
Baby overdoses after finding baggie on the ground

A baby girl overdosed on a mysterious drug over the weekend when she picked up a plastic baggie off a Bronx street and put it to her mouth — and had to be revived by doctors, police said.

The 1-year-old girl’s parents told cops they were pushing the baby in a stroller down E. 181st St. near Monterey Ave. in Belmont when they discovered a small plastic bag coated with an unknown residue in her mouth around 11:30 p.m. Sunday.

The child’s dad removed the bag and threw it in the garbage — but a short time later, the baby started convulsing and turned green, and the terrified parents rushed her to Saint Barnabas Hospital.

Doctors administered two doses of Naloxone — a drug that reverses the effects of overdoses — which successfully revived the baby, police said.

The parents told police they don’t know where the bag came from and believe their daughter may have found the it on the street before putting it in her mouth.

No criminal charges have been filed. Police said the Administration for Children’s Services has been notified and is investigating the incident.