
NY primary election live updates: Bowman loses to Latimer in the Bronx, Westchester

New Yorkers headed to the polls Tuesday to cast their votes in primary elections for members of Congress, the state Assembly and state Senate.

The big race to watch — not just by NY but the whole country as well — was the 16th Congressional District covering parts of the Bronx and Westchester, where Westchester County Executive George Latimer handily unseated embattled far-left Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

The “Squad” congressman was elected in 2018 during Donald Trump’s presidency, but his most infamous act as a US rep will likely go down as the time he pulled a Capitol Hill fire alarm during a government shutdown vote.

This live blog has ended. Scroll down for results, photos, analysis and more from New York’s primary election, and other primaries across the US.

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