BCL2L9; MGC4631�go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: protein dimerization activity; go_process: regulation of apoptosis; go_process: induction of apoptosisBCL2-related ovarian killer cg08671671 GI:20070381 NM_138574.1HDGFL1 GeneID:1541502CAGTGGATCTTCTCGGGGCCC[CG]AGCGTTGCCCGCCCATTAGGTGGCGPWWP1; dJ309H15.1DHDGF (hepatoma-derived growth factor) like; PWWP domain containing 1%hepatoma derived growth factor-like 1 cg08697504 GI:31982886 NM_032638.3GATA2 GeneID:26242ACGCTGGCCTCGCTACCTTCCTGG[CG]CTCACGCTGCCTCTCTCTCCCCNFE1B; MGC2306�GATA-binding protein 2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor GATA binding protein 2 cg08703527 GI:22748650 NM_152288.1MGC13024 GeneID:931295ATCATGTGGCTAGCCCCGGCTC[CG]CCTCTGTCCCAGTTCCTGTTTTGGCCThypothetical protein LOC93129 cg08721831 GI:41327744 NM_014708.3KNTC1 GeneID:97353ATGGCACAAAGGCGAGGAGGCCCGG[CG]CGTCGCACAGCTTGCTGGGAGA ROD; KIAA0166 NM_030980.1ISG20L2 GeneID:818758GGAGAAAAATGAGGTAAGCTCGATCTC[CG]TAGGACTTATGGAAGGAAAGACATCFLJ12671Ygo_component: nucleus; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: exonuclease activity3interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20kDa-like 2 cg11349039 GI:89058997 XM_377720.2 LOC150356 GeneID:1503561GGGGGCACCAGCAGCTGGCC[CG]GGAGTCAGCAGTCCTGGGCTCCCTChypothetical protein LOC150356 cg11352060 GI:51242136NM_001003682.1TTMB GeneID:3994748TCCGCCCGCAGCGAAGCTGCAGCAGGAG[CG]ACTTGAGCTAGACACCGGGAAGACMGC90489; MGC102864two transmembrane Bhypothetical protein LOC399474 cg11365686 GI:41281380 NM_006039.2MRC2 GeneID:99026GCCCTGGCCTCGTCACCTGCTG[CG]CTGCGTCCTGCTCCTCGGGTGCCTGCAC)CD280; UPARAP; CLEC13E; ENDO180; KIAA0709�member of macrophage mannose receptor protein family; endocytic receptor (macrophage mannose receptor family); urokinase plasminogen activator receptor-associated protein; go_function: sugar binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: receptor actmannose receptor; C type 2 cg11378729 GI:21735571 NM_018098.4ECT2 GeneID:18942GGCGGTATTTGTGAGAGGAGTCGG[CG]TTTGAAGAGGTGGAACTCCTAGFLJ10461�go_component: intracellular; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; go_process: intracellular signaling cascade; go_process: positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade8epithelial cell transforming sequence 2 oncogene protein cg11397301 GI:4506916 NM_003020.1SGNE1 GeneID:64472GTGTGCTGTAGTGGTGATCTGGCA[CG]TTGTAATTGAGACTGAGGAGGTP7B2�go_component: secretory granule; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: enzyme activator activity; go_function: enzyme inhibitor activity; go_function: unfolded protein binding; go_process: transport; go_process: protein folding; go_process: peptide hormo9secretory granule; neuroendocrine protein 1 (7B2 protein) cg11399870 GI:31377561 NM_017645.3FAM29A GeneID:548013CTCCCTACGGTCAGCCTGAGGT[CG]CGGTGGTCCTTCCATTGCCAACGCC RP11-296P7.3synonym: RP11-296P7.3hypothetical protein LOC54801 cg11518538 GI:19924112 NM_004584.2RAD9A GeneID:58833GGCAGCATGAAGTGCCTGGTCACGGG[CG]GCAACGTGAAGGGTGAGTGCARAD9�RAD9 homolog (S. pombe); RAD9 (S. pombe) homolog; cell cycle checkpoint control protein; go_component: nucleus; go_process: DNA repair; go_process: DNA damage checkpoint; go_process: DNA replication checkpoint; go_process: regulation of progression throug RAD9 homolog cg11522994 GI:61966896NM_001013723.1 LOC441208 GeneID:4412082CCCCTTCCTGCTGGAGCCAG[CG]AGGGGTGCCTGCAGCCGGGACACCTThypothetical protein LOC441208 cg11531152 GI:70778877 NR_002330.1ST7OT1 GeneID:936535GCACTCTTGGGAGTGTATGGATGA[CG]TGTCAGGTCACCAAATGGATTGTCGST7 overlapping transcript 1 cg11532302 GI:27894292 NM_006718.2PLAGL1 GeneID:53253AGCGGGGCCTGCTAGCCGAAGTCTC[CG]CCAGGATGGGCCGCCAGAGCCC4ZAC; LOT1; ZAC1; MGC126275; MGC126276; DKFZp781P1017�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; PLAG-like 1; pleomorphic adenoma gene-like 1; ZAC tumor supressor; pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1; isoform 2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: meta*pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1 isoform 2 cg11540806 GI:4557039 NM_003999.1OSMR GeneID:91805GGTCACTCGGCTTACCTCTGGTTC[CG]CCGGCTGGCCCGTGCGTCCTTGGCCOSMRB; MGC75127�go_component: oncostatin-M receptor complex; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: oncostatin-M receptor activity; go_process: cell proliferation; go_process: cell surface receptor linked signal transductiononcostatin M receptor cg11541187 GI:7657436 NM_014454.1SESN1 GeneID:272442TCGCGGGGTCAGTGGATATCCTCA[CG]TTGTGGAGCTGTCAAATCCGTGPA26; SEST1; RP11-787I22.1�p53 regulated PA26 nuclear protein; go_component: nucleus; go_process: cell cycle arrest; go_process: response to DNA damage stimulus; go_process: negative regulation of cell proliferation sestrin 1 cg11556175 GI:24308236 NM_020845.1PITPNM2 GeneID:57605:GACCCACCTGTATCATGTACAGCTGGG[CG]ATGCGGTACTCCTCCACGGTCATTGGCNIR3; RDGB2; RDGBA2; KIAA1457�PYK2 N-terminal domain-interacting receptor 3; retinal degeneration B alpha 2 (Drosophila); go_component: intracellular; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: transport; go_proces<phosphatidylinositol transfer protein; membrane-associated 2 cg11597344 GI:34147712 NM_005077.3TLE1 GeneID:70880CGACCAGCACTCGGTGTTCTC[CG]CGGTTGCACAAACCCTCCGGGCCESG; ESG1; GRG1�transducin-like enhancer of split 1; homolog of Drosophila E(sp1); enhancer of split groucho 1; go_component: nucleus; go_process: development; go_process: organ morphogenesis; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: frizzled signaling pathway; go_pr"transducin-like enhancer protein 1 cg11606498 GI:14602442 NM_031414.2STK31 GeneID:561645CCCGCTAACACCGGATGATGGCGCAG[CG]CTGTGCACGCAGGCGCAGTGTGGTDRD8�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; tudor domain containing 8; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein kinase activity; go_function: pr$serine/threonine kinase 31 isoform a cg11620723 GI:89040546 XM_926229.1 LOC642452 GeneID:6424520CCCACAGCTGCATCATCCA[CG]CAAAAGTCACCAATACCCACAGCTGhypothetical protein XP_931322 cg11626852 GI:34222114 NM_020116.2FSTL5 GeneID:568848CCTTTGCCTTCGCGGGGACTGC[CG]TTTCTGCGCACTCTAAGATCGCTGCGGGCAKIAA1263; DKFZp566D234 go_function: calcium ion bindingfollistatin-like 5 cg11628974 GI:48255908 NM_004609.3TCF15 GeneID:69393GCCGGCGGCCCACCCCGAAGGCCCC[CG]TTCCCGGCTGGCTAGCCCGGCA< EC2; PARAXIS�go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity; go_process: mesoderm development; go_process: regulation of transcription from RNA.basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 15 cg11638962 GI:4758191 NM_004760.1STK17A GeneID:9263=CTTACAGCTCAAATGCCTTTTATTAAC[CG]AAGGTCAGCTTTTGTGACTCTCAGACGCTCDRAK1�death-associated protein kinase-related 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_process: apoptosis; go_process: induc�Homo sapiens zinc finger protein 223; Zinc finger protein ZNF223 [amino acids 82-482]; KRAB A domain; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 223 cg09069300 GI:46047454 NM_206894.1MGC62100 GeneID:3885362TCTTAGGCTGGAAGTAACCTTGGTCC[CG]ACGGCCCTGGGAAATGTAGTFLJ20350hypothetical protein LOC388536 cg09076012 GI:19923725 NM_002514.2NOV GeneID:48561TGCCCCCAAGTTACTTTGCC[CG]CCTTGGTGGCCCCCATTTGGTCACCCCN3; NOVH; IGFBP9�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: growth factor activity; go_function: insulin-like growth factor binding; go_process: regulation of cell growth nov precursor cg09095055 GI:20070338 NM_030899.2ZNF323 GeneID:642889CAGCAAACGGCTCTGTGGCTCCTGC[CG]CTCCCACACTTACAGCTGTACTCCTTGG'ZNF310P; FLJ23407; ZNF20-Lp; dJ874C20.2�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; zinc finger protein 310 pseudogene; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_proce!zinc finger protein 323 isoform 1 cg09097309 GI:22748904 NM_152431.1PIWIL4 GeneID:1436899GCCCGAGTGAAGGCCAGAGGCATCGCC[CG]CAGCCCCAGTGCCACAGAAGTGGGGCHIWI2; FLJ36156; DKFZp686P01248piwi-like 2 (Drosophila) piwi-like 4 cg09114195 GI:4758177 NM_004411.1DYNC1I1 GeneID:17803GGGCGAGCCCCGCAGACTGAGTGCTC[CG]GGGAGCTGTCAGTGTCAGGCT DNCI1; DNCIC1`go_component: microtubule; go_component: cytoplasmic dynein complex; go_function: motor activity/dynein; cytoplasmic; intermediate polypeptide 1 cg09114581 GI:20665033 NM_032470.2TNXB GeneID:71486AGCCACAACCGACTGTGGATCTCGGCAG[CG]ACAGTGAGGAGGGAGTCTGCAG-XB; TNX; XBS; HXBL; TENX; TNXB1; TNXB2; TNXBS�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant XB-S; tenascin XB1; tenascin XB2; hexabrachion-like; tenascin-X; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: protein binding; go_process: ctenascin XB isoform 2 cg09171215 GI:37595563 NM_000734.2CD3Z GeneID:9193TTTCTAGAAGTTCCCTGCCGT[CG]ACACGTCGGCCCTACCTGTAATCGGC!CD3H; CD3Q; TCRZ; CD247; CD3-ZETA�isoform 2 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 2; T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 zeta chain; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: T cell receptor complex; .T-cell receptor zeta chain isoform 2 precursor cg09175834 GI:66933019 NM_014903.3NAV3 GeneID:89795=GGTCAAAGCCTGTGCATACTGCTCTTC[CG]ATACCAAATCTTGGCACTACTGGGTCACAG$POMFIL1; unc53H3; KIAA0938; STEERIN3�pore membrane and/or filament interacting like protein 1; steerin 3; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleoside-triphosphatase activityneuron navigator 3 cg09184733 GI:23397509 NM_153233.1FLJ36445 GeneID:163183.CTTTGCCCACGGTTCCTAGGT[CG]CGGAGTCACAGCAGCCCCAAAhypothetical protein LOC163183 cg09191288 GI:19923839 NM_022780.2FLJ13910 GeneID:647953TCAGGCTACGGGCAGCTGTGCGAGCG[CG]GCCTGGAGGAGCTCATCGACTFLJ12753; FLJ21795; MGC78451&synonyms: FLJ12753; FLJ21795; MGC78451hypothetical protein LOC64795 cg09252209 GI:42544158 NM_006644.2HSPH1 GeneID:108080TGTCCGGAGAGCATGTTGGGAAT[CG]TAGTCCCGCTGGGAGAAGTGT$HSP105A; HSP105B; KIAA0201; NY-CO-25�heat shock 105kD beta; heat shock 105kD alpha; heat shock 105kDa protein 1; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: protein folding; go_process: response to unfolded proteinheat shock 105kD cg09257332 GI:28274685 NM_133466.1ZNF545 GeneID:284406/TGGGATTTGAGACCGTGTGACTC[CG]GAGATTCGGGGAAGCCAGTTKIAA1948; MGC45380zinc finger protein 545 cg09276978 GI:34335250 NM_183006.1DLGAP4 GeneID:22839/AGGACCTGGTGGCCCCCGGG[CG]GTGGCAGAGCCCCTGTCCCAAGC#DAP4; SAPAP4; KIAA0964; RP5-977B1.6�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; disks large associated protein 4; SAP90/PSD-95-associated protein 4; PSD-95/SAP90 binding protein 4; go_component: membrane; go_process: cell-cell signaling*disks large-associated protein 4 isoform b cg09279949 GI:40288292 NM_000361.2THBD GeneID:70560GATGGCGACAGCCTCTCCTGTC[CG]TCCCAGCCCAGACACTTCTTGCTM; THRM; CD141�fetomodulin; CD141 antigen; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: sugar binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: transmembrane receptor activity; go_process: blood coagulationthrombomodulin precursor cg09299174 GI:62241025 NM_021951.2DMRT1 GeneID:17613CCCAGCTTCCTCGGTGCAC[CG]TGCTTTGGCAACCGGGTCTTGGCGCCTCDMT1�DM domain expressed in testis 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: sex differentiation; go_process: sex det2doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1 cg09398182 GI:7242221 NM_013409.1FST GeneID:104683AGACCCCCGTCTAGATTTAAAG[CG]CGGCTGCGCCCGGCTTCTGACGTCCFS�isoform FST344 precursor is encoded by transcript variant FST344; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: protein binding; go_function: activin inhibitor activity; go_process: development; go_process: negative regulation of follicle-stimulating h$follistatin isoform FST344 precursor cg09401417 GI:35250772 NM_018457.2 DKFZp564J157 GeneID:544586GGGTGACTAGGAAGAGCCGAGACTG[CG]AAGGAGAACGCAGCAAGCCCAGGCG,isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 2�gycosyltransferase; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: transferase activity; transferring hexosyl groups; go_process: carbohydrate biosynthesis)glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 2 cg05732286 GI:42718018 NM_014901.4RNF44 GeneID:228385GCGCTGACATCATGGCCCGGC[CG]CCCCACTTCTCCTTGTTTATACTACACGKIAA1100ring finger protein 44 cg05740439 GI:4504700 NM_001565.1CXCL10 GeneID:3627:GTCTAAGCAATTGAGGAATGTCTCAGAAAA[CG]TGGGGCTAGTGTGCCATATTTATC5C7; IFI10; INP10; IP-10; crg-2; mob-1; SCYB10; gIP-10�small inducible cytokine subfamily B (Cys-X-Cys); member 10; protein 10 from interferon (gamma)-induced cell line; interferon-inducible cytokine IP-10; gamma IP10; go_component: soluble fraction; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: chemokine a&small inducible cytokine B10 precursor cg05749772 GI:4557868 NM_000459.1TEK GeneID:70105GTAGGACGATGCTAATGGAAAGTCACAAAC[CG]CTGGGTTTTTGAAAGGATC TIE2; VMCM; TIE-2; VMCM1; CD202B cg02356763 GI:13375884 NM_024644.1ChrELAVL2 FAF1, CDKN2CSDK1PTENchr50Fisher's Exact P-Values for 72 Untreated SamplesTCGA-02-0038-10A-01Wp.R173Cp.Y177*p.L193Pp.E235*p.F241Lp.T277ICTTAACTTTCGA-02-0071-01A-01W06-020606-020806-020906-021006-021106-0213GeneId06-021406-021906-022106-023706-023806-024106-039406-039706-040206-040906-041006-041206-041306-041406-064406-064506-064606-064808-024408-024608-034408-034508-034608-034708-034808-034908-035008-035108-035208-035308-035408-035508-035608-035708-035808-035908-036008-037308-037508-038008-038608-038908-039008-039208-050908-051008-051108-051208-0514< 08-051608-051708-051808-052008-052108-052208-052408-052508-052908-053112-061512-061612-061812-061912-0620 gene alteredTotcal cases (n)MaleFemaleCAge at procedure (Years) (For GBM: defined to be same as Age at Dx)MeanMedian<Survival (Months) (For participants deceased as of Q1, 2008)Vital status (As of Q1, 2008)DeceasedLivingRaceBlack Am. IndianHawaiianpathway alteredmutation 2 mutationsamp+mutdel+mutC2B amp 3 mutationsC2B mut del+2 mutC2G mut amp+2 mutC2A mut RTK alteredGenderWhiteERBB2SPRY2RASAKT/FOXOPI3KCAPI3KR1 PIKC2A/B/GRTK-Ras PI3K class1RTK only RTK-RAS-PI3KsRTK-RAS-PI3K cl I02-0001homo del02-0003 amplified02-000602-0007aFLJ20699,NCAPH2,MCAT,PHF21B,ZBED4,SCO2,ADM2,FAM118A,MLC1,FAM19A5,MAPK8IP2,PLXNB2,POLDIP3,CYB5R3,A4GALT,ARFGAP3,TTLL1,BZRP,TTLL12,ADPN,SAMM50,PARVB,LDOC1L,PRR5,NUP50,C22orf9,ATXN10,PPARA,LOC150383,GTSE1,TRMU,DIP,TBC1D22A,BRD1,ALG12,CRELD2,PIM3,MOV10L1,PP2447,SELO,TUBGCP6,HDAC10,MAPK12,MAPK11,SAPS2,SBF1,BC002942,CPT1B,RABL2B,CERK,PACSIN2,ARSA,hsa-let-7b<MSGN1 (Amp 2p24.3) was not present on gene expression arrays' P53 signaling RB signaling"RTK-Ras-PI3K-AKT signaling network PI3K class 2Tumor # CDKN2A (ARF)TP53 CDKN2A (P16)CDKN2B02-003402-003702-003802-003902-004302-004602-004702-0048 PIK3CA amp02-005202-005402-005502-005702-005802-006002-006402-006802-006902-007002-007102-007402-007502-007902-008002-008302-008402-008502-008602-008702-008902-009902-010202-010402-010602-010702-011102-011302-011402-011502-011602-025802-026002-026602-026902-027102-028102-028502-028902-029002-031702-032102-032402-000408-0385 