US News

Kim Jong Un fires spy chief, instead of killing him

North Korean despot Kim Jong Un apparently took pity on his spy chief, firing him — instead of putting him in front of a firing squad, according to a new report.

The nutty narcissist, who has a long history of executing cabinet members who run afoul of him, removed Kim Won Hong from his position as head of the nation’s feared secret police, known as the “bowibu,” Reuters reported Friday.

The spy boss was believed to have been sacked in mid-January and charged with corruption, abuse of power and human rights abuses, according to Jeong Joon-hee, a spokesman for the South Korean Unification Ministry.

“There is always a possibility that purges continue as part of constantly strengthening power,” he told reporters at a press conference in South Korea.

Jeong added that Kim Won Hong is not yet out of the woods and could still be executed if his crimes are determined to be serious enough after North Korea completes its probe into the matter.

Last April, Kim Jong Un publicly executed his defense minister with an anti-aircraft gun, while the man’s family was forced to watch.

The minister’s alleged crimes: snoozing during military briefings and talking back to his potbellied boss, according to media reports.

In 2014, Kim Jong Un ordered the execution of his deputy minister of public security — by flamethrower.

Other alleged “crimes” by those doomed by Kim to execution included having a “bad attitude,” treachery, and slouching, Britain’s The Sun reported.