Christian group petitions Netflix to cancel Amazon’s ‘Good Omens’

They are protesting the wrong streamer.

More than 20,000 concerned Christians have signed a petition demanding Netflix cancel the “satanic” series “Good Omens.” The only problem is, the show is actually produced and streamed by Amazon Prime.

“To: Netflix,” the petition on Christian website Return to Order reads, “I protest against your series ‘Good Omens’ which portrays God as a tyrant and Devils as being good.”

The cancellation campaign goes on to declare the show a “mockery of God’s order and religion,” which, “destroys the barriers of horror that society still has for the devil.”

Other problems with the show, protestors say, include the fact that God is voiced by a woman (Frances McDormand), the Antichrist is portrayed as “a normal kid,” and, overall, the show represents “a denial of Good and Evil.”

“Good Omens” premiered on Amazon at the end of May. The six-part series stars Michael Sheen and David Tennant as an angel-demon pair searching for the Antichrist and is based on the eponymous 1990 novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Jon Hamm co-stars as the Archangel Gabriel.

Compared to other new shows which have jumped on the devilish trend of late, “Good Omens” is actually quite tame. Its least family-friendly content, Gaiman told the Guardian, is “two bottoms, one of them Eve’s; three swear words — and a lot of maggots coming out of a telephone.”

“I love that they are going to write Netflix to try and get #GoodOmens canceled,” Gaiman Tweeted, “Says it all really.”