
Mike Smith talks highs, lows and Justify as Belmont awaits

Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith, who has a chance to win the Triple Crown next Saturday when he rides Justify in the Belmont Stakes, takes a lap through some Q&A with Post columnist Steve Serby ahead of his date with history.

Q: What would it mean to you to win a Triple Crown?
A: It would be a dream come true. We all dream of winning the Kentucky Derby, but the next thing that pops in your head is you imagine if you could win a Triple Crown.

Q: Justify.
A: He knows when he sees me it’s time to do something serious, you know? His disposition’s amazing. So far he hasn’t gotten overheated or get too worried about things. He seems to kind of like all the attention, so to say, somewhat. When everyone else is jumping around after the crowd goes crazy after they sing one of the hometown songs, he just kinda looks around like, “Wow. What’s all the big deal?” Very intelligent.

Smith with trainer Bob Baffert after the Preakness.AP

Q: How do you think he’ll handle the mile-and-a-half distance?
A: No one’s done it, so you don’t really know, but he hasn’t been stopping so far, he’s been doing good and galloping out with some energy whenever a horse gets to him afterwards. Even the other day at Pimlico when Bravazo made that big run at him galloping out, he jumped back into the bridal and said, “Are we over, or do I keep going?” It was up to me to tell him what to do, and he was eager to do it.

Q: What do you think your emotions will be the night before and day of the race?
A: I’m sure there’ll be a lot of excitement. I can’t wait for this opportunity. I’m ready for something like this, to give it my best shot anyway.

Q: The Belmont Stakes.
A: I love the Belmont because, first of all, I’ve ridden in New York for so many years. You want to win the Belmont, Saratoga, the Travers, these are races that you want to win in history — especially if you won the first two legs of the Triple Crown, the Belmont is extremely important.

Q: You won the Belmont in 2010 and 2013.
A: The first one was Drosselmeyer and the second one was Palace Malice, and they were both incredible. Any time I can go back to New York and do well, it’s extra special. It’s kind of where I got my big start and where I rode so many years, and I’ve got a lot of great fans back there, so I just love going back to New York and winning big races.

Q: What do you recall about how the Belmont crowd embraced Victor Espinoza when he won the Triple Crown on American Pharoah in 2015 — when you finished fifth on Frammento?
A: It was awesome. The crowd was going crazy. Happy for Victor, he pulled it off. It’s been a long time coming (since 1978, Affirmed), and it was great to see it happen. Great to be a part of it. You didn’t win, but you were still feeling pretty good about things, you know?

Q: Your beloved Prairie Bayou fractured his left foreleg at the 1993 Belmont and had to be euthanized. Was that the most heartbreaking experience for you?
A: Yes, that always is when a horse gets hurt … it’s hard to take.

Q: The New York racing crowd.
A: I love the New York racing crowd. They can be tough, but they welcome me home every time I come there, man. I have a good rapport with the New York crowd. They’re great handicappers. They’re for real.

Q: Scouting report on Mike Smith.
A: I like to think I’m very well-rounded. I’ve been blessed to have ridden champions that come from dead last, I’ve ridden champions that win from the lead, I’ve ridden champions that win on the grass, sprinters. … I just try to adapt to the horses I’m actually riding.

Q: What drives you?
A: Just to do well. So many people that are involved in each and every horse you ride … everyone that’s involved, I don’t take it lightly. I understand the time and the money that they put into it, just to get the job done and the satisfaction that you get from it, it’s just incredible ’cause you know you’ve done something that a lot of people put a lot of time and money in.

Q: What was the low point when you were depressed after you fractured two vertebrae in your upper back in a spill at Saratoga in 1998 and were confined for several months in a body cast?
A: Just thinking it was all over and I wasn’t gonna ride again.

Q: How long did that last?
A: Not too long. I wasn’t going to sit there for very long. But it certainly did cross my mind for a little bit.

Q: You turn 53 on Aug. 10, and you’ve been racing since 1991. How would you explain your longevity?
A: Just taking care of myself. Physical fitness is a part of my life from an early age, and I really stuck with it. I think it’s paying off now in the later years.

Q: If you didn’t know how old you were, how old do you think you’d be?
A: (Laugh). Sometimes when I’m in the gym, I probably feel like I feel in my 30s.

Smith celebrates after winning the Kentucky Derby.UPI

Q: How have your workouts changed over the years?
A: They’re not as grueling as I used to do them. You get a little older, you get a little injury here and there. I don’t hit the pavement as much as I used to. I used to run a lot outside. So now I do a lot more cardio indoors. I don’t lift quite as much as I used to. It’s more of a stamina kinda thing, I would say.

Q: How much longer do you want to ride?
A: Right now I feel like I’m riding extremely well. I’m so blessed to be riding for the people that I’m riding for. I love horses, man. I love riding, I love horses, I love being around them. So as long as I can stay healthy and getting opportunities to ride a really good horse and I feel like I’m not getting in the way … that could be another two or three, maybe four years. We’ll see.