PIK3C2B amp.AKT1 amp.AKT3 amp. FOXO1 del.KRAS mut.NRAS mut.AKT3 amp.02-032502-032602-033002-033202-033302-033702-033802-033902-042202-043002-043202-043902-044002-044602-045102-045606-012206-012406-012506-012606-012706-012806-012906-013006-013206-013306-013706-013806-013906-014106-014306-014506-014606-014706-014806-014906-015206-015406-015606-015706-015806-016206-016406-016606-016806-016906-017106-017306-017406-017506-017606-017706-017806-017906-018206-018406-0185�PDE4A,MGC19604,COL5A3,PPAN,EIF3S4,DNMT1,MRPL4,ICAM3,TYK2,CDC37,KEAP1,ATG4D,SLC44A2,ILF3,QTRT1,DNM2,TMED1,CARM1,YIPF2,LOC90580,SMARCA4,LDLR,ANKRD25,RAB3D,UNQ501,LPPR2,FLJ35119,EPOR,RGL3,PRKCSH,FLJ11286,RDH8,LOC388503,FLJ12949,ZNF653,DOCK6GDF15,SFRS14,CSPG3,C19orf60,KIAA0892,PIK3R2,SSBP4,ELL,FKBP8,MGC2749,UBA52,KLHL26,UPF1,COPE,DDX49,HOMER3,ARMC6,FLJ20422,RFXANK,TRA16,HAPLN4,SF4,ATP13A1,ZNF101,ZNF14,ZNF253,GDF1,LASS1,,TM6SF2,NDUFA13,GATAD2A,CRTC1,TMEM59L,FKSG24,SLC25A42,JUND,PGPEP1,CILP2,ZNF506KNIFIE14,MGC10433,COX6B1,MLL4,PSENEN,F25965,HSPB6,U2AF1L4,LOC148137,KIAA0841�RGS6,TRMT5,DIO2,POMT2,SYNJ2BP,DACT1,DPF3,C14orf83,SIX4,VASH1,HSPA2,GPR135,C14orf100,C14orf179,C14orf140,DAAM1,C14orf149,DHRS7,PPM1A,MNAT1,SLC38A6,HIF1A,SNAPC1,PPP2R5E,C14orf150,SGPP1,SYNE2,MTHFD1,ZBTB25,ZBTB1,C14orf50,PLEKHG3,SPTB,CHURC1,RAB15,FNTB,MAX,FUT8,GPHN,C14orf54,MPP5,ATP6V1D,EIF2S1,PLEK2,ARG2,VTI1B,ZFYVE26,RAD51L1,ZFP36L1,ACTN1,WDR22,GALNTL1,ERH,SLC39A9,KIAA0247,SFRS5,SMOC1,ADAM21,ADAM20,MED6,SIPA1L1,WDR21A,ZFYVE1,RBM25,PSEN1,NUMB,ACOT6,PNMA1,C14orf43,ZADH1,ZNF410,C14orf44,COQ6,ENTPD5,ALDH6A1,C14orf46,KIAA0317,C14orf111,DLST,EIF2B2,ACYP1,NEK9,FOS,C14orf1,TTLL5,TGFB3,C14orf118,ANGEL1,C14orf4,KIAA1737,GSTZ1,TMED8,C14orf174,C14orf148,C14orf133,AHSA1,SPTLC2,ALKBH1,C14orf156,SNW1,FLJ25976,ADCK1,C14orf145,GTF2A1,STON2,SEL1L,FLRT2,TMED10,ZDHHC22,RDH11,PAPLN,C14orf135,C14orf112,FLJ36749,RHOJ,EXDL2,ESR2,PIGH,C14orf169,SIX1,ABCD4,ISCA2,PCNX,MLH3,KIAA0586,FLJ39779,YLPM1,TTC9,AKAP5,DNAL1,C14orf45�hsa-mir-379,hsa-mir-411,hsa-mir-323,hsa-mir-758,hsa-mir-495,hsa-mir-376b,hsa-mir-381,hsa-mir-134,hsa-mir-154,hsa-mir-377,hsa-mir-410�CCDC32,PGBD4,RYR3,FAM98B,CASC5,AVEN,C15orf24,C15orf29,TMEM85,AQR,FLJ20582,ATPBD4,C15orf41,MEIS2,SPRED1,RASGRP1,THBS1,GPR176,EIF2AK4,BUB1B,C15orf23,IVD,D4ST1,RPUSD2,C15orf52,FSIP1,BAHD1,RAD51,SRP14�CECR2,C22orf25,DGCR2,CECR6,CECR5,SLC25A18,ATP6V1E1,BCL2L13,BID,SLC25A1,HIRA,MRPL40,UFD1L,CDC45L,CLDN5,TXNRD2,COMT,ARVCF,DGCR8,HTF9C,RANBP1,RTN4R,DGCR6L,MICAL3,GNB1L,C22orf29,SEPT5,CLTCL1,DGCR14�A23: hsa-mir-512-1,hsa-mir-512-2,hsa-mir-515-1,hsa-mir-515-2,hsa-mir-526a-1,hsa-mir-521-2,hsa-mir-516b-2,hsa-mir-526a-2,hsa-mir-518a-1,hsa-mir-516b-1,hsa-mir-518a-2,hsa-mir-521-1,hsa-mir-519a-1,hsa-mir-516a-1,hsa-mir-516a-2,hsa-mir-519a-2,hsa-mir-935pA3: LOC654231; A10: OCM; A18: JSRP1,LOC645191,hsa-mir-1227; A19: PPAN-P2RY11,GLP-1,hsa-mir-1238,hsa-mir-199a-1;  :AnHa Genetic elements of interest not present on gene expression platforms:&PPP1R15B,PIK3C2B,MDM4CHIC2,LOC402176CD36,SEMA3C,GNAI1,GNAT3ANKIB1,CYP51A1,KRIT1 COL1A2,CASD1GPR157CDC2L6,AMD1,C6orf51,SLC16A10TBPL1,SLC2A12,SGK1JAK2,RLN2,RCL1/ZMYND11,DIP2C,LARP5,GTPBP4,IDI2,IDI1,WDR37,PFKPHK1,TSPAN15,TACR2ATAD1,STAMBPL1,MINPP1,PTENAZRANB1,CTBP2,LHPP,FAM53B,LOC399818,C10orf137,BCCIP,DHX32,KIAA0157 FGF14,VGCNL1ZFYVE19/SPTBN5,LOC100137047-PLA2G4B,MAPKBP1,PLA2G4B,MGAyCLRN3,MKI67,C10orf90,PTPRE,PPP2R2D,BNIP3,DPYSL4,STK32C,LRRC27,TUBGCP2,ZNF511,ECHS1,PWWP2,INPP5A,TXNL2,GPR123,DOCK1,NKX6-2^CRYL1,PARP4,STARD13,HMGB1,MIPEP,CENPJ,XPO4,RNF6,TPTE2,HSMPP8,ZMYM5,ZNF198,IFT88,IL17D,LOC221143,SAP18,MRP63,ZDHHC20,EFHA1,FGF9,TNFRSF19,LOC387911,SPATA13,MGC48915,FLJ25477,NUPL1,CDK8,WASF3,GPR12,USP12,RPL21,MTIF3,GSH1,PAN3,SLC7A1,UBL3,KATNAL1,USPL1HSPH1,CG018,APRIN,RFC3,NBEA,MAB21L1,PFAAP5,B3GALTL,POLR1D,POMP,PSPC1,LNX2,C13orf3,GTF3A,FRY,MTMR6,SACS�DZIP1,RAP2A,LAMP1,TMCO3,LIG4,TUBGCP3,C13orf10,NDFIP2,SPRY2,SLITRK6,DCT,TGDS,SOX21,DNAJC3,UGCGL2,MBNL2,FARP1,DOCK9,PHGDHL1,TM9SF2,CLYBL,ZIC2,PCCA,FGF14,TPP2,LOC93081,KDELC1,BIVM,ERCC5,SLC10A2,ABHD13,MYR8,IRS2,FLJ12118,ING1,ANKRD10,MGC35169,SOX1,ATP11A,FLJ11305,CUL4A,ADPRHL1,DCUN1D2,TFDP1,RASA3,TMTC4,F7,VGCNL1,STK24,GRTP1,LOC728215,ARHGEF7,MCF2L,FLJ10769,ZIC5,FLJ10154,ABCC4,GPR180,hsa-mir-20a�FAM12B,CCNB1IP1,C14orf92,OR4Q3,TTC5,TEP1,OSGEP,APEX1,TMEM55B,RNASE4,FLJ20859,NDRG2,C14orf8,FLJ10357,SUPT16H,CHD8,RAB2B,SALL2,HNRPC,ANG,METTL3,PARP2,ZNF219@KISS1,MDM4,PIK3C2B,REN,SOX13,LRRN2,PLEKHA6,ETNK2,PPP1R15B,GOLT1A CAPZA2,METHKRIT1,CDK6,PEX1,ANKIB1,SAMD9,CCDC132,GATAD1,DKFZP564O0523,SAMD9L,FAM133B SOX2,[PIK3CA]ERHOB,DDX1,MYCN,LAPTM4A,PUM2,NAG,WDR35,RDH14,C2orf43,HS1BP3,SMC6,GEN1,1ADSS,CEP170,AKT3,ZNF238,SDCCAG8,C1orf100,C1orf101'CCND2,NDUFA9,DYRK4,AKAP3,PARP11,C12orf4(CSTF3,WT1,HIPK3,EIF3M,WIT1,TCP11L1,QSER1 PTEN,ATAD1 CDKN2C,FAF1+PVRL2,ZNF223,ZNF221,ETHE1,ZNF575,XRCC1,IRGQ,ZNF576,C19orf37,IGSF4C,ZNF45,ZNF155,ZNF222,ZNF224,ZNF234,ZNF226,ZNF227,ZNF235,PVR,CEACAM19,CBLC,BCAM,TOMM40,CLPTM1,RELB,GEMIN7,TRAPPC6A,MARK4,ERCC2,PPP1R13L,CD3EAP,ERCC1,C19orf61,BLOC1S3,ZNF225,ZNF180,ZNF230,ZNF284,BCL3,SFRS16,ZNF285A,ZNF228,PHLDB3,ZNF283�ZNF83,TFPT,ZNF761,ZNF331,FLJ16287,ZNF813,ZNF808,ZNF616,PPP2R1A,LOC90321,ZNF480,ZNF528,ZNF701,ZNF611,ZNF28,ZNF468,ZNF320,MGC35402,LOC125893,ZNF160,ZNF415,ZNF347,MYADM,CACNG7,PRPF31,CNOT3,LENG1,LENG4,ZNF600,ZNF578,LOC91661,TSEN34,ZNF677,NDUFA3,ZNF665,ZNF137�C19orf18,ZNF419,ZNF749,ZNF787,ZNF444,ZSCAN5,ZNF582,ZNF583,ZNF667,ZFP28,ZNF71,BC37295_3,ZIM2,PEG3,AURKC,ZNF543,ZNF304,ZNF547,ZNF548,VN1R1,DKFZp686I1569,MGC4728,ZNF549,ZNF550,ZNF416,ZIK1,ZNF211,ZNF551,ZNF671,FLJ38288,ZNF417,ZNF418,ZNF256,ZNF606,ZNF447,ZNF8,HKR2,ZNF497,ZNF584,FLJ45850,ZNF324,SLC27A5,ZNF499,TRIM28,CHMP2A,ZNF42,ZNF544,ZNF470,ZNF586,ZNF460,ZNF17,ZNF446,ZNF587,ZNF530,UBE2M,ZNF552,ZNF134,ZNF132,ZNF264,ZNF154,ZNF471URBCK1,TBC1D20,SDCBP2,C20orf96,ZCCHC3,SOX12,C20orf98,CSNK2A1,SRXN1,FKBP1A,NSFL1C,PSMF1�C20orf133,1ZNF133,C20orf74,GINS1,ABHD12,DTD1,C20orf23,SNRPB2,PCSK2,DSTN,SNX5,C20orf72,CSRP2BP,POLR3F,RBBP9,SEC23B,SLC24A3,C20orf26,XRN2,NXT1,ZNF336,CST8,< CST3,CST4,CST2,CST5,CST7,C20orf3,ACSS1,PYGB,NANP,ZNF337,RRBP1,C20orf12,NAT5,CRNKL1,ENTPD6PANK4CNPHP4,RPL22,ICMT,NOL9,TAS1R1,HKR3,KLHL21,THAP3,CAMTA1,DNAJC11,PHF13CAMTA1,VAMP3,PER3,PARK7,ERRFI1 FLT3,BRCA213q14.1140413037-40507345 35.2 (0.9)ELF113q21.152774228-53419496 40.7 (0.9)13q21.3161501557-61841945 39.4 (0.5) 13q31.1-q3478718644-11412386289(8)SPRY2,SOX1,ERCC5 13q32.3-q33.1100395080-101627257 31.9 (0.5) ITGBL1,FGF14 14q11.1-q11.218149473-21523818 69.9 (23.1) 14q23.1-q31.358028634-86324479 33.8 (2.3)166(1)14q32.31CENTG1,TSPAN31,CDK4SLC35E3,MDM2,CPM PRKCBP1,NCOA3 DDO,SLC22A16 ZNF37A,ZNF33A�HEATR2,MGC11257,RBAK,KDELR2,INTS1,FLJ10324,JTV1,USP42,RAC1,LFNG,IQCE,MICALL2,PDGFA,PRKAR1B,C7orf20,GPR146,ZFAND2A,MAFK,MGC10911,MAD1L1,FTSJ2,NUDT1,SNX8,EIF3S9,C7orf27,TTYH3,GNA12,FOXK1,KIAA0415,LOC389458,WIPI2,ACTB,FSCN1,TRIAD3,C7orf28A,EIF2AK1,PSCD3,MGC12966,LOC221955,ZDHHC4,C7orf26,RPA3,NDUFA4,PHF14,TMEM106B,PMS2,C7orf28B,CHST12,SLC29A4,GLCCI1,FLJ20323,UNC84A,COX19,ZNF12,KIAA1856,FBXL18,RSPH10B,CARD11,hsa-mir-339BC7orf47,HRBL,PERQ1,ZCWPW1,BHLHB8,MGC57359,LMTK2,DKFZP434B0335,BRI3,TRRAP,SMURF1,ARPC1A,ARPC1B,PDAP1,BUD31,PTCD1,ATP5J2,ZNF394,DKFZp727G131,ZNF655,ZNF498,TRIM4,ZNF38,COPS6,TAF6,MGC40499,LOC255374,FLJ10925,MGC2463,PILRB,PILRA,BCDIN3,TSC22D4,LRCH4,GNB2,EPO,MOSPD3,FBXO24,TFR2,GAL3ST4,CPSF4,ZKSCAN5,LOC389541,AP4M1,POP7,PCOLCE.DENND2A,SLC37A3,MKRN1,ADCK2,NDUFB2,MRPS33,BRAFZNF425,ZNF786,PDIA4�GNG7,POLR2E,AP3D1,PPAP2C,KIAA1193,CDC34,BSG,POLRMT,RNF126,PTBP1,CFD,THRAP5,C19orf22,WDR18,C19orf6,MKNK2,STK11,ATP5D,MIDN,C19orf23,CIRBP,C19orf24,MUM1,NDUFS7,GAMT,RPS15,APC2,PCSK4,REEP6,ADAMTSL5,MBD3,UQCR,TCF3,FAM108A1,SCAMP4,BTBD2,MOBKL2A,PLEKHJ1,SF3A2,OAZ1,LSM7,TIMM13,LMNB2,GADD45B,SLC39A3,SGTA,THOP1,C19orf20,SPPL2B,CSNK1G2,SHC2,DIRAS1,SBNO2,C19orf25,C19orf36,GPX4,AMH,C19orf26,DOT1L,MEX3DU ! Multiple significant discontinuous regions spanning RERE, shown is most significant6:2519\CDK4,CYP27B1,B4GALNT1,METTL1,TSPAN31,TSFM,CTDSP2,AVIL,OS9,FAM119,MARCH9,CENTG1,has-miR-26a-2CHIC2,LOC402176,[PDGFRA]CPM,MDM2,SLC35E3Odds Ratios for 91 Samples 0 to 0.01 (7/24/08)@ 0.01 to 0.1 (<1 indicates tendency toward mutual exclusivity)p 0.1 to 10 (1 indicates no association of gene alterations given the number present for each of the two genes)9 10 to 100 (>1 indicates tendency toward co-occurrence)&Fisher's Exact P-Values for 91 samples Negative 0 to 0.01 Association 0.01 to 0.05 Association >0.05$Odds Ratios for 72 Untreated Samples NP_001005914 NP_001076SLC1A2 NP_004162SLC26A10 NP_597996SLC38A3 NP_006832SNX17 NP_055563 NP_003736SOX13 NP_005677SPANXA1 NP_038481 NP_056505TAF1L NP_722516 NP_110378 NP_937983TIMP1 NP_003245TM9SF4 NP_055557TMEM158 NP_056259SpectrinTCGA-06-0145-01A-04WTCGA-06-0145-10A-04Wp.E3261KSpectrin:PlectinTCGA-06-0148-01A-01Wp.K923NSpectrin:SH3_1Recep_L_domainFurin-like:Recep_L_domain Unvalidated_Verification_Somatic NM_004432p.G167D zf-TAZ:DUF906 NM_015409p.M1640Ip.E2169K Ephrin_lbdFixed Validation Allelese2+2Recep_L_domain:Furin-like Pkinase_Tyr NM_023111 NM_000141fn3:fn1fn2:fn1fn1FOXO3 NM_001455p.G86Rc.772 NM_004958 P_proprotein NM_002069NESP55NM_001077490.1p.A461V!Silent_in_ENST00000306120_p.C459 7tm_1 p.I293del ANF_receptorHSP90TIRPHDe6+1 Integrin_betap.G333E NM_004034p.G104ETCGA-06-0154-01A-02WTCGA-06-0154-10A-01W NM_019043p.R335W NM_018136p.V1610Ap.S883P NM_000051p.G138Rp.V245A NM_001696p.G213R NM_004217p.V57M NM_006576p.W716* NM_021913p.P304S NM_001704p.A633Vp.P1455S NM_012342p.G221ETCGA-02-0055-01A-01WTCGA-02-0055-10A-01W NM_004324p.G10DTCGA-06-0176-01A-02WTCGA-06-0176-10A-01W NM_014567p.A780VTCGA-02-0099-01A-01WTCGA-02-0099-10A-01Wp.E708K NM_022893p.R740CTCGA-06-0133-01A-02WTCGA-06-0133-10A-01Wp.G514Sp.P305Sp.A189TTCGA-02-0089-01A-01WTCGA-02-0089-10A-01W NM_000633p.A85T NM_015367p.G439D NM_004327p.A138TTMSB10 NP_066926 NP_001057TNFRSF6B NP_116563 NP_003277TRIM32 NP_036342TRIP11 NP_004230 NP_003487 NP_000359 NP_001070651TWF2 NP_009215 NP_003362VAV3 NP_006104WT1 NP_000369XPA NP_000371 NP_001035005TCGA-02-0083-01A-01WTCGA-02-0083-10A-01W NM_005845p.A1279TTCGA-02-0037-01A-01WTCGA-02-0037-10A-01Wp.G770RTCGA-02-0010-01A-01WLoss by Models B and C �Splice_Site_SNPPosition Match: Amino Acid NM_000077p.A102VFrame_Shift_DelGA NM_058195AGMatch: Amino Acidp.W15* NM_016343p.K19R Splice_SiteENST00000328568p.V921Ip.S907N NM_020549p.G130ETCGA-06-0125-01A-01WTCGA-06-0125-10A-01Wp.R323HENST00000262450p.H1125YNovel: No Cosmic Nucleotide NM_001274TCGA-02-0069-01A-01WTCGA-02-0069-10A-01WTCGA-02-0115-01A-01WTCGA-02-0115-10A-01WTCGA-02-0075-01A-01WTCGA-02-0075-10A-01WTCGA-06-0209-01A-01WTCGA-06-0209-10A-01W NM_006614p.A335V NM_001842p.T303I NM_000088p.L1235Fp.P774Sp.P343SSplice_Site_DelMAPK11 NP_002742 NP_620601MELK NP_055606 NP_005915METTL1 NP_005362 NP_000240 NP_005929 NP_002421MOXD1 NP_056344 NP_000242MSN NP_002435MUTYH NP_001041636MYO1E NP_004989 NP_001019859 NP_004535 NP_689747NES NP_006608 NP_000258NLK NP_057315NME3 NP_002504 NP_000594 NP_060087 NP_0010123387CCCAAAGAACCACAGAGGTAGAGCGGGA[CG]CAATGAGCCATGAACGCCTGGGCMGC40476; DKFZp686A0439 Em:AC023283.4 NM_003151.2STAT4 GeneID:6775;CTTGAGTAGCCTTGCCCCTGGTTGCTA[CG]GTGCGTTCTTCTCCCTTTGTGACATCAG�signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 variant; go_component: nucleus; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: JAK-STAT casca2signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 cg06720722 GI:31543817 NM_003722.3TP73L GeneID:86265GTGGCTACTATACGTCAAGGACTCTGAAGC[CG]TGAGAGAGGGGGAAGAACAHKET; LMS; RHS; p51; p63; EEC3; TP63; p73H; p73L; SHFM4; B(p51A); B(p51B)�tumor protein 63 kDa with strong homology to p53; tumor protein p63; TA p63 beta; p53 homolog; DN p63 alpha; DN p63 beta; P63 protein; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: identical protein bintumor protein p73-like cg06744116 GI:41055004 NM_018259.3TTC17 GeneID:557611CACCTCTCTTCCCATAGGTGGTT[CG]AAAGCACACCTTTTGTTCCCCA"FLJ10890; FLJ13099; DKFZp686D20222"tetratricopeptide repeat domain 17 cg067695437ACACAGGGAGGTGTTCGAATGATCCC[CG]TTTCACAGAAGACGAAACTGAGGCT cg06796611 GI:31317245 NM_181339.1IL24 GeneID:110097CTTCTGAAATGACTTCCACGGCTGGGA[CG]GGAACCTTCCACCCACAGCTATGC2C49A; FISP; MDA7; ST16; IL-24; IL10B; Mob-5; mda-7�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; melanoma differentiation association protein 7; suppression of tumorigenicity 16 (melanoma differentiation); IL-24 splice variant delE3; IL-24 splice variant delE5; go_component: extracellular space; go_functiinterleukin 24 isoform 2 cg06811494 GI:24497527 NM_002145.2HOXB2 GeneID:3212/AGGAAAAGATGAGTGAGGATCTCCG[CG]TTGGAGGAAGAGGGAGTCK8; HOX2; HOX2H; Hox-2.8rEm:AC073585.6; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: magnesium ion bindinghypothetical protein LOC118672 cg10098519 GI:30581119 NM_031439.2SOX7 GeneID:835952ATACTCCGACTGCCATTCCTTT[CG]AAAATGACCGGGCTTCGGCCACCGMGC10895�SOX7 transcription factor; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent SRY-box 7 cg10104010 GI:24308423 NM_153709.1MGC40168 GeneID:1486450GCGAGGAGGCTGCGAGGAACAGA[CG]CCAGAGCTAGGCCTTGGGGCChypothetical protein LOC1486< 45 cg10107743 GI:33598917 NM_005602.4CLDN11 GeneID:50101GAGTGCTCGCAGCAGGGAAGAAGGAG[CG]AGCAGGGAGGAGCTGAGGAOSP; OTM�oligodendrocyte transmembrane protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein self binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: calcium-independent cell-cell adhesi claudin 11 cg10108806 GI:4507992 NM_003441.1ZNF141 GeneID:77000GGACTGAGGTCGGCCTGCAGGCTG[CG]GCCCCGAAGGCAGGATTTGT D4S90; pHZ-44�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: regula&zinc finger protein 141 (clone pHZ-44) cg10110098 GI:51871334 NM_152686.2DNAJC18 GeneID:2020522CCCAGGATCTCAGCCCTTGTG[CG]TCTTCAGGATCCTCATCCCTGATCTMGC29463kgo_function: unfolded protein binding; go_function: heat shock protein binding; go_process: protein folding,DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog; subfamily C; member 18 cg10153244 GI:21536297 NM_021101.3CLDN1 GeneID:90761CTCAGGGGTGGCAGGTGCAGAAGG[CG]GAGAGTTTGCAGGTGGGCAACCLD1; SEMP1; ILVASC�senescence-associated epithelial membrane protein 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: identical protein binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: cell adhes claudin 1 cg10169327 GI:32130517 NM_000483.3APOC2 GeneID:344.TCAGGAGGGTGAGGGCAGGAG[CG]TGGGTGGAGTCAGCAGGTCCCMGC75082�go_component: chylomicron; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: enzyme activator activity; go_function: lipid transporter activity; go_function: lipoprotein lipase activity; go_process: circulation; go_process: lipid transport; go_process: lipapolipoprotein C-II precursor cg10178944 GI:13249345 NM_024409.1NPPC GeneID:4880;GGTGCGCTCTGAGCCCGTGACTCTGCT[CG]CGCCTTTATAATCCAACCTGCCGCTGATCNP�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: