
Here’s how we can finally drain the Albany swamp

Everyone seems to agree that it’s time for term limits for politicians, but with year after year of inaction, no one believes they’ll actually happen. Especially in Albany.

While there was some enthusiasm for term-limit legislation in the state Senate, no one was surprised that Gov. Andrew Cuomo steered clear of it or that the Legislature failed to pass it before adjourning for the summer. Sadly, New Yorkers are no strangers to the disillusionment that comes with the chasm between politicians’ promises and the state’s reality.

The same goes for most conversations about ethics reform. There’s lots of talk, little action and loopholes you can drive a tractor-trailer through whenever a piece of legislation miraculously passes. Cuomo came into office promising massive ethics reform. His administration turned out to be riddled with corruption.
Yet another Cuomo-related corruption trial kicked off last week.

But we don’t need legislation to enact term limits; we can lead by example. We can ask candidates for state office to make personal pledges now to limit their time in office — on camera — while also pushing for a term-limit vote.

That’s what I did in announcing my candidacy for governor last month; I raised my right hand before a wall of television cameras and committed to serving just two terms as governor, if the voters will have me. There is no getting around the fact that I made this vow. I’m locked in.

Every candidate for state office who purports to support term limits should be encouraged to do the same. Candidates who genuinely don’t believe in term limits can make an argument why that’s a better position. We’re all ears.

No one thinks Albany term limits are a cure-all for New York’s considerable woes. But I’m convinced they’d be an important step.

Term limits would guarantee a break-up of the cynical Albany mindset caused by decades of personality clashes and political grudges. They would sever cozy, longstanding relationships between special interests and key legislative players that have added tens of billions of dollars to our budgets. And they’d foster fresh new ideas and enthusiasm in a state government grown moribund.

Term limits would also encourage merit-based committee leadership assignments instead of appointments based almost solely on longevity, as happens now. The best and brightest wouldn’t have to wait 20 years to effect change.

I have grown to see term limits as so important to shaking up state government that, should I be given the honor to serve as governor, I’m planning to demand and up-or-down term-limit vote in the Senate and Assembly. How will that happen?

I will ask the public to help me in this effort, and with the will of New Yorkers behind us, I will employ every ounce of political and legal leverage, from the bully pulpit to the extraordinary budget-making powers constitutionally granted the governor, to make term limits a reality.

These powers are extraordinary and must be used judiciously, which is why I pledge to submit an executive budget that includes term limits and will not relent unless a stand-alone vote is taken on the issue, by both houses. I am confident, when rank-and-file legislators are given an opportunity to vote on a term-limits bill, that it will pass — overwhelmingly. This approach might be controversial, but it is necessary.

New York didn’t get to be the most expensive, corrupt and heavily taxed state in America by mistake. These things happened because the system got rigged by players who camp out year after year in Albany while the rest of us are at work or at home raising our kids. If we want to begin unwinding the massive corruption tax weighing down every New Yorker, we must begin by changing the players who run the game.

Marc Molinaro, a Republican, is Dutchess County executive.