
My perfect new butt helped me overcome depression

A Minnesota woman credits her fabulous new derriere with helping her to put her depression behind her.

Briana Chandler, a 22-year-old from St. Cloud, was bullied for being “too skinny” for most of her life. By the time she got to college, the mean comments along with the financial strain of paying for her education put her in a state of misery.

Four years ago, Chandler discovered weightlifting as a form of therapy and has since become a social media influencer with over 270,000 fans. Her fitness routine helped her to gain 33 pounds of muscle and heaps of body confidence.

“Overall, I feel more feminine than I ever did before, I looked like a stick in high school, I had no curves and so when gaining weight, I focused on my butt,” Chandler told Caters.

Instead of people telling her to “go eat a cheeseburger,” they now stop her on the street to compliment her round and perfect bottom.

“One lady came up to me last week and asked, ‘I’m getting my butt done next week, can I take a picture of your butt so to show my surgeon?'” she recalled.

“I laughed and told her I didn’t get it from a surgeon, you have to work to get a butt like this as you work on each individual part of your glutes,” she added.

Chandler — who does not believe in plastic surgery — hopes her story will inspire others to get in shape and love their bodies.

“Now if I have low days or feel depressed, I’m reminded by people that I’m inspiring them and my posts help them,” she said.

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Briana Chandler after her fitness transformation Caters News Agency
Briana Chandler when she was teased for being skinny.Caters News Agency
Briana Chandler at the gym Caters News Agency
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Briana Chandler as a depressed teen Caters News Agency