hormone activity; go_process: regulation of blood pressure; go_process: regulation of vasoconstriction; go_process: regulation of blood vessel sizenatriuretic peptide precursor C cg10184336 GI:7705750 NM_015982.1YBX2 GeneID:510873GAGGGGCGGGAATCTGCAGCCT[CG]GTTCTGGCAGTGAGTAGCACCGCTCMSY2; CSDA3; MGC45104�contrin; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_process: spermatogenesis; go_process: translational attenuation; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: transcript(germ cell specific Y-box binding protein cg10199129 GI:66879665NM_001018112.1FANCA GeneID:21755CTTCCTATTGGCTGCGGCCAGGCG[CG]CACACCCGTTGGCTGGCGGCGGCCA.FA; FA1; FAA; FAH; FA-H; FACA; FANCH; MGC75158�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; Fanconi anemia; complementation group H; Fanconi anemia; type 1; go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; go_process: DNA repair; go_process: protein complex assembly1Fanconi anemia; complementation group A isoform b cg10203887 GI:40538801 NM_153267.3MAMDC2 GeneID:2566911ATAAAGCTTATTCCACCCAAC[CG]TTTCCAAATTTTCCTCCAGGCTGTMGC21981/MAM domain containing 1; go_component: membraneMAM domain containing 2 cg10235136 GI:38045885 NM_052900.2 GeneID:1147885CTTTGCTCGGCTTTCCCCTTTG[CG]GATCCCTTTCATATTATTCGCGAGCTCKIAA1894Pisoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant c; go_component: integral to membrane*CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 isoform 3 cg10238949 GI:44955925 NM_014615.1KIAA0182 GeneID:231991GTTTGCGGCTGAAACCCGACACCTCC[CG]CTGGCTGAGGTCAGGGAGCxgo_component: intracellular; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion bindinghypothetical protein LOC23199 cg10249582 GI:30410787 NM_006765.2TUSC3 GeneID:79915CAGGTCTTCTCCCGGTGAAC[CG]GATGCTCTGTCAGTCTCCTCCTCTGCGTCN33; OST3A; D8S1992; MGC13453�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; Putative prostate cancer tumor suppressor; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: electron transporter activity; go_process: electron transport&tumor suppressor candidate 3 isoform a cg10265692 GI:18379355 NM_080733.1WFDC2 GeneID:104061GCGCCTAGAGGGGCCGAGCCACGAG[CG]CCAGGATGGAGCCAGGCGGAHE4; WAP5; MGC57529; dJ461P17.6�isoform 3 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 3; epididymis-specific; whey-acidic protein type; four-disulfide core; WAP domain containing protein HE4-V4; major epididymis-specific protein E4; epididymal secretory protein E4; go_component: extracel4WAP four-disulfide core domain 2 isoform 3 precursor cg10283835 GI:88983539 XM_931116.1 LOC642853 GeneID:6428532GAATCGTGGACCCAATATTCC[CG]TCTCCCCGAATTCTCTTAACTCAGThypothetical protein XP_936209 cg10287137 GI:28872719 NM_002564.2P2RY2 GeneID:50293GGCGCAAAGGTCCCGCAGTGGGCCA[CG]CAGGCACCGGGCTGACCTGGCA=P2U; HP2U; P2U1; P2UR; P2Y2; P2RU1; P2Y2R; MGC20088; MGC40010�purinoceptor P2Y2; P2U nucleotide receptor; P2Y purinoceptor 2; P2U purinoceptor 1; ATP receptor; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_functionpurinergic receptor P2Y2 cg10287452 GI:40807460 NM_022095.3ZNF335 GeneID:639250CGAAGCTCACCCGAGGCTTT[CG]TAGCCACGTTCCTCTCTGACTCCGNIF1�zinc-finger/leucine-zipper co-transducer NIF1; NRC-interacting factor 1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: transcription; go_procezinc finger protein 335 cg10306450 GI:20336213 NM_013267.2GLS2 GeneID:271654CGTGTAGAGAGGAGGGTGCTGCCT[CG]AGAGAGGAGGCTAAGTAAGAGTGAGA; GLS; LGA; hLGA; MGC71567�serine/threonine specific protein phosphatase; Dual-specificity phosphatase 2; go_component: nucleus; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: MAP kinase phosphatase activity; go_function: protein tyrosine phosphatase activity; go_function: protein tdual specificity phosphatase 2 cg07199791 GI:16306545 NM_033649.1FGF18 GeneID:88174CTCCACTAGAGCGCTGGTGAGTGAGTG[CG]AGTAGCGAATGTGGGCAGGTG ZFGF5; FGF-18�go_component: extracellular space; go_function: growth factor activity; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: cell-cell signaling; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: positive regulation of cell proliferation%fibroblast growth factor 18 precursor cg07215654 GI:7706548 NM_016507.1CRKRS GeneID:517553CGTTGTCTCGCAACTCCACTGC[CG]AGGAACTCTCATTTCTTCCCTCGCTCRK7; CRKR; KIAA0904�go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein-tyrosine kinase activity; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_function: RNA polymerase II transCDC2-related protein kinase 7 cg07240219 GI:46409291 NM_207325.1DPY19L3 GeneID:1479910CCTCATTTCCACAAAGCTC[CG]CGGCGGTTCTGCCCTCCTTGTACCCDKFZp686J17135synonym: DKFZp686J17135 dpy-19-like 3 cg07286023 GI:52694664 NM_015642.2ZBTB20 GeneID:261371CCACATTGGACGCTTCACTC[CG]CGAACCCTCTATCTCTCCCCGCTAT'HOF; DPZF; ODA-8S; ZNF288; DKFZp566F123�ortholog of mouse BTB (broad complex tramtrack bric-brac)/POZ (px-virus and zinc finger) domain zinc finger factor HOF; ortholog of mouse zinc finger protein 288; A930017C21Rik; zinc finger 288; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function(zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20 cg07318428 GI:89030782 XM_927409.1 GeneID:97128TCCAGCCGGCAGGTCAGAGGATAGCAGAGA[CG]TAGGGAGGTCAGCTGAGTAGGGUSP6 N-terminal like isoform 2 cg07319098 GI:58533152 NM_006457.2PDLIM5 GeneID:106118TAAGACTACTCCCACCGAAACT[CG]GTAGCGCAGTTGTCTTTCCGCAGCTGCTTC L9; ENH; LIM�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; enigma homolog; enigma-like LIM domain protein; go_component: cytosol; go_component: membrane fraction; go_function: actin binding;< go_function: actinin binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zincPDZ and LIM domain 5 isoform a cg07352653 GI:41152087 NM_002673.3PLXNB1 GeneID:53642GGAAAGGTCAGCTAGGAAGGAGCCC[CG]TGGCTGGCAGGGCCCAGCCAGSEP; PLXN5; KIAA0407; PLEXIN-B1�plexin 5; semaphorin receptor; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: semaphorin receptor binding; go_function: semaphorin receptor activity; go_process: development; go_process: cell migration; go_process: intrace plexin B1 cg07359317 GI:5454091 NM_006456.1 ST6GALNAC2 GeneID:10610:CCGAGAAGTACAGGGCAAAGAGGAGCCC[CG]AGCAGGCAGCCGTGAGCAGGAGCAGC'STHM; SIAT7; SIAT7B; SIATL1; ST6GalNAII�(alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2;3-beta-galactosyl-1; 3)-N-acetyl galactosaminide B; sialyltransferase 7 ((alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2;3-beta-galactosyl-1; 3)-N-acetyl galactosaminide B; (alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2;3-beta-galactosyl-1; 3)-N-acetyl galactosaminisialyltransferase 7 cg07380095 GI:71274147NM_001029884.1PLEKHG1 GeneID:574803GGCAAAGGTCGTTTGGTGCTTTAAC[CG]AGGTGATTAGGGTAATGACGCCFLJ31738; KIAA1209Mpleckstrin homology domain containing; family G (with RhoGef domain) member 1 cg07418731 GI:42544237 NM_004734.2DCAMKL1 GeneID:92011GGGCAGATCAGATGGTGGAAGAGAA[CG]TGGACAGGGCTGAGTCTGAGDCLK; KIAA0369�doublecortin-like kinase; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: receptor signaling "doublecortin and CaM kinase-like 1 cg07426472 GI:45439356 NM_016427.2TCEB3B GeneID:512246AGCACAATGCAGACAATCGGGACGGTCCA[CG]CCAGGTGGACTGCTGTGCCCCELOA2; HsT832; TCEB3L�transcription elongation factor (SIII) elongin A2; RNA polymerase II transcription factor SIII subunit A2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transcriptional elongation regulator activity; go_process: defense response; elongin A2 cg07433091 GI:5902127 NM_006949.1STXBP2 GeneID:6813:GAACTCCCATCTGTGAGCGTGTCGT[CG]AGGTGTGCACCTCCAGCGACTTCGTGCTC+UNC18B; Hunc18b; UNC18-2; pp10122; MUNC18-2�go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: syntaxin-2 binding; go_function: syntaxin-3 binding; go_process: vesicle-mediated transport; go_process: intracellular protein transport; go_process: vesicle docking during exocytosissyntaxin binding protein 2 cg07480243 GI:17158004 NM_058173.1SBEM GeneID:118430;TTACATGTTCAGGAGGGAGGCCATGACT[CG]AAGAATGCACAGCCTGAGTTACACCGGsmall breast epithelial mucin cg07497072 GI:55769519NM_001005909.1IHPK2 GeneID:514473TGGACAGAAGACTGGATGTGAATAGA[CG]GAAAGAGGGACAAAAGAGTGC PiUS; IP6K2�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 2; inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 2; insP6 kinase 2; Pi uptake stimulator; ATP:1D-myo-inositol-hexakisphosphate phosphotransferase; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: polypho)inositol hexaphosphate kinase 2 isoform a cg07507714 GI:23510318 NM_006172.1NPPA GeneID:48783TCTGGTTCCCCTCTCTTGGCCTA[CG]TCTGTCCCTGTCTCCCAGCTGCCCANF; ANP; PND; CDD-ANF�pronatriodilatin; atrial natriuretic peptide; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: hormone activity; go_process: physiological process; go_process: blood pressure regulation; go_process: blood pressure regulation; go_process: regulation of blonatriuretic peptide precursor A cg07568266 GI:8922957 NM_018370.1FLJ11259 GeneID:55332/GCTTGGATTGGTGGGATGTTT[CG]GAATGGGCATTGTCGCCAATTThypothetical protein LOC55332 cg075778600GCCCTAGCAGTCTCCGCACTGG[CG]GCCAGTCTGTCCTCCCTCCCTG cg07590561 GI:31745179 NM_020183.3ARNTL2 GeneID:569387TGCCCCGAGGGTCTAACAACTGCAATCTT[CG]GAATGCTGGGACAAAGCTTACTCLIF; MOP9; BMAL2; PASD9FLJ38190synonym: FLJ38190hypothetical protein LOC123591 cg04053831 GI:21361528 NM_016125.2LOC51136 GeneID:51136/AGGAGAGAGGTGCGGAGAGTCTG[CG]TGGGGTGGAAGTAGAAGTTA MGC111090[go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion bindingPTD016 protein cg04091368 GI:27734924 NM_173657.1C3orf33 GeneID:2853152GTCGTCTGCCCACTGCGAGATC[CG]AGCCACGACGTTGGGCTCCATTCCFLJ31139synonym: FLJ31139hypothetical protein LOC285315 cg04094205 GI:42476006 NP_003027 NP_001035962SLC16A1 NP_003042SNRK NP_060189 NP_055947SOAT1 NP_003092SOX1 NP_005977SPHK1 NP_068807SPP1 NP_001005743PARG NP_003622 NP_057953PHF20 NP_057520 NP_852664 NP_150241PMS1 NP_000525POFUT1 NP_758436PPP2R2C NP_870991PRF1 NP_005032 NP_008835PRPF4B NP_003904PTPN1 NP_002818 NP_002825PYCARD NP_037390RAF1 NP_002871RBL2 NP_005602RBP1 NP_002890RETTargetIDProbeIDGID ACCESSIONSYMBOLGENE_ID CHROMOSOMEREFSEQCPG_COORDINATE DIST_TO_TSS CPG_ISLANDINPUT_SEQUENCESYNONYM ANNOTATIONPRODUCTCG_NO cg00003033 GI:34222139 NM_012434.3SLC17A5 GeneID:265036ACCGGAGACCTCATGACGCCTA[CG]TGAGCAGGTGTACTCGCCACCTGGCAGA&SD; AST; NSD; SLD; ISSD; SIASD; SIALIN�solute carrier family 17; member 5; sialic acid storage disease; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: lysosomal membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_function:<solute carrier family 17 (anion/sugar transporter); member 5 cg00022674 GI:38156695 NM_000248.2MITF GeneID:42862TTCCAGCAGTGGAAGGACGGGAAG[CG]GGAGCCATGCAGTCCGAATCGGWS2A�isoform 4 is encoded by transcript variant 4; homolog of mouse microphthalmia; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: transcriptional activator activity; go_function: transcriptional activator activity; go_pro8microphthalmia-associated transcription factor isoform 4 cg00082121 GI:31559774 NM_032557.4USP38 GeneID:846408TCACGAGTAACCTGACGCAGGCGGAAC[CG]ACGAAGACTAGCCGGCAAGAATCCTHP43.8KD; KIAA1891�go_function: ubiquitin thiolesterase activity; go_function: cysteine-type endopeptidase activity; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolismubiquitin specific protease 38 cg00094036 GI:34787414 NM_144982.3PSRC2 GeneID:1964417CTCGTTTCCCTTCTTTCCTAA[CG]GACTGGGTCGGTGCGGTCTTACCCTACTCG+KIAA0546; MGC23401; MGC90200; DKFZp686A0722Ggo_component: nucleus; go_function: binding; go_process: RNA processinghypothetical protein LOC196441 cg00123128 GI:31542769 NM_173660.2FLJ33718 GeneID:2854895GGGGCAGATGCCAGTCTGGGAAGC[CG]GATTGTTTGAAGACCAACTTTAAAGFLJ90556synonym: FLJ90556hypothetical protein LOC285489 cg00128353 GI:21314780 NM_004210.3NEURL GeneID:91482CGGGCGGAACCCGCCAAGGACCG[CG]AAGTCCAGAGAAAGGAAGCTGAGRNF67; h-neu; NEURL1�bA416N2.1 (neuralized (Drosophila)-like); go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: protein ubiquitination; go_process: nervous systemneuralized-like cg00163373 GI:30061506 NM_178140.1PDZK3 GeneID:23037/ATGGGGGAGGCCCGGCACCCC[CG]AGACCGTGTGTGCCCAGGAAAG"AIPC; PIN1; PAPIN; PDZD2; KIAA0300�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; PDZ domain containing 2; rat plakophilin-related armadillo repeat protein-interacting PDZ protein-like; go_component: nucleus; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_compon!PDZ domain containing 3 isoform a cg00168881 GI:89036826 XM_931068.1C13orf25 GeneID:4079757GCTCGGGCATGCGTTTTGGTTTACA[CG]CGGCCAGGTTAAGGAAACACATTGCCQDerived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: GNOMON.hypothetical protein XP_936161 cg00175415 GI:4759137 NM_004173.1SLC7A4 GeneID:65450GCCCACCTTCTTTCTACTGCAG[CG]GACACCCTTCTTGATCCCTCAC,VH; CAT4; CAT-4; HCAT3; MGC129976; MGC129977�VH 3 family gene; Ig heavy chain variable region; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: amino acid-polyamine transporter activity;< go_function: basic amino acid transporter activity; go_process: transport; go_process: amNsolute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter; y+ system); member 4 cg00229558 GI:51479157 NM_000332.2ATXN1 GeneID:6310:CTGCAGTGAAACAGGTCCTGTACGGCTC[CG]CCACTGTAGTAGAAATGATGTCTGCGATX1; SCA1; D6S504E�olivopontocerebellar ataxia 1; autosomal dominant; spinocerebellar ataxia 1 (olivopontocerebellar ataxia 1; autosomal dominant; ataxin 1); go_component: nucleus; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: RNA bindingataxin 1 cg00234081 GI:40353768 NM_015424.3CHRDL2 GeneID:258840AAAGGAGGGAGAGATGGAGAGA[CG]AAGGAAGGTCCAGCAGAAGGGA!BNF1; CHL2; FKSG37; DKFZp586N2124zbreast tumor novel factor 1; go_process: ossification; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: cartilage developmentchordin-like 2 cg00240380 GI:23397677 NM_003153.3STAT6 GeneID:67780AGCAGTGGCTGCCCCAGCC[CG]CTGTTTCCGGCTTCTCCTTCTACCC#STAT6B; STAT6C; D12S1644; IL-4-STAT�STAT; interleukin4-induced; transcription factor IL-4 STAT; go_component: nucleus; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_proces2signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 cg00245370 GI:48255932 NM_004965.6HMGN1 GeneID:31505GGTCCCAGTGGCGCTCCGGCCTCA[CG]GTAGTTTGAAGCCGAGCCGCAAAGT/HMG14; FLJ27265; FLJ31471; MGC104230; MGC117425�high-mobility group nucleosome binding 1; high-mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein 14; nonhistone chromosomal protein HMG-14; go_component: nucleus; go_component: chromatin; go_component: chromatin; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: DNA b/high-mobility group nucleosome binding domain 1 cg00264963 GI:10800414 NM_002487.2NDN GeneID:46922GGCAGGAGAGAAGTGAGATGGATG[CG]TACTGGAGAAGGGGCCAGTTTAHsT16328�necdin (mouse) homolog; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of cell growth; go_process: nervous system development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: negativenecdin