
Facts show Trump’s media-terrorism coverage claims are bogus

The Trump administration’s list of terror attacks that supposedly didn’t get proper media coverage included the Dec. 2, 2015, San Bernardino mass shooting — for which the Los Angeles Times won a Pulitzer Prize.

The US media covered 75 of the 78 attacks on the list, according to a report Tuesday by Deadspin.

And in some of those 75 cases, investigators have ruled out terrorism while in others, the incidents are more like acts of war than terror attacks, the website said.

President Trump complained to military personnel Monday that the “very, very dishonest press” deliberately downplayed or even ignored terror attacks — his latest salvo in his war on the media.

“They have their reasons and you understand that,” he added cryptically.

The three that were not extensively covered by the American media include:

  • An October 2015 rocket attack on an airfield in Egypt that caused no injuries.
  • An October 2016 Molotov cocktail attack on a Swedish mosque by a Syrian national that caused no injuries and was hardly covered by Swedish media.
  • A November 2016 attack in which a native of Chad opened fire with a BB gun at cops near the US Embassy that injured no one and got little local attention.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said from the White House that the president only wanted to highlight the prevalence of terror attacks, and again repeated the claim that in some cases, they did not get the coverage they deserved, without citing any specifics.

He did not elaborate on the purported “reasons” journalists had for minimizing coverage of terror attacks by ISIS and other radical groups.

In the San Bernardino attack, 14 people were killed and 22 seriously wounded when a married couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, targeted a local Department of Health Christmas party.

Farook was a US-born citizen of Pakistani descent while Malik was a Pakistani-born legal resident.

They were both killed in a shootout with cops, and the atrocity generated wall-to-wall media coverage for weeks.