Q: So this has been a lifelong labor of love for you, right?
A: Without a doubt.

Q: Why do you think you love riding horses so much?
A: I just appreciate them, there’s just something about the connection. Hard to describe. I’ve loved horses since I was a kid. I love the communication I have with ’em. To make it work, there’s nothing like it, there’s nothing like crossing the wire first. You make a 1,200-pound horse do things that some people couldn’t do. You can move them with just your hands, you know, and you get them to do things that you’d never dream of. It’s an incredible feeling.

Q: What traits, what characteristics do you need during a race to be successful?
A: Well, you gotta know your horse. You gotta know if you got your horse in a comfortable rhythm, if the rhythm you’ve got him in isn’t good for him — are you asking to do too much, are you taking away too much? There’s just so many different variables. There’s a lot that goes on that you guys don’t really see that’s out there.

Q: The best and worst decisions you’ve made in a race.
A: I can sit here and say there’s thousands of races that I loved the way I’ve ridden, and I can say there’s thousands that, “Man, I wish I’d done this, I wish I’d done that.” I really don’t have any regrets.

Q: If you could pick the brain of one jockey in history.
A: Oh, man, there’s so many of them. I’d like to get a group of them together and pick their brains, to be honest with you. I couldn’t answer that question with just one person.

Q: What made Willie Shoemaker great?
A: He had great hands. He had a way of adapting to a horse’s style. Very patient. Some of the best if not the best hands in the game.

Q: Laffit Pincay.
A: He was extremely strong. Hard to get by, man. That guy may be headed for home, nine times out of 10 you weren’t passing him.

Q: Angel Cordero.
A: Very strong, very heady, knew where everyone was at to win a race. Was good at getting a horse in position real good early … good at dictating the race.

Q: Pat Day.
A: Extremely great hands, extremely patient. A lot like Shoemaker. But could get very aggressive, too. He had a strong left hand on him whenever he needed it.

Q: Justify’s trainer, Bob Baffert.
A: He’s a genius at what he does.

Q: If you could ride one horse in history.
A: I think everyone would pick Secretariat.

Q: Favorite athletes in other sports.
A: Michael Jordan. My favorite sport, though, is football.

Q: What position did you play in high school?
A: Free safety most of the time. I played a year. I was too small. Guys were much bigger than I was.

Q: Who are your favorite players today?
A: Julio Jones. … I got all kinds of favorites.

Q: How about Odell Beckham Jr.?
A: I think he’s awesome as well. The talent that’s on these teams nowadays is scary good, it’s unbelievable.

Q: You grew up in Dexter, near Roswell, New Mexico. What can you tell me about UFOs?
A: I’ve never seen one.

Q: Do you believe in them?
A: No.

Q: Boyhood idol.
A: Probably my uncle (Tomas Vallejos). The one that taught me how to ride.

Q: Other biggest influences?
A: My grandparents were big influences on me on both sides of my family growing up. I just thought they walked on water. They meant a lot to me.

Q: Is it true you used to eat cereal out of a bowl on the floor without using your hands as a kid?
A: (Laugh) I used to pretend I was a horse.

Q: And you galloped around the house.
A: I spent more time on all fours than I did anything else when I was little, from what I understand anyway.

Q: Superstitions.
A: No. … I say a prayer before I ride, and that’s it.

Q: Before every race you do that?
A: Oh yeah. Every morning when I get up, when I go to sleep, before every race, throughout the day.

Q: Four dinner guests.
A: My grandparents.

Q: Favorite movie.
A: There was a musical way back in the day called Grease. I must have watched that thing 20 times when I was a kid.

Q: Favorite singer/entertainer.
A: Merle Haggard.

Q: Favorite meal.
A: Steak and potatoes.

Q: Can you eat whatever you want?
A: No. But I eat normal. I just don’t eat a whole lot, I’m not a big eater. If I eat more than I probably should have, then I’ll just work out harder the next day.

Q: You’ve had a Hall of Fame career. If you don’t win a Triple Crown, I’m guessing it won’t be unfulfilling.
A: I’m very blessed, man. I’m so happy with my career. I could stop right now and I wouldn’t complain one bit. Just to get this opportunity, it’s just incredible. I feel very blessed. The Lord has blessed me and I’m gonna make the most of it. And if it’s meant to be, if it’s His will, it’ll be.

Q: Do you visualize yourself in the winner’s circle?
A: I know he’s capable of being there. I feel good about his chances. I know that if he’s blessed with the opportunity to run and the ability that he has, I think he’s gonna run huge, man.

Q: Have you given any thought to how or whether your life would change if you won a Triple Crown?
A: No, don’t think it’s gonna change a whole lot. I might get up the next day and go to the same donut shop and have a cup of coffee like I always do (laugh). I’ll just have a bigger smile on my face, that’s all.