cg00269275 GI:4503486 NM_001962.1EFNA5 GeneID:1946/GTGGGAAACTGCAGGAGAAGGG[CG]ACGTGCTGATAGAGGGCTTCGAF1; EFL5; RAGS; EPLG7; LERK7�eph-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 7; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: anchored to plasma membrane; go_function: ephrin receptor binding; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: cell-cell signaling; g ephrin-A5 cg00272828 GI:17017973 NM_004626.2WNT11 GeneID:74813GACGCTCAGAGGACAAGGCTGAGAGCCA[CG]GAGACAGAGGGGGAAACCCHWNT11�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: signal transducer activity; go_process: development; go_process: morphogenesis; go_process: cell-cell signaling; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: frizzled-2 signaling pathway?wingless-type MMTV integration site family; member 11 precursor cg00275173 GI:38093658 NM_198282.1 LOC340061 GeneID:3400612AAGGCAGCACACACATCACA[CG]ATGATTCCCCGTCTCATATTTTTCTThypothetical protein LOC340061 cg00307813 GI:47078291 NM_000212.2 GeneID:36903TGAATTAAAGTGTGAATGAATGAAACT[CG]AGGTAGTGGGTGAATGTGTCCD61; GP3A; GPIIIa�platelet glycoprotein IIIa precursor; go_component: membrane; go_component: integrin complex; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: identical protein binding; go_process: development; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process: cell adhesion; go_process%integrin beta chain; beta 3 precursor cg00329509 GI:68160956 NM_003264.3TLR2 GeneID:70974AGGAGAAGCACGATTCATGAGCCTGAGTT[CG]GGCTTCCATGGATGGAAAA TIL4; CD282�toll/interleukin 1 receptor-like 4; go_component: cell surface; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: peptidoglycan toll-like receptor 2 cg00338884 GI:45597173 NM_006166.3NFYB GeneID:48014GCCGGGAGGAGACGGACATTTCATT[CG]AGCTAAAGTGGAGTCGGTTTAGGHAP3; CBF-A; CBF-B; NF-YB NP_000866IL13 NP_002179 NP_001014358ING1 NP_005528 NP_005535ITGA9 NP_002198 NP_004226 NP_001008490 NP_056357USF2 NP_003358WNT7A NP_004616ZNF14 NP_066358ZNF92 NP_009070ASXL1 NP_056153BMPR1ATCGA-02-0010-10A-01W NM_003474p.D51GNovel: No Cosmic AminoAcid NM_207197p.G741DNonsense_Mutation NM_207517p.W81*p.D1482NTCGA-02-0114-01A-01WTCGA-02-0114-10A-01W NM_004208p.D91N NM_000700 NP_006197 NP_002646 NP_000305 NP_000312 NP_000537 NP_000005 NP_001080ADA NP_000013 NP_003465ADM NP_001115AIF1 NP_001614 NP_004838 NP_004199AKT1 NP_005154AMFR NP_001135ANAPC10 NP_055700ANXA8 NP_001621AQP1 NP_932766ARAF NP_001645 NP_001659AURKA NP_003591 NP_001690BAI1 NP_001693 NP_001695 NP_036474 NP_004315 NP_000624BCL2L11 NP_619527 NP_004318BID NP_932070BIK NP_001188BIRC5 NP_001012271 NP_004324BRSK1 NP_115806BUB1B NP_001202C11orf17 NP_065693 NP_659492C1QL1 NP_006679 C20orf160 NP_542192C20orf4 NP_056326CAV1 NP_001744 NP_001253 NP_057427CFTR NP_000483 NP_056372CHI3L2 NP_001020368CLIC1 NP_001279 NP_000080 NP_478055CRK NP_005197 NP_001895 NP_004381CXCR4 NP_001008540 NP_001035877 NP_059488 NP_004725 NP_000546 NP_004397DNAJB1 NP_006136DPP6 NP_001034439 NP_899236 NP_004423ELAVL4 NP_068771EMP3 NP_001416 NP_004429EPS15 NP_001972 NP_001005862FABP7 NP_001437 NP_075259FGFR3 NP_000133 NP_079198 NP_891555FMNL2 NP_443137 NP_004949 NP_002560 NP_001002295 NP_543009GRB10 NP_001001549 NP_002092H2AFX NP_002096HIP1 NP_005329HOXB1 NP_002135HOXB4 NP_076920HUS1 NP_004498ID1 NP_851998IGF1RKCNA5 NP_002225 NP_009127 NP_002257KSR2 NP_775869 NP_004977 NP_005552LCK NP_005347 NP_005558MAP2K4KLK7 NP_644806 NP_004976LATS2 NP_055387 NP_060243 NP_005557LGALS3 NP_002297LIFR NP_002301 LOC402176 NP_001011538 NP_002334 NP_002341MAGEA1 NP_004979 NP_005369 NP_149109 NP_036462 NP_006150NUMA1 NP_006176NUP214 NP_005076OLIG2 NP_005797OS9 NP_001017956P2RY5 NP_005758PAX6 NP_000271PDGFB NP_148937PDPK1 NP_002604PDPN NP_006465 NP_919431 NP_056970 NP_002637PPP1CC NP_002701PPP1R15B NP_116222 NP_006236PRDX1 NP_002565PRKAR2A NP_004148 NP_002728 NP_997700PRKCH NP_006246 NP_001073351 NP_002754PTK2 NP_005598PTK2B NP_004094PTN NP_002816RAC3 NP_005043RAP1B NP_001010942RAPH1 NP_998754RECQL4 NP_004251 NP_002935RPL22 NP_000974 NP_066958RSU1 NP_036557 NP_996734 NP_783554SDC2 NP_002989SERPINE1 NP_000593SERPING1 NP_000053SKP2 NP_005974SLC1A1 NP_004161 NP_055066 NP_000331SMAD2 NP_001003652SMAD3 NP_005893 NP_005350SMO NP_005622 NP_056006SNRPE NP_003085 NP_003099 NP_003097SPANXA2 NP_663695 NP_003109SPN NP_001025459SPRED3 NP_001035987SRC NP_005408SRF NP_003122SRI NP_003121SRPK2 NP_872634 NP_068708STK11 NP_000446STK32B NP_060871SUFU NP_057253 NP_003170TAGLN NP_001001522 NP_057365 NP_037386 NP_000536TCL1A NP_068801TFRC NP_003225 NP_001020018 NP_002151TNFRSF17 NP_001183 NP_001010938TOP2A NP_001058 NP_006449 NP_056990TSPAN13 NP_055214ULK1 NP_003556 NP_001020537VHL NP_000542 NP_003381 NP_003382WNT5A NP_003383YWHAH NP_003396ZC3H11A NP_055642BRCA1 NP_004320 NP_000066 NP_001250 NP_000068 NP_511042CHIC2 NP_036242 NP_000776 NP_958440 NP_060785 NP_075593 NP_000213 NP_006329 NP_002384 NP_000236 NP_005156ALK NP_004295 NP_001147 NP_061916APC NP_000029 NP_060606 NP_000042 NP_001034456 NP_001175 NP_004208 NP_001015878 NP_006567BAD NP_004313 NP_075044< BCL2L12 NP_619580 NP_001158BMP6 NP_001709BMPR1B NP_001194 NP_000050BTG2 NP_006754 C20orf112 NP_542183C22orf24C5orf13 NP_004763CAPZA2 NP_006127 NP_001035905 NP_005179CCND1 NP_444284 NP_001750CCNE1 NP_001229 NP_006014CDC42 NP_001034891CDK8 NP_001251 NP_003150CDKN1B NP_004055CDKN3 NP_005183CEBPA NP_004355 NP_001005735CHI3L1 NP_001267 NP_006605 NP_000081 NP_689407 NP_690618 NP_061176 NP_001371DPYSL4 NP_006417 NP_848597E2F1 NP_005216EFEMP1 NP_004096 NP_005224FER NP_005237FGF9 NP_002001FIP1L1 NP_112179 NP_002008 NP_002017 NP_963853GATAD1 NP_066990GCLC NP_001489GHRH NP_066567 NP_005260 NP_002060GOLGA5 NP_005104GOPC NP_001017408GPNMB NP_001005340GRB2 NP_002077GRN NP_002078GYPB NP_002091GZMB NP_004122HCK NP_002101HIF1A NP_001521HLA-E NP_005507HLA-G NP_002118HMGA1 NP_002122 NP_003475HMGB2 NP_002120HOXB3 NP_002137HOXB8 NP_076921HSPA8 NP_006588 NP_002158IGFBP2 NP_000588 NP_057246ITGAL NP_002200ITGAV NP_002201 NP_000202 NP_000203JAK2 NP_004963 NP_620447 NP_002745MAPK14 NP_001306MAPK8 NP_002741MARK4 NP_113605 NP_877577MEN1 NP_570712MGMT NP_003001 NP_004663MAPK15 NP_620590MAPK3 NP_002737 NP_002743 NP_612405MARK1 NP_061120 NP_002383 NP_055542 NP_002433 NP_002442 NP_004985MOS NP_005363 NP_000170MX1 NP_002453MXI1 NP_005953MYC NP_002458NCOA4 NP_005428NDUFA13 NP_057049NEK11 NP_665917 NP_002502NNMT NP_006160 NP_002515OLIG1 NP_620450OMG NP_002535 NP_005737PCNA NP_872590 NP_002600 NP_002602PHIP NP_060404 NP_006209PIK3R2 NP_005018PIK3R3 NP_003620 NP_002639 NP_005019 NP_079055PKN1 NP_002732PLAGL2 NP_002648 NP_000526POLB NP_002681 NP_002688PPARA NP_001001928PPARG NP_056953PPP2CA NP_002706PRAME NP_996838 NP_006245 NP_002730PRKCQ NP_006248 NP_002735PRKD1 NP_002733PRNP NP_898902 NP_000255PTP4A2 NP_536316PTPN2 NP_536347PUS1 NP_079491RAB3D NP_004274REL NP_002899 NP_068749ROCK1 NP_005397 NP_004551RPS20 NP_001014 NP_004577 NP_056520S100A11 NP_005611 NP_000184SKI�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; SH2 containing inositol phosphatase; p150Ship; signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase SIP-145; SH2 containing inositol phosphatase; isoform b; go_function: inositol-polyphosphate 5-phosphatase activity-SH2 containing inositol phosphatase isoform a cg05087402 GI:51479172 NM_003777.2DNAH11 GeneID:87018CCTGCGAGGCTACAGCTGTGCGCAGTGG[CG]CGGCTGCTAAGTAGCAGCAGGTGG1DNHBL; DPL11; DNAHBL; DNAHC11; FLJ30095; FLJ37699�dynein; axonemal; heavy chain 11; dynein; ciliary; heavy chain 11; dynein; heavy chain beta-like; go_component: microtubule; go_component: dynein complex; go_component: axonemal dynein complex; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATPase activity; go_fu&dynein; axonemal; heavy polypeptide 11 cg05087842 GI:27734896 NM_173549.1C8orf47 GeneID:2031112CTTACTGTGCCATACCCTCCAC[CG]TCTCCCCTCCTGTCTCCTGGGCTCFLJ39553synonym: FLJ39553hypothetical protein LOC203111 cg05097552 GI:14917110 NM_004722.2AP4M1 GeneID:91796CGTAGACCCGTACCCTTCTCTAG[CG]CGTAGTCCTTCAGTGCCATCGCTGCCG MU-4; MU-ARP2�mu-adaptin-related protein-2; mu subunit of AP-4; AP-4 adapter complex mu subunit; adaptor-related protein complex AP-4 mu4 subunit; go_component: coated pit; go_component: clathrin vesicle coat; go_component: Golgi trans cisterna; go_component: membrane /adaptor-related protein complex 4; mu 1 subunit cg05106269 GI:4557877 NM_000201.1ICAM1 GeneID:33835GACTTGAGTTCGGACCCCCT[CG]CAGCCTGGAGTCTCAGTTTACCGCTTTGTBB2; CD54; P3.58�cell surface glycoprotein P3.58; 60 bp after segment 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transmembrane receptor activity; go_process: cell-cell adh+intercellular adhesion molecule 1 precursor cg05107662 GI:20070346 NM_030807.2SLC2A11 GeneID:66035�Rough Deal (Drosophila) homolog; centromere/kinetochore protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: spindle pole; go_component: kinetochore microtubule; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: protein binding; go_process: mitosis; go_process: cell cycle;2Rough Deal homolog; centromere/kinetochore protein cg08804576 GI:38505203 NM_016307.3PRRX2 GeneID:51450/GCTGGGAGAGACAGCCTTGGGG[CG]GGTGGTGTGCACAGAGCTCTGPMX2; PRX2; MGC19843�paired-like homeodomain protein PRX2; paired mesoderm homeobox protein 2; go_component: nuclear chromosome; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentpaired related homeobox 2 cg08806711 GI:5174384 NM_006020.1ALKBH GeneID:88462GCTGCCATCTTCCCCATCT[CG]CGGCCTATACCCTCTGATCCGGAAGCAABH; alkB; hABHUalkylation repair; alkB homolog; go_process: DNA repair; go_process: DNA dealkylationalkB; alkylation repair homolog cg08815479 GI:88942391 XM_057107.7FHAD1 GeneID:1148272CCTATCTGTGAAATGGGGCAGGCT[CG]TGGGGCCTGGAGCATTCAGCAGCforkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1 isoform 1 cg08831502 GI:21536298 NM_001306.2CLDN3 GeneID:1365.GGAGGAAGGACTTGGCCCTGCG[CG]GCCCACAACGCCGGGGTAGG#RVP1; HRVP1; C7orf1; CPE-R2; CPETR2�Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor 2; rat ventral prostate.1-like protein; claudin-3; CPE-receptor 2; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: identical protein binding; go_fun claudin 3 cg08864948 GI:7706644 NM_016147.1PPME1 GeneID:514005GGGGCAGTCAGAGCGGAGCCAAGATG[CG]AATGGGGTACGTGACCCATACCCPME-1�go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: serine esterase activity; go_function: protein phosphatase inhibitor activity; go_process: aromatic compound metabolism; go_process: protein amino acid demethylation$protein phosphatase methylesterase-1 cg08870182 GI:4758623 NM_004823.1KCNK6 GeneID:94241GGTTGGGCGTGCCTCAGTTTCC[CG]GAGGCGGGGCATTCCTCCGTCGC$TOSS; KCNK8; TWIK2; TWIK-2; FLJ12282�potassium channel; subfamily K; member 6 (TWIK-2); inward rectifying potassium channel protein TWIK-2; TWIK-originated sodium similarity sequence; go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: v(potassium channel; subfamily K; member 6 cg08871016 GI:5901979 NM_007031.1HSF2BP GeneID:110771ACCGTTTACAAACAGCCTTC[CG]TCTCTTCCTGGTCAAGTCCTAACCC�heat shock factor 2 binding protein; go_function: binding; go_process: spermatogenesis; go_process: transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter1heat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein cg08884094 GI:20070383 NM_138575.1PGAM5 GeneID:1921111GGGACCAGGAGGAGGGACAGCC[CG]GCCGAACCTGAACGCACTTCAGGBXLBv68; MGC5352synonyms: BXLBv68; MGC5352Bcl-XL-binding protein v68 cg08892633 GI:4503558 NM_001423.1EMP1 GeneID:20125CCAGCACCTGCCACTCAGAG[CG]CCTCTGTCGCTGGGACCCTTCAGGTAGGATMP; CL-20; EMP-1�go_component: membrane; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_process: cell death; go_process: cell growth; go_process: development; go_process: cell proliferation; go_process: epidermis developmentepithelial membrane protein 1 cg08923045 GI:34303929 NM_152330.2FRMD6 GeneID:1227862GCCCCGAGGGAGTCCAGCCGGAGG[CG]GAGAAGGCCACTCGGCCAGAAG$Willin; C14orf31; MGC17921; c14_5320d4.1 ezrin radixin moesin (FERM)-containing protein; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: bindingFERM domain containing 6 cg08928151 GI:17978473 NM_002729.2HHEX GeneID:30874GCGGGGCACCAGGGCGCCAGTTCCC[CG]GAGCCTGGTAGCAAGCGCGTCCC HEX; PRH; HMPH; PRHX; HOX11L-PEN�proline-rich homeodomain-containing transcription factor; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transc< ription factor activity; go_process: development; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_pr$hematopoietically expressed homeobox cg08961799 GI:46048233 NM_017948.4NOL8 GeneID:55035.CATCCTCTCTTCCTTCCTACT[CG]ATTTCCAACCCAGCCTCCTAA=Nop132; C9orf34; FLJ20736; bA62C3.3; bA62C3.4; DKFZp686P12242�bA62C3.3 (novel protein based on GENSCAN); bA62C3.4 (novel protein); go_component: nucleolus; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: DNA replication; go_process: positive regulation ofnucleolar protein 8 cg08993126 GI:23111004 NM_002404.1MFAP4 GeneID:42398CAAGTAACCCCACTCTCTGGGA[CG]CTGTGTACCCTCATAGCTTACGAGTTTCAA�microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4; go_component: microfibril; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_process: cell adhesion#microfibrillar-associated protein 4 cg09018115 GI:32483415 NM_021076.2NEFH GeneID:4744/CAAGTCCCCTTTCTTATTC[CG]AACACACTCGCAGGCTCTTCCGACNFH�neurofilament; heavy polypeptide (200kD); go_component: nucleus; go_component: axon; go_component: nucleosome; go_component: neurofilament; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: nucleosome assembly; go_process: n'neurofilament; heavy polypeptide 200kDa cg09039689 GI:41281461 NM_014741.2KIAA0652 GeneID:9776;AAAAGAATAAATAGGGCGTCCGTACTGTAG[CG]AAAGTGCGACTAAGGTTAGGCATCThypothetical protein LOC9776 cg09045681 GI:6005891 NM_007109.1TCF19 GeneID:69411TGGGAAGCGAACTTAAGCCAGCGGTG[CG]TGGCCCAGGAGTGGGAAAG SC1; SC1-1�transcription factor like #; SCI(TCF19)-4; SC1(TCF19)-6; SC1(TCF19)-7; alternative name: TCF19; DNA binding protein required for late cell cycle progression; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: transcription factor 19 (SC1) cg09047076 GI:34222214 NM_001307.3CLDN7 GeneID:13661TCCCAACAGGTGCGCCTGGGA[CG]CTGCGGGGCGCCCCTGACAAGCCT%CEPTRL2; CPETRL2; Hs.84359; claudin-1�Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor-like 2; claudin 9; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein self binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: calcium-ind claudin 7 cg09067112 GI:33859844 NM_013361.2ZNF223 GeneID:77664CGTCTCAGGGGAAAAGAAGCCTTGG[CG]AAGAGCAGAGGTTTAGAGGTGCG�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; GATA-binding protein 3; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function GATA binding protein 3 isoform 2 cg05359271 GI:89058821 XM_929365.1 DKFZP434P211 GeneID:297742CATTGTGGGCACCTGTTCCTCC[CG]CAACCTTTGTGCCCGCCTCTCTCCPOM121-like protein isoform 2 cg05404166 GI:45505181 NM_152526.3ALS2CR19 