
Elitist parents threaten lawsuit after kids are called out for alleged test prep

The city’s most entitled parents are taking helicoptering to new heights — suing when their kids are called out for allegedly getting coached on high-stakes kindergarten ­admissions tests.

Their target is the Educational Records Bureau — the College Board for 4-year-olds — whose scorers put notes in the test results when they believe a youngster has been tutored.

Robert Chan, a lawyer who specializes in education issues, has boasted he has been successfully strong-arming honchos at the ERB into dropping its references to his clients’ kids being over-prepped.

Such notes were removed from the reports on all six kids whose parents he represented this school year, he said.

He charges up to $5,000 for a strongly worded letter and follow-up call to the nonprofit’s staffers.

But no fee is too much for parents who are willing to dish out $40,000 per year for top schools like Horace Mann, Riverdale, Collegiate and Avenues, which rely on the test for admissions.

Last year, many other Manhattan private schools announced they would no longer consider ERB’s scores for kindergarten admissions.

“They’re absolutely going crazy,” said Amanda Uhry, who counsels parents on getting their kids into private schools’ kindergartens.

She advised her clients to lawyer up after receiving the note.

“Parents know that the ERB warning is a rejection at all schools,” she said.

Uhry said 10 of her clients were falsely accused of over-prepping their children and were told the ERB “pulled [the kids’ reports] from the regular review process on suspicion of coaching.”

“You may elect to have the test report sent on to the schools to which you are applying with the notation ‘ERB cannot verify the accuracy of these results due to qualities observed during testing that indicate coaching/tutoring,’ ” ERB Associate Director of Admissions Agnieszka Trojanowski e-mailed one parent.

Despite warnings from the testing agency not to prep, tutor Bige Doruk of Bright Kids NYC said, “The more [ERB] says don’t tutor, the more [parents] do it.”

Doruk called ERB warnings a fruitless “witch hunt.”

ERB spokeswoman Anne Sullivan insisted “we do not change the report based on calls from attorneys.’’

But she did not respond to a specific question of whether this policy includes any of the marginal notes in the report about tutoring.