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Deadly avalanche slams French ski resort

Four people were killed and five were buried under snow Monday when an avalanche slammed a ski resort in the French Alps, according to published reports.

The nine people were enjoying a day on the slopes of Tignes in southeastern France, when the avalanche swept through the area around 11 a.m., The Independent reported.

Eight of the victims were tourists and the ninth was a mountain guide, The Daily Mail said.

Rescue crews, including two helicopters and sniffer dogs, initially reported that two people were dead and two were alive. They later amended their statement, saying that all four were dead.

“Five people are still buried under a huge mass of snow,” one rescue official said.

The death toll is expected to rise, officials fear.

The massive avalanche, which was the worst so far this winter in France, was triggered by skiers high up on a mountain peak, according to published reports.

This year, there have been 13 avalanches in the Alps and the Pyrenees, which straddle France and Spain. Three people have been killed.

Last year, 21 people were killed in 45 avalanches.