GeneID:117583/GTCCTCCGAGAGTGGGGGCTG[CG]CCCGCGGGGTCAGACACCTGTT0PAR3B; PAR3L; PAR3LC; Par3Lb; MGC16131; PAR3beta�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant b; partitioning-defective 3-beta; partitioning-defective 3-like; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: cell divisionTamyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region; candidate 19 isoform b cg05413121 GI:68533231NM_001001957.2OR2W3 GeneID:3431716GATCCTCTTTGTGGTCATCCTGATCG[CG]TACCTCCTGACCCTCGTAGGCAACOR2W3P; OR2W8P; OST718�olfactory receptor OR1-49; olfactory receptor; family 2; subfamily W; member 8 pseudogene; olfactory receptor; family 2; subfamily W; member 3 pseudogene; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: olfactory receptor 3olfactory receptor; family 2; subfamily W; member 3 cg05417129 GI:39725694 NM_001311.3CRIP1 GeneID:13966AGACATCACAGCGCTGGGCTAGGGGCG[CG]GCTTGAACTCGCCTAAAGAGCTGCRHP; CRIP; CRP1�cysteine-rich heart protein; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_process: cell proliferation; go_process: antimicrobial humoral response (sensu Vertebrata)$cysteine-rich protein 1 (intestinal) cg05431881 GI:24308140 NM_019072.1SGTB GeneID:545570ACGCGAGACGACTGCTGCTGGCCCG[CG]GGGTTCCGTAGGCAGGCCCSGT2; FLJ39002Ssmall glutamine rich protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2; go_function: bindingDsmall glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing; beta cg05449083 GI:62241035NM_001013842.1C8orf58 GeneID:5415652GGGACTCGGGCCGGGATCCT[CG]GGCGGCTGCATTGGCCGGGGCCGGGGFLJ34715synonym: FLJ34715hypothetical protein LOC541565 cg05460329 GI:38570041 NM_003277.2 GeneID:7122-CTGCCCTCCCACCAGTGG[CG]ATGGTGTCCCTGGCACCCCAGCCAWAL; BEC1; TMVCF; CPETRL1�androgen withdrawal and apoptosis induced protein RVP1 (rat)-like; transmembrane protein deleted in velocardiofacial syndrome; go_component: membrane; go_component: tight junction; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein self binding; go_ claudin 5 cg05478348 GI:50428930 NM_032156.2C1QDC1 GeneID:659816CGTGCCCTAATCAGTGGCCCTTG[CG]CACTTACGTATCCGTCTCTCGACCTCCEEG1; EEG-1; FLJ11391; FLJ22569,isoform 3 is encoded by transcript variant 3!C1q domain containing 1 isoform 3 cg05513639 GI:47778932 NM_005853.4IRX5 GeneID:102657GCCCGTGTGTGGCCATGTCCTATC[CG]CAGGGCTACTTGTACCAGCCGTCCGCCIRX-2aygo_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentiroquois homeobox protein 5 cg05533601 GI:5902003 NM_006983.1MMP23B GeneID:85101CCCACTGCTACCCTTTCCTAAG[CG]GGAGCCCTGGCGCTGCCCTTCCCMIFR; MMP22; MIFR-1�matrix metalloproteinase 22; matrix metalloproteinase 23B; femalysin; matrix metalloproteinase in the female reproductive tract; go_component: intracellular; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: m&matrix metalloproteinase 23B precursor cg05545582 GI:33620746 NM_016132.2MYEF2 GeneID:508049CTGTCGCTTGGCACCAGTGGAGTCTT[CG]CTTGCAAAGCGGGATTAGACATCAAAG>MEF-2; MST156; MSTP156; FLJ11213; HsT18564; KIAA1341; MGC87325�go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: RNA binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription coactivator activity; go_function: RNA polymerase II transcripmyelin gene expression factor 2 cg05549078 GI:21464114 NM_015845.2MBD1 GeneID:41525CGGAAGTCCGCTGCCTGCCTCT[CG]GGCTCCGCCTCTGGCTAAGCACCTGCGRFT; PCM1; CXXC3�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; the regulator of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) transcription; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: methyl-CpG binding; go_function: transcript-methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1 isoform 2 cg05556717 GI:51944958 NM_006072.4CCL26 GeneID:103440CATCCCACAGATTGCCTTTCTA[CG]TCTTACGGTTCTCCCTCCCTCC2IMAC; TSC-1; MIP-4a; SCYA26; MGC126714; MIP-4alpha�small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys); member 26; macrophage inflammatory protein 4-alpha; small inducible cytokine A26; CC chemokine IMAC; chemokine N1; thymic stroma chemokine-1; eotaxin-3; chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 26;; go_component: extrac)chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 26 precursor cg05572167 GI:31543620 NM_003975.2SH2D2A GeneID:9047;GGAAAGCCTTAAGACGATTGTCCCACCCC[CG]GAAGCCACGCAGCTGTAGATAGCGGT TSAd; F2771�T lymphocyte specific adaptor protein; T cell specific adapter protein TSAd; T cell specific adpater protein TSAd; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: soluble fraction; go_function: protein binding; go_function: SH3/SH2 adaptor activity; go_process: anSH2 domain protein 2A cg05658254 GI:18104966 NM_000962.2PTGS1 GeneID:57420TGGGCAGAGGAAGTAAGCGGGCAGC[CG]AGGTGACAGCTGGAGGGAG5COX1; COX3; PHS1; PCOX1; PGHS1; PTGHS; PGG/HS; PGHS-1�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; prostaglandin G/H synthase< and cyclooxygenase; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: microsome; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion b9prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 isoform 1 precursor cg05709090 GI:21314737 NM_031302.2GLT8D2 GeneID:834684ACTCCCCTTTGCTTGCGTTGACTT[CG]GAACGTCTCGGGTTTCTTCCACCTFLJ31494�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; branching-enzyme interacting dual-specificity protein phosphatase; dual-specificity phosphatase SKRP4; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: protein tyrosine phosphatase activity; go_function: protein 8muscle-restricted dual specificity phosphatase isoform 1 cg02355702 GI:40255042 NM_024506.3GLB1L GeneID:79411=AGCTCTCCGCATTGGTACTTCATGGGT[CG]TCTGGATTGTGCCGGACCTGTGACCCTGCCMGC10771wgo_component: beta-galactosidase complex; go_function: beta-galactosidase activity; go_process: carbohydrate metabolismgalactosidase; beta 1-likeStart9CTGTATCTCGTCAGCAGGGGCTGCCTG[CG]GTGTTAGAATTACACGCCCCTGCCAC GPR; Gm1012�go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: synaptic transmission; go_process: G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway#putative G protein coupled receptor cg01645467 GI:24475653 NM_021935.2PROK2 GeneID:606757CCGGAACCGCTTTTGTGGTCTC[CG]AGACACTCATTTGCTGTCCTGGTTTCCAABV8; PK2; MIT1�go_component: extracellular region; go_function: G-protein-coupled receptor binding; go_process: chemotaxis; go_process: angiogenesis; go_process: rhythmic process; go_process: anti-apoptosis; go_process: spermatogenesis; go_process: cell proliferation; gprokineticin 2 cg01701415 GI:50593111 NM_015901.4NUDT13 GeneID:259618ATTCCTGAGGACTAGGAAGGTGCCC[CG]AAAAGAATTCAGAGTGAGTACAGTGAAnudix-type motif 13 cg01731653 GI:40788016 NM_025195.2TRIB1 GeneID:102215TCACTCACAGTCACTCTCTCTGAG[CG]CGTCTCGCTCGCTCTCATACACGCCC8FW; GIG2; SKIP1�phosphoprotein regulated by mitogenic pathways; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: protein kinase activity; go_process: protein amino acid phosphorylatio*G-protein-coupled receptor induced protein cg01739839 GI:31377753 NM_017733.2PIGG GeneID:548727CCAGCCTAGCGTGTCCACGATG[CG]GCTGGGCTCCGGGACTTTCGCTACCTGTT6GPI7; PRO4405; FLJ20265; FLJ39925; RLGS1930; MGC131903�go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: protein binding; go_function: CP2 mannose-ethanolamine phosphotransferase activity; go_process: GPI anchor biosynthesis GPI7 protein cg01741518 GI:30410802 NM_178181.1CDCP1 GeneID:648662CCCTACTACTCCCCATTGCGG[CG]TTGGAGCGGACTTGTCCCCACCTTTCD318; TRASK; SIMA135�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; CUB domain-containing protein 1; transmembrane and associated with src kinases; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: kinase activity)CUB domain-containing protein 1 isoform 2 cg01775085 GI:19923246 NM_004075.2CRY1 GeneID:14074AACTTGTTGACCCTCGTCCACA[CG]CTGAACTCACTGCCTCTGCCCCTTTCPHLL1�go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: lyase activity; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: DNA photolyase activity; go_function: G-protein coupled photoreceptor activity; go_process: DNA repair; go_process: visual perception; go_process: circadian r cryptochrome 1 (photolyase-like) cg01777691 GI:34996524 NM_194319.1ZNF542 GeneID:1479476CCTCACGGAGAATGGGCCTAACCTCA[CG]GAGAATGGGGCCATCAGATACACC DKFZp686B2197wgo_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid bindingzinc finger protein 542 cg01804554 GI:19882240 NM_020962.1NOPE GeneID:57722=CTGAGTCTTCTGGTCTCTCTGCCTCAG[CG]TCTCTATTTCTTCTCCCTGTTGCTGCCTCGDDM36; KIAA1628Ogo_component: membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_process: cell adhesionDDM36 cg01868499 GI:62912490 NM_004670.3PAPSS2 GeneID:90603AGGATCCTGCCAACAAACCTGG[CG]GCTTCAAGCATCCTTGCCCTTAACC SK2; ATPSK2�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; 3-prime-phosphoadenosine 5-prime-phosphosulfate synthase 2; ATP sulfurylase/adenosine 5prime-phosphosulfate kinase; ATP sulfurylase/APS kinase 2; phosphoadenosine-phosphosulfate synthetase 2; PAPS synthase 2; B3prime-phosphoadenosine 5prime-phosphosulfate synthase 2 isoform a cg01901848 GI:58743372NM_001011713.1C14orf35 GeneID:1228308AAATCTTCCTTTCTTTTTCGGT[CG]GCTTCTCTGATTTGCTCCATTTTTAATCGCputative N-acetyltransferasehypothetical protein LOC122830 cg01906381 GI:20127461 NM_004695.2SLC16A5 GeneID:9121-CCAGTCCCCTCTAGCGCTGT[CG]CAGACCTCCTGCCAGGGCCCCMCT5�monocarboxylate transporter 5; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: symporter activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_function: monocarboxylate porter activity; go_process: transport; go_process:"solute carrier family 16; member 5 cg01915081 GI:30387645 NM_178354.1LCE1F GeneID:3531371CCTTCAGCTCCTGAACACC[CG]CCACCGAGATGTCTTGCCAGCAGAGCLEP6late envelope protein 6late cornified envelope 1F cg01947862 GI:28373079 NM_003896.2ST3GAL5 GeneID:8869<TCTGAGTTTGAAAAAGAAGATCCTAGACAC[CG]AGCCAAATATGTTTGCATAAACCGGGSIAT9; ST3GalV; SIATGM3S�ganglioside GM3 synthase; lactosylceramide alpha-2;3-sialyltransferase; alpha 2;3-sialyltransferase V; sialyltransferase 9 (CMP-NeuAc:lactosylceramide alpha-2;3-sialyltransferase; GM3 synthase); go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_componsialyltransferase 9 cg01948906 GI:31343533 NM_178834.2LAYN GeneID:143903;TCCTGGCCGGTGGGCACACTGCCTG[CG]TGAGTGTTTGTTCTCTGCATCGACCATTCCFLJ30977; FLJ31092�go_component: ruffle; go_component: cell surface; go_component: focal adhesion; go_function: sugar binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: hyaluronic acid bindinglayilin cg01953739 GI:22749002 NM_152476.1ZNF560 GeneID:1477414GTGGCTCTGAGGAAACAGGCGCCAG[CG]ACCAAAAGAGAGAACTGGCGCGCFLJ31986; MGC119490; MGC119493�go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 560 cg01984172 GI:4826683 NM_004938.1DAPK1 GeneID:16120CGGCAAGGAGCCGAGAGGCTGCTT[CG]GAGTGTGAGGAGGACAGCCGDAPK; DKFZp781I035�go_component: actin cytoskeleton; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; go_function: calmodulin-dependent prote!death-associated protein kinase 1 cg01993485 GI:16933524 NM_003728.2UNC5C GeneID:86336CAATGCCTTCTAACTGACGTCTCC[CG]CGAGCGACTGCTCTGCCCCCACTTGGUNC5H348400778-50690999 30.1 (0.9)19q13.33-q13.4257280916-59487170 27.3 (0.9)53(48)PRKCG19q13.42-q13.4361315618-63784327 29.2 (1.4)AURKC20p13 8747-1499034 33.3 (1.4) 20p12.1-p11.115722337-25917155 34.3 (2.3)20q13.1245393452-45627967 34.7 (1.4)PRKCBP11p36.322421920-2435295 18.1 (0.5)0.0517PLCH21p36.32-p36.234319860-7450034 26.4 (2.8)/RERE,ENO1,H6PD,SLC45A1,GRP157,SPSB1,has-miR-34a_RCBTB2,KPNA3,RB1,TRIM13,FNDC3A,PHF11,RCBTB1,C13orf1,CDADC1,CAB39L,SETDB2,EBPL,KCNRG,has-miR-15a PARK2,QKI EVI2B,NF1,OMG8# genes with gene expression correlated with copy number6Genes with gene expression correlated with copy number# genes correlated*58(1)a&55a&46a&35a&36a&13a&34a&4a&3a&27a&59(1)a&23a&130a&0(11)a&29a&5a&51(1)a&yD36: LOC643007,hsa-mir-1233; D38: LOC100137047; D39: OR11H1,TSSK2,LOC128977; D40: MPPED1,FAM116B,ARHGAP8CHKB,hsa-let-7a-3".5KR�D35: hsa-mir-299,hsa-mir-300,hsa-mir-329-1,hsa-mir-329-2,hsa-mir-369,hsa-mir-376a-1,hsa-mir-376a-2,hsa-mir-376c,hsa-mir-380,hsa-mir-409,hsa-mir-485,hsa-mir-541,hsa-mir-543,hsa-mir-889,hsa-mir-92a-1;< �aD31: GRK1,hsa-mir-17,hsa-mir-19b-1,hsa-mir-92a-1; D33: RNASE9,KLHL33,POTE14,RNASE12; D34: TMEM90A07SZx A25: SIRPD; A26: C20orf179,NKX2-4; D8: BXDC1; D12: hsa-mir-101-2; D23: C10orf39,LOC441581; D27: MGC9850,MGC40178,PRHOXNB ,3@GY`NEUROG310q23.2-q23.3188960512-91000530 80.1 (8.8)10q26.13-q26.2126131150-127552919 80.6 (0.9) CTBP2,MMP21 10q26.2-q26.3127612803-135356671 80.1 (7.4)44(1)MKI67,MGMT,DOCK1,hsa-mir-20211p15.52445300-2499272 16.2 (1.4)0.027111p15.44763562-4776803 15.3 (0.9)0.05727757329-7762277 14.8 (1.4)0.0179 13q11-q13.318065953-3523740638 (2.8)11979076208276152p24.3MYCN 241494131 2428120471q44AKT3133757530469848012p13.32CCND214323913303730592411p13CD4421957549220014769p21.3 2.72E-315895456958964351310q2350928212512468701p33CDKN2C92262701p36.23477615375022042413q14RB1 162222678 1653877426q26PARK217264244612667329317q11.2100534009-10114190225.5 (0)1.17e-61(38)DIO3 15q13.3-q15.130876612-38803637 30.1 (5.6)1.08e-748(2)SPRED1,EIF2AK4,BMF,BUB1B,RAD5115q15.138888366-3893004217.6 (0)0.0976PPP1R14D39749397-399446120.0641 hsa-mir-62622q11.1-q11.2114504218-18691704 25.9 (0.9)47(2)BCL2L13,BID,CLTCL122q13.2-q13.3341287060-49565816 32.9 (2.3)84(2)#WNT7B,PPARA,hsa-let-7a-3,hsa-let-7b8* Number of genes (RefSeq) and in parentheses, microRNAs}� Statistical assessment; background model of total genomic gain (A), total genomic loss (B), or homozygous deletion only (C)�# For gains; frequency of single-copy gain and amplification in parentheses, for losses; monoallelic loss and homozygous deletion\~ Selected tumor suppressors or oncogenes from COSMIC, Cancer Gene Census, or other evidence CHIC2 and KIT,PDGFRA   Near CDK6Near RB1z  Shown are peak boundaries, KIT and PDGFRA spanned by peak's regional boundaries (chr4:54113254-55242137 at same q-value) %+148174547-148452951EZH2151802163-15214720456412157-56432040 21.3 (13)67427666-67595330 15.7 (10.2)0.001319p13.3 64418-2751481 38.9 (1.9)93(1) STK11,TCF319p13.29931230-11504726 38.4 (1.9)55(3)DNM2 19p13.11-p1218009615-19847025 38.4 (1.4)56(1)19q13.1240556205-40941188 30.6 (0.5)ETV2,MLL4,PSENEN19q13.31-q13.32FLJ13231QKILSAMPchr15LMO7C4orf37GRM5LRP1BNRXN1SLC24A2KCNQ1BMPR2ADD3A2BP1PTPRDRPS6KA2NF1LRRC4CGRID2PCDH17NTRK3PELI2RDH16KCNK9MPPED1RBMS3ZFYVE28LRRN1PDE1AADAMTS20GPR158UXS1SATB2EPHA3CUTL2DeletionCNAsstart�end�Cytobandq value�0.0027CHD57684408-8266341 18.5 (2.8)0.0258TNFRSF9,ERRFI18446620-8540039! 