
My favorite tattoo got mangled during ankle surgery

A tattoo lover has revealed how ankle surgery left her favorite design illegible.

She posted a picture on Reddit showing how medics did not sew her skin back straight after the op, and now con one can read it.

She shared a photo of the tattoo on her foot with the caption: “My tattoo didn’t get sewn back together properly.”

The tattoo fan explained in the Reddit post that her tat was originally the letters VFD.

It stands for Volunteer Fire Department, a mystery organization in the Lemony Snicket books “A Series Of Unfortunate Events.”

She said she got the tattoo because she is a big fan of the novels.

But now the letters have been rendered unreadable.

Despite that unfortunate event, Redditors said the new design was “cool”.

One said: “Solid icebreaker for life you got there.”

Another one said: “Still looks quite cool, the tattoo has a Very Fortunate Design”

One Redditor joked: “Between you getting the tattoo there, being cut in that same spot, and it not healing properly.

“Could that be considered a series of unfortunate events?”

“That’s a Very Fine Decoration!,” another joked.

“A sharpie will fix that in a hot second,” said another.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.