16.7 (2.8)0.0062RERE1p36.23-p36.228912632-9203074 15.7 (2.3)0.03554(1) hsa-mir-34a 1p33-p32.350863090-51315433 10.6 (2.8)5.04e-6 FAF1,CDKN2C6q21110785099-11092116818.1 (0)0.0719SLC22A16111066563-111532934CDC2L66q23.2133285952-13456088122.7 (0)6.53e-5TCF126q26-q27163507534-16454851025 (0.9)3.99e-69p24.3 153131-963803 36.1 (3.7)<3.65e-8DOCK89p24.14806748-5325065 36.6 (1.4)6(1)hsa-mir-101-2,JAK29p2310548927-11942522 40.7 (1.9) 9p22.2-p22.118233672-19034310 42.6 (0.5)ADAMTSL121980522-21998167 66.7 (47.7) CDKN2A,CDKN2B23603549-23829468 51.9 (19) 9p21.2-p21.127865071-28101534 39.4 (5.6)LRRN6C 10p15.3-p15.2115544-3163110 68.5 (0.5)10p11.2138309182-3849686571.8 (0) 10q21.3-q22.170740236-71388605 77.3 (1.9)12q14.111CDK43454433380546011174q122**(PDGFRA)674019626758771012q15MDM251q32.1MDM46 116093098 1173020757q31.2MET 141918096 1422124137q34-891663105924493917q21.2CDK69 182196029 1832456543q26.331** SOX2 (PIK3CA)10p.C176Y rs28934578p.R175Hp.R175GTCGA-06-0130-01A-01WTCGA-06-0130-10A-01Wp.R158HTCTCGA-06-0221-01A-01WTCGA-06-0221-10A-01Wp.C135Yp.L130FAGGGA NM_015271 NM_015905p.R391HTCGA-06-0122-01A-01WTCGA-06-0122-10A-01W NM_006458p.C736Yp.G371S NM_015906p.K1057*ENST00000359863p.V2301Ip.D3788G NM_000368p.S1043N NM_000548p.L45Mp.V841Ip.A1141T NM_080911B� Number of known or predicted RefSeq genes within union of peaks.<* Peaks found by GISTIC analysis of at least 2 centers' dataW** Peak is immediately adjacent to (but does not include) known target of amplification3� Coordinates given the union of all centers' peaksEffective frequency# # of genes*Genetic element of interest~LocusRegionQ-valueGain by Model A �202612588-20281426819 (6)5.86e-6 PIK3C2B,MDM454460773-54609961 19.9 (12.5)1.48e-6 7p22.3-p21.3324877-12351519 75.5 (10.2)<3.12e-875(2) PDGFA,CARD117p14.332978585-32991749 75.5 (11.6)FKBP954939388-55065094 81.5 (44)7q21.1179152609-8062969475 (3.7)SEMA3C7q21.1389586775-89622466 75.5 (3.7)STEAP191590329-91875152 75.9 (5.1)7q21.393861901-94035020 7q21.3-q22.197406212-100162851 75.9 (4.2)06-018706-018806-018906-019006-019406-019506-019706-0201 Secondary RecurrentCase IDSecondary or Recurrent Vital Status Pathology DxAge at Procedure Age at DeathSample sequenced HypermutatedNeo-adjuvant chemo- therapyNeo-adjuvant radiation therapy TCGA-02-0001RecFEMALEDEADWHITEGBMYesUNK TCGA-02-0003NoMALE TCGA-02-0004 TCGA-02-0006 TCGA-02-0007 TEMOZOLOMIDE TCGA-02-0009 TCGA-02-0010Sec TCGA-02-0011 TCGA-02-0014 TCGA-02-0015 TCGA-02-0016 TCGA-02-0021 TCGA-02-0023 TCGA-02-0024 TCGA-02-0025 TCGA-02-0026 TCGA-02-0027 TCGA-02-0028 TCGA-02-0033 TCGA-02-0034 TCGA-02-0037 TCGA-02-0038 TCGA-02-0039 TCGA-02-0043CCNU TCGA-02-0046BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN TCGA-02-0047 TCGA-02-0048 TCGA-02-0052 TCGA-02-0054 TCGA-02-0055 TCGA-02-0057 GLIADEL WAFER TCGA-02-0058 TCGA-02-0060ASIAN TCGA-02-0064 TCGA-02-0068 TCGA-02-0069 TCGA-02-0070 TCGA-02-0071 TCGA-02-0074 TCGA-02-0075 TCGA-02-0079 TCGA-02-0080 TCGA-02-0083 TCGA-02-0084 TCGA-02-0085 TCGA-02-0086 TCGA-02-0087 TCGA-02-0089 TCGA-02-0099PCV TCGA-02-0102 TCGA-02-0104 TCGA-02-0106 TCGA-02-0107 TCGA-02-0111 TCGA-02-0113 TCGA-02-0114 TCGA-02-0115 TCGA-02-0116 TCGA-02-0258 TCGA-02-0260 TCGA-02-0266 TCGA-02-0269 TCGA-02-0271 TCGA-02-0281 TCGA-02-0285 TCGA-02-0289 TCGA-02-0290 TCGA-02-0317 TCGA-02-0321 TCGA-02-0324 TCGA-02-0325 TCGA-02-0326 TCGA-02-0330 TCGA-02-0332 TCGA-02-0333 TCGA-02-0337 TCGA-02-0338 TCGA-02-0339 TCGA-02-0422 TCGA-02-0430 TCGA-02-0432 TCGA-02-0439 TCGA-02-0440 TCGA-02-0446 TCGA-02-0451 TCGA-02-0456 TCGA-06-0122 TCGA-06-0124 TCGA-06-0125 TCGA-06-0126!AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE TCGA-06-0127 TCGA-06-0128hypothetical protein LOC57698 cg03345853 GI:40255156 NM_153377.3LRIG3 GeneID:1212270GGTCAATTCCTTCTTTTACTCC[CG]GCGGCGAAGCCCTTTCATGCCCFLJ90440; KIAA30166leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 3 cg03367301 GI:4506264 NM_000963.1PTGS2 GeneID:57432CCGCCAGATGTCTTTTCTTCTT[CG]CAGTCTTTGCCCGAGCGCTTCCGA*COX2; COX-2; PHS-2; PGG/HS; PGHS-2; hCox-2�prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase; cyclooxygenase 2b; go_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: iron ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: oxidoreductase a/prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 precursor cg03379095< GI:31342170 NM_178276.2SERINC5 GeneID:2569872TCAGCCGCAGCTCACACTTGAA[CG]AAGATCAGCCTCGGCGAAGCGCCT TPO1; C5orf12go_component: membrane&developmentally regulated protein TPO1 cg03387930 GI:45333915 NM_178456.2C20orf85 GeneID:1286027GCCTAGAGGTGGACAAAGGGCCCAGA[CG]TGAGCAAAGGATGGCAGCAAGCCCG bA196N14.1synonym: bA196N14.1hypothetical protein LOC128602 cg03394368 GI:33186926 NM_174908.2CCDC50 GeneID:1521377GGGTAGTCTCGAGGTTCAGACATGGCACA[CG]TTTGGGAGAGAAGCTCACCTCT YMER; C3orf60short isoform is encoded by transcript variant 1Ymer protein short isoform cg03417325 GI:46397362 NM_018046.3AGGF1 GeneID:551093CCTCCCTGTCGCTCTTAGGGCTT[CG]GTAGCCACATTGCCACAGCTCTCC*VG5Q; GPATC7; FLJ10283; HSU84971; HUS84971�vasculogenesis gene on 5q; go_component: perinuclear region; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: protein binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: eukaryotic cell surface binding; go_function: two-component sensor molecule actiangiogenic factor VG5Q cg03433381 GI:29553969 NM_177925.1H2AFJ GeneID:557668CCCCAAAGACTGAGCCGGCTGGCCT[CG]TTATTTATGTGAGCGGCTATGTAAATGMGC921; FLJ10903�homeo box 2H; homeobox protein Hox-B2; K8 home protein; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: circulation; go_process: development; go_process: dev homeo box B2 cg06843515 GI:13123781 NM_016481.2C9orf156 GeneID:51531-GGGGCTTCGAACCCTATCC[CG]GGCGTGTGCCCCTCCGGGACCCNAP1; HSPC219; RP11-23B15.3ANef associated protein 1; go_function: molecular function unknownhypothetical protein LOC51531 cg06845176 GI:13449286 NM_030652.1EGFL8 GeneID:808646GCCTGCAGCCTGTAGGGTCCAGCGTCAAAG[CG]AATCATGGGGTCCAGGGCTGNG3; PPT2; C6orf8�palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2; chromosome 6 open reading frame 8; go_component: lysosome; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: catalytic activity; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: calcium ion b NG3 protein cg06868843 GI:25141321 NM_015039.2NMNAT2 GeneID:230573CTCTCTTTTCGTTCTGGCTTCCTT[CG]CATCTCTCGCCTGGTGCCCCACC)PNAT2; PNAT-2; C1orf15; MGC2756; KIAA0479�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; pyridine nucleotide adenylyltransferase 2; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity; go_process: biosynthesis; go_process: NAD biosynthesis;nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 2 isoform 1 cg06888061 GI:38348289 NM_198488.1FLJ46072 GeneID:2860774GGACGCCCACGAGAGGCCCGGCCC[CG]GCATACGGAGCCAGGGCATAGGCGhypothetical protein LOC286077 cg06900422 GI:34147546 NM_138455.2CTHRC1 GeneID:1159085GCTGCTCCTGCTGCTGCAGCTGCCCG[CG]CCGTCGAGCGCCTCTGAGATCCC�go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: extracellular matrix (sensu Metazoa); go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: phosphate transport)collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 cg06932256 GI:23065554 NM_000850.3GSTM4 GeneID:29486GGAACTGGCCCAATGCAAAAGGGT[CG]GGAGCATCTGCAACAGAGACTGAGCT!GTM4; GSTM4-4; MGC9247; MGC131945�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; glutathione S-transferase; Mu-4; glutathione S-alkyltransferase M4; glutathione S-aryltransferase M4; S-(hydroxyalkyl)glutathione lyase M4; glutathione S-aralkyltransferase M4; GTS-Mu2; GST class-mu 4; glutath&glutathione S-transferase M4 isoform 1 cg06940713 GI:12232456 NM_022774.1C1orf176 GeneID:647891CGAAACCAGGTGGAGTCCGAGGTT[CG]GAGGAGTATCAGAGGTTAGGGFLJ11445; FLJ13183; FLJ21144&synonyms: FLJ11445; FLJ13183; FLJ21144hypothetical protein LOC64789 cg06967120 GI:47059124 NM_020752.1 GeneID:575120TGGAGAAGGGGGAAGACTCCT[CG]AAAAAGTCTGACTGTTGAGAAAC FLJ37801; KIAA1136; RP11-59G22.1�go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: metabotropic glutamate; GABA-B-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwG protein-coupled receptor 158 cg06967695 GI:31377542 NM_173607.2C14orf24 GeneID:283635:GAGGTCGAGACGCCAGGCTTCAGGTACA[CG]TACCAGAAATGACGTCACAGGCGGTGFLJ38854; DKFZp686J1254%go_function: acylphosphatase activityhypothetical protein LOC283635 cg06973674 GI:39930458 NM_024336.1IRX3 GeneID:791911CGAGGGCTTTTGCTCTCCGGTC[CG]TTCCCTTCACTTCTTCCTTTCTCIRX-1iroquois homeobox protein 3 cg06977980 GI:30061497 NM_178025.1GGTL3 GeneID:2686-AAATCCCAGGCTTCCTTTT[CG]GGCCCCAGACCCTTTCACTGACGGTL5; D20S101; dJ18C9.2�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase-like 3; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: acyltransferase activity; go_function: gamma-glutamyltransferase activity; go_process: g*gamma-glutamyltransferase-like 3 isoform b cg06982966 GI:38524611 NM_198853.1TRIM50C GeneID:3781085GGGGCGCACCAGGCCGAAGGCTCA[CG]CCACAGGGAGGGCAGCTAGGACATGhypothetical protein LOC378108 cg06998596 GI:21264570 NM_003534.2HIST1H3G GeneID:83553AGTAGATGTGTTGTGGGGCCAGATT[CG]GAGGACCACGTTTTGAGAAGTT H3/h; H3FHsynonyms: H3/h; H3FHH3 histone family; member H cg07017957 GI:45331209 NM_014650.2ZNF432 GeneID:96688GAACCCATTATTACCACAAAGG[CG]CGGCATCCCTTCTTAGCGGTTATGATGGCTzinc finger protein 432 cg07022276 GI:23238243 NM_022133.2SNX16 GeneID:64089/ACTCTCCTTAACCGCAGCTTTT[CG]CCTCCTCCCTCAGCAGCGAGA DKFZp666H147Yisoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_process: intracellular signaling cascadesorting nexin 16 isoform a cg07063166 GI:33469928 NM_152403.2FLJ39155 GeneID:1335840CTGTCCCTCTCACTTCCACT[CG]ATTGTAATTTCATCCCCGGGCCGG�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: structural molecule activity; go_process: cell adhesion(hypothetical protein LOC133584 isoform 1 cg07088060 GI:21536287 NM_001824.2CKM GeneID:11581TGTGAGCTGGAGGAAGCAGAGGC[CG]GGAGAAGGACCAATTGCAATGG CKMM; M-CKjcreatine kinase M chain; creatine kinase-M; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: creatine kinase activitymuscle creatine kinase cg07092609 GI:51011132 NM_206919.1ARL9 GeneID:1329464CCTGGGTAGTAGTCTGGAGACACTCCTAG[CG]GAGTTTACTCGGGAGAGGG�go_function: GTP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_process: intracellular protein transport; go_process: small GTPase mediated signal transductionADP-ribosylation factor-like 9 cg07101948 GI:22035563 NM_058191.2C21orf66 GeneID:941040GGCGACGGCCCCGGGCCCAGCAG[CG]ACTCCCCGCCAGGGGCCCTGTGCFC; BM-020; FLJ90561�isoform 4 is encoded by transcript variant 4; GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor candidate; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent7GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor candidate isoform 4 cg07129314 GI:22748700 NM_152320.1ZNF641 GeneID:1212745GGCACAGAATGTCAGCGGGGCAGACCCC[CG]GGAAAGGCAGCAACCCGGAAGFLJ31295; DKFZp667D1012zinc finger protein 641 cg07136321 GI:7657135 NM_014373.1GPR160 GeneID:269965GCCTTGCCCGGCTATTTGTTTTC[CG]AGGCCGTTGCGTCCGGGTAGGTTCCTGPCR1; GPCR150�putative G protein-coupled receptor; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: rhodopsin-like receptor activity; go_process: signal transduction; go_process: G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayG protein-coupled receptor 160 cg07164181 GI:47078273 NM_006829.2 C10orf116 GeneID:109740CCCCTGTCCTGGCACCTCTT[CG]GTCCCTGGTTCGGTCTGCCCCTTTAPM2adipose specific 2 cg07195125 GI:12707563 NM_004418.2DUSP2 GeneID:18442ACTAAGGGAAGGGAAGGTGTTACC[CG]GAGTCGGAGGGACTAGCACCCC PAC1; PAC-1�go_component: membrane; go_component: early endosome; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: phosphatidylinositol binding; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_process: endosome t'endosome-associated FYVE-domain pr< otein cg03715406 GI:27735056 NM_173478.1CNTD GeneID:1248175ACTCTGTTCCCCTGCCCCTATATG[CG]GTCCCCTTGAGTCTACAACACGGACFLJ401378go_process: regulation of progression through cell cyclehypothetical protein LOC124817 cg03731616 GI:47132559 NM_005965.3MYLK GeneID:46383TAGGTCGGGGTCTGATGCTAGCTT[CG]TGAGCGTGCATGAGACACTGGCT5KRP; MLCK; MLCK108; MLCK210; FLJ12216; DKFZp686I10125�isoform 6 is encoded by transcript variant 6; myosin light chain kinase; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: calmodulin binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: transferase a#myosin light chain kinase isoform 6 cg03740216 GI:12545400 NM_001544.2ICAM4 GeneID:33861GAATCCCTTTTTGCAGTACTCC[CG]GGCCCTCTGTTGGGGCCTCCCCTLW�isoform 1 is encoded by variant 1 isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; Landsteiner-Wiener blood group protein; go_component: membrane; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_f5intercellular adhesion molecule 4 isoform 1 precursor cg03750659 GI:60499002 NM_054022.2GOSR2 GeneID:95704TAAATAGGAATGGGGGGTAGATAGG[CG]GGAGAGTGAGTAGACAAATGCGABos1; GS27; MEMBRIN�isoform B is encoded by transcript variant B; go_component: membrane; go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: v-SNARE activity; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: membrane fus.golgi SNAP receptor complex member 2 isoform B cg03775902 GI:40018619 NM_015079.2TBC1D2B GeneID:231022GGCCCTGGTAGCTGAAGCAGGCGTCCG[CG]ATGTCCAAGTGGCCGAGGGFLJ20166; KIAA1055hypothetical protein LOC23102 cg03806580 GI:37694066 NM_197955.1C15orf48 GeneID:844193GGCCCGCAGTTGGCCTGCGGAG[CG]CGGTGGACGGTTTGGCGCCCACCAG"NMES1; FOAP-11; FLJ22645; MGC32925<normal mucosa of esophagus specific 1; go_component: nucleushypothetical protein LOC84419 cg03807910 GI:89038288 XM_934386.1 LOC145783 GeneID:1457832GGCAAAGTGAACCGAGCCGCTGGG[CG]GTGCAAGGGGAAGCCCAAGCCC(hypothetical protein XP_939479 isoform 1 cg03835158 GI:24308385 NM_052937.1PCMTD1 GeneID:115294:CAAATAGTAATCTCCACGATCAAT[CG]CTCTGAAGGCTTGCTCCACTCTTTCAGTACFLJ10883pgo_function: protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity; go_process: protein modificationhypothetical protein LOC115294 cg03846315 GI:22095373 NM_032603.2LOXL3 GeneID:846952CCTACTCATTCCCTCTGCGGTTAG[CG]TGACTCCCCCTACCTTGGCCGALOXL�lysyl oxidase homolog 3; go_component: membrane; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: copper ion binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; go_function: protein-lysilysyl oxidase-like 3 precursor cg03854650 GI:13375867 NM_024636.1STEAP4 GeneID:796893CTATAAGAAGCCAGAGAAGGGCGGGA[CG]GTCTGCTGGATTTCGCAAGAG.TIARP; STAMP2; TNFAIP9; FLJ23153; DKFZp666D049�tumor necrosis-alpha-induced adipose-related protein; six transmembrane prostate protein 2; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_process: electron transport; go_process: fat cell .tumor necrosis factor; alpha-induced protein 9 cg03904350 GI:45439341 NM_152329.3PPIL5 GeneID:1227695ACAGTTCTAAGTGCCTTTCCCTGTAA[CG]CAGAGGCACACCTGCCTTCCCTCLRR-1; 4-1BBLRR; MGC20689�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; cyclophilin-like 5; 4-1BB-mediated signaling molecule; LRR-repeat protein 1; peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 5; isoform 3; go_function: isomerase activity7peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 5 isoform 1 cg03916348 GI:5579451 NM_004929.2CALB1 GeneID:7935GCTGTCCTCGGTGCTGCTCAGCTCAG[CG]TTCCTCCAGAGTTCTCTCCCTACCALBscalbindin 1; (28kD); go_function: vitamin D binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding calbindin 1 cg03930394 GI:89056845 XM_371174.3ZNF283 GeneID:2843499GGTAGGGCACATCCTTGGCTCTATCA[CG]CACATAATATTGCACACACCCCCTACAzinc finger protein 283 cg03931329 GI:57242765 NM_175884.3FLJ36031 GeneID:1684550GGTGGATCTAGGAGGGCTGCCA[CG]TCTAGAGTAAGAGGGTGGATGThypothetical protein LOC168455 cg03945843 GI:55743115 NM_024829.4FLJ22662 GeneID:79887/CCACAGGTGCGTTTTCCTCAG[CG]ATTAGCGTACCCCTCATTCCCAhypothetical protein LOC79887 cg03955932 GI:62420879 NM_006680.2ME3 GeneID:108736AATTTAACATCCAGTTCTGCAGTCA[CG]CTAGCCACATTTCCAGTTCAAGAGCFLJ34862�NADP-ME; malic enzyme; NADP+-dependent; mitochondrial; pyruvic-malic carboxylase; malate dehydrogenase; mitochondrial NADP(+)-dependent malic enzyme 3; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_f0malic enzyme 3; NADP(+)-dependent; mitochondrial cg03967065 GI:63025192 NM_015668.2RGS22 GeneID:261667TTAAATAATTCGCGGCCTATAGGAAC[CG]CAAACTTCCCCAACACGTGTGTGCC!PRTD-NY2; MGC102908; DKFZP434I092'go_function: signal transducer activity$regulator of G-protein signalling 22 cg03998476 GI:56687502 NM_018498.2PPP4R1L GeneID:55370-GGCGGGGCCCTGCAGACAGGGG[CG]GGGCCCTGCAGACAGGGGCPRO1085; C20orf192hypothetical protein LOC55370 cg04013788 GI:38455425 NM_133467.2CITED4 GeneID:1637320CCGGCCCAGCCCACTACTG[CG]CACCTTGCGGCCGCAGCCTGGGGTC�transcriptional co-activator 4; go_component: nucleus; go_function: transcription regulator activity; go_process: regulation of transcriptionQCbp/p300-interacting transactivator; with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain; 4 cg04033531 GI:22748730 NM_152335.1C15orf27 GeneID:1235918GCTGCAGAGCCGAGCGAATCCCGAGCC[CG]GGCAGCAGGTATGTGTCCTCGCAGC"transforming growth factor; beta 2 cg00771368 GI:23510288 NM_152386.2SGPP2 GeneID:1303675GGGCACACCATGGCCGAGCTGCTG[CG]GAGCCTGCAGGATTCCCAGCTCGTCSPP2; FLJ39004hgo_component: integral to membrane; go_component: endoplasmic reticulum; go_function: hydrolase activity*sphingosine 1-phosphate phosphohydrolase 2 cg00792029 GI:31542662 TCGA-06-0129 TCGA-06-0130 TCGA-06-0132ALIVE TCGA-06-0133 TCGA-06-0137 TCGA-06-0138 TCGA-06-0139 TCGA-06-0141 TCGA-06-0143 TCGA-06-0145 TCGA-06-0146 TCGA-06-0147 TCGA-06-0148 TCGA-06-0149 TCGA-06-0152 TCGA-06-0154 TCGA-06-0156 TCGA-06-0157 TCGA-06-0158 TCGA-06-0162 TCGA-06-0164 TCGA-06-0166 TCGA-06-0168 TCGA-06-0169 TCGA-06-0171 TCGA-06-0173 TCGA-06-0174 TCGA-06-0175 TCGA-06-0176 TCGA-06-0177 TCGA-06-0178 TCGA-06-0179 TCGA-06-0182 TCGA-06-0184 TCGA-06-0185 TCGA-06-0187 TCGA-06-0188 TCGA-06-0189 TCGA-06-0190 TCGA-06-0194 TCGA-06-0195 TCGA-06-0197 TCGA-06-0201 TCGA-06-0206 TCGA-06-0208 TCGA-06-0209 TCGA-06-0210 TCGA-06-0211 TCGA-06-0213 TCGA-06-0214 TCGA-06-0219 TCGA-06-0221 TCGA-06-0237 TCGA-06-0238 TCGA-06-0241 TCGA-06-0394 TCGA-06-0397 TCGA-06-0402 TCGA-06-0409 TCGA-06-0410 TCGA-06-0412 TCGA-06-0413 TCGA-06-0414 TCGA-06-0644 TCGA-06-0645 TCGA-06-0646 TCGA-06-0648 TCGA-08-0244 TCGA-08-0246 TCGA-08-0344 TCGA-08-0345 TCGA-08-0346 TCGA-08-0347 TCGA-08-0348 TCGA-08-0349 TCGA-08-0350 TCGA-08-0351 TCGA-08-0352 TCGA-08-0353 TCGA-08-0354 TCGA-08-0355 TCGA-08-0356 TCGA-08-0357 TCGA-08-0358 TCGA-08-0359 TCGA-08-0360 TCGA-08-0373 TCGA-08-0375 TCGA-08-0380 TCGA-08-0385 TCGA-08-0386 TCGA-08-0389 TCGA-08-0390 TCGA-08-0392 TCGA-08-0509 TCGA-08-0510 TCGA-08-0511 TCGA-08-0512 TCGA-08-0514 TCGA-08-0516 TCGA-08-0517 TCGA-08-0518 TCGA-08-0520 TCGA-08-0521 TCGA-08-0522 TCGA-08-0524 TCGA-08-0525 TCGA-08-0529 TCGA-08-0531 TCGA-12-0615 TCGA-12-0616 TCGA-12-0618 TCGA-12-0619 TCGA-12-0620�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: nucleosome; go_function: DNA binding; go_process: nucleosome assembly; go_process: chromosome organization and biogenesis (sensu Eukaryota)&H2A histone family; member J isoform 2 cg03433704 GI:7662197 NM_014832.1TBC1D4 GeneID:98823TTCCTTCCAGGCTGCTTCTTTAAT[CG]< GGCTGCTACTCCGCCTCCCGTCCAS160; DKFZp779C0666�TBC (Tre-2; BUB2; CDC16) domain-containing protein; Acrg embryonic lethality (mouse) minimal region ortholog; go_function: GTPase activator activityTBC1 domain family; member 4 cg03456754 GI:18959199 NM_014572.1 GeneID:265249CCTCCCTGCTGGCCTGCGGTAGCT[CG]CCAGGGCCTCTCGGACCTATTTGACTGGCFLJ13161�LATS (large tumor suppressor; Drosophila) homolog 2; go_component: nucleus; go_component: spindle pole; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: magnesium ion bind'LATS; large tumor suppressor; homolog 2 cg03473299 GI:32455247 NM_181523.1 GeneID:5295;CGTGTGTGGAGTGCCACGGTACAATCAGA[CG]ACAGATGGACAGTGTGACAAAAGTGTGRB1; p85-ALPHA�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; regulatory subunit; polypeptide 1 (p85 alpha); phosphoinositide-3-kinase; regulatory subunit; polypeptide 1 (p85 alpha); phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; regulatory; 1; phosphatidyFphosphoinositide-3-kinase; regulatory subunit; polypeptide 1 isoform 1 cg03473387 GI:40288196 NM_005257.3GATA6 GeneID:26270CAGCGCCCAGCTGCTCGCTGAG[CG]CAGTTCCGACCCACAGCCTGGC�GATA-binding protein 6; go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: sequence-specific DNA binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcriptional activator activity; go_proceGATA binding protein 6 cg03498745 GI:4505720 NM_000286.1PEX12 GeneID:51937GACCCCAGGCGAGGCGCAAACAACCCACGA[CG]CCACGTTTGAAGGGAGGTCTC�peroxisome biogenesis factor 12; go_component: peroxisome; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_component: integral to peroxisomal membrane; go_component: integral to peroxisomal membrane; go_function: protein bin peroxisomal biogenesis factor 12 cg03578744 GI:45433549 NM_148675.2DSCR9 GeneID:2572033CCATGCGGCCCTGGTCATCTGGA[CG]GGCCACTGAACTCCACACATTCACygo_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: molecular function unknown; go_process: biological process unknownhypothetical protein LOC257203 cg03583613 GI:24430220 NM_002182.2IL1RAP GeneID:35564GGAAGAAAGGGCAGGGTGGCAC[CG]ATCTCAACTGCGAGAGCACGATCTTGIL1R3; FLJ37788; IL-1RAcP�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein beta; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: interleukin-1 receptor activity; go_function: transm2interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein isoform 1 cg03610760 GI:4505264 NM_002447.1MST1R GeneID:44865CCTGGCTCCTGTACCTTCACCTGG[CG]TCTTGGCGCCTTTTTCTCAGCGGCCRON; PTK8; CDw136�PTK8 protein tyrosine kinase 8; c-met-related tyrosine kinase; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: transferase activity;!macrophage stimulating 1 receptor cg03631656 GI:4557314 NM_001147.1ANGPT2 GeneID:2858CCAGATCCTACAGTGTCAGTATC[CG]AATCAATCACTTTCCTTTCCTTATATGAT ANG2; AGPT2�angiopoietin-2; angiopoietin-2a; Tie2-ligand; angiopoietin-2B; go_component: extracellular space; go_function: receptor binding; go_function: receptor binding; go_process: angiogenesis; go_process: cell differentiation; go_process: signal transductionangiopoietin 2 cg03639659 GI:89037416 XM_027236.6TTC9 GeneID:235086TCCGCTGGATTTCCTCACTC[CG]GCTATGCCACTTCCTTCTACTTCTTCATGC!tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9 cg03657915 GI:37059743 NM_024779.3PIP5K2C GeneID:798373GTCAGCTTACAGGGATCCCGCA[CG]CCAGGTGAGCCCACACACTGAGCGGFLJ22055_go_function: kinase activity; go_function: 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase activity9phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase; type II; gamma cg03665970 GI:55741654 NM_020959.1TMEM16H GeneID:577192ACTCCTCATGCACTCTTCGTC[CG]GTTAACACCGACTCCCTTCAGGATGKIAA1623synonym: KIAA1623hypothetical protein LOC57719 cg03674158 GI:74027262 NM_181642.2SPINT1 GeneID:6692,GGCTGGGAAAGCAGGCCCCGGC[CG]GAAAGGAAGACTGGAGGCHAI; HAI1; MANSC2�isoform 1 precursor is encoded by transcript variant 1; serine protease inhibitor; Kunitz type 1; Kunitz-type protease inhibitor 1; hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor 1; go_component: membrane fraction; go_component: extracellular region; go_funBhepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor 1 isoform 1 precursor cg03690722 GI:24234719 NM_005494.2DNAJB6 GeneID:100494TCTCGGCCTTCTCTGTGCCTTC[CG]CGCGTCTGGGCTCCCCGGTACCGTAG;MRJ; HHDJ1; HSJ-2; MSJ-1; MGC1152; MGC117297; DKFZp566D0824�isoform b is encoded by transcript variant 2; heat shock protein J2; go_component: cellular component unknown; go_function: unfolded protein binding; go_function: heat shock protein binding; go_process: protein folding; go_process: response to unfolded pr5DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog; subfamily B; member 6 isoform b cg03703354 GI:45580697 NM_001401.3EDG2 GeneID:19022CTTCCTTCTTTTCTGCTTGTTCCA[CG]TAGCACAAGTCAGCAACACCCG3LPA1; LPAR1; edg-2; vzg-1; Gpcr26; Mrec1.3; rec.1.3�ventricular zone gene 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: lysosphingolipid and lysophosphatidic acid receptorPendothelial differentiation; lysophosphatidic acid G-protein-coupled receptor; 2 cg03708533 GI:41281465 NM_014733.2ZFYVE16 GeneID:97658GAAGTCAGACACTGACGCGAGTGGCCTCC[CG]ATCCCGCAGTCGAGTGGAGAACC!ENDOFIN; KIAA0305; DKFZp686E13162�CCAAT-binding transcription factor subunit A; Transcription factor NF-Y; B subunit; go_component: nucleus; go_component: CCAAT-binding factor complex; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: tran$nuclear transcription factor Y; beta cg00372169 GI:52353238 NM_175888.1ZNF620 GeneID:2536394GGCCTGAGCTGGCCAGACGTCATGCCC[CG]AAGGAGCTACCAGGTGTGGGCMGC50836�go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 620 cg00399168 GI:49472825 NM_020307.2CCNL1 GeneID:570184GGCCTCTTCCTTTAGCCTCGG[CG]CGGCTTGCGTTCCGCGTGTACCAAGGGBM-001; PRO1073; ania-6a�cyclin L ania-6a; cyclin L gamma; go_component: nucleus; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent; go_process: regulation of progression through cell cycle cyclin L1 cg00406064 GI:12232436 NM_022764.1FLJ12998 GeneID:647797CGGCCTTGATTGCTCCTCATGTAGGA[CG]CGGTTCCCTCCTCTGAGATCCTGCAFLJ13893Zgo_function: catalytic activity; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: metabolismhypothetical protein LOC64779 cg00427604 GI:47106078 NM_017839.3AYTL1 GeneID:549475AAGGGATTGAAAATCCAGGTCCGTC[CG]ACCCTAAAGCAGGGAACTCTGCCTFLJ20481; DKFZp686H22112_go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: acyltransferase activity; go_process: metabolismhypothetical protein LOC54947 cg00450150 GI:61676185 NM_006497.2HIC1 GeneID:30908GGGAGTGCGTCCAAGTGGACAGTGC[CG]TACAGTAATGTCTACGGGGAGTTCCAG hic-1; ZBTB29�go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: development; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulathypermethylated in cancer 1 cg00466078 GI:37620213 NM_198078.1 C21orf121 GeneID:1501427GAAGGGACGGAACAGGTCACACCCAGAG[CG]GCACAGAGGTGTGTGAGCTGTTCPRED87synonym: PRED87hypothetical protein LOC150142 cg00469690 GI:40804467 NM_000723.3CACNB1 GeneID:782/CCCACTCCTGTTTGGACCAC[CG]GAACTTCCCGGTCCCGGTGATCCCAB1; CCHLB1; CACNLB1; MGC41896�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type; calcium channel beta-1 subunit; calcium channel; L type; beta 1 polypeptide; go_c< omponent: membrane fraction; go_component: voltage-gated calcium channel complex; go_function:<calcium channel; voltage-dependent; beta 1 subunit isoform 1 cg00481457 GI:38045907 NM_000227.2LAMA3 GeneID:39097TTCCTCTGCTCTCAACCAAATT[CG]TTTACAAGCCTCCTTTACTCTTAGGTCACE170; LOCS; LAMNA; lama3a�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; laminin; alpha 3 (nicein (150kD); kalinin (165kD); BM600 (150kD); epilegrin); epiligrin 170 kda subunit; epiligrin alpha 3 subunit; nicein 150kD subunit; kalinin 165kD subunit; BM600 150kD subunit; laminin-5 a!laminin alpha 3 subunit isoform 2 cg00499314 GI:34916041 NM_194312.1 LOC339768 GeneID:3397686AGCCTGTGCATGAGTCGCCACTGAGAGCC[CG]GGCCAGAGGATGGAGAAGCAGMGC99829synonym: MGC99829hypothetical protein LOC339768 cg00516973 GI:48475061NM_001001557.1GDF6 GeneID:3922556CCACAGAAAACTGATGAGGAAGACGGC[CG]AGAGCAGGACCCTGGGAGTATCC7go_function: growth factor activity; go_process: growthgrowth differentiation factor 6 cg00521630 GI:10863876 NM_021105.1PLSCR1 GeneID:53595GTTAAGGAGAGGAACTGGGACTC[CG]ACACTAACTGGAACTGGAAAGTCATCMMTRA1B�go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: phospholipid scramblase activity; go_process: response to virus; go_process: platelet activation; go_process: pphospholipid scramblase 1 cg00551608 GI:31341152 NM_173831.2ZNF707 GeneID:2860757GTTTGTAAAAGTCTGGGCTACCGGCG[CG]GCGTAGTGGATGCAGCATCCTAGTG�go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 707 cg00577884 GI:31543421 NM_002686.2PNMT GeneID:5409/ACCTCGAATCAGGAAAGAGAAGGGG[CG]GGCTGCTGGGCAAAAGAGPENT�go_function: transferase activity; go_function: methyltransferase activity; go_function: phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity; go_process: catecholamine biosynthesis&phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase cg00629343 GI:55743107 NM_033388.1ATG16L2 GeneID:89849.GAGCTGGTGCCGGCCTGTGAGTG[CG]CCCCGGTGCTGAGAGGATGWDR80; FLJ00012synonyms: WDR80; FLJ00012hypothetical protein LOC89849 cg00650176 GI:58219540NM_001010940.1 LOC138255 GeneID:1382554CCCTTCATCACCTGTGTAGCC[CG]GTCGCTACCCTCACTGCATTCTGGGAAhypothetical protein LOC138255 cg00664842 GI:14602430 NM_032454.1STK19 GeneID:8859:CTCCGCAGAGCTATGACGTCATGGCAGGCA[CG]CCAGAGGCCGAAGGATGCAAAAGT G11; RP1; D6S60; D6S60E; HLA-RP1�isoform 2 is encoded by transcript variant 2; Nuclear serine/threonine protein kinase; MHC class III HLA-RP1; go_component: nucleus; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: kinase activity; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: protein binding; go_$serine/threonine kinase 19 isoform 2 cg00696744 GI:31341283 NM_175075.2C8orf42 GeneID:157695/GGGCATCCCTCGGGGCCTGGG[CG]CCGGGCATCCGGGACTCATCCCINM01synonym: INM01hypothetical protein LOC157695 cg00725726 GI:40805842 NM_003884.3PCAF GeneID:88504CCGAGGAACATGTCCGCAGCCAGGGCG[CG]GAGCAGAGTCCCGGGCAGGAGCAF; GCN5; GCN5L; P/CAF; GCN5L1�CREBBP-associated factor; go_component: nucleus; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transferase activity; go_function: N-acetyltransferase activity; go_function: histone deacetylase binding; go_function: histone acetyltransferase activity; go_funcp300/CBP-associated factor cg00738841 GI:59939898 NM_002545.3OPCML GeneID:49783CAGAGCAGTCCTCCAAGGCA[CG]CATTGGCTCCACTCTCCTGAGCGACGG OPCM; OBCAM�isoform a preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 1; opiate binding-cell adhesion molecule; opioid-binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like; go_component: plasma membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_component: integral to plasma membJopioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like isoform a preproprotein cg00747176 GI:56119633 NM_182634.2FLJ36166 GeneID:3491523CCAGCGCCTGCAGACTTCGGTG[CG]CGCAGTTCCTAAGCCCACATGCGCAhypothetical protein LOC349152 cg00748061 GI:4507462 NM_003238.1TGFB2 GeneID:7042;CACACACGTGTGCGCTTCTCTGCTC[CG]GAGCTGCTGCTGCTCCTGCTCTCAGCGCCGMGC116892; TGF-beta2�go_component: axon; go_component: cell soma; go_component: extracellular region; go_component: extracellular region; go_function: cytokine activity; go_function: growth factor activity; go_function: growth factor activity; go_function: beta-amyloid bindinNUMB�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; suppressor of hairy wing homolog 5 (Drosophila); putative protein product of Nbla00003; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_functi3pogo transposable element with ZNF domain isoform 1 cg01544601 GI:32171198 NM_181724.1TMEM119 GeneID:3387731GAGGGGCTACTCTCGGGCCACA[CG]CAATCCCACCCTTGCTCACACTChypothetical protein LOC338773 cg01582802 GI:67782348 NM_032211.6LOXL4 GeneID:84171:TGTCACAGGGGCCGAATCTCACGAGCT[CG]GTCACTTAGGACAATGTAGACGCCCTTLOXC; FLJ21889�lysyl oxidase related C; lysyl oxidase homolog 4; go_component: membrane; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: copper ion binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: scavenger receptor activity; go_function: protein-lysine 6-oxidaslysyl oxidase-like 4 precursor cg01585931 GI:31742527 NM_020394.2ZNF695 GeneID:571166CAGGAGGTGCGATCAGACACTGGGC[CG]AATGAAACAAGAGTGACAGGTTTTTSBZF3; MGC61907; RP11-551G24.1vgo_component: intracellular; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein SBZF3 cg01591725 GI:44890063 NM_002196.2INSM1 GeneID:3642/TGCCAGGCTGAGGAGCTGCGGACG[CG]CTGATTGGCTCCAGGGGAA IA1; IA-1insulinoma-associated 1 cg01635061 GI:18201914 NM_080679.1COL11A2 GeneID:13022ACTGCTCCCTCCTCGGTGGCTGC[CG]CTTCTGTGTGTCCCCGGCCACCC HKE5; PARP; STL3; DFNA13; DFNB53�isoform 3 preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 3; deafness; autosomal recessive 53; go_component: collagen; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: collagen type XI; go_component: collagen type XI; go_function: extracellular matrix structural con2collagen; type XI; alpha 2 isoform 3 preproprotein cg01637887 GI:6005771 NM_007223.1GPR176 GeneID:112453GCATAAGTCGGACCTGCCTCTCA[CG]CAATGGATCCCCTGGCGGCAACCC:GLUT10; GLUT11; MGC118830; MGC118833; SLC2A11-a; SLC2A11-c�isoform a is encoded by transcript variant 1; glucose transporter protein 11; facilitative glucose transporter GLUT11-a; facilitative glucose transporter GLUT11-c; glucose transporter-like protein XI; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to memb(glucose transporter protein 10 isoform a cg05150177 GI:31377588 NM_152280.2SYT11 GeneID:232087GCTTCTTACCCTTCAGTACTTTCT[CG]TTTTGGAACCACAGCGCGTCAGTGGGC1SYT12; KIAA0080; MGC10881; MGC17226; DKFZp781D015�go_component: synapse; go_component: membrane; go_component: synaptic vesicle; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: transporter activity; go_process: transportsynaptotagmin 12 cg05155543 GI:38261959 NM_152908.2FLJ31196 GeneID:1468026TTTTCAGAAGAATTGGTGGCCTGCC[CG]AAGTCACAGAGCAGGTGGTGGCAGAMATE2synonym: MATE2hypothetical protein LOC146802 cg05157433 GI:50355987 NM_006398.2UBD GeneID:105372GAATTCTCGTTCCTTGAATTCC[CG]GCATATCCTTGAACACCCCAATCT FAT10; UBD-3sgo_process: proteolysis; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: antimicrobial humoral response (sensu Vertebrata) diubiquitin cg05168157 GI:34147626 NM_023926.3ZNF447 GeneID:659824GACACGGAAAGGGAGAGACCAGCTCA[CG]GTTAAGAAAGGAGGGAGACCAGFLJ12895; DKFZp586B1122�go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: nucleic acid binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 447 cg05175119 GI:31341922 NM_178496.2C3orf59 GeneID:1519633AAATCAACAAGCTGCCGGCTC[CG]GTGTTACGGAGCCAGCACCAGCGTCThypothetical protein LOC151963 cg05201389< GI:19923436 NM_016282.2AK3 GeneID:508083CGGCTAGCAGCGCCACTAGCAGG[CG]GCTACTGCGGTTCCCCGGCGTTCCAK6; FIX; AK3L1; AKL3L; AKL3L1�adenylate kinase 3 alpha like; adenylate kinase 6; adenylate kinase 3 like 1; adenylate kinase 6; adenylate kinase 3 like 1; go_component: mitochondrion; go_component: mitochondrion; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: GTP binding; go_function: kinase adenylate kinase 3 cg05203498 GI:74316005 NM_173515.2CNKSR3 GeneID:1540437CGCGCTCGGGTTGCAAAGTTTCAGCTC[CG]GTTGCTGCAAACCGAATAAAAGAGMAGI1; FLJ31349; RP11-486M3.1�membrane associated guanylate kinase interacting protein-like 1; go_component: membrane; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: protein binding; go_process: regulation of signal transductionCNKSR family member 3 cg05231537 GI:89041658 XM_378687.3C17orf67 GeneID:3392102GGATCCTCGTGGCCTTGCCC[CG]CCGGCGGCTTTCCAGAATTTTCTACGhypothetical protein XP_378687 cg05240033 GI:22749430 NM_152718.1VWCE GeneID:2200010GGCTTCCTCCCGGTGTAGCCT[CG]GGCTGGTGCCCCCGGCAGCAGGAURG11; FLJ32009[go_function: calcium ion binding; go_function: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activityhypothetical protein LOC220001 cg05261824 GI:30181234 NM_003447.2ZNF165 GeneID:77185GAAGTTTCAGTTGCAACCCTGCTG[CG]TGGGCTTCAATTTCACCACCTGAGA LD65; ZSCAN7�go_component: nucleus; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: transcription; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependentzinc finger protein 165 cg05270674 GI:6995995 NM_000492.2 GeneID:1080/GTGCGTAGTGGGTGGAGAAAGC[CG]CTAGAGCAAATTTGGGGCCGG+CF; MRP7; ABC35; ABCC7; TNR-CFTR; dJ760C5.1�CFTR/MRP; ATP-binding cassette; sub-family C member 7; cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ATP-binding cassette subfamily C member 7; cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator/ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 7; go_componbcystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ATP-binding cassette (sub-family C; member 7) cg05283834 GI:23943813 NM_018314.2UEV3 GeneID:552937GCAAGTGACGAGGGCACGGCCAGAAA[CG]CATTGGCGTCAAGGAAACCACGACCATTP; FLJ11068�signaling molecule ATTP; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: L-lactate dehydrogenase activity; go_function: ubiquitin-like activating enzyme activity; go_process: glycolysis; go_process: ubiquitin cycle; go_process: protein transport; go_pr$ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-like cg05287488 GI:61966806NM_001013680.1 LOC401233 GeneID:4012338GGTGGCAGAGCAGCGCCGTCACCGAGCAGC[CG]TCGCTGGCCTGATATGCAGCGGhypothetical protein LOC401233 cg05289762 GI:31982952 NM_152305.1C3orf9 GeneID:569830GGGGAATCTGCAGTAGGTCTGCCGG[CG]ATGGAGTGGTGGGCTAGCTMDSRP; MDS010; MGC32995@9630046K23Rik; x 010 protein; myelodysplastic syndromes relativehypothetical protein LOC56983 cg05310564 GI:45439326 NM_002705.3PPL GeneID:5493:GGCCTTCACCTGGTTCTGCGCTAC[CG]CGGAACTCGGCGCTCCTGGTGCTTTGGCGGKIAA0568�195 kDa cornified envelope precursor; 190 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: protein binding; go_function: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; go_process: keratinization periplakin cg05316932 GI:13676856 NM_021979.2HSPA2 GeneID:33067GGCTGGCCTGTCGGCCTCTGATGCACT[CG]AACTTCCAGCCCTTGGAGCAGACA�Heat-shock 70kD protein-2; heat shock 70kD protein 2; go_component: cell surface; go_function: ATP binding; go_function: nucleotide binding; go_function: unfolded protein binding; go_process: protein folding; go_process: male meiosis; go_process: spermatiheat shock 70kDa protein 2 cg05325956 GI:34147574 NM_006410.3HTATIP2 GeneID:105532CTGAGCCCAGCAGGTGAGGGAAAACG[CG]GGAAGAGGGTCTTGCAGATT CC3; TIP30�Tat-interacting protein (30kD); HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2; 30 kDa; go_component: cytoplasm; go_component: nuclear membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_process: cell cycle; go_process: nuclear import; go_pr&HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2; 30kDa cg05350993 GI:26051241 NM_006290.2TNFAIP3 GeneID:71286GGCCGGCTGGACGCACTTCGCAGCC[CG]ACCCAGAGAGTCACGTGACTTTGGAA20; TNFA1P2; MGC104522�tumor necrosis factor alpha inducible protein; tumor necrosis factor inducible protein A20; go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: protein binding; go_function: cysteine.tumor necrosis factor; alpha-induced protein 3 cg05356738 GI:50541957 NM_002051.2 GeneID:26253CTGCACCGGGACGGAATCGTCCACC[CG]ACCCGAATGAATTGGCAGGAGCHDR; MGC2346; MGC5199; MGC5445�homolog of C. elegans transmembrane receptor Unc5; unc5 (C.elegans homolog) c; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: protein binding; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: netrin receptor activity; go_process: apoptosis; go_process: deveunc5C cg02017678 GI:9506662 NM_019062.1RNF186 GeneID:545465GCACAGGGACCGGTGGGACACTGT[CG]CTCAGCACCTGGGCATTGGCAGAGAFLJ20225; RP11-91K11.1�go_component: ubiquitin ligase complex; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_function: ubiquitin-protein ligase activity; go_process: protein ubiquitinationring finger protein 186 cg02051512 GI:47087156 NM_213569.1NEBL GeneID:105290CCCTCATCCCAGGCTGACTGA[CG]TCCCTGGCACCCAAATGTCGCGGLNEBL; bA56H7.1�non-muscle isoform is encoded by transcript variant 2; actin-binding Z-disk protein; LIM-nebulette; bA56H7.1.2 (nebulette protein (NEBL; actin-binding Z-disc protein)); go_component: actin cytoskeleton; go_function: actin binding; go_function: zinc ion binebulette non-muscle isoform cg02076355 GI:38570048 NM_007021.2C10orf10 GeneID:110672TGTCTTAGGAAAACAGCTTGGTGGG[CG]GGGCCTGGCCCAGCTGCCAGC FIG; DEPP(decidual protein induced by progesteronefasting induced gene cg02076598 GI:89058930 XM_371461.4KIAA1671 GeneID:85379/GGGTGAGGTCAGCAGAGGGCTGT[CG]TATGGAATCTGGGGCTCAGGKIAA1671 protein cg02080996 GI:39725676 NM_006184.3NUCB1 GeneID:49243CCCTGCTAGTTGTACCATGCCC[CG]CCCCTGCGCTCTGTAGCCCTGCCCCNUC�go_component: Golgi stack; go_component: extracellular space; go_component: ER-Golgi intermediate compartment; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: calcium ion bindingnucleobindin 1 cg02092935 GI:15618996 NM_015696.2GPX7 GeneID:28828GCCTGCGCGCAGCAGGAGCAGGACTTCTA[CG]ACTTCAAGGCGGTCAACATCCGGGPX6; CL683; NPGPx; FLJ14777�glutathione peroxidase 6; non-selenocysteine containing phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: glutathione peroxidase activity; go_process: response to oxidative stressglutathione peroxidase 7 cg02105856 GI:31377805 NM_002644.2PIGR GeneID:52846CTAGGAGCTACTGGCAGGGCACTGGA[CG]CTGCTGCCAAAACTGAAACTCTGC�hepatocellular carcinoma associated protein TB6; ORIGINAL PIGR; go_component: integral to plasma membrane; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: protein transporter activity; go_process: protein secretion!polymeric immunoglobulin receptor cg02147797 GI:38524619 NM_198859.1PRICKLE2 GeneID:1663366AGCAAGTCAGTCACGGCATCTGGA[CG]TCCCATCCTGCTGCCCAGTGCTGAGA DKFZp686D143lgo_component: nucleus; go_component: membrane; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion bindingprickle-like 2 cg02148834 GI:40549430 NM_013315.2TPTE GeneID:71798GCTCGCGGGTTAGAAGGCAGCTGTG[CG]TGCTCAGGAAAAGAAGCCACGCACAAGPTEN2�isoform alpha is encoded by transcript variant 1; tensin; putative protein-tyrosine phosphatase; go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane; go_function: hydrolase activity; go_function: cation channel activity; go_function: phosphoprotein<transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology isoform alpha cg02151863 GI:12597656 NM_022912.1REEP1 GeneID:650553CCCGCCAAAGGAACCCTGCAGCGGCCC[CG]TTTGCAGGGCAGGGACCCGGC2orf23; FLJ13110:go_component: membrane; go_component: integral to membrane'receptor expression enhancing protein 1 cg02167021 GI:37059786<� NM_005335.3HCLS1 GeneID:30590CTTCAGTTCCGTATTCAGGTTTT[CG]TCATTTCCTGCCACCCCATCCHS1�go_component: DNA-directed RNA polymerase II; core complex; go_function: transcription factor activity; go_process: intracellular signaling cascade; go_process: regulation of transcription; DNA-dependent+hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1 cg02186712 GI:18375657 NM_002832.2PTPN7 GeneID:5778-CCTCCTTGCTGCCACCCA[CG]CACACCCCAGCTGCATTCTGCCC"LPTP; HEPTP; PTPNI; BPTP-4; LC-PTP�isoform 1 is encoded by transcript variant 1; protein-tyrosine phoshatase; nonreceptor-type; stress induced; hematopoietic protein-tyrosine phosphatase; dual specificity phosphatase 1; go_component: cytoplasm; go_function: receptor activity; go_function: ;protein tyrosine phosphatase; non-receptor type 7 isoform 1 cg02190186 GI:58219029NM_001010911.1 C10orf114 GeneID:3997268ACCCTGGTCCTCAATGGCTCGT[CG]CGAGCTGCGCTAGCTGCTCTCTCGGCAGCG bA418C1.3synonym: bA418C1.3hypothetical protein LOC399726 cg02192520 GI:50726951 NM_002905.2RDH5 GeneID:59593CACCCTGTCACACATACACTTAATA[CG]CCTGGCATCCAAGTCCACCCACRDH1�go_component: membrane; go_function: oxidoreductase activity; go_function: retinol dehydrogenase activity; go_process: metabolism; go_process: sensory perception; go_process: visual perception*retinol dehydrogenase 5 (11-cis and 9-cis) cg02192639 GI:31543989 NM_005815.2ZNF443 GeneID:102249CCTCCCGGGTTATATTTGCACTTAAG[CG]GAATTTCCTGCCCGTACTCAATAGGACZK1�Kruppel-type zinc finger (C2H2); go_component: nucleus; go_function: DNA binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: transcription; go_process: response to stress; go_process: induction of apoptosis; go_process: regzinc finger protein 443 cg02211181 GI:18079320 NM_080607.1 C20orf102 GeneID:1284340GCTGCCGGAGCCGGGCAGCCAGGC[CG]CTCAGGGCAGGGGACAGCTG dJ1118M15.2synonym: dJ1118M15.2hypothetical protein LOC128434 cg02257489 GI:48675826 NM_175058.3PLEKHA7 GeneID:144100;GCACTTGATGAAGAAGACGCGGCCATCC[CG]GCACACCCCGTAGGACCAATGCTCAGG8pleckstrin homology domain containing; family A member 2 cg02270416 GI:24308238 NM_020890.1KIAA1524 GeneID:57650;CCTCACTCAGCTGTGCGCTCTGATTT[CG]TGCGCTTCCTCGTCCTTCATGTTGGATGGFLJ12850go_function: bindingp90 autoantigen cg02273206 GI:20127594 NM_020992.2PDLIM1 GeneID:91244TGCCAAGTCAGCCCTCTGAGGT[CG]GCTCCGACTTCCCATTTGCTTTTTGT#CLIM1; CLP36; ELFIN; CLP-36; hCLIM1�carboxy terminal LIM domain protein 1; enigma homolog; go_component: cytoskeleton; go_function: protein binding; go_function: zinc ion binding; go_function: metal ion binding; go_process: response to oxidative stressPDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin) cg02300085 GI:56117817NM_001007271.1DUSP13 GeneID:512078TCCTATGAAAAGGTTGGGCCAAACTT[CG]TCCACACGGCTGCAAGAAGACTTCCC!BEDP; MDSP; TMDP; SKRP4; FLJ3245067(3)MCM7116107046-11628761776.4 (6) 7q32.1-q32.2128881150-129129423 77.3 (4.2)NRF1139589312-140447686 75.5 (4.6)BRAF7q36.1SLC3A1BBS2DLG2chr20chr18CTDP1LIMCH1TMEM16FSOX2LIMA1XRCC2CHD7ZC3H12CLAMA2DSTC12orf64���T h�zK���¢� ���� ���w�n�� Z-�%T�7�J��]#�q` �V ;�������W�c��� 2�` *c6/��>wTP�od� Uw������% ��������� ��P �P�)��<l�O<_h�,}p��� �) ø�0�,��� ���� ��,�T?��T7~h�K}{4�d�� �����n��)��4�(�K.��AU�UWh��|_��l�l���U�1w�7���# �Q�-��#: �*�0j�8\Gq jY�}o�$�6ډ�C�U=�O����� ���������^�0+���na!��+ �2KH� \\��m��|����n�oʘ�c�J���O�6�� ����f��(� $�}d"�F3�{E��U�ra�mw|��� ͜�!����Ecc~||4͕� }A} 00_)ef[$� -}A} 00_)ef[$� 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